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Darth Lynch
Apr 13th, 2002, 12:20:20 PM
Temptation & Consequences

Life is fire;
Fire, ambition;
Ambition, tragedy;
Tragedy, life.

Journal Entry #743

Through endless days I've sat and imagined a world without darkness, one unified by hope and peace where the just save the weak from all dangers that may befall them. A place where there is no hardship, no damnation of the soul and the fires that wreck havoc by minds diseased are blessedly cured and freed from their inner demons.

Can a world of no battles and wars exist? A land where doors need not be locked and chained to prevent any force able entry. Can a race of man forget the meaning of the word hate and turmoil. Do the dreams and prayers of mortal man quell the fury of a God that controls them like puppets or can they cut the strings of their own folly insecurities.

When will man learn perfection.

Certainly not in our life time.

Without the devil there can exist no angels.

Four hours later........

"Lani can you hear me, I'm at the checkpoint. Made you wait didn't I"

Static rung out in his ears as he stood in the screaming wind, around him bustled a city of life. Standing upon an ledge stood the figure clad in black, his cloak soaring around him in the wind far below people walked along the streets, their world was renowned for its tranquility and peace with no major wars being fought on the planet for the last 2000 years, crime and assaults were all but tales similar to boogie men for untold generations.

"Director, everything is ready."

The woman's voice rung in his ears as he looked around at his surroundings. So many people traveling in vehicles whose engines roared to life bringing man into the skies to soar with the angels. If God had meant them to fly he would have gave them wings. Rustling under his cloak a leathery appendage shifted against his back.


All across the city armored men prepared their weapons, double checking them and giving each other silent nods. These were men of worlds The Sith Empire had controlled and than carelessly abandoned throwing their own respected governments into turmoil and anarchy. Many of the worlds lost vast number of sacred or valuable objects during the "End Reign" as it became known as. Many of the worlds who gained their freedom also soon learned their money had largely vanished. Many claimed corrupt officials had taken the money and tried to flee off world to prevent any war crimes from being prosecuted against them. The reality was the Sith Master himself had converted much of the worlds wealth into the basic credit currency and rerouted it elsewhere causing a severe economic crash on those worlds that were abandoned. Save for some New Republic and TGE forces many were left to rot.

No reason to let any new rulers or governments have an easy start even if they were taken. The economic and civil wars would cause months if not years worth of turmoil and chaos. The Sith Master relished it all. It had all been too easy as he helped to rule from afar through numerous shadow cabinets and spies for a time.

These men now with weapons so foreign to this planet was some of those soldiers, police, mercs and undesirables. When The Sith Empire left they had little money and little hope for anything save their own grief and rage to support them as their own people suffered so from the blight that came to engulf them so.

Now they were being paid handsomely for the destruction of another people who's souls were better than their own. They no longer cared. The money could set them up for life, save their own families they had left on their decaying worlds. Damn the galaxy if it meant saving their own.

All around the city they lay hidden, waiting. Some excited paced back and forth wanting to get this under way. When the day arrived they moved to co ordinates around every school, hospital, government building, religious institution and other carefully marked targets. They pointed several small ground based missiles toward their targets and prepped their blasters.

The day was on of celebration in the city. The local hero of the interstellar championship had returned victorious. Parades were already under way in some sections, fireworks were planned to explode over the city mid day. Having spliced into the computer order and eradicated the order, Lynch had instead arranged for something else and carefully made sure it was people of his own choosing who delivered the new cargo.

"Director. We await your word."

The time was now, it was all arranged. Time to let it begin.

"The word is Zero Hour Alpha"

Missiles blasted forth from their canceled areas exploding into buildings. Men and women were tossed across rooms or hit by debris as the attack began. Some unlucky ones were killed instantly by the explosions, their bodies torn apart. Opening fire from blasters the troopers began the assault to cripple as much as they could, every institution could be used to set up an make shift hospital and that could not be allowed. Through the doors of the hospital and several clinics men stormed the buildings opening fire on patients and doctors alike killing without discretion and setting off numerous small explosive devices destroying as much medical equipment as possible.

