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View Full Version : I Met George Lucas!!!

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2002, 04:02:35 AM
But, before I get into that, lemme actually go in order of the evening's events...

It was a delightful evening, the sky was clear, the weather was mild, and I wasn't freezing my buns off (shut up, Charley).

Yesterday, Friday, April 12, 2002, at 6:30pm PST, at the Beverly Hillton in Beverly Hills, I (along with my sis) attended the British Academy of Film and Television Arts/Los Angeles 11th Annual Britannia Awards honoring HBO Original Programing and George Lucas, both with the Stanley Kubrick Britannia Award, the former for Excellence in Television, and the latter for Excellence in Film. (*pant* what a MOUTHfull!)

(Last year I attended the same award cerimony, obviously the 10th annual one, honoring Steven Spielberg... being in the same dining hall with some big names like Russell Crowe, Pierce Brosnan, Jeff Goldblum, Haley Joel Osment, Jane Seymour, Patrick Stewart, Sir Ben Kingsley, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and a load of others... and, yes, I did meet with some and shook their hands.)

Anyways, I digress...

So, last night, I went to go and honor Mr. Lucas and his achievments, and be there to witness his receiving of this award. Oh man, some of the people I saw. The first I met that evening was John Williams. Nicest guy, very down to earth. We spoke with him for some time, in which he also gave us his autograph and we got our picture taken with him. Afterwards, in which I took a healthy gulp from my champaign glass to calm my nerves.

The show was hosted by Carrie Fisher. She is a wacked-out, crazy lady. She started off the evevning's hosting with, "Hi, my name's Carrie Fisher... and I'm an alchololic..." Then she proceeded to down a glass of some red liquid (red wine? or cranberry juice? you decide). Well, from there on in, it got nuttier. Being who she is, and being close to Lucas and crowd, no one escaped her wrath of jokes. I wasn't sure whether I should feel embarassed, or laugh my patoosh off. So, I did the next best thing being pumped full of champaign... I laughed my patoosh off.

As the evening wore on, we got some entertainment from Geri (formoly known as Ginger Spice, now gone solo in the land of the British). And, BOY, what entertainment! She basically did some forms of strip teases on stage, and THEN got Sir Ben Kinglsey up on stage to dance with some scantly clad women! Hang on a sec? Wasn't this supposed to be an award ceramony?! Was this whole "bring in the strip club" part of the agenda???... Must be the schmoozing part of the show...

Oh, must mention that during the entire evening, the Brits kept coming up with something to say and then would randomly throw in comments about "page 3". After finding out what they were blabbing about, and needless to say, I was rolling on the floor with laughter. Crazy Brits. (And the "page 3" comments got even worse after said "entertainment". :lol)

After said "entertainment", the awards were handed out, first to HBO for their excellence in television. Along with the presenting of the massive award (and I mean massive award... you could kill someone with this award! keep it away from DT! he might trade it in for his pan!) to the producer/director of HBO by Sir Ben Kinglsey and two other big wigs, there were also clips from the various shows and documentaries that had gone into the decision for the giving out of the Britannia award (one of which was "Band Of Brothers").

After that came the long awaited time (at least for me)... the time to award George Lucas with his own massive Britannia award (that he can now use to bash people on the head when they screw up their lines). First on the view screens, they had clips congratulating Lucas. Several names I recognized: Anthony Daniels, Jeremy Bulloch, Ian McDermid, John Reys Davies, and the dude that did the choreography for the lightsaber duals in E1 and now E2. After the congrats by big names, they had the whole clips and shots from the movies he has made: Star Wars Saga (was there ever any doubt this wouldn't be shown?), Indiana Jones Trilogy (duh), American Graffiti, THX 1138 (weeeeeeeeeird flic), Willow, and some others. And then, to present the award to Lucas was Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and John Williams (and Carrie jumped in there after the whole giving of award-kissy-kissy-hugs-shaking-of-hands finished). It brought a tear to my eye to have them no more then 7 meters from me! All there! I was in the same room as them!!! *drinks more champaign to calm new nerves*

