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Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2002, 02:13:56 PM
The New Republic licks it's wounds from from Thrawn's onslaught, too busy to rally against the retreating Empire. Thrawn himself had been assasinated by his own Norghi bodyguard. Confused and without decisive leadership, the pattern of minor bickering among Imperials begins to emerge again. Luke Skywalker begins to seek out potential canidates to form a new generation of Jedi. Talon Karrde begins to forge an Alliance between smugglers

Coruscant, the seat of the New Republic, is badly damaged by errant cloaked asteriods. The body count is in the tens of thousands, and after a week, hope of finding survivors is next to nothing...

22-11-9 ABY, 1732 Local Time, Crey District, Coruscant: Search Zone 48

Search Team 238 roved about the broken permacrete landscape, sensor packs in hand. Most of it's members were exhausted from climbing about the rubble. But as former residents of this area, they really had nowhere to go, and so, with little hope left in thier hearts at this point, they continued. Three blocks behind them a twenty story tall recyler driod tore into a crumbling building, gorging itself with the rubble.

Damage had been worse in this quarter, many of the buildings were thousands of years old and on their last legs. Abrubtly, the landscape shook as the rubble the droid was working gave up and settled onto itself. Silently, they passed a flask between them, and then continued on. If they stopped too long, the shock would settle in. Some had been awake for 36 hours: sleep was a dreaded thing, a time when the screams of lost loved ones and friends visited them.

The sun began to set as the team continued thier search, and perhaps for the first time in over 10,000 years, real night visited Coruscant. Sensor packs glowed, and hand lights illuminated the path. Through the rubble

A sigh and hand whiped sweat and grime off a forehead as the commlink relayed another corpse found. The proffesionals that had been sprinkled between the local volunteers had morosely called anything after Day 4 "Corpse Duty".

Today was Day 5, and those words were too true. The sky finished its transition to tar pitch, but a blue light began to agressively blink on one of the sensor readers.

"Lifesign! Lifesign! Stop the droid!"

Like ants, the beings working around the recyler droid flitted about the rubble, twoard the call.

The massive, lumbering recyling droid stuttered to a halt.

Muttering over the comlink, the driod operator grumbled, "It had better not be another goddamn dog."

"Get a 'lift and bring the laser cutter. Looks humaniod."

Most of the rescue team didn't bother holding their breath, but simply went about their work glumly. A few of the more optimistic crossed their fingers as the massive piece of permacrete was lifted free.

The lead medic rushed in. "He's alive! Minor concussion, right arm is gone, but he's intact where it counts."


Morgan woke in a stretcher against a wall. The last thing he remembered was cooking breakfast when the world exploded.

Lifting his head slowly, he looked around. The entire hallway was lined with other people who weren't critically injured. He spat the water drip tube from his mouth, and began to test his limbs. Left arm seemed work ok... Morgan lifted it experimentally, noting the intravenous tubes and the high-absorbency patches.

He tried his right arm and gasped. Settling back into the gurney, the slicer gingerly pulled the sheet away from his arm, lifted his head again, and stared.

It was essentially smushed. With a sigh, he looked around again.


Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 12th, 2002, 02:50:32 PM
:: Soolin turned at the sound of the man's voice. She had kept a mindful watch on him and walks over with a canteen in her hand ::

"Congratulations, you're still alive."

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2 bgcolor=#C0C0C0><tr><td><table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=center><center><img src=http://thesithempire.clanpages.com/sigshop/Soolin/baby07.jpg></center></td><td><img src=http://thesithempire.clanpages.com/sigshop/Soolin/soolin.jpg></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>

Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2002, 03:11:49 PM
"Thanks, I think."

Gritting his teeth, he sat up and swung his legs so they hung over the edge of the gurney, and slumped against the wall. Curses flowed from him like water from an ocean. He opened his eyes again, a pair of pained narrow slits stared at Soolin for a moment before closing shut again.

