View Full Version : Death shall come on soft wing: Open Challenge.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 13th, 2002, 01:41:44 PM
::Chaos sat on top of a building. It was warm out. Chaos often came here to see how life really was. You could see how close people walked. Could see the seperation in the crowd. see how peopel felt just by that alone. Chaos hated humans. Hated teh smell, taste, sight, everything about them. It was a sahame the creaters wasted energy to make the beasts. He sat and waited for some fun, some was sure to come.::
Apr 13th, 2002, 07:32:05 PM
Below, Satine strides through the crowd, his silver hair and twin lightsabres marking him as a Force user. His presence marking him a Warrior Jedi. Opening his senses, Satine feels a darkness, and sends a Force message, looking up.
Dark One. where are you?
Chaos Alexander
Apr 14th, 2002, 10:02:58 AM
::Chaos smiled. Time to play. Chaos let the Force rush through his body. Useing a Sith Art, Chaos pulled the Force close to him masking his presence. He jumped off the side of the building and landed softly making almost no sound. He ignites his Saber Claw on his robotic arm. Two silver blades jetted out from behind his srist. His wrist locked as well so that the hand could not be pushed into the blade. he then left his presence known. He stepped infront of Alpha.::
"Welcome my friend. You are a friend of my Father, and my sisters brother. That make us almost kin. I will enjoy killing you..."
Apr 14th, 2002, 10:56:58 AM
Satine gives a sneer, his silver eyes flashing as he ignites his pure black blades with a hiss.
"Tell me, Chaos, what shall I tell your father when I kill you?"
Getting into a fighting stance the Young One motions for the Sith to bring it...
Chaos Alexander
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:01:39 PM
::Chaos smiled showing his sharp Garou teeth.::
"Tell him you have fallen to the Drakside, because I Jedi does not kill when he is fully in the Light!"
::Brought his claw down. Alpha blocked with one blade, and started to attack with the other. Chaos pulled a Light Saber from a harness on his back. He ignited it and blocked Satine's Blade. Chaos pushed the two blades outward, away from Satine's body. This left his body open to attack. Chaos pushed foward and slammed his Forehead into Satine's over and over. Chaos used the Force to block the pain from this. He really didn't need to. His friends always told him he had a thick skull.::
Apr 15th, 2002, 01:35:15 PM
Satine growls, and uses the Force to block out the pain, and then to strengthen his head. As Chaos hits him again, Satine uses the Force to throw him backwards, an into a wall, shaking his head to clear it.
"I'm a Warrior Jedi. My job is to readicate the Dark. You are Dark, so there you go."
Slicing down with his sabre, Satine is blocked, but he follows through with a hard snap kick to the sith's chest, knocking him into the wall hard.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 15th, 2002, 05:08:26 PM
::Chaos's arm reshapes slightly as parts inside connect and transform slighly. As He grunted pushing himself back into the battle, pressure builds up in his arm. It swells, but Chaos feels no pain. In the middle a swing from Satine, Chaos spins slightly to his right. He places his robotic hand on Satine's chest. Then the Pressure rips out of his hand like a tidal wave. It launchs Satine back into a wall full force. Chaos breathes deep and blocks the pain in his chest. Satien had knocked the winds from his lungs for a second. Hurt like the Nine-Hells though.::
Apr 15th, 2002, 05:14:44 PM
Satine gasps in pain as he feels a rib give way, before his armor tightens to keep the rib in one place. As the JEdi gets back to his feet, he jumps away, dodging a claw attack from Chaos, the Sith getting his claws stuck in the wall. Seeing an opprotunity, Satine snap kicks Chaos in the head, then in the neck before he gets his claws free, and then slices downward with his sabre...
Chaos Alexander
Apr 15th, 2002, 05:53:24 PM
::Chaos's head hit the wall hard. Then he felt the pain rip down his neck. He only was able to think due to the robotic implants in the back on his brain. That made two implants that Satine would know about. Still one more though. The implant speed the proccessing time of his mind up. This allowed his to see teh world slower and react faster. He still held his saber in his left hand. He could feel Satien in teh Force as he swund down. Chaos blocked the saber with his own, and spun around catching Satine's second saber with his claw. He took a blind shot because he was dazed from the blow to the head. Luck was with him as connected to Satine's gut. Chaos struglled to keep his balance. They only reason he did was because of the implants.::
"Jedi are not 'Warriors' enough to kill. If they think so, they live a lie."
Apr 15th, 2002, 06:26:19 PM
Satine growls as he gets hit in the stomach, a shallow wound appearing there.
"I'm enough of a Warrior to rid this galaxy of the Darkness. You sith are the plague of the galaxy and I will be the white fire that cuts you out!"
