View Full Version : Change of Command-Very Important

Telan Desaria
Apr 16th, 2002, 01:03:16 PM
This is very important, so I ask you all to persue this document and read it.

According to the following indicated thread:


-all my Imperial colleagues have abandoned my beloved Empire-for my character has always had nothing but stirring and patriotic words for his commanders and leaders and the ideals that he served and was willing to give his life. But now the chain of command has disintegrated from the top, stopping with The Fleet Admiral in command of the Thyferra Sector Fleet.

This is completely unacceptable to my loyalistic personna. There is only one choice-to assume temporary command of the Imperial Armed Services and become Interim Diktat of the Empire. This is being done to halt the decay of the Galactic Empire and the hundreds of billions of Imperial citizens united under its red and black banner.

What I am asking is this-I cannot rule the Empire for too long-I don't have what it takes, and I know this. I have never asked to become the next Emperor or Diktat. I am putting out a call for recruits to join the Empire's ranks andbecome my chief lieutenants-used in the literal sense of the word, for rank would be much higher. I require Moffs, Fleet commanders, tacticians, generals, and fighter pilots and officers. Most of all, I need some one to replace me as Interim Diktat and take the rightful place as patriarch-or matriarch-of the Empire.

To achieve this goal, I am, in my first act as Imperial Military Commander and Interim Diktat, is to eliminate the recruiting requirments for the Imperial Army, Navy, Sotrmtrooper, and Fighter Corps, Intelligence Agency, COMPNOR, and all other Imperial-run agencies and divisions. This means that all are eligibile for Imperial service, so long as you swear complete and undying alleigance to the Empire-unless you wish to operate as a mercenary. But, should you wish to become an Imperial soldier, pilot, or officer, you can be female, an alien of any race, and even a Force potential.

The Most important position that I require filled is that of an administrator for the Imperial/GMA site, since I know nothing of these things. My expertise is on the field. Anyone with knowledge will be immediately taken and given the rank equivalent to Captain in the branch of their chosing-Command subject to my dsicretion.

My second act is to promote myself as the situation requires it to the rank of Brevet Grand Admiral. I will retain active command of the Thyferra Sector Fleet, but also oversee all other operations until furhter notice or another recruit steps forward and can take command of the rest of the Fleets and their sectors.

The Third Order is to withdraw all Imperial forces from New Republic space forthwith and await my orders.

Those officers defecting and abandoning the Empire may return at anytime and attain a NEW COMMAND at my discretion.

This Empire will be much less cruel, but much more Imperial/Imperious than the last one.

Telan Desaria
Brevet Grand Admiral
Interim Diktat
Inspector General of the Destroyerate

Darth Viscera
Apr 16th, 2002, 02:29:26 PM
oh, jesus god. Telan, I'm not willing to put up with any more of your crap. You're fired. christ on a cracker!

And I hereby denounce your rank of Fleet Admiral, which was not even approved by me in the first place. Null and void.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 16th, 2002, 03:10:43 PM
I don't normally go out of my way to crap on people, nor agree with Lebron except on very rare occasions... but you're a dolt Telan.

Jamie Throwe
Apr 16th, 2002, 03:28:58 PM

Uh, did we have a leak in here somewhere? I think all the hot air in here is escaping!

Telan Desaria
Apr 17th, 2002, 08:05:00 AM
As a note, my rank was was a pproved my the acting head of the Empire, Grand Admiral Thrawn, during your absance to attend to RL martters. When you returned, you approved it. Just to rebut.

And I did not want to do this, for the record. This was done because you said and I paraphrase absconding from the SWFans.net site. I would post a link to that conversation, but I believe it's protected, and will probably be deletd. As such, you all have since removed yourselves from all but OOC discussions. I have been the only one to continue posting in my current threads as RL allows. I have pursued my career as an Imperial officer to the fullest extent of my ability. I wish I could say the same for the rest of the cadre I came to respect. What about Grand Moff Schreiger, who we have heard nothing from, or Line Captain Fena who has been a non Entity since Barabarossa. Or Grand Admiral Thrawn who has been off the galactic stage since the beginning of the Sith Remnant Campaign. Or Vice Diktat Sevon, who has not posted anything in the Escorting Service thread to add to the playability of it. Or Admiral Lebron, who has not been involved with us actively for a few months except for his yub yub quirks and comments.

And what of our many recruits who do not stay the course of joining the Empire because we are dying? Remember General Harrsk> Or that pilot, Major Karrn? Or stormtrooper who we could have built into an excellent officer. And what of those who have defected over the years, whether they have become disillusioned or not and returned, but nonetheless they left. Moff Disra, Darth Poreon-a traitor yes, but still a defector-the original Thrawn-not sure of the story behind that one-and Grand Admiral Hyfe, who has not participated in a battle for some time and had to be placed on the reserve roster.

I have done what I have done because you, Mr and Diktat in reserve Viscera have chosen by your own hand to abandon our community at SWFAnds for all rping purposes if I remeber the wording. I do not. I wish to take the Empire that has been forged out of years of toil and allow someone else to create another better Empire. You want to fight at the TRF ring, great. So do I. But I want to stay here too. This Empire has more ships, more planets, and more options. And more friends.

