View Full Version : Well, Gue has completely gone now

Apr 12th, 2002, 02:07:56 PM
WarlordGue: Ya know, I thought we were cool b4, but I guess I was wrong
ReaperFett: hm?
WarlordGue: ya aint seen me shouts yet?
ReaperFett: ???
WarlordGue: on the front page of the swfans board
ReaperFett: tis empty
WarlordGue: grrr, somehow musta erased it
ReaperFett: it gets wiped periodically
WarlordGue: I visited a friend today, and while i was over her house i used her comp to post a 'hey how is everyone' msg with one of my other nics
WarlordGue: less than 3 min later I was e-mail addy banned and that nic was banned as well
ReaperFett: oh yeah
ReaperFett: because youre banned:-)
ReaperFett: Im sure if you asked theyd give you it back:-)
WarlordGue: No, thats it, ive had it with u all
ReaperFett: oook
WarlordGue: no, if yall erase a hi hows it going msg just for that then I have no business with ya any more and dont give that ok ya dont make sense but ill respond anyway thing

Apr 12th, 2002, 02:11:27 PM
He should have contacted me first as he was told at that topic at TGC, not come here and stated that he was all powerfull or whatever. His method and attitude was very imature and the posts in the shoutbox were much too immature and derogitory. He can whine for sympathy all he wants, butif he had acted in a mature fashion and contacted me before working around the ban, it could have been resolved without any incident, but he decided to try and rebel, so that attitude earned him the place he is in.

Apr 12th, 2002, 02:51:05 PM
Funny how he says he is through with us all yet visits the board with his Divine Shadow name just now.

:: shrug ::

I guess he likes reading the "Your IP is banned" message.

Apr 12th, 2002, 06:14:14 PM
And looking at the Gary Coleman pic? :D

Apr 12th, 2002, 09:24:43 PM
oooooo yeah, I should add that pic to the templates for the IP baning and other banned pages that people get when they are banned. :)

Apr 12th, 2002, 10:32:58 PM
Do it do it do it!