View Full Version : Never Step On A Hutt's Tail
Mara Jade
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:33:18 PM
I swore to myself I would never take another Hutt assignment ...
But here she was, Mara Jade ... the once proud and loyal servant of the Emperor himself, being led to meet Gorgja the Hutt.
There were two Gammorreons in front of her and two in back, making sure that the corridors leading off the main hallway would find no interest to the Smuggler.
Not that Mara really cared. She had seen enough political intrigue first hand when she infiltrated Jabba's palace as a dancer. That time was a memory best left forgotten ... This wasn't the time to remember past failures ...
The lead Gammorreon grunted for Mara to stop. She was only a few feet away from the main entrance into the audience chamber. By the sounds of it, seemed like the Hutt was throwing a party. Music filtered outside when the door was opened and faded away sharply when closed.
And so the waiting game began....
Just like a Hutt too but she was patient. It was one of her best qualities.
It could have been five minutes, perhaps it was ten, when the one Gammorreon came back and grunted at the entrance with his force pike.
The two guards behind her took place on either side of the door as they all walked inside. Only the one led her through the grandiose chamber ... Mara took notice that it was bigger then Jabba's ...
And as her eyes scanned the area for all those assembled ... the parties were even more flamboyant too.
Spice in all forms were being handed out like candy, while half naked slave girls performed for Gorgja's guests as the band slaved away at their instruments.
How she did not miss dancing for these vulgar and filthy criminals...
She noticed that her presence had caught the attention of a Farghul. The slender feline was grinning mischievously as he was obviously checking her out. His prehensile tail whipped back and forth with devious intent as sipped at his ale.
Mara's tried to force him to back down with her own piercing stare but seemed that this male only found her more intriguing.
She hoped that this meeting wouldn't take long... Maybe he would forget about her.
Besides noticing that, she picked out who were the guards that were mobile and who were the ones that were stationary. One never knew what could happen in these places so it was best to be prepared.
Finally, she was standing before the large platform that carried the of weight Gorgja. The Gammorrean got the attention of the Protocal droid and then stood on guard to Mara's right.
Hutteese was a language that Mara could speak fluently but ... she was going to keep that to herself.
Reaching underneath her green poncho, she threw a datapad at the droid but addressed Gorgja himself.
"I'm taking the Celanon job."
She wanted to make it clear that no one else was getting this assignment.
It was a simple run in theory. Pick up some medicine at Celanon and drop it off on another planet to the sick.
This was a nice and pretty job on the surface. Hutts don't do nice and pretty and Mara was here to find out what the real deal was.
Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:46:53 PM
"Ho ho ho ho ho! Ha ha ha ha ha! Sakka, Mara Jade, tima soolo katarka meegar. Gorga tom likma Mara Jade looma y datar
So, Mara Jade, you have decided to do a smuggling run. I thought smuggling was above your grace and dignity.
The Hutt smiled and took a drink from his golden goblet as he stared at the red-haired smuggler. It had been rumored that she'd been extremely high up in the Empire, but had never been confirmed. Even Jabba's own information was lacking. And Gorgja never had asked any of his Imperial Contacts. Most of them were silent and/or incorruptable...or atleast the one he had tried was incorruptable.
Although, Gorgja thought, He had done me a favor with removing that plakter Crei. And without even asking.
Mara Jade limar simmi Gorjga tla tan Mara Jade ka sim?
What makes you think the Great Gorgja the Hutt needs you for this mission?
Mara Jade
Apr 22nd, 2002, 08:58:30 PM
Between the inane laughter, Mara already knew what the Hutt said but raised a curious brow at the droid, waiting the translation....
Upon the droid's last word that it translated, that raised brow actually rose higher and Mara addressed Gorgja.
"I've only been in the smuggling business for little over a year so I honestly have no idea what you're taking about. I've done hundreds of runs over that year for various individuals, various different kinds of cargo to a dozen systems."
Her eyes narrowed.
"Correct me if I am wrong, your Excellency, but I thought those were the qualities you were looking for on this mission. I'll get the job done correctly and get it done fast ..."
The citizens of Talaanden were located a small planet... forgotten by the dictorial rule of the Empire. Their people were sick, dying of some disease that could not be cured by their meager means. Considering how far the planet was, the Diktat had put Talaanden very low on his list of priorities.
