View Full Version : Operation: End (Desaria.)

Admiral Lebron
Apr 17th, 2002, 07:11:51 PM
The sun of Bastion had just begin to set on its Northern hemisphere, as Admiral Lei Lebron sat at his desk, gazing at the wall. His hands entwined into one another while he seemed to be dazing off. Knock! Knock! Knock! the door rattled three times as the Admiral replied with an enter.

"Admiral, the invitation to Desaria has been sent. Hopefully if all goes as expected he will accept the invitation to the formal dinner and arrive on time." Said the Commander.

"Excellent Commander. Have the BSFII arrange themselves in to the attack position." What Lebron meant was, the fighters on alert, smaller craft banked off to the sides of the hyperspace arrival cooridinates and heavier ships inbetween the arriving spot and the planet. Interdictors mixed incase of a possible escape. The CSF II & III awaited patiently nearby incase of assistance.

"Yes sir. If he refused to attend, shall we take the party to his house?"

"Yes. We shall..." The Admiral said with a grim determination.