View Full Version : Phantom Menace Returns!!!

Apr 16th, 2002, 04:14:30 PM
Hehe, well to DVD at least.

At my local Blockbuster, they just got a stack of 15 new copies of the film in! They had just a few before, but now they are totally loaded. In fact there are more copies of TPM than Black Knight, The Deep End, and The Man Who Wasn't There, all new releases (I got them all for rent). I was going to get a picture with my small digital camera, but it didn't like the low-light conditions :(

I asked the lady at Blockbuster about them and she said they got a ton of new ones for the opening of "the new film," hehe. As if I didn't know that, but I was just confirming that. Wanted to make sure it wasn't just a really late shipment from last year ;)

*drool* I just saw TPM on DVD the other day in my home theater. I was meaning to see all of the SW films but it didn't work out that way. Not feeling so well lately, but I'm getting to them Thursday after I see these new releases.

I got a rain check on Domestic Disturbance because they didn't even have any of their shipment and the one guy was a bit ticked he has to give out rain checks even when they don't have the film at all. Makes up for the terrible ripoff of charging $2.99 for a frickin' rental though. Should be at most $2.

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:34:42 PM
Yeah...I remember Universal doing the same thing with "Jurassic Park" last year before the release of the 3rd one. Studio's...always lookin' for that quick buck. ;)

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:48:59 PM
Isn't it also rather convenient that FOTR comes out on DVD just before TTT comes out???

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:50:22 PM
LOL, yet another example my friend. :)

Super Wookiee
Apr 16th, 2002, 09:24:56 PM
I don't see it so much as them trying to make a quick buck, but rather meeting a demand of the fans. If they are putting it on the shelf it means people want them.

Apr 16th, 2002, 11:29:34 PM
That is the point. It's not about making a buck. It's more like about BLOCKBUSTER making a buck, I don't know what the terms are but I doubt Fox makes much at this point. It's mostly the rental store that makes the money.

It is a smart move on their part because many people are going to want to rent TPM before the new movie, in case they somehow were living in a FRICKING CAVE the last three years and somehow missed TPM. :)

People that have never seen a Star Wars film are simply uncultured heathens. They need to be educated. This usually refers to the girls, who seriously need a wake up call and need to become at least a LITTLE knowledgable about our culture, i.e. the planet Earth.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2002, 11:57:40 PM
Just because Star wars matters to you, that does not mean anyone else should live to your culture standards.

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:47:24 AM
It doesn't matter whether they like it or not, nobody is asking anyone else to like Star Wars. But not to have seen the most culturally significant film in world history is just plain stupid. I am sorry but I couldn't have a lot of respect for someone who has never seen Star Wars. It just proves they have no respect for culture and their appreciation of fine art is obviously nonexistent.

I don't care if Star Wars is important to them or not, that's not the point, but they should have at least seen it.

It's like the Super Bowl. In America, if you don't know anything about football you're just uncultured. I don't much watch hockey, but at least I took the time to learn a few things about it and I'm not totally dumb about it. It's just common sense to learn a few things about major cultural icons, sports, art, etc.

Christianity may not mean anything to me, but at least everyone should have some appreciation for what Christians believe and what the religion is about, what it means to other people, etc. It's just the type of attitude, "oh it doesn't mean anything to me so I won't learn anything about it," that really gets people into trouble.

It's insulting to say something negative about Christianity or make an inappropriate joke around people who are sensitive to that because it means a lot to those people. You have to respect their beliefs. By the same token, if someone doesn't understand what Star Wars means to millions of people, they could end up saying something really offensive. It has happened to me before and it wasn't a pleasant conversation, although in the end this person (a girl, my best friend's girlfriend actually, lol) understood where I was coming from and I realized that she wasn't trying to be offensive, she just didn't know any better.

Still, it's just common sense to learn about important things within culture so you don't end up making anyone mad or causing unnecessary arguments.