The medicine that they required was on a New Republic world called, Celanon. That was the other problem. The New Republic could not get into Empire space without being serious taxed. That would incur a major cost that might as well bankrupt the small world.
So, they were on their own, and they made a deal with the devil. If they didn't enlist the help of the Hutts, their people would surely die.....
Getting the shipment passed NR Officials and into Empire space in the most cost efficient manner require one simple key element.
A smuggler ..... And that was where Mara came into play. If she could get passed these damn hoops Gorgja was putting her through.
She didn't think he would be so blatant in trying to insinuate that Mara was something more at one time. Good thing everyone that knew about her was either dead or she was insignificant to the ones that were alive.
Yet, there were always those that had an inkling to who she really was. They were only rumors and Mara liked it that way. It meant that Gorgja will hire her just because of the intrigue but would have to make a production out of it to look good, and humble her....
Gorgja the Hutt
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:01:22 PM
Mara Jade, somi tkla tomi gimm. Ho Ho HO Ho Ho. Gorgja lan Mara Jade tlmi dikka la.
Mara Jade your line of thought is right. Ho ho ho ho ho. The Great Gorgja the Hutt will let you do the smuggling run.
In reality Gorgja needed Mara smugglers for the run. And for the United Hutt Syndicate. It was good business he mused, something Gorgja rarely did. The colonists did, indeed need the medical supplies for the plague. And Gorgja was more than willing to give them the medicine. For a price.
The Hutt Crimelord was charging the Talaandians 200 creds per pound of medicine, not including the 75 credit service charge. While the medicine cost the Hutt only 190, the 85 cred surcharge would give him enough profit to make up for a few...setbacks, in his idea for the U-H-S.
Mainly, the fat Hutt thought, Vargo. I brought him in to provide a balance, so it wouldn't appear I was going run everyone into the ground. Now...the klimiak was trying to take over.
Gorgja placed a Nal Huttian Tree Frog in his mouth, gulping it down. The tart flavor mixed well with the sweet wine from Ylesia, currently in his glass.
Kla smilmk a, Celanon Mara Jade. Kiimar Umar, y Umar mili Mara Jade mila sulike. Creds sakka too....
The shipment is on Celanon, Mara Jade. Meet a man called Umar, and he will give you the supplies. Your fee has allready been deposited as well.
Gorgja smiled, then laughed again.
Mara Jade
May 19th, 2002, 01:39:57 PM
Mara dipped her head and bowed.
"Your, Excellency has made a deal he will not regret. Thank you for this ... opportunity to prove myself."
She straightened up and smiled thinly.
"Perhaps another time, your Highness."
Then Gorgja dismissed her and was promptly escorted out of the chambers by two Gammorrean guards. Once outside, Mara was then given coordinates to the pick up point on Celanon by the protocal droid.
Smirking to herself, she placed the data-pad inside her poncho and began the long walk back down the lengthy hallway to her ship.
Everything went smoothly. Mara's confidence paid off, as usual. She knew that the Hutt wouldn't deny her the mission. Besides the intrigue with who Mara really was, the temptation of getting money quickly was to tantalizing for a Hutt.
Of course, if Gorgja ever found out what she was really after here... Well ... No time to worry about that. Time to leave the palace without incident first.....
"Marrrra Jade, wassss it not?"
The raspy voice came from behind. She didn't have to turn around to know it was that Farghul.
Crossing her arms, Mara didn't even turn around to acknowledge him.
"I'm rather in a hurry as you know."
As he stepped closer, she felt her body stiffen on reflex. Having that disgusting feline this close to her was making her nauseous, yet a small part of her was actually amused that the Farghul was attempting to put some moves on her.
"Therrrre issss alwayssss time for everrrreeOOOWW!!!"
Of course, she had her own.
Before he touched her shoulder, Mara grabbed his wrist and pushed down on a pressure point. It was really easy then to bend his arm in a most unpleasant manner to force him to his knees ... Otherwise his wrist would snap in half.
"I didn't quite catch that. Want to try that again? Hmmm?"
For emphasis, she pushed harder, forcing the Farghul to scream out in pain.
"NO! NO! Nothing morrrre to ssssay!!!"