Telan Desaria

Brevet Grand Admiral of the Empire

Darth Viscera
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:05:29 AM
When you returned, you approved it. Just to rebut.
Not true.

I have done what I have done because you, Mr and Diktat in reserve Viscera have chosen by your own hand to abandon our community at SWFAnds for all rping purposes if I remeber the wording.
Conjecture. Even I am unaware of what I wish to do regarding swfans.net. It's all dependant upon OOC changes that need to be made with regards to the fleet rules.

I wish to take the Empire that has been forged out of years of toil and allow someone else to create another better Empire.
You may not. That group has been dear to me for 610 days. I built it by my own sweat and toil, others whose names you're not even aware of built it by their sweat and toil, and it has weathered more controversy, more hardship, more disdain than any group has a right to. Your actions have been wholely unbecoming of a TGE member for the better part of a year, and you have embarassed us with your maladroit actions too many times. No longer. You're discharged. Remove your rank from your title and be on your way. If you take any action at the TGE board which I deem to possibly have negative consequences for the group, I will see to it that you are permanently banned.

Telan Desaria
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:52:45 AM
How DARE you!!!

Never once in my life as a member of any RPing club or as a die hard Imperial since I became interested in SW have I spoken ill of the Empire or would I do anything IC to harm it. I only did what I thought was best for the TGE. If you want to remain here and continue on as Diktat, then rebut your own statement that said we were abdnaoning SWFAns.net. We cannot just leave our thousand-plus ships, our ranks, and our planets behind!!!

I will gladly delete everything I have said and everything I have written thus far on this topic if you swear on your oathg as Leader of the Empire that you will do only what is best for us as a people and community. You will not abandon us and you will recall all those who want to leave as well. You make Khendon come back, and Schreiger, and Lebron, and Fena. I want to serve the Empire I joined. I want to command the Fleet the way it was-the Thyferran part of the glorious Empire that I know.

I wish to retain my rank as Fleet Admiral, Supreme Commander of the Thyferra Sector Fleet, and Inspector General of the Destoryerate, should you make the aforementioned vows and proclamations
. say that you'll stay. What happened to Sieg - Tot (Victory or Death)

Telan Desaria
Fleet Admiral-Thyferra Sector Fleet

Apr 17th, 2002, 11:25:01 AM
Ahh, so the truth begins to come out...

YOu know it's funny, I thought I had problems RPing with people for various reasons. Either they didn't like me or they were busy or ect..., but this is a problem that needs to be addressed by everyone.

DV: Are you moving away from SWFans?

Telan: Are you sure that TGE is moving away from SWFans?

Apr 17th, 2002, 12:18:50 PM
I see no reason at all why this needs to be addressed by everyone, Firebird. Please do not make this TGE matter into something its not.

I can only say that as for Schreiger and Fena (whom are played by myself), that I am not AWOL, simply on reserve. I cannot make regular posts in stratcomm due to time restraints, but if there are operations that need to be done, I am able to be contacted.

Darth Viscera
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:55:32 PM
Firebird, you're not the forum's official arbiter. Stay out of things that don't concern you! :mad

How DARE you!!!

No, how dare you! Not ONCE in my RPing career has someone threatened to take my group away from me. OVER MY ROTTING CORPSE WILL YOU COMMAND TGE AGAINST MY WISHES! Never again will you command a fleet in TGE. As a matter of fact, not only are you locked out of all of TGE's private forums for committing such a stupid, self-serving act, I'm going to press the ignore button right now.

You're out of my group, and as far as TGE is concerned, you don't exist.


Admiral Lebron
Apr 17th, 2002, 06:53:17 PM
Hooray! Oh and Telan, I'm active everyday. So I don't go off and make a mockery of myself and group, I am here and active.

Telan Desaria
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:30:56 AM
So be it. As of now, the forces under my command, the Xvth Destroyer Corps and Task Force XIV are leaving the Empire forthwith.

I am offically, as of this post, submitting my official resignation from the Empire and the Imperial Fleet. The ships under my command, both of the XVth Destroyer Corps and the XIVth Task Force, completely loyal to me, save COMPNOR officers, who are being summarily executed, are completing the capture of Bespin asnd taking it as our own.

You will not attempt to follow me or assault or be met with stiff resistance from myself and the Fleet under my command. Don't forget, I do have significant Imperial forces, both in men and materiale.

This is, for your mind, a mutiny. This will be executed in the Bespin thread and the Escorting Service thread immeediatel.

Da Svidanya

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria

Commanding Officer, New Imperial Sovereignty (NIS)

Darth Viscera
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:11:45 AM
Uh huh. Sorry, but no. Cause, Telan. Just because one person is unhappy with an event IRL doesn't mean that millions of IC Imperials suddenly and unexpectedly turn traitor, nor does it mean that men in your paper fleet are loyal to a disgruntled man who just got fired rather than the Empire, which houses their home planets, their families, and supplies their needs. I'll honor perhaps 1% of those crewers turning traitor, at the most 5%. Out of fairness, I suggest you take what I'm offering and use it for future RPs to ensure you get some action.