I stand by my earlier statement. If you've not seen Star Wars and you are 18 years or older, you need to enter the culture and see the 1977 film at the very least. Otherwise, have fun under your rock but you won't have my respect.

Apr 17th, 2002, 12:58:28 PM
I think what you're saying is that someone should be familiar with certain things, not knowing them inside and out. I'm sure everyone has heard of Star Wars, and knows the princess leia bun hair jokes, the darth vader breathing, the "i am your father" jokes. Even if they haven't seen the movies and know the jokes, it in NO way makes them uncultured. You said you know a little about hockey. But not as much as me, so does that make you uncultured because I know more? It's the same comparison, you know about hockey in the same amount as what some know about star wars. It doesn't make you, or them uncultured.

Apr 17th, 2002, 02:44:32 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I stand by my earlier statement. If you've not seen Star Wars and you are 18 years or older, you need to enter the culture and see the 1977 film at the very least. Otherwise, have fun under your rock but you won't have my respect.

If you wouldn't live under your unwordly rock you'd know that people don't earn respect on whether or not they've seen Star Wars nor does it make them uncultured.

Apr 17th, 2002, 02:56:49 PM
That was one of the most proposterous statements ever! I mean, c'mon!!!!!!!!! You won't respect someone if they haven't seen a movie? Albeit one as large and as burned into the fabric as society as Star Wars? I hope you're exaggerating...

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:09:46 PM
I think its wrong to say people are uncultured for not liking Star wars the same way its wrong to tell people you are stupid for watching them, its the same kind of stupid statement if you ask me. Personally people can I like what they want, I have several friends that do not like Star Wars and that does not mean that I shouldn't be friends with them, that is just plain stupid and moronic. That is just my 2 cents.

Doc Milo
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:56:42 PM
I'm sure all the people who have never seen Star Wars are losing sleep tonight because they don't have Jon's respect.

That's just a moronic statement -- and attitude -- to not respect someone because they haven't seen a movie.

That's like saying you can't respect someone if they've never seen Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, or Citizen Kane. Some movies are just not what people like to watch. I work with someone who has never seen Star Wars. This person has served his country in the Navy, was in the Korean War, has done and seen so much more with his life, lived in various places all across the world, has married and remained married to the same person for his life, has fathered children who are now getting married, worked for ABC News (on radio side.) And this is only the stuff I know about him, I'm sure his life is full of many more interesting things. To call him uncultured because he hasn't seen Star Wars is just plain stupid. I expect more from a supposedly smart person like you, Jon. I really do.

Apr 17th, 2002, 10:02:28 PM
Like I said, I hope he's exaggerating. I'll give the benefit of the doubt, because that's just too off the wall. Another example would be my girlfriend's parents. They've never seen it. They don't want to see it, and unless they're at my house when it's on, they probably never will see it. Do I respect them? Hell yes I do. I want to marry their daughter one day, so I'd best respect them.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:05:13 PM
But not to have seen the most culturally significant film in world history is just plain stupid. I am sorry but I couldn't have a lot of respect for someone who has never seen Star Wars. It just proves they have no respect for culture and their appreciation of fine art is obviously nonexistent.

Calling lack of Star Wars "uncultured" is silly. Never heard of Beethoven? Don't know who Humprey Bogart is (in the most basic sense, you don't need to have seen his movies)? Then you are uncultured. Star Wars is only just coming on 30 now. Its not a social requirement yet, kemosabe.

I also find your parrellels to sports as pretty lame indeed. If they grew up in a household where they didn't bother to learn about it, I wouldn't consider part of them "lacking." I might find it surprising, somewhat.


Apr 17th, 2002, 10:29:30 PM
I hearby deem you uncultured if you've never seen Labyrinth. Hoorah! :rolleyes

As far as the Blockbuster thing goes: It must be unique to your aread, Jon. I work at a Blockbuster, and all the stores in my area have exactly 2 copies of TPM on DVD, and at least 50 of all the new releases you mentioned.

And I wouldn't whine about $2.99 rentals... they're $3.99 over here.