Relinquishing her hold on him, Mara turned her back on him and headed back to her ship, not at all afraid of a glaring Farghul.
Gorgja the Hutt
Jun 2nd, 2002, 10:01:38 PM
"Ho HO Ho Ho HO...Ha Ha Ha Ha HA" Gorgja laughed as he watched the exchange between the Farghul and Mara Jade. It was interesting to watch the exchange, as well as the resourcefulness of Mara Jade.
He hoped she would be to accomplish her mission. If not, he figured, he would send another smuggler hoping to score some creds to fund a gambling habit, or smoking or spice or just to save some hoping to retire a rich man or woman.
Gorgja laughed again, then pressed a button on his comm device, signalling the leader of the colonists Taaladan.
"Yes Gorgja? Do you have someone to send us the medicine?" the leader's face was beginning to darken as if he'd come under a cloud of pestilence.
But of course, Garmar, the shipper is on their way.
"THey better get here soon. My wife...has fallen ill," he got a distressed look in his face as he spoke.
I understand your concern, Mister Garmar, the supplies will be there soon enough. I trust my payment is on its way?
"One half has been deposited in your account. The rest once we recieve the medication."
But of course, Gorgja took a swig of his drink, The United Hutt Syndicate only lives to serve.
He signed off then laughed at the stupidity of the colonists. Little did they know how addictive the medicine would be. In weeks, they would be begging him for more.
Indeed it was a glorious day for the United Hutt Syndicate.
Han Solo
Jun 11th, 2002, 01:01:56 PM
Tal Garner switched off the holotransmitter, the pained look of a man beyond hope turning to disgust.
"Do you see what he's trying to do to us? How stupid does he think I am?"
"Stupid enough to pay half up front," the man across the table from him replied. "Why didn't you come to us first, Tal?"
"We tried every other way we could think of. Besides, you're not an easy man to find. You don't exactly advertise your whereabouts these days... Jacen Draygo and Hannitchitak?"
There was a long growl from the wall of the sterile, white room. Garner shifted in his seat during the uncomforable pause that followed, then Jacen broke the silence. "Yeah well, that's not the way I wanted it either. But that's what it's gotta be."
The three beings were gathered in one of the first facilities built on Talaanden, back before the Galactic Empire "annexed" the sector like they had so many others since the Diktat's reign of terror. This building was where the first explorers performed the bulk of their testing of the planet's surface, the only thing that resembled a starport, and the only place that they knew could keep out the plague that threatened the struggling colonists.
The toll of keeping the colony going these past months was showing on Tal Garner's face. The state of affairs wasn't even close to what the wide eyed idealists wanted when they settled on the remote, but peaceful world. Their location, straddling the imaginary line on some interstellar map that divided the Middle Rim from the Outer Rim, sheltered them from the notice of the Empire. But when the plague broke, the irony of that treasured isolation threatened to destroy them.
Garner shook his head and held out his hand. "Don't worry about it. Everybody's hiding from something these days." He shifted his eyes between the room's other two occupants. "You have to understand, no one would touch this run. And those that did, we had no prayer of affording. I half suspect that slimy pussbag made sure no one took our offer on their own once he got wind of it."
"Yeah that would be pretty typical. How much is he charging?"
"20,000 for the whole shipment."
"That's it?"
"What do you mean that's it? You have any idea how hard it was to scrape that up? And you don't even want to know what indie smugglers wanted."
Garner started to get that pained look again, realization setting in that even though he thought he had the Hutts figured out, he was being played an even bigger fool.
The two other occupants of the room exchanged knowing looks. If anyone knew Hutts, it was these two. They started working for them and ultimiately had their lives turned upside down by them. Well, one in particular.
Han Solo leaned forward in his chair. "I don't need to know what they wanted. 'Cause for the grade of spice we're talking about here, getting it past New Republic SecForce and then into Imperial space... 20,000 is nothin'. Gorja won't see much profit out of this, not Hutt level profit."
A short stream of growls and barks chimed in. Chewbacca folded his arms, leaning against the side wall with a sarcastic glance at his partner.
Han nodded in agreement. "They're definitely up to something. How much you know about Myllizon?"
"Only that it's the only thing that can cure eliminate the blasted virus found in the soil here. Doc's heard of it before, but's never worked with it himself."