Smoke raised in the sky as reports broadcast on the planet spoke of masked men laying siege with many areas such as schools, churches, government buildings and the hospitals being assaulted with no regard for age, gender of life being made. Anyone viewed was a target. The city was beginning to be thrown into chaos. As concerned parents raced to the schools to see if their children alright they would face a grisly sight, anyone seeking to turn to the government would find those in charge dead or fleeing for their own lives, those who were injured and attempted to find help for themselves, loved ones or friends would find their physicians killed or incapacitated themselves.

As a shocked and unprepared city began to hear what was happening the second plan of the siege began. Rockets that were meant to celebrate the day erupted into the skies over head exploding one after the other many did not even make it high into the sky but mid way between buildings and the explosions themselves held not festive light shows but discharged EMP waves.

Computer terminals went dead as lights faded into darkness and the screams began. Vehicles dependent on their computer systems spattered and died to life becoming hundred mile speeding make shift missiles as they crashed in one another and into the buildings around them as they began to fall to earth. Far below stunned pedestrians looked up at the explosions as their expressions turned to horror, glass, metal and cinder fell down on top of them. Vehicles of screaming people too fell down colliding into the streets down blow to explode. Some plowed through groups of running civilians as they tried to flee the open streets, their bodies crushed and torn asunder as metal death rained upon them.

Smiling in grim satisfaction the Sith looked on as buildings erupted into flame and bodies were sent to crash down on the streets below. From his lips he whispered about them relying on their mechanical devices too much. A scream in the air behind him made him turn around to see an large transport bus falling towards his location, sweeping his cloak back over one shoulder he pointed his arm out towards it his hand open almost telling the bus to cease its descent.

Instead its metal screamed and tore as a tapped force sent it spinning in an opposite direction. Downward it flew into a building crashing through its walls and exploded. He thought he heard a chuckle, turning around he regarded a ghost for a moment before it vanished into the air. Smoke from fires were littering the skyline now.

Time to began the search while the people were dazed, confused and lost. They had no hope, they had no chance, the galaxy gave up caring a long time ago. They were now in the kingdom of hell. This was one world, it might be the start of many more to come. A galaxy of death and destruction.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Apr 14th, 2002, 06:07:47 PM
The day was to be one of celebration and joy. Of goodwill and the expression of hope and victory. The uniting as one community under the banner of congratulations for the Interstellar Champion. The city had been preparing for months. All the invited dignitaries had arrived in their usual pomp and circumstance - their miriads of security, attaches and go-fers trailing in their wake.

Nissorinnah herself had arrived two days prior to conduct talks with the Mayor of the city. They had high hopes of making progress with the innercity patrols to continue keeping the crime against the common people to a minimum. The NRSF had training programms that would benefit the city and the Envoy wanted to propose them to the necessary officials. Talks had gone well and things were looking promising.

Seated 4 chairs down from the Mayor, Nissorinnah watched the gathered throng through her intensely blue calm eyes. It gladdened her spirit to see such hope in so many. The yoke of TSE had been removed, miraculously, and though the transition as a 'free' planet had been rough, there now seemed light at the end of the tunnel.

The first rocket shot into the sky.

The smiles of joy froze on the upturned faces as instead of a display of coloured irridecance, there was an almighty explosion - the first of so many - and buildings erupted in fire and violence around them. In a matter of moments, the city was chaos. Debris flew about and bodies desintegrated into peices everywhere one looked. The shock was complete.

A mad scramble and the Envoy felt herself pulled from her chair by two strong arms. It was Offee. Never from her side for an instant, her loyal attache' pulled her as carefully as he could into the relative saftey of the government building.

On the streets below a dark figure moved off unconcernedly into the Mayhem while the Envoy a short distance away,struggled to get her orientation and bearings once again.

Darth Lynch
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:29:27 PM
A mad rush of people was all around him now.