"Frellit!" Morgan gasped. "Frellit. Didn't they dope me up? Nevermind, wouldn't have dun anythin' anyway."

He glanced down at his arm, the red, mangled thing that used to be a useful limb. It looked like it was broken in maybe 4 places, which would explain why it was bent the wrong way.

"So... why am I one the many people linin' these walls?"

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 12th, 2002, 03:24:36 PM
"Don't be in such a hurry, I need to fix that arm of yours first."

Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2002, 03:36:12 PM
"Please do."

"The last thing I remember was cooking breakfast when the building collapsed. What happend?"

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 12th, 2002, 03:55:23 PM
"We were attacked. Asteroids were released outside of orbit and gravity did the rest."

:: raises a brow as she looks into his eyes, but sets to the task of setting his arm ::

"This is going to hurt."

Morgan Evanar
Apr 12th, 2002, 04:54:34 PM
"Already does."

Morgan grabbed the edge of the stretcher with his good hand, eyes wide as Soolin moved his arm to better inspect it.

There was a brief pop as she reset his lower forearm. His eyes went wide again before snapping shut.

"Hurry up." came through clenched teeth.

Pop: Morgan jerked his head back and into the wall, tears streaming down his face. His mind raced, trying to find some sort of safe place to hide from the pain, but found none. No solace.

Pop: Soolin reset the dislocated elbow, and the nerves went from screaming to total panic.


Pop: The shock bordered on being overbearing as she slid his shoulder back into the socket with a sudden jolt. Burning pain wracked his body, and all he could see was white.

"Ahh... agrh."

How long it took to subside, he did not know. But gradually, the white faded to the edges.

Apr 12th, 2002, 05:35:15 PM
Hera stumbled into the building tired, hungry and a little disorientated. She was no stranger to war - her homeworld of Kwaylon had been embroiled in clan wars for years, but it was more the hand-to-hand, sword-against-sword type battle - not asteroids falling from the sky to annihilate whole city blocks.
Here she was a stranger - in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was not her fight, but unfortunately, it was her problem.

For days she had avoided injury, roaming the city at night trying to find some way to leave this gawd-forsaken place. But had not much luck.

She needed a place to sleep and get her head together. All the mayhem and chaos didnt really bother her, but it made it hell to try get a decent nights sleep. Not to mention the stench of decaying bodies still unrecovered from the "Corpse Patrols."

She entered to the sound of low moans of the wounded and dying and was just about to leave as it seemed no better a place to rest than outside in the streets. But then she heard voices, and the chance of some news or updates...and maybe some food encouraged her to move further into the building.

Approaching the man on the gurney and the woman attending to him, Hera asked if there was anyone around her who could help her.




Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2002, 11:33:06 PM
22-11-9 ABY, 1750 Local Time, underneath the Crey District, Coruscant

Darven groped for her hand in the darkness. "Are you there Lilaena?"

The fifteen year old girl whispered, "Yes, I'm here. Still. I don't think I'm going anywhere." From under a pile of rubble, deep underneath the main levels of Coruscant, a few fingers were exposed, and they wriggled a little. Darven Calmoarn touched them again, as he looked back over his shoulder. "You have to go, Darven, this whole area is going to go down." Her voice was weak, but there was still an edge of strength in it.

The man hesitated once more. "I don't want to leave you, Lilaena." Barely a man, the twenty two year old spice courier frantically looked over the wall of rubble again. Perhaps there was a way....

"Darven, go!" Lilaena's voice broke, and she moaned in pain. She was trapped in a pocket between three slabs of duracrete, but as the droids above dug down, the slabs could shift at any moment. Anyone standing beside them could be killed as well. Her right side was also warm, as if there were fires burning closer to her. There was some scuttling in the rocks on the other side, as he stepped back from the rubble.

"I'm going for help. Hang in there, I'll be right back!" More sounds of small rocks moving as he took off down the passageway.