Han leaned back and ran a hand through his mop of wild brown hair. Him and Chewie had been operating under aliases for years since they left Coruscant, running jobs when they could while dodging both the Empire and the Sith fleets every step of the way. And now the Hutts were trying to make a power play. They'd either been on the run or hiding for the better part of their lives since he stepped on Jabba's tail that day he met that crazy old man...
Han forced out a sigh and came back to the present. Tal was an old friend, and he wasn't the first to be taken advantage of by a Hutt. Once again, he'd know.
"Alright, we'll do it. Beat whoever Gorja's hired to Celanon. Meet with your contact in Hree's Exporters. Bypass the greedy bastidge before he can take more of your money. No problem."
"Han," Tal broke in. "Money's... I don't know how..."
The Corellian stood up, straightening his black vest. "Hey, we go back. If it makes you feel better I'll keep a tab of our expenses. But you're already in this for 10 grand. And like I'm surprised you didn't remind me..."
"You owe me."
Han started to head out, just shaking his head at the Wookie. "C'mon, pal. Let's go."
Mara Jade
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:09:22 PM
The Jade's Fire broke out of Da Soocha's atmosphere and flew away at full burn. Mara wanted to put as much distance between her, Gorgja and his chivilrous henchmen.
It would take a few moments to calculate the correct jump into hyperspace and Mara wanted to do it quickly. The Sith Order was Gorgja's neighbor and she really didn't want to deal with their soldiers. She swore by the Emperor himself that Sith soldiers were ever more lapsed in common sense then Stormtroopers.
The readout came across her screen and Mara frowned. The jump to New Republic space was two jumps from where she was. The first just happened to be right outside of the Nal Hutta system. Numerous ships would be around the border no matter where she exited out of hyperspace. Her options were to come out right behind the patrols and in 'safe' space or be a bit daring and actually come out where she could get a good visual on what the Order might be doing.
"Would be good information to have on the size of patrolling ships for Karrde ...."
She mulled it over for a bit. "What the hell." Mara opted to live a little and calulated the jump.
Kicking back in the pilot's chair, Mara put her feet on the bulkhead and keyed in the sequence and cued up a favorite opera of her's.
The jump engines resounded throughout the ship as the Jade's Fire shot into hyperspace and Mara closed her eyes, loosing herself in the sullen voice of Dalreanian...
Han Solo
Jun 12th, 2002, 06:04:19 PM
The multi-hued backdrop of hyperspae raced by the viewport of the Millenium Falcon's cockpit as Chewbacca howled an off-key, gutteral rendition of Reehi's 3rd Symphony.
Han flinched once again as the Wookie's humming reached a crescendo. He turned in the pilot's seat and held out in hands in exasperation.
"Chewie! You're killin' me. Defeats the whole point of this life debt thing, doesn't it?"
The humming stopped, but the retort was a stream of annoyed growling.
"I said I'll get the holotable fixed. Sorry. Relax."
"Read a book or somethin'."
The pattern continued off and on for the next hour or so. Han mused more than once that he had to get that chess game fixed fast. Eventually Chewie barked a question.
"We need to get close to a relay station. Besides we don't want the Jaina's Pride to appear on the Celenon dock logs without a point of origin."
As if on cue, the console chimed as the navicomp began the dizzying countdown to realspace. In a few seconds they would arrive at the coordinates of a New Republic hyperlane trafficking station.
Solo made a quick check under the board as Chewbacca made the preparation for reversion. He opened a tiny hidden door near his left leg. Inside, a highly illegal looking module with several external wires crossing the face displayed a steady green light. The friend-foe-transponder would continue to broadcast the right ship name.
Han straightned just as starlines melted into view outside, quickly collapsing into distant pinpoints of light, save for the planet 20 degrees to port. Closer inspection of the starfield also revealed dozens of ships scattered around the planet and its orbital station.
The Corellian smirked at his scanners, noting the number of YT-1300's in system. The once distinctive sillouhette of his custom piece of junk was just one of the crowd these days. Ever since Lando's Death Star run made the Falcon even more famous than she already was, used shipyards across the galaxy couldn't keep the late model YT in stock.
Mechanics had no problem finding work restoring the ship. Many even advertised having a specialty in the YT series. Corellian Engineering found itself with enough demand to start putting 1300s out again.