They pushed against each other, shoved each other and even struck one another to get out of the way of the mayhem around them. From the sky rain craft turned to bombs and some spiraled downward crashing into or against buildings before striking ground or a building below them solidly. Inside these mechanical beast as they plunged where the wails and screams of men, women and child who lived only seconds before their world gave from free fall to oblivion.

I remember walking amongst them, many were running in the opposite direction of the way I was making my way too, fear etched on their faces, terror beat in their hearts and tears flowed freely. Those who got in my way were stabbed with a small blade I held in my hand or knocked out of my way with my fist, both were effective enough.

A building half collapsed lay sprawled out on the road in from of me, never changing my course I walked among the debris and started climbing up the wreckage piece by piece. Halfway up I passed by an arm sticking out, limp and devoid of any life, to whom it belonged I would never know or cared. The person was crushed beneath the pieces of the home that had housed her which in turn had become her tomb.

As I made my way atop the debris I stopped and picked up a small teddy bear half buried in the rubble. Shaking it free of dirt I heard a pitiful cry. Forward I moved on and looked around for the source of the sound. A piece of the building behind me gave way as I walked on some of the fragile "ground" and slammed into my back, lurching forward I griped my back, at the most it was bruised but it was a lesson well learned to be careful. As dangerous as the surroundings were now to the people here it could harm me as well.

My wings unfurled when the piece of wall had hit me and another cry rung out on the air. Following the sound I saw a man buried by pieces of the building on his chest that prevent him from getting free. It did not matter much either way, one of his legs was severed at the knee and hung grotesquely by a thread of bloody meat to the rest of his leg and foot.

His face was dirty and his eyes stung by the smoke that had risen when his home gave way around him. He could only see me approaching and even then I knew he could not really see in any great detail save dark shadow or shade, he stared mouth agape when he noticed my wings. "A-ngel?"

With that he reached up with one hand that trembled in pain. Reaching down I took his arm and kneeled beside him, his grip was tight and he smiled as pain flowed throughout his body. A smile spread to my face as I moved a hand to his face and griped his nose blocking the passage of air. Feverishly his arm crawled at my arm before the fight and life left his body, eyes rolled up and his arm fell by his side.

I had wasted enough time, standing I proceeded to cross the remaining pieces of the building to the road who's solid stable ground was a blessing. Dropping the teddy bear that I still had with me I proceeded on, there were important matters to attend too. Never did I once look back and see the bear landing beside a half shredded picture of a family, never once did I care to look back thinking of those who had died as anything more than sheep.

In all the galaxy only one creed mattered. The strong survived, the weak perish.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Apr 19th, 2002, 08:48:09 PM
"Quickly Envoy! We should go this way, the building is not stable."

The young man in his once polished and pressed uniform, now coated in thick dust and torn on the sleeves, was doing his best to herd the Mayor and other dignitaries to saftey. The mayhem outside was relected in the unruly and panicking group.

"How can we run, when so many need help? Take the Mayor to safety so he can co-ordinate rescue and medical help. Barris Offee and I, and (turning to the Mayor) any you can spare to come with us will see what we can do here."

The Mayor counted off the majority of his men to join the Jedi Master and her attache in aiding those outside in the streets.
The group divided and both parties made haste asmuch as the rubble and falling remnants of the city structures allowed.

Nissorinnah's heart sank as she saw the carnage first hand. An almost overwhelming dismay flooded each one of the rescue party as they took in the scope of the devistation this unprovoked attack had brought.

In pairs, and individually, the group moved off, doing what they could do release those trapped, to ease the pain and suffereing of the wounded, to begin to make a small difference right where they were. As the hope and thanks of those they came across touched them, they were encouraged and inspired to do as much as they could.

Stopping to use her force ability to help lift a giant girder from a hovercab that had 3 individuals trapped and calling for help inside - her eyes caught the dark hem of a long cloak just as it disappeared around the corner of a building, a small childs bear tossed from a pale hand.