Satine slashes viscouslly, Chaos barely blocking in time. The Jedi gives Chaos time for a counter attack, and he ducks it, bringing his sabres around fast, and bringing it across his opponent's gut, making him step back.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:00:34 AM
::Chaos jumps back allowing the Saber do 'minor' damage. That was his innards not spilling out. It was a slaoow wound, and teh Light Saber had burned it shut. All the more reason it hurt like the Nine-Hells. Chaos grabed some rocks and threw them at Satine in a blind rage. Satine easily moved out the path.
Chaos growled and spead up his speed of though. He charged Satine and the weapons met. Because of the inhanced thought speed, Chaos's reflexs were off the chart. Chaos parried one Satien attacks and lead his robotic fist into an opening right into Satine's face.::
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:07:46 PM
And as the fist connects, the JEdi goes flying, hitting a wall. His silver eyes flashing, Satine uses the Force, and creates a wall in front of Chaos, then motioing him to attack. As Chaos tries to oblige, he impacts full force into the wall, going down. It was a childish attack, but it was very satisfying.
Walking towards the Sith, Satine brings his lightsabres to bear, slashing down quickly...
Chaos Alexander
Apr 17th, 2002, 06:45:43 PM
::And energy blade appears on chaos's robot arm from elbow to wrist. He uses that as a shield in a way. He brought it up and blocked the blade. He breathed hard pushing the blade upward away from his(Chaos) body, Seeing that he could not get enough power on his back, Chaos kicks his foot hard from left to right. It sweeps Satine's out from under him, and sending him on his back. Chaos rolled to the side and jumped to his feet. Taking his own Saber into both hands, Chaos stabs downward toward Satine's chest.::
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:17:32 PM
Gathering the Force around him, Satine makes a last minute shield, stronger then most. Chaos's lightsabre bounces off, throwing the Sith back and allowing the Jedi to get back to his feet.
"Not bad...But I'm better!"
Satine growls as he jumps, slashign, and leaving no quarter, barely letting Chaos defend. The two continue on in this way for some time...
Chaos Alexander
Apr 18th, 2002, 05:22:03 AM
::Chaos blocked with his Claw and Saber, he attacked when able only to have his own attacks blocked by Satine.::
"Your not bad for a Jedi. Turn to the Dark. There may be hope for you yet."
::Chaos stepped back and jumped up. He pulled in as much of the Force as he could, then he used it to make himself hang in the air. His arm reformed to make the second of his three gun transformation. Instead of a hand there was now four small rapid fire gun barrels."
"They say some Jedi and Sith can absorb energy. Absorb This!"
::Chaos opened fire sending down a rain of, not energy, but bullets.::
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:59:13 PM
Satine quickly forms a shield, the bullets impacting and bouncing away.
"Why bother abosrbing what you can block?!" he yells back to his opponent, forming a fireball just outside of his shield and sending it zipping towards Chaos.
"And as for the Dark side, I've beent here. Look in the annals of TSE, and you'll see my picture under the name "Traitor"."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 19th, 2002, 09:48:06 PM
::Chaos starts to fall to the Earth. He slapped the Fireball away with his robotic arm. It was heat shielded and water proof. He landed took aim again. This time he channel the Dark Side of teh Force into his arm. The inner skeleton was made from Sith artifacts. It helped him channel energy for thing slike this. Chaos opened fire again. This time the bulltes were laced with Dark Energy.::
"The Dark holds the true power. Destruction. Hate. Lust. All here."
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:24:30 PM
Satine manages to shield against the first bolts, but notices the power of these ones. Dodging to the side, Satine throws two more fire bolts, causing Chaos to shy back a bit. The JEdi takes this time to jump behind a cart on the side of the street, feeling the bullets hit into the material of it.
"Right. But the Light is more powerful Chaos!" He calls, igniting his sabre again.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 21st, 2002, 11:18:40 AM
:: Chaos touchs the Chaos Amulet around his neck. He draws on it for power. Chaos holds out his hand and focuses on the car. As Satine hides behind the car, Chaos slams it backward with the Force. It pinned the Jedi to the wall. Chaos aims for the fuel tank of the car. He opens fire once fire once more.::
Apr 21st, 2002, 06:31:25 PM
Satine instictively forms a Force shield around himself, and gasps as the fuel tank blows, his shield wavering as it absorbs the energy. Turnign around, Satine slowly walks through the flames, sucking in the heat, and using it to strengthen his shield. He laughs at Chaos's look of surprise, and charges, forming a fire bolt that catches the Sith in the leg, and then slashing to the left with his sabre.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:38:05 PM
::Chaos fell to a knee. The Fire burned hot and he could feel the flesh scream with pain. Chaos ignites his saber and used it to block the blade.::
"Absorb energy? I'm impressed. Not an easy feat."
