View Full Version : Greyy Trepse

Apr 9th, 2002, 07:11:40 PM
This is to continue from the thread in the RP forum, so as to not clog it further.

I'll just say, that creating a Master from scratch, and writing backstory to explain it as you go is still not going to be accepted. Its instant gratification, and still circumventing the natural flow of a character.

Greyy Trespe
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:25:32 PM
This is my problem. I need to find a master of the Teras Kasi. But there are no masters of the Teras Kasi simply becuase I am trying something new with this.

That is the problem that I am dealing with in my new board the force sects. Where I am going to train others in the pure forms of other sects. It is a new endevour and as such it has run into a few problems. Like the fact that there are no pure masters of any other crafts.

This charecter is a Master at my board and well be teaching apprentices soon. As such I was hoping to develop his charecter here to give him more depth so that I may have some history and experience using him as a master.

Direct me to a Teras Kasi Master that does not weild the force and I well gladly train under him. But if there are none then please consider my position of trying to start some thing new here so that I may carry it over to my board.


Apr 9th, 2002, 09:29:32 PM
Typical Vonta, this is turning out better everyday





Apr 9th, 2002, 09:31:37 PM
Um excuse me but does that post contain a hidden message?

Apr 9th, 2002, 09:39:11 PM
Several I think; some good, and some antogonistic

But I'm "enjoying" his role plays here so far and think he should keep making posts of similar quality





Sage Hazzard
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:45:30 PM
I learned that lesson before. It's not a good idea to start out as a Master. Here's what you can do:

Just start posting threads where your training. On your own. Then you can get better and eventually become a Master.

Greyy Trespe
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:51:16 PM
Uhh, ok, Welll Just to let ahnk Know I am a guy vonta is only my charecter. I really do not want to think about what that means.

That I can do. But I could use jedi or sith participation in the threads to add the charecter that you want for his training. Sounds like a good idea to me if I am allowed to do some thing like that.

Apr 9th, 2002, 09:54:19 PM
Key words being




Not just BS it for a month and then whine and bith that you're being treated unfairly

Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:24:14 PM
Look, Sean.

I'm bad at putting things nicely (widely acknowledge fact.)

But honestly, your posting style is far worse than mine would be in such a case.

Please let someone like Charley handle this, who has a good deal more tact than either of us.

Which is why I've avoided posting on this issue...

Anyway, since I am posting:

The most anyone ever starts off with is Knight, and then its usually based off a 2+ month probationary period. As far as I know, the fastest recent rise to full Master (of either side) took roughly a real year.

Any backlash is probably because there are people who have been here for two years, and a good many have been here for over a year.

Greyy Trespe
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:34:38 PM
Very well and I well take the time if need be then, I want to learn to play the Teras Kasi as a group independent of the force users.

And keep in mind that a Teras Kasi is not a force weilder at all they may be able to hold their own against a force user for a bit but chances are that a Teras Kasi master would not be the equal of a Sith or a jedi master.

This is my info source on the matter of the Teras Kasi. As well as the history that I base Greyys back round on.


What ever you decide is what I well abide by this is your board of course. I just wanted to make it known of why I jumped the gun. and for that my apologys.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:45:38 PM
Trying to make it clear why you might get railroaded hard for doing such a thing.

Live and learn. =]