A sickening sensation washed over the Envoy as a realisation that the individual she had just glimpsed exuded a wicked aura - strong, violent and determined - and she knew somehow that person had something to do with all the horror she saw about her.

She rested a light hand on her trusted friend's arm as he worked beside her. "Stay here and help, Barris. Use your healing knowledge."

She looked back over her shoulder to the place the person had vanished beyond.

"I want to check on something."

The attache nodded and watched briefly as Nissorinnah began to pick her way through the debris, and then turned back to the task at hand.

Aura StarRider
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:51:18 PM
Sifting through the rubble, a gray hand shot out into a clenched fist.

"Help me, I cant breathe. The pain...I can't stand the pain."

The noble Knight moved the twisted durasteel frame off the young man's body with the aid of the Force. Quelling a gasp at the gory spectacle before her, Aura knelt down by the blond teenager, appearing to be no more than 18. His torso was severed in half. How he had survived so long, was beyond her years of reckoning. She gently placed a hand over his forehead, speaking to him softly, as he fell into an unconscious state, till death claimed his conclusion.

"Sleep now, help will arrive."

Sensing danger, Aura spun around to detect three blaster rifles sighting on her proximity. In a blur of velocity, she unclipped her saber hilt, igniting the scarlet core, before the vermilion beams found their target, deflected harmlessly off the energy lance.

"Blast her! She's a Jedi!" barked the ranking trooper.

Parrying the death rays once again, she diverted one projectile into the chest of the trooper flanking her right. He went down face first, following an audible grunt. Advancing on the other two, she spun off into a low crouch severing one soldier in half at the hip, as she raked her blade diagonally across his torso.

The commanding trooper squeezed off a practiced shot, coercing her to dive with seasoned agility to her left, in a graceful shoulder roll. Force pushing him back, her palm extended, the trooper lost his balance over a cross beam. Aura moved on him, slicing off the barrel of his rifle, rendering it ineffective. The man's eyes widened in shock as she brought the barbed lance before his throat.

"Tell me, who is behind this."

He stuttered a bit, till finally spilling what she wanted and expected to hear.

"The Sith Master."

The Knight nodded, letting him escape. She knew who it was before he presented himself. His vile corrupt soul stabbed deeply into her conscious, like a spear of dissolution.

"Jedah Lynch, show yourself. Or are you reluctant to get your hands dirty in this demoniac escapade you so tirelessly fashioned."

She knew she may have to sacrafice herself for the good of the populace, to deliver this heinous creature to the gates of damnation.

Gurney Devries
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:46:10 PM
'Rubble' would hardly describe the mess left where Drudge Dango Cantina - one of the best in the world, by all reports - once stood. The Cantina served - or, rather, used to serve - what was arguably some of the best Spice Beer that credits could buy. And, as of roughly five minutes ago, Gurney Devries was ruefully regretting his decision to stop for a drink on his way back to Arcan IV.

One of the shallow piles of broken permacrete, no more than 3 feet high, began to move - seemingly of its own accord. A rock here, a stone there until, after a few minutes of tedious and quite invisible manipulation, the tattered form of a cloaked man was revelaed underneath. His chest raised and fell rythmically as its owner attempted to gather enough strength to stand. After a few more minutes, he settled for simply sitting up.

"Ow... Krasst, that hurts."

Gently, the Padawan touched a spot on his chest where he was certain he'd cracked a few ribs. White pain blossomed at the touch but, thankfully, it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought - only 3 of his ribs were actually broken, and just about the rest of them were bruised. He laid his hand flat across his chest, closing his eyes and attempting to clear his mind - an arduous task, to be sure. He had learned the basics of healing one's injuries with the Force at the Academy, but he never really had need to use the talent. And now that he did, of course, he found it nearly impossible to accomplish.

"Frelling Force," he grumbled, pulling a canister of Bacta off his belt instead. Splashing some on the mostly superficial wounds he had, Gurney noticed the end of a bone peeking out from his left shoulder. With a grimace, he shoved it back in place, splashing some more Bacta on the opening there.