Lilaena faced facts: She was a runaway from an orphanage, and lived in the underlayers of Coruscant. Grand Admiral Thrawn had just decimated most of the planet with his cloaked asteroids. It had been all over the holovids, as people panicked, awaiting their destruction. Rescue efforts were going on above her, she could hear the rumble of the droids above her. Far, far above her.

She and Darven had escaped the worst of the destructiuon when it had occured five days ago. But she had convinced him that foraging around under the impact crater would be profitable, and then her trouble had really started. They had barely reached the edge of the rubble filled crater, twenty three levels down from inhabitated levels, when something had shifted in the heap. A wall had collapsed, trapping Lilaena underneath it.

Her hand hurt. She wriggled her fingers again, hoping that the rodents that lived down there wouldn't come and find them. And that Darven would actually find someone who cared about a gutter rat trapped beneath civilization. Lilaena frowned, and closed her eyes, concentrating on breathing slowly.

Darven Calmoarn
Apr 13th, 2002, 12:02:36 AM
22-11-9 ABY, 1801 Local Time, underneath the Crey District, Coruscant

My hand held light flickers as I jog, and I hit it with my hand, jiggling the power pack into a better connection. Lilaena's light has been crushed under the duracrete, back where she is trapped under the city.

Then I stop running. I can't get up there, not yet....power isn't restored yet. The 'lifts aren't working, especially not the ones that do usually run to this level. Twenty three flights of stairs, if I can find them, to the closest inhabited level, and then who knows how much further until I actually find a living person.

There is no one in this area. Everyone is either dead, or evacuated. But there are rescue workers up there, somewhere, and I'm going to find some to help Lilaena, or die trying.

I turn up a passageway full of broken transplastics, and shattered glass, and make my way to the nearest stairwell. She's been trapped for three hours already, and it can only get worse.

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 13th, 2002, 11:30:39 AM
:: Soolin finishes setting the splint and stands to greet the newcomer. She had yet to exchange formal greetings with the man, but it did not matter for now ::

"Are you injured?"

Morgan Evanar
Apr 13th, 2002, 01:00:23 PM
Morgan pulled the IVs from his left arm using his teeth, and spat them out.

It occoured to him that he probably missed a rather lucrative job after glancing at the chrono on the wall. Not that he could really do anything with a broken arm...

Just another item to add to the list of all things frelled.

He stared at the newcomer; she seemed to be in perfect health.

"I'd guess not." Morgan commented to Soolin. "Thank you, by the way."

Apr 13th, 2002, 06:06:16 PM
"No, Im fine. Just hungry."

She looked at the man on the gurney.

"You look like hell, though."

She tapped his bandaged arm lightly and he winced.

Turning to the woman she nodded approvingly, "Nice repair job."

"You got any food 'round here? Or some rum maybe?"

Apr 14th, 2002, 01:03:55 AM
Lilaena squeezed her eyes shut, and counted backwards from a hundred. ...88, 87, 86... What was taking Darven so long? It seemed like an hour had passed.

The duracrete was pressing painfully into her leg and hand, and she was pretty sure that the right side of her torso had been bleeding, but that seemed to have been clogged up with dust and dirt. She couldn't even move her head, except to turn it a little to the left, and even that hurt.

Closing her eyes again, she drew inside, distancing her consciousness from the pain, without ever losing consciousness. In the orphanage, she'd done the same thing many times during...difficult circumstances.

This time it was different. Darkness surrounded her...yet she could still see things. It was as if she was looking through her eyelids, and seeing the world differently, yet clearly.

On the other side of the duracrete a mynock flapped through the darkened passageway. It was a wide open area, and the creature continued on its way, searching for an abandoned tubolift shaft or the like. Lilaena tracked its movements, even though she barely knew how she was doing it.

The duracrete shifted slightly, and she popped back into full consciousness. "Frell it! Darven!" Her voice filled her own ears as the duracrete muffled it.

