View Full Version : The deceiver’s cloak

imported_Blade Ice
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:27:06 PM
(ooc: this events take place before I came to the TSE so I would like no interference of any kind thank you. so read and enjoy at least I hope you enjoy.)

Once In my days before I became sith I was an assassin for higher, I was ruthless and was controlled by no man. I could kill with out feeling why did anyone of my state need feelings, I felt no pain, no sadness, and no love in my life. Some would say with out that feeling I was truly the weaker but in truth I was strong I had no fear of even those ten times stronger then me. That aspect is what got me in many troubles at TSE but I'm learning to curve that now. This is story about one time when I learned what pain was and what it meant to lose but it was where I learned of the place that I call home and the wide universe.

My story begins with a young Jedi apprentice named Jackson mcgraves about 87 years before now. Jackson was a jedi that felt war had no place even with jedi fighting sith. he wanted the universe in harmony. I thought he was fool at first when I met him many centuries later. Jackson did not last long as a jedi and never got past the lowest rank for his disgust over a endless war between jedi and sith who he thought should be brothers in the force.

(to be continued)

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 27th, 2002, 03:53:16 PM
when I was a young jedi apprentice I had only one friend my master whos name has been lost to time he once told a me a great story on of a sith named the deceiver.

(long ago towards the beginning of the sith and jedi)

there was a sith who wanted to destroy the jedi, yes i known not a new concept but he was working on an item that none would believe. this weapon was a cloak a cloak that would have lots of sith magic in it and hold many secrets. It was so powerful if a sith apprentice where to where and know all of its powers they could appear to be as strong as a sith master.
when the cloak was finished the deceiver dawned the cloak it masked his force signature of being a sith into an undistinguishable force signature so a jedi could not tell for witch side user was for. the deceiver used to spy and still secrets and war plans against the sith. The deceiver began to raise an undead army to crush the jedi and make the sith the most powerful force in the universe.
Quickly battles where won and planets fell to the deceiver one by one until there was one planet left to be conquered the home world of the jedi. the deceiver left this planet for last knowing it would be the hardest to get.

The jedi though had other plans they found out about the deceivers cloak and began feeding false info to the spy about there plans of attack to regain control and bring peace to the universe. they allowed the deceiver to think he was winning up until the last battle called blood forge. where the jedi attacked the sith and there undead army bring a quick end to what had been the deceivers plan.

The deceiver looked his opponent a jedi night in the eyes as his life flashed before him. The young jedi cut the deceivers head off and then turned and raised his hands in joyous victory.

My master told me this part of the story over and over again to teach me that in the end good triumphs over evil but in truth I believed it not.

(to continue.)

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
May 8th, 2002, 09:47:50 PM
But that is not the end of the story there was more to the legacy of the cloak for you see the jedi did not destroy it, in fact they where intrigued by its magnificence and ingenues at how it could deceive there minds. So after massive studing of the cloak the jedi decided to improve it to help them destroy the sith once and for all they added there own magic and from that point on it was called the Deceivers's cloak for it would hide and mask a force users power from other force users and with all its unknown powers it could make a man control the universe although this was not the jedi's plan for use.

The jedi granted the cloak to a young knight who had shown his loyalty to the jedi in many battles against the sith. The jedi was then properly trained in the cloaks powers and warned that with great power came even greater consequences. The knight understood and took proper steps to use the cloak in moderation.

The sad part is the jedi should have destroyed the cloak when they had the chance but no they failed to do that and from the first time the jedi knight began to wear it, it began to corrupt him in his mind the dark powers in the cloak tanted his thoughts by showing him the gate way to true power and slowly the knight began his descent to the dark side.

(to be continued)