Wobbly, a bit unsteadily, Gurney managed to force himself to stand. No sooner had he decided that the ground was not really doing sickening cartwheels did the sound of blaster fire fill the air. Imperial Repeater Rifles, by the sound of it. After grumbling out a string of obscenities and lurching over to dry heave for a moment, the not-quite-young Padawan made his way over to the source of the commotion. An almost reflexive grope at his side confirmed that his borrowed lightsaber was indeed still there.

Darth Lynch
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:30:53 PM
Smoke flowed into the air as the Sith Master continued down his path through the street which lay torn and littered with remains of the dead and debris alike, as he approached an intersection wrecked with the remains of hover craft in flames he heard the cries shouted through the air, people ran in herds as his men with weapons behind them opened fire on the discovered citizens who had taken shelter in a holy building not far away. The hired hands had broken in slaughtering the monks before leading the frightened masses out into the street where they began to randomly open fire on the hostages who began to flee.

The men laughed as they shot into the backs of the helpless and scared crowd. "Make sure you get'em Falir you want to rack up a good point total if you want a decent pay." The other unshaven man armed an high intensity laser beam weapon and pulled in the trigger that shot out a bright red beam slicing into the clothing and skin of several causing them to fall in agony where they died. Pulling out a fusion grenade one man hurled it before the crowd and watched as men and women were knocked into the air either whole or in pieces by the explosion. "Worry about yourself ya bearbug piss lovin freak."

Walking towards the people as they fled towards him the Sith Master held out both arms downward at an angle, in a blur he retrieved an scimitar from a scabbard and an light saber lay activated in his right hand. Tearing through them the metal blade sliced into flesh each cut meant to seriously maim not kill, the lightsaber he handled was far less forgiving, killing all those that met its touch. Bodies fell at his feet, the peoples faces frozen in panic, fear and pain. Those that received wounds from the scimitar griped their bloody cuts as they fled not realizing how badly they truly were, a few did not even go far as they looked upon their own blood and began to scream hysterically.

Mixed with the blood the smell of the smoke, roasted flesh and dust was thick in the air. The two hired hands nodded to him as they lifted their weapons and laughed shooting off several rounds into the air triumphantly. One lowered his weapon and smirked when he saw one person crawling on their knees, the man was not seriously hurt. Aiming towards his target he pulled the trigger.

The weapon was jerked upwards by an invisible force, Falir turned his head slightly angry then fought to wash away the angry expression when he saw the Siths hand pointed towards him. With a mild curiosity he watched the Sith near the person.

Gripping the man about the neck he was lifted up in the air and placed on his feet where the terrified man was held by the Siths unforgiving grip. Holding up an hand in front of the mans face the Sith lips began to move in a whisper nearly inaudible. The man flinched as he felt a pain slashed through his stomach, tossing the man forward to the street the three watched him stagger off hunched over in pain.

He felt an sensation. A familiar presence he had met a single time before. A young Jedi woman he had bitten outside of Ramas bar, he had drank from her blood, tasted her essence leaving her free to go after his feast and violation of her soul that he tainted with an ever lasting dark mark. On random days he would send her visions, illusions within her mind that taunted her and embedded within her mind the image of him holding her and taking her blood as she was helpless to fight back after he had let loose a powerful dark side attack against her body leaving her broken.
She came knowing he was here, the bite had left her sensitive to his presence, on this planet he now called into her mind, assaulted and mocked the memories of the Jedi she had come to know, daring her to seek him out.

Mind games.

How he loved these.

So often he would call to her, mocking her existence as a light Sider, making joke of all the Jedi had stood for. Laughing at what the GJO existed as, cowards that could not, would not met the greatest known dark side group ever in the galaxy. The mighty and terrifying powerful collective group known as The Sith Empire had lay siege to the galaxy for many years surviving where no other did or gaining continued success where newer and less wisely lead groups faltered and rotted. The only other group ever to inspire nearly as much terror had been the Rogue Sith Order and Lynch had been instrumental in that creation, a group that sprung from his mind and need to exist around the greatest and continue the quest to wreck havoc in the galaxy. Once it had been so.

