View Full Version : Dark Fury - Man or Machine

General Tohmahawk
Apr 16th, 2002, 02:35:33 AM
Back track in time, to the time of the rise of the New Republic Special Forces. it was a time when the Jedi were in decline and a man, a Army General who lead a small counter Force user unit gained access to much greater resources. Given freedom by the Chief of State, Major General James T. Tohmahawk began to expanded the size and scope of the NRSF, and began to secrectly collect some of the Republic's best and brightest to his banner. In secret, the NRSF created new technologies and a new type of war Cruiser, the MC-200a Defender. Their trademark, the Rail Gun was developed and refined to be a weapon of fear. Other devices were produced, some that never saw the light of day. Experiments, prototypes.

And something that should never have seen the light of day


It was daylight on the forest moon of Yavin IV. His boots tramped on the permacrete as he stepped off the ramp of his personal fighter/ freighter. The air smelt delicious, hinting of life and moisture. All around him, there were other landing craft, beginning to set up the first stages of the Master Plan. He and Yog had finished off the preliminary framework, now it was all ahead with the access to the NR funds he now could have. Some also nefarious schemes were starting as well, some which would no doubt horrify some of the ....no, he would be careful of his thoughts Even if he was in secret a truly powerful Jedi, it would not do to give anything away, even if it was a tiny, tiny chance. He kept his thoughts of The Master Plan to himself.

Instead, there was much to do here anyway. Prepare a Temple for the Jedi, beginning to set up the planet's defences - there was much to do. And as well a training area for the new troops coming into the NRSF, which up to now had only had about 100 elite beings, the cream of the NR military machine, in it's up to now highly secret ranks. Now there was the possibility of thousands, a force trained and groomed like no ever seen.

No where was Master Yoghurt? They had the new experiment to discuss with the chief Droid tech. Project Judgement. Highly, highly illegal. It would earn him an execution if the NR found out. But they wouldn't, for only a few knew of the real intent. Thank God he didn't subsrcibe to Jedi ideals, cause this was certainly no plan a Jedi would have part of. Except Yogurt. Yogurt saw things differently to Tohmahawk, but still, they shared a common goal. The diminutive Jedi was Tohmahawk's best friends and they both shared a passion to be rid of evil and corruption. It was just Marcus Q'Dunn, his real name, was more willing to go further. As Tohmahawk, he had gained more freedom to move than anyone could ever have. He had real power. He had credits now.

He had the boffins and was gaining the infrastructure. Now..... the game was truly on.

"Mmm, thinking you be, no? Heheheh!"

Tohmahawk, behind his eyeshades smiled at the Jedi Master. "Bout time you got here. The Tech's want to show us the blueprints to Judgement. Coming along?"

Master Yoghurt
Apr 16th, 2002, 03:03:55 AM
If the old man had still had much eyebrows to speak of, he would arch them intrigued at Tohmahawks proposition. He still had some difficulty to fully accept the implications.

"Certainly. Admit I must though, this project of yours.. not exactly conventional warfare. If the Council knew about this, they would think of it as insane.. or unethical even.. hmmm.."

The Jedi Master was quiet for a few seconds as he pondered things to come. He released a sigh. He knew, in the Grand scheeme of things, the means were often far less than the consequences of ignorance or remaining passive as the Galaxy turned into turmoiling mess of evil and corruption. It was all a giant holochess game, where the opponent's pieces heading on a self destructive path, would eventually be sacrificed or defeated. They dark pawns were in this by their own free will, and would never surrender until they were stopped for sure.

"Ok, discussed this before we have. Know you I do. Nothing could change your mind. Show me your project.."

General Tohmahawk
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:12:42 AM
"well, it's not my project as per see. But I believe it's a good one, well worthwhile looking into. I understand your concerns Yog... but it's not like I'm replacing Jedi or something now, is it?"

The both entered a dimply lit tunnel with a mildly sloping ramp that decended into the bowels of one of the many temples here on Yavin.

"Anyway, it will be years before it's finished. You know how complex this design will be"

General Tohmahawk
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:58:27 PM
Dark Fury – Man or Machine

The corridor was precisely 1 km in length, took on turns or twists and slanted in such a way that at it’s end, you would be precisely 100 meters under the surface. At it’s end, there was a set of double doors that were obviously in the class of blast doors on a star ship, thick and heavy steel that could not be shot through, nor could a saber cut simply apart. Tohamahawk stopped at the doors and looked about needlessly, waiting for the smaller being to catch up.

“Master Q’Dunn, agree with this I do not!” stated Yogurt, hi stick stomped onto the ground as an emphasis point. “Agree also not that you disguise yourself!”

He sighed, squatting so his eyes were level with Yogurt’s. “I know. But it’s for the best Yog, you know that as well as I do. Trust me my friend”

Yogurt sighed as well. “A true leader, was Darth Turbogeek. Even if clone place yours sits, much strength lost from Council. Grievous this is to me. Consider your position you wont?”

“No Yog, the die is cast and nothing is going to change my mind. I don’t believe in the Jedi and I don’t think I ever will again. This is the best way”

“Grave danger I see in the path of the Clone” stated Yogurt. “A bad end he will come to and much evil will come at his fall. Are you certain you want this?”

“My path is not of the Jedi Yog, you knew that the day I came to the Jedi for the first time. The Council knew it too, which is why I was never trained by a Master. I took it on myself to learn the Jedi ways and for a while I did believe. But not now. What would you rather, I still work as I am now, or would you wish I oppose the Jedi as I once did?”

“I wish neither. But one day Marcus, back you will be. I foresee it”

“Maybe. The future is always in motion and neither you or myself can truly see what will come. Now…” The General stood up, before entering a code into a pad on the wall next to the blast door “Let’s see what the Judgement Project is”


It was cold – very, very cold in the complex the doors revealed. It was also lit very brightly, to the point where the glare off the white painted walls almost hurt. Yogurt almost wished he had the eyeshades Marcus /Tohmahawk did as they walked through the ultra clean corridor. The taller bring strode past a few doors, before stopping. He knocked and a booming “Come in!” echoed from inside. Tohmahawk touched the release panel, the door sliding back to reveal another brightly lit room, with a table and a few chairs. A whiteboard was on one wall, with a bank of computers on the other. The third was an observation windows to what seemed like a full factory / foundry. In the room itself, there was two beings, a rather pretty female in a lab coat, and a very, very fat Gungan.

Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2002, 10:23:03 AM
Yoghurt entered the room, getting caught in the pale bright light which cascaded down from the white glowing Corellian Inc lamps attached to the ceiling. The giant observation window at the opposite side of the room revealed some sort of factory facility. The air was quite cool due to the industrial type enviroment of the underground structure. It was hardly the most comfortable conditions, but this was not a place for leisure..

He stopped to look across the room. There were lit computer screens, some apparently running some crunching, others being idle with the login promts displayed. He then turned his attention to the rather odd couple standing in the center of the room. One of them was a disturbingly fat Gungan that would make Boss Nass appear like Mr Galaxy in comparison. The colossal bulbing body rested on an intricately constructed repulsor lifted chair that would accomodate all his mobility needs. Next to him was an attractive lady in her tight lab suit. One allmost wondered what she was doing working at a place like this.

Yog had a somewhat sceptic expression on his old wrinkled face as he turned toward Tohmahawk again, uttering with a dry voice.

"This researchers of project are, yes?"