Otherwise, I have a fairly good case against you, one that I've won twice already.

Apr 18th, 2002, 09:38:44 AM
You'd be able to turn your flagship IMO, because the crew would be loyal to you. But then I'd say only three or four smaller than SD ships would follow. Take the EU. There has been two Imperial splits:

ZSINJ split straght after the Emperor died. Thats the only reason people followed, as there was no lead. Vis still lives, so they wouldnt go like that

PRE-DARKSABRE was because THrawn died, leaving 12 Moffs in charge, who couldnt agree, and so split. Daala took lead, and the EMpire never split again.

Sumor Rayial
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:24:01 AM
Just to make this known.

The Conclave will only regognize TGE under Vis and will not recognize this new "NIS" for basically the same reasons that Fett posted.

Garrett Felth
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:32:26 AM
I heartily agree. As far as I'm concerned, Vis IS the Empire. And on the matter of you taking hundreds of ships - I don't think so. Firstly, I agree with the points put forward by Vis and Fett in their last posts. And technically, how can one planet (a Gas Giant at that) maintain all those ships? No metal on the planet to build a shipyard to maintain 'em.

Telan Desaria
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:54:56 AM
I suppose I mus acquiesce )sp)

I take the following ships, as I built them in foreign yards and have been my personal escort.

Forces involved:***Command Group

*ISD II Interrogator
*Carrack Cruiser Eudaemon
*Carrack Cruiser Termagant
*CSG Commination
*CSG Dark Hand
*CSG Direption III

Command Destroyer Escort
Squadron I
*ISD II Thrasher
*ISD I Vehemance
*Carrack Cruiser Shadow Warrior
*Carrack Cruiser Edacity
*Corellian Gunship Avidity
*Corellian Gunship Asperity
*Corellian Gunship Excoriate

These are Imperial warships that will stay with me and have been with my personal combat folittla and would also likely remain loyal to me. This includes my flagship.

LF Lancer-2
VSD3 Carida
INT Dissolution


SSD3 Decisive

All of the these ships have full crew and fighter compliments, and slighty reduced combat trooper numbers due to the fighting on Bespin.

I will contiue this later. Bells rining between classes.


BTW- NIS is a splinter group now and is not a new Empire. Will explain later.

Apr 18th, 2002, 11:12:26 AM
I would like to add that with the new ruleset (or lack thereof) taking effect, there is no need to bicker over a list of ships in the first place.

Telan Desaria
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:38:15 PM
With these ships, I will be taking my-this-armada/fleet- and cutting my losses at Bespin. All troopers will be rembarked from the ground, and my ships turned to jump out of system.

The NIS-New Imperial Sovereignty- is a name I made up off the top of my head for the demi-Empire of where ever my Fleet will wind up, conquer, and settle. I will be its military leader, and another its political ruler. It will have three arms-a Fleet, an Army, and a Starfighter Corps, which will be subordinate to the Fleet. It will be ruled peacefully through cooperative policy implimentations and steady economic and idustrial growth.

I hope to get this underway as oon as possible.

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Armed Forces, NIS

Admiral Lebron
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:44:52 PM
Mr. Desaria. You skipped this.. http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12964

Telan Desaria
Apr 22nd, 2002, 07:14:29 AM
Lei, We both still have our ranks...and our honor.

And I am not forgetting that. MY Fleet has jumped out of the Bespin system and I have declined your invitation to dinner. If you wish to attack the Bespin system, please, be my guest, I will be more than willing to be Commodore Vaalt, who is currently acting Commander of the Thyferra Sector Fleet. Because, as it stands, there are just over two full divisions there. And I do believe, as they've not gotten a fight recenelt, a civil war would be interesting, if you want to press charges against every one of them for treason. I know that's not above mY Empire, -my former Empire.

Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria


Darth Viscera
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:34:31 PM
Telan, I thought we had resolved this.

You will not RP as anyone in TGE, and that includes your "Commodore Vaalt". As stated earlier and agreed upon by many people, Thyferra Sector Fleet is fully loyal to TGE. Drop this civil war nonsense.

Varlon Konrad
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:00:36 PM

First TGE wants a war, and when comes up, is now declining. Var is most confused. :| I, myself, found the TGE civil war to look like an excellent source for a revived fleet scene.

Darth Viscera
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:05:51 PM
It's not a civil war. It's one person leaving TGE for OOC reasons and expecting his command in the star wars universe to follow suit. It's waging an OOC war to an IC end, the same thing that LMJ did which got all of swfans.net (myself included) majorly pissed off and got her ridden out of swfans.net on a rail. A person not being able to differentiate between the real world and the star wars galaxy is not a pretense for an IC war.

So don't try to validate Telan's god moding by giving his should-be OOC actions the IC-insinuating title of "TGE civil war".

Telan Desaria
Apr 25th, 2002, 05:42:36 AM
I was just kjidding, I have changed it to say that Commodore Vaalt came with me away to the NIS. Sorry Vis. I thought you would be able to pick up the sarcasm.

Darth Viscera
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:56:21 PM
ah, my bad then.