One day it might be again when he decided so.

Lynchs green eyes glowed at the thought. Leaving the two men to continue on with their genocidal quest he approached an building finely crafted with skill, a house of learning. A library. Fortunately the building itself had escaped damage. Pushing open its solid oak doors that beckoned to a day long since passed he entered into the silent halls, his foot steps causing no sound. Data pads were tossed to the ground, abandoned when the attacks had began, seats were over turned and scattered from the tables they would normally be positioned.

Walking up a flight of stairs that twisted around an pillar he made his way across the second floor of the grand building, vast archives lining the walls. Sebastian had been waiting since the attack begun, the building had shook and the generated light had gone for well past an hour now. Holding his hands in each other his elbows were positioned on the table, his head held low.

"You are here, good."

Looking up Sebastian saw there standing the Sith whom he had served in months past. The last of which had been during the RSO days, before the end rule of Emperor Havok, the Sith Master had given Sebastian an generous pay and sent him off for a time when he would be summoned next. For a brief time Sebastian had enjoyed the rich careful lifestyle until the day the Sith Master had contacted him sending him to the planet to look for a book.

It had taken some time and effort plus a rather healthy donation to the chief Librarian to be granted access to the old archives. A week and three days it took to find what he seeked and now he held the tome on the table beside him. Picking up the book he held it out to the Sith.

"This is it, it has what you told me to look for."

Eyeing the book than the Sith he tried to study the face of Lynch. "May I ask to whom I speak to this day?"

Slowly staring up from the book to Sebastian the Sith grinned as his eyes glowed dark green. A massive discharge of energy lashed out from around the Sith Masters body knocking Sebastian backwards, the green outline of a man hovered in the air and faded into Lynchs body. Easing off the energy began to gradually fade, carefully Sebastian rose to his feet, his heart beat running rapid in his chest when he dared to speak.

"It is you...where did he go?"

Placing the book squarely on the table the Sith ran his hand over the cover feeling its surface against his hand. "He.....they are here with me."

Sebastian wary did not question the dark mans words. "I have performed the duty called of me, is there anything else?"

Pulling out a seat he sat down and began to read the tome waving a hand dismissing Sebastian. Nodding Sebastian decided it was time to go, he froze when the voice speak out to him. "Your sacrifice is appreciated."

Sebastian's heart beat began to rapidly thump in his chest, he tried to speak feeling great strain all of a sudden, his arms felt like lead, his legs would not move, his body shook and bones snapped as they were torn from their joints. With a sickening ripping sound of flesh Sebastian was torn to bloody chunks and his insides dropped to the floor, blood trickled to the Siths boots.

Through the streets the man ran, pain was clearly on his face since his run in with the cloaked man who let him go, his arms tightened around his stomach were stained with blood. He tried to scream help, managing mere whispers of the word. In the distance he saw a woman, quickly before her he cried out help and reached out for her. His intestine than poured forth from his stomach in a red gush as he reached for her, his boot slipping on the spilled organ caused him to trip and fall to the ground where he died at the foot of Nissorinnah.

"Ya bearbug piss lovin freak, what is this? A bar?" Standing out near the entrance to the drink hole Falir conversed with two others who had arrived ignoring the commentary of his comrade. "You dont want a quick drink? Not like there is anything in there to worry about, some drunks at the best, so who wants to knock first?"

Gurney Devries
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:18:53 AM
The sound of the guard's swaggering voice was still hanging in the air as the first round went clean through his head. His eyes wide, the man brought one hand up to gingerly inspect the brand new airvent in the center of his forehead… right before collapsing in a heap on the ground. All of which took place in the span of but a few heartbeats. And before the man’s body even hit the floor, two more shots rang out, putting equally large holes through vital areas of the other men, as well. Back on the other side of the flimsy doors, through which the shots had gone clean through, Gurney was busy putting his NRSF-issue Railgun back in its holster.