::Chaos's eyes glowed and his pulled power from teh Chaos Tailsmen once more. He channeled it once more into his arm. It ran through the Force artifacts and gathered energy. One shot deal. he wouldn't be able to do this again in this fight. The chain guns pushed apart and a black energy ball appeared. Chaos pointed at Satine's chest and fired. Pure Black Dark Side energy roared out and covered the Sith.::
"Behold the Chaos Flare."
Apr 22nd, 2002, 07:01:44 AM
Satine's eyes widen in surprise as the black ball hits him in the chest, burning him badly, and throwing him into, and then through the wall. The Jedi gasps in pain, and slowly gets back to his feet, the blast injurying him fairly bad. His armor flows over the wounds, and injects painkillers into his body. He smiles a bit, making a bluff that Chaos didn't hear the gasp, and says,
"Was that the best you could do?"
Chaos Alexander
Apr 22nd, 2002, 04:18:53 PM
::Chaos pointed his gun. The barrels spun, but no bullets came out. He could not do another blast like that again. He could onle consitrate so much Force energy through there without it messing up. He had to channel it himself. No oneelse could do it. That was teh draw back.::
"Darn. I'm out of bullets. I can't black Force bullets sence I did that blast as well.."
::Chaos growled as his arm returned to it's hand form. The claws jet out again.:
"I am very surpriced you took that so well. Very surpriced. Seems like I under estimated you a bit."
::Chaos Lunged foward with saber and claws swinging at him.::
Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:27:29 PM
Satine drops to the floor and rolls away, coming back to his feet a few feet away, his sabres held up in a defensive posture. As Chaos attacks again, Satne blocks and counters, snap kicking the Sith into a wall.
Chaos Alexander
Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:35:20 PM
::Chaos hits the wall with a grunt. He raises his hand and pulls in the Force. Anything not nailed down starts to fly at Satine. Chaos breaths deep as he blocks teh pain out of his back as well.::
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:17:25 AM
Satine forms a shield--reletively weak as he was beginning to tire--and the smaller objects bound away. The Jedi Knight slices and bats away the larger pieces, and then, suddenly, charges Chaos, ducking a slash, and then punching him hard in the gut.
"So, Chaos, you going to our sister's wedding?"
Chaos Alexander
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:37:37 PM
::Chaos doubles over and almost fall on his burnt leg. As he went down his cracked his head right into Satine with a sick head butt.::
"There may not be one. I may kill Shade."
Apr 24th, 2002, 07:32:07 AM
Satine hits the ground and slowly comes back up, sweeping Chaos's feet out from under him.
"You'd really do that? Cause that much pain to Xazor, and, in turn, your father?"
Chaos Alexander
Apr 24th, 2002, 06:13:06 PM
::Chaos fell on his back. He rolled over and jumped back up. he stabbed his blade at Satine once more.::
"He is unworthy of her hand. He is a coward that runs from his problems. she may be in pain for a while, but she will get over him."
Apr 25th, 2002, 06:50:44 PM
Satine jumps away from the blade, reaching into a pouch and letting fly three shurikens.
"Do not harm Shade. He is a good friend of mine, and now my brother-in-law. I will kill you if you harm Shade or Xazor..."
Chaos Alexander
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:32:35 PM
::Chaos raises his Robotic arm and the shurkens bounce off of it with ease.::
"Not if your dead."
::Chaos send a quick mental burst at Satine. Pure Dark Energy rushs through his mind for a second. It leaves him stuned for only a moment. That is enough time for Chaos though. Satine's eyes refocus to see Chaos's robotic hand crash straight between his eyes full force.::
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:56:44 PM
Satine flies backwards, losing conciousness before he hits the ground...
Chaos Alexander
Apr 28th, 2002, 02:59:23 PM
::Chaos floows with teh momentium and falls flat on his face. His burnt leg not able to support the lunge foward. Chaos grunted and pushed himself up. He drug his leg behind him as he went to Satine and picked up one of his blades. He tried to flex his robotic fingers and found he was having alot of trouble with it. He turned his arm to see three deep gashes in the metal and that some of the wires cut::
"How the frell did he throw them that hard?"
::Chaos made a mental note. Satine was a stronge enemy. One that me may not beat next time. Chaos was sure that Satine would find a way to neutralize Chaos' arm faster. When he did, Chaos would be in lots of trouble.
Chaos examined Satine's saber. Well crafted. Very, Very nice. Maybe Eve would like it? More than likely Chaos would return it after showing the Empire. With that Chaos turned to walk away.::
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