Apr 14th, 2002, 04:11:45 AM
Before the asteroid strikes, things had been peachy. After spending 5 months out of work, living off of his brothers income, Vega had finally managed to get hired somewhere. The company that he worked for paid him to take deliveries out to people, no matter where they were. This could mean walking to a house or crossing half the galaxy in a shuttle, either way he had to do it. At the end of the day, he would be paid minimum wage - a measely some that was just enough to get by on. With it he could buy a little food and a drink or two down at the local bar if he was lucky.

You would think that the devestation would affect a person negatively, but for the people on the lower end of the economy, it was almost a blessing. Such events as this set the world back to square one. Society ceased to exist, and left everyone - initially - as equals. Credits were useless now to the common man, for everything you could buy had been crushed under the impact. Anything you needed would be provided free, paid for by taxes or something like that.

This was good, but his battered leg was not. Equality couldn't make up for the torn ligaments and tendons, nor could it knit the fractures all up and down the bone.

Vega had awoken in the scenario he had expected. A slum-like environment, where all around him people were groaning and sobbing. Mangled bodies lay all around, whilst tenders scuttled around frantically to try and see to all who called.

"You got any food 'round here? Or some rum maybe?"

The mention of rum caught his attention. He heaved himself upwards so that he was sitting upright in the cot that he'd been slung into. Straining to see through the layer of dust that still covered his eyes, he picked out the group of three.


Speaking for the first time alerted him to the fact that he must have swallowed a heap of dirt at some point. He hacked and coughed loudly, spluttering as he cluched at his through. Amidst the fit, he managed to call out again.


Apr 14th, 2002, 03:06:15 PM
Hera startled, spun around from speaking to the woman, as what she had asumed was a corpse sat up coughing and sputtering for a drink.


She grinned back over her shoulder at Soolin. "I thought that guy was dead..."(she moved a bit closer to him) "..he sure smells like dead."

Soolin reached over and took up a battered metal jug from off a table strewn with bandages, scissors and other items and pushed it at Hera. "Give him some water"

Hera sniffed at the spout of the jug and shrugged, first helping herself to a deep, long drink, and then bringing it over to the recently 'ressurected' man.

"Just got water this time, fella, but next time we're at this party, I'll bring the rum" and she winked at him.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 15th, 2002, 04:18:52 PM
Morgan looked over at the newcomer and the other survivor, shaking his head somewhat.

That pair just felt wrong... probably the mention of alcohol at a time like this. The blonde woman had an unnerving smile.

"Look... I don't have anywhere to go right now." He said to Soolin as she moved about the gurneys, checking various beings and fluids. "Let me help. I need something to do."

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 17th, 2002, 01:14:20 PM
"You want to help?"

Morgan Evanar
Apr 17th, 2002, 01:26:17 PM
"Yeah. I have a good hand" he waved it about, "I may as well use it for something. I'm not going to be able to sit still, and I doubt you have enough drugs to put me under. So..."

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 17th, 2002, 01:32:36 PM
"Then do what you can, I suppose."

:: shrugs and ventures out for some supplies from her ship ::

Apr 18th, 2002, 10:26:30 PM
"Hey you could use that hand and gimme a massage..my neck is killing me."

The man was not amused.

"Or not.." She shrugged. Not many appreciated her humor, she mused. She guessed this was not really the place for banter..all the broken and wounded and dying in here....all the carnage and death and horror out there...

She shrugged again and followed the woman outside, curious as to where she thought she was going. ...She wouldnt be getting supplies from a ship would she....a viable transport...? Things were looking up.

Disguising the real reason for offering to help with a warm smile, Hera called after the woman.

"Hey, need some help?"

Catching up to her, Hera's manner was friendly.

"So..I didnt catch your name....?"

Apr 19th, 2002, 01:55:56 PM
Just got water this time, fella, but next time we're at this party, I'll bring the rum."

The thought of this brought a smile to Vega's face, but this was quickly removed as he felt a spiraling pain worked its way up his leg. He jerked forward to grasp his knee cap, only causing more pain. With a grimace and grit of his teeth, he leant back and tried to relax once more.

