View Full Version : How long do we wait about EP2 spoilers?

Apr 15th, 2002, 12:47:24 PM
Right, now here is the thing. We, as the moderating body, have a duty to not ruin EP2 for others, and must try to keep the place stable. HOWEVER, we must also recognise that, as a SW site, we cant hide the existence of the film for months on end. So, the question is, How long do we wait until EP2 is not considered a spoiler?

I propose this.

From May 16, NO EP2 spoilers, tagged or otherwise, are allowed in any threads that are NOT EP2 Spoiler marked threads(In title). Further more, I think we should limit the OOC forum to a single "official" thread, so we're not cluttered. Anyone who wants to talk EP2 should go to the Film forum.

From June 1, EP2 is NO LONGER considered a spoiler.

This gives 15 days to see it. That is both plenty of time to see it, and not so long that it gets impossible to moderate.

Now I see it this way. The only numbers less than until June 1 are Not spoilers ever, one week and two weeks.

NOT SPOILERS EVER is simply an uncaring way to go

ONE WEEK isnt enough IMO. Take me for example. I wont be going with another geek, it'll be my dad. He wont go on the Thursday(Lets admit it, thats SW geek day), and Friday will be the same. Weekends arent a good time to go either. So, simply because he isnt a SW geek, Im already delayed 4 days. That means that I have 3 days to see it. I dont feel that is enough. And others WILL be in a similar position. Like I said, we have a duty to these people

TWO WEEKS is basically June 1, but by saying June 1 everyone clearly knows the day because we're basically just saying "Not in May)

What do you all think?

Apr 15th, 2002, 01:14:20 PM
If I'm reading properly, what you're proposing is that people can indeed talk about AotC, but only in clearly designated thread titles? And only 1 thread for OOC? So regardless of how many topics about AotC are in the films forum, they all have to be labeled as an Episode 2 spoiler thread? If I am understanding, then you sir have proposed a fair and valid idea, and I'm all for it. Even the 2 week time limit seems fair to me. Maybe a little long, but I do understand that there are some folks who won't get to see it.

I hope we can control the people who will inevitably break the rules and cry foul over the fact that the only thing being asked of them is to label their thread as being a spoiler thread.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 15th, 2002, 01:24:36 PM
So after opening day, there can be tagged spoiler titles and everything is to be discussed in the film forum thread. I know that was already discussed here in mods/admins.

I like the idea, that way us in RP can make sure that people are following the rule that is set as well. We probably are going to have a few posting in the wrong forum.

Apr 15th, 2002, 02:06:43 PM
Without a doubt. I don't think we can emphasize enough how Episode 2 topics should be posted in the films forum. Methinks us on staff will be moving alot of threads. Well, more aptly, anyone who mods in other than the SW films/B.O./collecting forum will be moving alot of threads our way.:p

Reaper, does your plan allow for tagged spoiler titles, or does it have to be regularly named as an episode 2 thread with no description. I think there may also be some confusion there as well. Just an idea, but maybe you should post a sample thread here to show us exactly what you mean so at least all of the staff is on the same page.

How will we deal with the whiners who will come out and gripe about having to post in a forum they never go to? Just make nice and tell them that there's a reason for having different forums?

Apr 15th, 2002, 02:18:12 PM
How will we deal with the whiners who will come out and gripe about having to post in a forum they never go to? Just make nice and tell them that there's a reason for having different forums?
Its not our fault. I never go to the classic trilogy forum at TF.N. I dont expect to post in Lit :)

Reaper, does your plan allow for tagged spoiler titles, or does it have to be regularly named as an episode 2 thread with no description. I think there may also be some confusion there as well. Just an idea, but maybe you should post a sample thread here to show us exactly what you mean so at least all of the staff is on the same page.
Sorry, dont follow :)

Apr 15th, 2002, 05:23:00 PM
Sorry Reaper, I didn't realize how little sense that made. What meant was, if someone were to start a thread about AotC in the films forum, before 2 weeks pass, does this new thread's subject line read "Episode 2 spoiler thread" (or something like that) or is there something else you had in mind for that?


Apr 15th, 2002, 05:27:58 PM
Sorry Reaper, I didn't realize how little sense that made
Dont worry, its normally me thats the problem :)

What meant was, if someone were to start a thread about AotC in the films forum, before 2 weeks pass, does this new thread's subject line read "Episode 2 spoiler thread" (or something like that) or is there something else you had in mind for that?
I dont really know with films y'know. What do you think?