Lining the pockets of the Sith Order Regime in the process. Han flipped on the MESTOP, any trace of his fleeting good mood erased.
The recording directed all ships to vectors that brought them in proximity to a Mon Cal Cruiser in high orbit. The freighter politely complied, pinging its name, Jaina's Pride, to anyone curious enough to listen.
Chewbacca counted the number of ships in holding patterns with ever lengthening growls. Han just shook his head and leaned back in the pilot's chair, folding his hands behind his head. He stared off lazily at the planet drifting by 10,000 km away. Eventually the Falcon, or rather the Pride, cleared the event horizon, opening up the view beyond the turquoise orb.
Chewie roared as Han lurched upright in his chair. "Tell me that's one of ours," Han said without taking his eyes off the white dagger growing across the viewport. The first mate brayed a negative.
Han and Chewie slowly turned and looked at each other. Outside, the white sillhouette continued to grow as the planet receeded from view. Chewbacca growled sharply, translated roughly as "Don't say it."
Mara Jade
Jul 9th, 2002, 06:03:05 PM
"I've got a bad feeling about this."
Mara watched as the Star Destroyers and Indicator Vessels broke off from maneuvers and started to head off in different directions.
For about ten minutes, she observed the Sith Order's fleet stand stagnant near the border of Hutt space. No one seemed to notice her.....but it did help to use the small moon that orbited around the nearby planet as a way to confuse any scope. The shadows helped conceal the ship physically and the gravitational pull of the planet obscured sensors.
One by one, each ship blinked out of existence, heading into hyperspace. Mara pointed at each one as they left, mentally writing down what kind of vessel it was and the approximate direction they were going. Part of the Fleet was heading towards Bothan Space the other was broken up into two groups. One going towards Hapes Cluster and the other to most likely Kashyyyk. It was well known that the Sith Order had once again enslaved the Wookiee's ....
Not that Mara really cared but the break up of this border patrol did cause concern. Karrde would find this possibly troublesome since it could disrupt business.
Only two ships stayed behind. A cruiser and one Star Destroyer. Nothing to write home about.
"Party's over .... .... ?!"
Her senses alerted her of danger before her scopes picked up a fighter squadron coming up from behind.
"Blasted fly-boys were using the same trick!"
The engines fired up just as the first communication came in.
<Unknown vessel. Identify yourself.>
She looked at the transponder. It was registering her as The Envelina. A little name Mara used back in the day. No one would be able to connect her to Karrde but if she was boarded; that was another situation entirely.
<I repeat. Unknown vessel. Identify yourself or be fired upon. Shut down your engines immediately>
"I don't think so."
The ship lurched forward and Mara sank deep into the pilot's chair. The pull of artificial gravity strained; causing her to clench her teeth tightly. Her Sorosub shot upwards fast and came around in a spiral, catching the four TIE fighter pilots completely off-guard.
Fingers danced quickly around the console and she watched, pleased with her surprise, as the TIE's spread themselves from formation so Mara could fly right past them.
Thankfully, these pilot's were adept at maneuvering their fighters so they did not collide into one another. TIE's were the worst things to fly.
What they lacked in agility they more then made up in firepower.
Warning flared in her mind and she positioned her deflector shields accordingly to defuse the laser fire, while trying to calculate a quick jump into hyperspace.
She only needed a few more moments.
Banking hard right, she avoided what would have been a pretty solid hit on the hull. Two more TIE's were coming in at eight o'clock and their weapons were hot.
Mara wanted to avoid any casualties but under these circumstances, it could not be avoidable. The calculation was complete but those TIE's were in her way.
Relying on her extraordinary senses, the red-head dove right at them .... seemingly heading into a collision course. She could feel the panic in the two fighters mind and the confusion of the pilot behind her.
The fourth was scared. He knew what was about to occur.
If it were not for the Force, Mara certainly would have become part of the fireball that was behind her. At the last moment, she hit the engine controls to dive again at the proper time, forcing the three TIE's to explode on impact.
The Star Destroyer was hailing her, obviously informed of what was happening perhaps minutes earlier .....
It didn't matter. Mara disappeared into hyperspace before the destroyer had time to even line up a shot .......
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