The two women were gone, and the only other person who looked up to conversation was the, now, one armed man.

"That looks a bit, ah... uncomfortable."

Morgan Evanar
Apr 21st, 2002, 02:43:47 PM
"Yeah, its frellin' wonderful." he said as he checked on a nutrient drip bag. "Thirty tons of permacrete on your arm really brightens your day." Morgan checked the Twi'leki's pulse, and then pulled an eyelid open.

"Poor tentatcle head is in shock, and is probably going to die. Looks like I got lucky." he pointed at his bad arm and laughed. "When this is lucky you know the universe is frelling with you in a completely unique and special way."

Moving on to the next patient, he performed a similar series of tests. The results were similar.

"You going to help or are you going to sit here and wait for some booze?"

Apr 22nd, 2002, 04:27:15 PM
Aurora sneaked behind a tall building. Her back against the wall and her hands extended, pressing against the brick wall on each side. She slowly took out a rope and tied it into the small hook tied to the back of her black sleeveless vest. She took a deep breath before flipping back as the rope pulled her down slowly in front of a window.

It seemed empty. That made the young girl grin. She took out a small lab knife from her pocket and traced a circle onto the glass. Putting the knife into her mouth afterwards, she pressed her gloved fingertips against the circle and pulled it out slowly as she entered afterwards. Looking around at first, she walked sideways silently, almost holding her breath and sneaked from room to room to find nobody.

She grinned and sighed, regaining her breath, she went into the main room. She opened the locked door with a pin she had in her hair and walked in carefully. There, her eye caught a big piece or porcelain vase. That wasn't the important item. Inside was a powerful glowing thingie (She couldn't remember the exact term that the people who hired her to steal it said) but all she knew, it was worth millions. That was all that mattered.


Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:26:54 PM
22-11-9 ABY, 1830 Local Time, New Repbulic Central Command Headquarters

General Garm Bel Iblis stood before the transparisteel framed skyline of Coruscant. Even from so far above, the damage was clearly visible. Twin areas of near darkness stood out against the teeming cityscape. In each, twisted durasteel spires and shattered permacrete structures spread from the centers of impact like macabre flowers.

The white-maned Corellian set his jaw. The wreckage looked almost surreal from a distance. But he knew painfully well from memories of the war -- a war that may or may not be over after all -- how different it must look from ground zero.

Thrawn's seige was perfect from beginning to end, though Bel Iblis suspected the two cloaked asteroids that struck the surface were an added bonus that even the Grand Admiral had not anticipated.

The Imperial hit and run left the planet paralyzed. Command was unable to drop Coruscant's planetary shield or even allow orbital traffic to continue until they could somehow identify, destroy, and account for an unknown number of cloaked asteroids scattered randomly into space.

Hours after Thrawn's Star Destroyers had left, the fleet scrambled a screen of Lancer frigates within moments of a shield generator explosion. The ships, designed for starfighter harrassment after the painful lesson of Yavin IV, knew exactly what to look for by that point, but it was too late.

Two asteroids were already too close to the gap created in the shield grid. The timing couldn't have been better if it was planned, and gravity did the rest. No more made it through the defense line until the shield was replaced, but the damage had been done.

To make matters worse, the damage had been done because Coruscant's second line of defense against the meteors faied to respond. In an urban sprawl as large and complex as Coruscant, under constant reconstrcution and maintenance by automated droids, the threat of falling debris is, in reality, an every day fact of life. The entire planet-city was equipped with energy webs and blaster cannons to deal with the potential hazzard.

Someone had staged a professional operation to not only take down a section of the shield, but neutralize multiple debris blasters in the vicinity of the asteroids' descent.

It was a reasonable assumption that this was done with the intent of heightening the effect of Thrawn's seige. But something gnawed at the back of the old warhorse's mind. This didn't seem like the late Grand Admiral's style.

So here he was. Grounded. Immobilized by his own defenses. Forced to watch from the sidelines as Ackbar's Home Fleet continued the war that Thrawn had dragged him into. Faced with the additional threat of rogue Imperial commandos loose on the planet.