Well, after the ceramony ended, everyone, like a massive drain sycking us all in, moved down to the VIP tables to congratulate the awardese and shake the hands of anyone else of importance we could get our hands on. Getting down to the VIP level, my sis started looking for Lucas and being short couldn't find him, so she started heading for Spielberg. I grabbed her by the arm and pointed in front of me. There, before me, not more than two feet, was Mr. Lucas himself (damn! where's my champaign?!) I promptly walked up to him, my sis in tow, and shook his hand firmly and congratulated him. Gracious man, though a bit flustered at the moment, being usher away by security. No matter, I see Carrie Fisher at the other side. Again, with sis in tow, we rounded the table to get a hold of Miss Fisher, but she had escaped to the saftey of the stage. Rats! Foiled again! But lo and behold, I turn around only to have my shoulder brushed by none other than Harrison Ford himself! Quick! Tap his shouder you idiot! My sis was actually the idiot to tap his shoulder, but when he turned around, he was staring straight at me, and so I was the idiot that got to shake his hand instead. Hell, I didn't mind. I even shoved my autograph book in his face, and he signed it! HAHA! Score! Tried to get Carrie to sign it, but being the comedic she is, she tried to get Harrison to sign it... again. We just gave her a funny look in return. I didn't get a chance to say hello to Spielberg , but that's alright. I got my hello to him last year.

Before the night was over, we swiped the center piece directly from Lucas' table and made off (we weren't the only one's swiping the potted flowers).

All in all, I came home happy, pumped, and full of champaign. Next stop: the bathroom.

Until next monologue of star-studded events, this is Rie signing off with NEENER NEENER NEEEEEEEEEEEENER!!!!!!!!!! :p :lol

(For some more info, the Official SW site had a tid bit of a blurb on the event: http://www.starwars.com/community/news/2001/06/news20010607.html )

P.S. - Pictures to come as soon as I finish this roll of film and get it developed. I will show you all proof!! So... stay tuned!! :D

General Chang
Apr 14th, 2002, 04:17:25 AM

Sounds like an awesome evening.

I ate some hamburgers.


Oh, and the Canucks beat the Flames. 4-1.

Me and some buddies sung "Na na na na" for the Oilers. :lol

But I didn't meet George Lucas. :(

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 14th, 2002, 04:26:01 AM
:lol @ the bit about Geri.

:crack Sounds like it was fun though :D

Darth Viscera
Apr 14th, 2002, 04:57:39 AM
That lightstaff looks so...inorganic. Want me to spruce it up for you a bit?

Apr 14th, 2002, 05:02:41 AM
Before the night was over, we swiped the center piece directly from Lucas' table and made off (we weren't the only one's swiping the potted flowers).
As you speak, LUCASWAT opratives are looking for you :)

Nichos Marr
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:23:02 AM
As you speak, LUCASWAT opratives are looking for you

Fett being one of them? :p

Darth Lynch
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:31:47 AM
You just know Fett is going to be nailed over the head before this thread is done with.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Apr 14th, 2002, 11:42:50 AM
And to go along with this story:

I had crab claws last night, and they were good.

(One good thread hijacking deserves another, LV)

General Chang
Apr 14th, 2002, 11:48:08 AM

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:55:20 PM
Sure, go ahead and spruce my saber up, Visc. Work some magic.

Har har, Fett. :p

Har har, Charley. :p :p

Apr 14th, 2002, 04:18:12 PM
Great write-up LV!! Almost as good as being there! (well , not really, but getting carried away by your enthusiasm!) :D Sounds like you guys had a blast!

