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View Full Version : And You Shall Know Us By The Trail Of Dead ( Anbira Hicchoru )

Apr 18th, 2002, 01:12:09 AM
:: The Dark Lord had much time to gather his thoughts as he and his fellow Sith and blood brother Dyne Darkforce traveled through the deepness of space, aboard Phantom's ship " Hell Raiser. "

Phantom's eyes snapped open from their closed state of meditation, he reached out and grabbed the saber Athena had given him as a gift, he ran his hand along the handle, the brightly colored gems, seemed to dull as he thought of her. his crimson colored eyes glow brightly as he continues to think of her, he will use it to defeat the Jedi. He had hurt her and Phantom's good friend Vega and now that Athena was dead Phantom felt he owed her this.

Hatred filled him completely. As the two neared he sent out his Force signature, even those weak in the force felt him. His Dark, Sinister and Evil ways were legendary, he had murdered hundreds, he lived for Carnage. Not even Death would stop him from enacting his revenge upon this Jedi.

The Sith Lord stood, his eyes gleaming. He attached Athena's saber to his belt, along side his own. He gave a nod to Dyne as he walked to the cockpit ::

" Computer, how much longer? "

" Twenty Standard Minutes. "

" Gooood. "

:: Phantom walked back out, he turns to Dyne ::

" The time has come ... "

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 18th, 2002, 11:08:31 PM
:: Far away, at his humble abode deep within the Jundland Wastes of Tattooine, the old Jedi rested, and meditated...his senses extending to feel the presence of those around him. On the horizon, he could feel a dark force growing...its presence intersecting his own destiny, somewhere in the future. ::