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 15th, 2002, 05:48:24 PM
I don't have any problem with that Reaper, it sounds like a good plan, we might have to make annoucement soon though, I'm also afraid that people are going to bonkers and discuss it in Boxoffice like Jon (the box office end is fine but I mean the film itself)

Apr 15th, 2002, 07:15:51 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
I propose this.

From May 16, NO EP2 spoilers, tagged or otherwise, are allowed in any threads that are NOT EP2 Spoiler marked threads(In title). Further more, I think we should limit the OOC forum to a single "official" thread, so we're not cluttered. Anyone who wants to talk EP2 should go to the Film forum.
As I remember we have already established that all Ep 2 topics belong in the Films or BO forums. I intend to follow that policy.

The spoiler proposition is a good one though. :)

Apr 15th, 2002, 08:17:22 PM
I don't think it's necassarily against the rules to have a hread about AOTC in the Boxoffice forum(remember it's BO and OTHER entertainment). Nonetheless the majority I hope would be in the SW films forum.

Good plan about the Spoliers stuff. I prolly won't be able to see AOTC opening day either. :(

Sanis Prent
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:51:09 PM
I think a delay time of a week is better than Fett's 2 weeks

Apr 15th, 2002, 09:37:58 PM
You would think 1 week would be enough, but I kind of like the security of 2 weeks. Plus it makes June 1st an easy landmark date to remember.

Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:10:40 AM
Are we going to follow this up?

Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:50:45 AM
I thought we were. O_o

Apr 24th, 2002, 07:03:20 AM
I just caught one in films this morning. And BTW there is a way to edit topic titles without editing the first post, thus making it not so obvious to thers that the topic was edited.

Open the thread and then choose the Edit Thread option from the drop down Admin Options select box. You are then given a screen which will allow you to change the tiyle and do a couple of other things, like close the topic and I don't recall what else off the top of my head, but it dos let you change the title and leaves no visible trace that you did so.

Apr 24th, 2002, 09:13:29 AM
Well Reaper, I've always been a fan of that plan, even the "wait till June 1st" thing. If you want to make the announcement in Films, you've got my support to do so. I don't know if it's a little early still, people may forget once the movie comes out and they'll be all excited and just go post-crazy.

Apr 24th, 2002, 09:14:14 AM
An announcement about it is a great idea. :)

Apr 25th, 2002, 08:43:04 AM
Then do it :)

Apr 25th, 2002, 08:45:54 AM
Mods do have the ability to post announcements, but alright, I'll write something up since I have been the one patrolling films and editing titles to include [spoilers] lately. :p

Apr 25th, 2002, 08:50:02 AM
You are a board, Im but a mod. You do it :)

Apr 25th, 2002, 08:54:26 AM
How does this sound?

Episode 2 AOTC Spoiler policy

The staff of SWFans.Net forums @ www.swforums.net has decided to implement a spoiler policy for all Episode 2 related topics and posts.

Any topic which contains “spoilers” (masked by spoiler tags or not) in regards to Episode 2 must include the text “[spoilers]” in the thread title. This policy will be in effect beginning now, up until June first of this year. If a topic is hijacked from its original content and somehow ends up containing EP2 spoilers of any kind, do not be surprised to see the topic title changed to include the [spoilers] text.

Another thing to note is the fact that it is SWFans.Net policy that all Episode 2 topics belong in their appropriate forum and will be moved at any staff members discretion if found posted in the wrong forum. This mostly applies to the Roleplaying OOC forum. Please post Episode 2 related topics in the Films or Box Office forum, dependant on content.

Thank you for your patronage and time
SWFans.Net @ www.swforums.net Staff

I intend to post the announcement in three forums. Films, BO, and OOC.

Apr 25th, 2002, 09:02:33 AM
I just thought I would mention it here for when and if the GJO forums do end up with this being their new home. Such policies on where things are posted, as the one related to the placement of Episode 2 topics do not include their forums. The placement of subject matter in the GJO forums will be up to the individuals who moderate those forums specifically, as if they were a separate entity altogether.

Apr 25th, 2002, 09:03:28 AM
A suggestion?
This policy will be in effect beginning now, up until June first of this yearHow about adding a line after that, along the lines of "Even after this date, it is considered good etiquette to clearly label all spoilers - Not everyone will be able to see the movie right off the bat."

Feel free to word that however you like. I'm just trying to avoid people going "OK! It's June 2nd, so I'm going to put spoilers in my topic!"

Apr 25th, 2002, 09:04:33 AM
I like Shawns addition

Apr 25th, 2002, 09:07:47 AM
Cool, thats why I posted here first. :)

Apr 25th, 2002, 11:30:08 AM
Bombs away!