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Irman Nogar
Apr 16th, 2002, 08:08:55 AM
--The maw installation. It was created to do the empoers bidding. Bring the greatest scientific minds that he could find and put them together in one place. His goal here to creat devices capable to terroizing the galaxy. --

Space was a blackness that covered every thing. There were stars that illiminate it, yes but just as there are things that give light there are things that take it. Light and every thing else.

Black holes, stars that have callapesed on them selves becuase of their tremendous gravity. Nothing that gets to close to the unstoppable force of nature ever gets away. All thnigs get traped in it Matter, energy, radiation, light. It all becomes trapped. Making a place covered with them a hazard to space travelers.

One of the most dangerous places to fly is the Maw. A area of space where there is a collection of black holes that make travel treacherous. That is what makes it the perfect place to hide a secret. Here is where the Emporer built the maw installation. A area where he could gather a think tank of genuses to make his weapons of mass descruction.

Here they were working on a new project that would expand the empires hold from this galaxy to the reaches of the universe. The project created worm holes through space and time. Allowing beings to travel to other galaxys in a short period of time. They had spent months on the project and it was nearing completion. Soon there would be a new place for the empire to spread it's wings to. A new galaxy.

Irman Nogar
Apr 17th, 2002, 02:03:27 PM
The Empire was ammassing a small army to send through the worm hole finished not long ago. They had allready sent in several rscout missions in. They encountered a planetary system with nine planets. The only one with any signs of life was the 3rd planet in the system. Evidence showed that they had started a rudamentary space faring society with in their own star system.

The moon was colonized and there were dozens of space stations dotting the area. The scouts had included a shuttle tie vanguard and several tie fighters. When they approached one of the space stations to get a better look. Some of the inhabitants chose to see them as hostiles. Several giant robots appeared from the station to challenge them. Scans showed they used fusion engines and carried projectile weapons. The purple suits gave a warning and when they did not respond they opened fire.

The ships easily evaded the fire. Takeing them out with a few laser shots. One of them was damage and not destroyed they took it in for study.

At the maw installation the scientists found the mobile suit tech intriquing they inhabatants of this system have devised a whole new way of building robotics so that it was much faster and effective them most conventional battle suits tried in the past.

The empire only wanted to know if they could take it over quickly. That answer was yes.

The Empire did not want to call attention to this location so they set out to send only what they needed to make a presense there that was permanent. The Empire had some of the Droid control ships left over when they were confiscated from the Trade federation.

There were six cargo ships filled with mining equipment Tibbanna gas, spare parts, and one that had alll the equipment to build a Ship yard.

Four VSD a Imperial class SD and 2 dread naughts stood ready to accompany them. The tests for the worm hole had to be done away from the maw the black holes interfered with the worm hole callapseing it.

The worm hole was opened and the ships started through. First the droid control ship. Then 3 of the Freighters. 3 of the Virtory class Star destroyers followed. They were about to send the last of them through when out of no where a small fleet came down on them.

3 dreadnaughts, 2 nubulan B frigates and a Mon-Calimarian cruiser. They took them by surprise. Comeing out of hyperspace firing. Several squads of Z-95 head hunters struck out first. Sending streaks of fire in the form of proton torps at the VSD and ISD. Drawing their fire at the same time. followed by Y-wings that made a bombing run on them. The dread naughts Finished the job.

Nubian fighters were striking at the Freighters. Some were trying to escape throught the worm hole. A big mistake on their part. On went up in flames as it entered shuting it down. The Imperials had no choice but to surrender. There would be no assistance becuase they had jamed all transmissions.

Now they were at their mercy.

Irman Nogar
Apr 17th, 2002, 03:22:08 PM
OOC: This takes place at the begining of operation meteor and between episodes 3 and four so the Jedi are still being hunted and the empire is still growing.

IC:Irman stood on the bridge looking out on what was a worm hole. He felt the distrubance in the force from it. As if they would see some thing quite omminous on the other side of that path through space and time.

He was a Nohgri and one of the last padawans of master Morehei. Carring his own light bo. There were several of them here. Obi-wan Kenobi lead them. Vonta Halcyon a energy absorber and rechanneler that could also mess with the mind like no other knight he had ever seen. A Aing-tii Jeb Ackbar. A red Mon-calimarian. The amphibious man was quiet most of the time. The teleportors were mysterious even to most of the jedi and Aiki.

Maw scientist were captured at the ship towing the Worm hole device. Along with the data on the race that they would encounter. They were humanoids. Almost indistinguishable from normal humans except for some physiological differences that he noted.

They last interesting thing that they found was a giant mech.

"What is it?" It was nothing like he had ever seen. "Is is a droid?"

Some of the techs were llooking it over. "No. It has a inner control center. It is a piloted suit of some sort."

This was what the opposition the empire would face on the other side. With the tech from this universe this new world would not stand much of a chance.

The Jedi convened to talk about what should be done. Obi-was at the head of the group followed by another jedi. A wookie named Lobacca that owed him a life dept.

"So what are we to do about this. The empire has ventured in to a new galaxy where they well most likely destroy what ever they find there.

From what we gather from the intel left on their systems there are several force adepts with them including lord vader him self." At that the room broke into whispers. He waited a moment for it to subside and continued.

"They do not have a large enough force to subject the system right away from what I gather they want the system in tact to use as a launch base to move on the rest of this galaxy. So they may subject the system a bit at a time. We cut them off from their source but with the resources at their disposal they could still take out the system."

Jeeb stood up to speak. "The empire has taken over my home of Mon-calimari I can not allow them to spread to another galaxy." Many of the jedi nodded at that.

Nogar stood to speak. " We are agreed then, We well go after them then?" frrom the area all the masters gave a nodd.

"Very well. Then in order to impliment it immediatly we need to act immidiatly. There are to freighters loaded to move filled with equipment. Unfortunately we are still out guned by the imperials the best that we could hope for is to counter them as best we can. What do we have in the current fleet? "

A gungan stood this time. he was the commander of the forces. "Wesa gotten much, Theresa 5 squads from da Naboo. Tens squads a Head hunters andsa 10 squadsa y-wing. Manys ground forces, soildiers of da naboo, gungans, Wookies, ansa humans."

Irman Nogar
Apr 17th, 2002, 03:34:38 PM
(Events happening at the same time in the Gundam universe.)

Operation meteor was under way. The Earth forces had taken control of the space colonys by force. Making them the subservants of the earth. The members of the colonys not wanting to live in a system were they had no say in how things were officially run were angered by this. But most of the colonys feared retalitation to much to activelly do any thing.

All but a few. The operation was called Operation M or operation meteor. Five meteors would be sent to earth at about the same time. Each one carrying a advanced model of mobile suit. The five pilots were trained to be the best although they were a bit young.

Wu-Fe pilot of the Dragon gundam Shenlong. A gundam armed with two vulcan canons on it's head, a laser spear, and a flame thrower built into a dragon like a pendag on his right arm. That same apendage can lash out at a enemy and crush it in a vise gripe. Wu lives by his honor. Not abiding by those who are weaklings by his standerds. Amoung those he considers weak are women, soilders that attack the defenseless and soilders that consider them selves superior.

Duo Maxwell (AKA the great destroyer.) PIlot of the gundam Death Sythe. The suit is made for speed and steals. Able to hide from most sensors even more so then most of his other allies suits. His suit has a vulcan canon on the head. two missle launchers in the shoulders and a laser missle that doubles as a sheild. His mellee weapon is a Sythe. Duo him self is a wise cracker that is as deadly as he is sarcastic. Both are substantial.