And this was only his first week on the job.

Garm turned at the sound of someone approaching. Airen Cracken, commander of New Republic Intelligence, nodded curtly to the General.

"We found them."

Chase Merik
Apr 22nd, 2002, 09:49:31 PM
22-11-9 ABY, 1835 Local Time, Crey District

It was a millenia old expression, but never failed to hit the mark. The perp always returns to the scene of the crime.

Chase Merik stood in a makeshift market on level 677 of what used to be a popular skywalk bazaar. Some local Duros who survived the asteroid decided their help for the relief effort would be to restore a semblence of sanity to their corner of the disaster area. People were still talking about the terrifying image of flaming darkness from the sky. A little cleared out patch for a street fair on the half of the skywalk that remained created a very welcomed sense of normalcy.

The blonde human furrowed his brow as he mingled among the sentients in the open market. With a whir of cybernetics, the image of a dark haired woman across the street came into focus and enlarged.

"3-Bacta-Niner to Central," Chase said quietly. "Tagged the Imp. Run this mug shot will ya?"

The comlink in the New Republic SecForce officer's jacket relayed the message across the city on a cyclic encrypted frequency.

"Copy 3-Bacta-9," the reply came over his earpiece. "She's in Cracken's files alright. Stay on her. Shadows en route to your 20."

Chase looked up at the crisscrossing air traffic. The sky beyond looked a little eerie with the planetary shield reflecting light back on the city in an almost psychedelic array.

"Roger. We're mobile. Keep that backup out of sight up there."

Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:58:44 PM
"Well I'd love to get up and tend to all the sick and needy but," Vega smiled and looked rather annoyed, "My leg is smashed into pulp!"

He gestured down angrily at the lower half of his body, which had been crushed under part of a building leaving one leg completely wrecked from the knee downwards.

"How about I try and get up, hmm?"

He mimed standing up.

"Yep, here's me getting up.. and walking towards you... and now here's me breaking my leg! Fun!"

With a disgruntled shake of his head he leant back against the wall, closing his eyes.

Apr 23rd, 2002, 04:27:08 PM
Aurora slipped the tip of her tongue over her lips then bit her lower lip softly. She approached the vase with caution, then studied its position. It was placed through a delicate cubic glass, sitting on a red pillow, and underneath all that was a complicated security machine. She approached the metal box and approached her ear to it. Inside was a lot of beeping, but that wasn't important. She scrolled down the rather large box and finally stopped where she heard motors. She cracked her kunckles and fingers and gave that exact spot a grand snap.

Suddendly, everything stopped. The lights of the security box shut down. She stood back up and pulled off the glass box, putting it on the ground. She looked around for something to put there instead of the vase. She finally found a framed picture on the table next to the large bed. She looked at the picture silently. A single man.

"Hey. You're kinda cute."

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:23:21 AM
Originally posted by Hera
"Hey you could use that hand and gimme a massage..my neck is killing me."

The man was not amused.

"Or not.." She shrugged. Not many appreciated her humor, she mused. She guessed this was not really the place for banter..all the broken and wounded and dying in here....all the carnage and death and horror out there...

She shrugged again and followed the woman outside, curious as to where she thought she was going. ...She wouldnt be getting supplies from a ship would she....a viable transport...? Things were looking up.

Disguising the real reason for offering to help with a warm smile, Hera called after the woman.

"Hey, need some help?"

Catching up to her, Hera's manner was friendly.

"So..I didnt catch your name....?"

"Soolin is my name." she replies as she strides to a YT-2400. The craft was a distinctive bronzed gunmetal color. The ramp lowers and Soolin enters the ship, leaving Hera the option to follow her in or wait outside ::

Apr 25th, 2002, 10:50:27 PM
Hera trumped up the ramp into the ship behind Soolin.