Apr 14th, 2002, 05:04:19 PM
wow coolness

Apr 14th, 2002, 08:22:01 PM

I have 2 stories about starsightings:

(1) When I went to see Mission to Mars, I was waiting in line with my roommate so she could get some popcorn. I look to my right and see a familiar kid. He was standing in a circle with a bunch of other kids. Subconsciously I knew his face was familiar, but it wasn't registering up front - so I kept staring. I didn't mean to stare, and I wasn't even thinking about him, but soon enough he noticed I was staring, so he stared back. Finally he smiled at me, and that's when I realized I was staring at him like an idiot. My roommate even asked me why that kid was smiling at me.

So I looked away, still not registering anything. My roommate gets her popcorn, and we start walking away when I realize it's Jake Lloyd.

(2) Then last week, I was at the NSYNC concert (took my 8 year old brother and his best friend, but YES, I do love them anyway!). There is this part in the show when their stage moves out and they're real close to the audience. Since I was in the floor seating, I was just feet away from them all.

But it was Monday. I had been boozing it all weekend, and had a long day at the office - so I wasn't really into the spirit of things. I start turning around watching all the screaming girls. They were screaming so loud it seriously hurt my ears. I looked to my right and saw this girl crying! I had to laugh. I couldn't help myself. I mean, there is loving the group, and then there is being psycho. So anyway, I turn away from her, with my condescending laugh aimed at her shifting towards the stage. Right as I turn Justin Timberlake and I lock eyes (he was maybe 5 feet away) - me laughing at one of his fanatic fans.

D'oh! I felt like a douchebag then. He smiled and winked at me anyway.

Apr 14th, 2002, 08:36:23 PM
You were that close to Justin and didn't punch him in the face. Where is your civic duty? :verymad

Apr 14th, 2002, 08:42:08 PM
I admit my love for the teeny bop openly. Always have. Wasn't it enough that I was making fun of the whole thing?!?

Vargo the Hutt
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:45:40 PM
(Dances to "Bye Bye Bye", just for Eve)

Apr 14th, 2002, 08:57:44 PM

:: stops thread hijack in progress ::

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:41:01 AM
Thanks for the hijack-stopping, eve! You're the bestest! :)

I forgot to mention that after the event, we get these goodie bags (it is, after all, like a party), filled with all sorts of stuffs. Free stuff! The best kind of stuff!! Among some expensive ladies make-up, expensive chocolates, new movie guide thingy for 2002, were three free DVDs! Can't remember the other two DVDs, but the one I do remember is the free copy of E1! :lol And my sis got the same thing! So, now we own THREE copies of E1!! Oh yeah, how could I forget... also in the baggy were two bottle of expensive vodka. Just lil sample bottles, but still. :lol Those two bottles from George Lucas' "party" are going next to the vodka bottle I got from Steven Spielbergs "party", next to the bag of green tea (don't ask... long story).


Xazor Elessar
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:13:30 AM
:lol sounds like you had a very fun night LV :D No, I didn't meet George Lucas, but I have met *N SYNC and the Backstreet Boys! :)

Apr 18th, 2002, 09:19:03 AM
I cant think of meeting anyone any of you'd know :)

I've met Neil Webb(Used to play for Manchester United), Dereck Redmond(Runner, fell over at Olympics, cried) and I was 10ft from Dave Benson Phillips(Kids presenter). I think thats as good as it gets. THe shame :)

Alec Lafeyette
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:51:23 AM
Harrison Ford was in my hometown to check out a private high school (for his kids). But that's as good as it gets. :grumble

Lady Vader
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:37:36 AM

Had I known, Alec, I would have given Mr. Ford your regards! (Of course, I probably would have received a blank look... much like the one he gave me when he turned around to face me. But, once he saw me, he graced me with that lopsided-Han-Indy grin. :lol)

Live Wire
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:07:52 PM
you should have had a camera ready for the han solo smile

Alec Lafeyette
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:43:01 PM
lol, thanks. The school is only right up the street from where I live too, if only he stayed.. :crack

Mu Satach
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:22:42 PM
kewlness night LV... :)