View Full Version : ahh screw it

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:02:11 AM
i gave up i figured i wasn't going to make it a month and why torture myself and wait so i read the comic book adaption of Episode II warning this thread is spoiler intensive after this

Ok first off i had already read parts of the ainit cool news review of the prescreening and in it he says yoda catches force lighting by count dooku and sends it back at him

this wasn't in the comic book although the lightsaber fight between yoda and dooku has me foaming at the mouth

also i think that scene after jango is beheaded by mace and boba is kneeling in front of the helmet was absoutly awesome total foreshadowing

i was also curious how many jedi die in that secen on genosha it says some die but you not sure who and how many

and lastly oh my god the wedding ceremony with anakins new artificial hand holding padmes hand was so freaking awesome it gives me shivers

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:15:17 AM
couldn't you use the spoiler code its {spoiler} this is a spoiler {/spoiler} replace { with [, its not that hard I had to force myself not to read the bottom but somebody else might not have as much restraint

Master Yoghurt
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:33:08 AM
Glad to hear you liked it!

Much like you, I really look forward to Yoda's fight with Count Doku. At the point Yoda enters, Doku has allready defeated both Obi-Wan and Anakin with ease, and is just about to finish them off. A great testament of Doku's power and skill. And yet, despite all that, Doku is no match for Yoda. He just enters and basically beats the crap out of him. Doku just barely manages to escape with his life. IMO, those scenes are going to be awesome, and at the point Yoda enters, I am sure everyone will be cheering. What a fantastic build up! The fight is going to be absolutely unreal.

And about Fett, yeah, I agree that scene is going to be awesome. At this point, you really understand how Boba Fett would be bitter towards the Jedi.

About the Jedi in the arena. According to the dialogue, Yoda has 200 Jedi available out of a few thousands. How many Jedi dies, is hard to say, but I would assume since they win that particular battle, most, or at least a good portion of those 200 might have survived. The real downfall of the Jedi comes later, as the Clone Wars proceed and the Jedi Purge starts.

The wedding cerermony is probably going to be a strong emotional moment, and there are others such moments too. The mechanical hand is an ominous sign of what to come.

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:56:15 AM
I edited Sirdizzy's post myself. If anyone doesn't like it, they can sue me. You won't get much though. :p

Besides, it had to be done, and because I type all day long, I was able to add the spoiler tags literally with my eyes closed, so I didn't see a damn thing. :p :p

Apr 17th, 2002, 11:14:41 AM
i have never heard of the spoiler tage before this and i did warn ya

Yea the whole Dooku vs Yoda will most definitly be the highlight of the film. They say jedi die i was just curious on how many it might dwindle it down for the purge

and did ya notice jar jar couldn't have had more than 2 mintues screen time total. I heard someone say that this is explains is whole presense in episode 1 by him making the vote for the army but i still don't think he needed to be that intensive in it.

But we now know for sure that jar jar is most the evil creature in the galaxy if it weren't for him the empire would have never existed.

Apr 17th, 2002, 11:43:31 AM
Yes, this should have Jar Jar haters spontaneously combusting. I loved it.

Apr 17th, 2002, 12:18:17 PM
LOL the evil has been confirmed