“Worthless Dren,” he grumbled as he walked out and over their bodies, spitting on one for good measure. Normally, Gurney wouldn’t waste the energy on something so flagrantly rude. But he was in a real pisser of a mood, and simply shooting a few of the people responsible wasn’t helping nearly enough.

The daylight was harsh against the Padawan’s eyes, which were quite senstive, and Gurney found it necessary to draw his tattered hood back up around his face. Something was nearby, of that he was certain now. Something dark… and palpably evil. Feeling but the lightest twinge of the Force attempting to guide him, he followed the invisible trail of breadcrumbs it left him. Climbing, sometimes leaping over the piles of debris, Gurney (who was quite more agile than most people took him for) made his way to the mostly-intact library. Ironic that a Sith would choose a place of learning to cower in.

Mentally bracing himself, Gurney Devries pushed open the heavy oak doors which the Sith Master had gone through but a scant few minutes before. When he heard the soft splashing sound his footfalls were making, the padawan looked down to discover the crimson puddle which he stood in, already growing cold. And there, but a few yards away, was the man – the thing, which had spilled this blood.

“I do hope yer proud o’yerself, Sith. Anything you would like me ta put down as yer epitaph, or should I just bury you here?”

Envoy Nissorinnah
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:45:44 AM
The Envoy's heart broke to see the man in such pain and terror. He had been violated in such an awful manner, and the Jedi could do nothing to comfort him. It was too late and the man died at her feet.

Nissorinnah was an ambassador of peace. She was not a fighter, a warrior. Though a skilled master, she did not seek to solve things through violence, but rather through diplomatic reason.


This was different. The onslaught that this planet was taking on the whim of the evil ones must not go unanswered or unpunished. She would do what needed to be done...


The dark robed Jedi had entered the Library ahead of her, and so she followed him. As she heard his challenge to the Sith..and the large man WAS a Sith... Nissorinnah was proud of her fellow Jedi.
She ignighted her violet lightsaber and stepped up beside him. Her calm blue eyes held a determined light in them as she stared directly at Jedah Lynch.

"You will be made accountable for this outrage. We will answer you with your own blood."

Aura StarRider
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:06:58 PM
A fog of dejection held the Jedi Knight in its despondent clutches. Without thinking, she had taken two lives. It was of self preservation, still, the act had defiled and stained her soul, what would be for an eternity.

Aura had been subjected to illusions for days since landing on this planet, her meditations showered with fragments of a past encounter with the Sith Master, Jedah Lynch. In the academy at the GJO, she had learned to dispel these visions, until now. At times, she could feel his polar breath and stinging bite, her blood ingested in generous swallows, as if it were incarnate. The excruciating pain of the multiplied lightning blasts to her body, evoked a conspicuous flinch. Yet these were only dreams of an elapsed time of her near brush with death.

She let loose a labored sigh, ambling through the accumulated wreckage. A wasted exhibit, that had grown to be a normal part of the smoldering vista. The people for the most part, had sought shelter within the ruins. Their lives forever altered by the sad chain of events that had unfolded on this day of desecration.

There was no denying it, Aura felt a potent surge drawing her to the Dark Master. She would use this twisted bond between them as an advantage to locate this Master of liquidation. Before her stood the library, remarkably more intact than the rest of the buildings. She climbed the stairs, abruptly ceasing her ascention. His cryptic signature made her hesitant to move on. Was it fear that was freezing her motivation, or the reluctance to be responsible for killing more people he controlled to do his evil bidding. Aura stood there, as she sunk deeply into the abyss of her mind calculating answers, debating on her next step into the malignant den he was ulcerating.

Darth Lynch
May 11th, 2002, 02:30:41 PM
All the answers he had been looking for were indeed held in the old book he gazed at with near trembling reverence and distant familiarity . An old text from ages so long and distant ago. From another era when there existed an grand army of dark side users, a vast group of Sith that had came to be and began their domination of the galaxy. A time when powerful Sith Lords waged battle on each other to claim dominance and the armies that would follow them to the deeds of the dark side that embraced their soul and marked the future as theirs in their visions.