She mouthed quietly to herself ..Soo-lin....Soo-LIN...stretching her lips with the vowel sounds, making her face contort oddly. Inwardly she wondered what type of name that was..the background of it. She amused herself thusly until her eyes fell on Soolin and the woman was watching her, giving her an annoyed look.

Hera smiled weakly. "Nice name, that."

Looking around the interior of the craft...Hera observed "Nice ship, too."

Soolin was busy putting things into a pack, supplies of sorts it looked like, and was moving with purpose about the ship.

Hera poked and flicked and touched overhead consoles, switches, cupboards...admiring...

"You really gonna go back there and help those lame-dogs?"

Soolin stopped what she was doing and looked at Hera.

The blonde continued. "I mean...we could just fire this baby up and be on our way.... Easy."

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 26th, 2002, 12:36:07 PM
"They aren't dogs, they're People. I won't abandon them any more than I would abandon you if you were there among them."

Apr 27th, 2002, 12:01:10 AM
Great.....she's one of them noble types.. Hera hid her thoughts behind a grin.

They always made her feel so selfish. Of course, that was pretty much because she WAS selfish..but that was beside the point.

She never could understand "seeking the greater good", when it was so much simpler to just have the survival of the fittest. Natural selection.

But for now, Hera would tow the line and see what opportunity to blow this dump presents itself.

"Here, let me get that."

She grabbed the pack and looked around for more to help Soolin take back to the wounded.

Apr 27th, 2002, 04:41:33 PM
Aurora took the framed picture in her right hand, hovering over the vase. She bit her lower lip as her trembled left hand reached for the vase slowly. As soon as the fabric of her glove touched the vase, she pulled it out and slammed the framed picture in its place before the lasers on each corner of the security machine would make contact between each others and make a loud alarm.She exhaled and put the vase down besides her. She reached for the cubic box of glass and put it back in its place. She then swiftly ran her hand through her hair, smiling victoriously.


She picked up the vase and put it carefully in her backpack. Suddendly, her stomach growled. She groaned and put her hand on her stomach.


She walked out of the room and paced towards the kitchen. She opened its light and grinned widely as she spotted the large refrigerator in the metal kitchen. Her steps made rather large noise, but she shrugged. Nobody was home. She opened the refrigerator and smiled, taking out a bottle of milk. Nothing else interesting. She opened a cupboard and snatched out two cereal boxes.

"Cap'N Munch. Umm. Interesting. Cuckoo Puff ? No thanks."

She left the second box of cereal down and opened the first one. Plunging her hand in it, she took out a handful of cereal and swallowed it, after chewing. After each handful of cereal, she took a long sip of milk.

"Out of Tryptophan, anyways."

Morgan Evanar
May 1st, 2002, 07:03:28 PM
"Yeah... look, sorry. My apparentment kind of blew up, and according to the date, I was out cold for something like five days. If I'm being a jerk, its nothing really personal."

Morgan checked the pulse of a middle aged Rodian male, and there turned out to be none. He pulled open one of the eyelids, and got a vacant stare in return. The resident had left the building, the plane of existance, for that matter.

Quickly, he moved onto the next patient, who was covered in a sheet, and hoped they lived. There was too much death in the Crey District. If you couldn't smell it with your nose, you felt it in your soul.

Morgan lifted the sheet for a peek, and jumped back from what he saw, smashing his bad arm into the wall on the other side of the narrow corridor.

"Sonofabitch! Motherfsssssk!" he hissed the last bit out, as the slicer fell to his knees, gasping.

It occoured to him that the women had been gone over ten minutes. It also occoured to him, for some strange reason, that he looked like absolute dren.

The wonders of the male mind...

Soolin Anjhurin
May 16th, 2002, 09:19:51 AM
:: Soolin hid her scowl as the two made their way back to the wounded ::

Jul 1st, 2002, 07:31:02 PM
Hera lugged the pack over her shoulder, grabbed another small bag and trudged after Soolin.

Hopefully, she thought inwardly, a couple of them woulda died by the time they got back...save some work...and supplies.