So long ago...and yet it had been a story repeated now for thousands of years. It had been a faltering dream. To crush the Jedi firmly under the boot of the dark side and take their rightful rule as supreme governors of the galaxy, its one true over seers and voice of command. A voice that would bring life and death in a simple word.

The word of the Sith.

For all their failure and triumphs so too were the Jedi faltering in their dream for peace and prosperity. During any age when the Sith had been near eradication or subdued they always gave rise once more to powerful armies and deeds that claimed untold lives and destroyed many civilizations. Two orders, one of darkest night and the other of brightest day.

Resting against the chair he greedily ran his eyes over the words taking in the information. His mind worked and ached with an near insatiable command to devour what lay within this tome. To take its precious and hidden secrets that spawned back to the past to times spoken almost like legend, fables for the night and cautionary tales to warn others against giving into the dark side and its call.

A cold sensation ran down his spine, so lost had he been in the words that captivated him he had not really noticed the presence of those that would dare and try to stop him. His gaze that had been so fixated and burned to the book turned up in silent contempt and hatred to those that spoke towards him.


Why did these miscreants bother to interrupt my hour of glory with their own failed vision and laughable sense of morality. Did these so called keepers of the peace think they could stop what had already begun. Their being here in this room with me offended me

So intent with their goal of ceasing this mayhem they were, the look in their eyes left no doubt they meant to stop me with every capable ounce of their resolve.

Resolve could be bent, broken and in time destroyed to fashion anew truth. A new perception of right and wrong. To see what so many of us knew to be the one true reality. Not the lies and mindless words the Jedi council spun and hovered before their loyal and mindless troops.

If they meant to stop me, they would pay dearly.

It was time to see what perceptions these people had.

"Welcome o'bringers of light and generous conduct. Welcome to this humble room...but alas I do not see why you are here troubling a simple man like myself."

With a wave of his hand he pointed it to one of the many windows of the library, its bottom right corner lay shattered and cracked giving open access to the sounds of the outside world. Every so often a scream would be heard among the sound of laser fire. The hired troops were still out there, killing, butchering whatever semblance of life they came across. Now too did come the call of discharged cannon fire that echoed in the distance against buildings with low shouts that left no doubt that more were dying.

"Especially when those ruffians are out there killing our dear people, is it not your job to be out there saving them?"

An almost wicked grin came to his face, the pretense of his words they would not buy he knew even if he spoke truly of the killing but such times as these a brief time to converse and belittle ones adversaries was a common act he enjoyed participating in so.

Aura StarRider
May 23rd, 2002, 07:53:43 AM
"Why is it, when a vast assemblage of mercenaries kill with a hell bent dogmatism, I find you, Sith Master Jedah Lynch, basking in discernable approbation? You are the facilitator of this devastation unleashed by your command. There is no doubt about it. I sense it, and I see the others are aware of your ruthless crusade as well."

Aura nodded to the other Jedi, as she stepped further into the library following her proclimation at the door, dispensing with the pleasantries of a customary introduction, as the Sith before her was riveting her attention like a perilous meteor storm.

"And you so blatantly scoff, why we do not attempt to save, what would amount to be an abortive endeavor? We are not as foolish as you have so smugly ascertained, Sith Master. To destroy the commander of this enterprise, we cease the massacre. How would your army be fully paid, if the reputed Jedah Lynch were to be slain? I know mercenaries, their souls may lay barren, but they only act out of greed. You have succeeded in sealing your fate. There is no escape for you, this time."

Gliding a hand to her saber hilt, Aura waited on his response, while she unclipped the elegant weapon from her belt, activating the incandescent core of energy, following with an audible drone, basking the Jedi Knight in its scarlet hue. It would take split second timing, and cultivated agility, to even level a wound on the blasphemous paramount Darksider. Aura centralized on the Force, congregating the lightside energy for the upcoming battle, she sensed would ensue from the altercation.