View Full Version : Benevolent Forces: Not everybody likes to swim...(OPEN)

Apr 8th, 2002, 08:47:40 PM
"Hey! Calm down little one!" Satine says, his voice amused by his new pet's antics. The Scrat he had named Serenas was jumping around the consoles, and he was afraid that the little critter would send his ship careening through hyperspace blind. Catching hold of her, Satine puts Serenas on his shoulder just as his comm screen beeps at him. Sighing, the Jedi Knight hits the switch and is greeted by a haggard looking man, about fourty in age.

"This is Merca IV and we request immediate help. Due to some unnatural phenomena, we are being flooded. the death toll is already in the thousands. We need hlpe. Anyone, we don't care who. Please, help us.

"This is Merca IV--" The message begain to repeat itself, and Satine shuts it off, tracing the comm signal, and setting course to the planet. He smiles grimly, sending a message to the Tolaria and the rest of Dragon Fleet, orbiting Arcan, signalling them to bring emergency supplies and flood control equipment.

3 hours later,,,

Satine sets his small ship down, taking his trenchcoat, and a long crystal dagger along with one lightsabre. He wasn't planning on going to war after all. Shrugging on a cloak, Satine opens the hatch, and is immediately bombarded by the wind and the ice-cold rain. He puts Serenas in the ship, and jumps out, closing the hatch, hearing the Scrat thump against the metal. Smiling just slightly, the Warrior Jedi jumps off the top of his ship--a modified Pyro-GX equipped for longer flight and a bit more comfort--, and lands in the mud, cursing slightly. Pulling his hood tighter, Satine trudges into the city proper, where he got the message. He sees the workers trying to put barricades up, and goes to the person directing the work.

"My name's Satine Capashen, a Warrior JEdi Knight. I'm here to help. what can I do?" He asks, noticing some dirty looks from the workers as he identified his affiliation. Apparently this wasn't a good place to be when you were a Jedi.

The leader though, just smiles tiredly, and extends his hand. "The name's Yamamoto. I'm the leader here, and we could definately use your help. Thank you. Is there any more coming?"

"I don't know. I responded to your distress call, and came here. MY fleet is enroute. They have emergency supplies and flood equipment."

"Good, good. As you can see, we're in desperate need of it." Yamamoto says, gesturing. And indeed, the water was beginnignt o seep through the sandbags and other things piled to try and stop the flow. The water had already reacher the knees of workers at some places.

Satine sighs, and silently wonders how he can turn back the fury of nature...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:41:16 PM
Xazor hears a distress call come over her comm unit and sighs when she listens to the news. Kaukauna, her wolf companion, gently licks her arm and she pats his head.

I hope we're not too late......

She says as she turns her X-Wing downward en route for the planet's surface. A few short minutes pass and she is carefully setting "Escape" down on the soft ground. She opened the hatch and hopped out, the large wolf following close behind her as jogs up to a group of workers...and her brother. She lays a hand on his shoulder and looks gently on the man he is speaking with, her heart full of compassion.

My name is Xazor Dawnstrider....I am a Warrior Jedi Knight and here to do whatever I can to aid you!

She held out her hand for the man to shake and he did so in a friendly greeting. She did not know how bad everything was....but she was beginning to get a rough idea by the looks of the surroundings near them. Water was everywhere and sandbags did not seem to be doing the trick this moment....

Apr 9th, 2002, 07:59:35 PM
Satine smiles and nods at his sister before noticing something. Looking up, Satine gives a laugh in glee.

"Yamamoto, this is a valley, right? You have sandbags farther in?"

At the leader's nods, Satine grins.

"Call your forces back, and have them put the sandbags you have left about one hundred feet back. I have a plan."

As Yamamoto gives the order, Satine looks at Xazor, his silver hair going past his shoulder blades. Noticing this, he ties it back in a ponytail as he talks to his sister.

"Sis, follow them. Help them in any way getting those sand bags in place. Hurry!" the Warrior says as he sees the people swarm out. Runningt o his fighter, Satine opens a cargo compartment, and grabs a half dozen nergon 14 charges, and puts the bag on his belt, then runs back, jumping onto the wall of the valley, and beginning his climb. Satine is buffetted by the wind and blinded by the rain, but he manages to get on the top of the rocks, about ten feet in front of the sandbags.

[i]Xazor, wish me luck...[i/] He sends as he sees his sister working hard on the sandbags, and then he plants three charges on the valley top, and then he uses the Force to jump to the other side of the rift, planting three more charges.

With a thought, Satine sets his cloak into wings, and takes flight, activating the charges into a thirty second countdown. and then curses, seeing a small figure splashing, trying to fight against the current of the water. Tucking his wings, Satine dives, racing against the clocks. As he hits the water, he quickly swims to the boy's position, seeing the little one's head go underneath the water.

Grabbing ahold of his arm, Satine says, "Calm down, I got you." He senses the child's relief, and then spreads his wings. Just as a triple explosion blossoms on each edge. Alpha gets enough altitude to stay out of the water, and then heads back to the sand bagging area. As the rocks begin to lance out, the JEdi shields his cargo, getting small rock shards' cutting across his exposed skin. Just before a large boulder falls on top of the two, Satine clears the area, making it to the new sandbagging area. He lets the kid down where two workers take him to get him warmed up, and then he smiles, his wings melting back to his cloak.

He hears cheers from some workers, and looks at his inprompteu demolitions work, and grins. It had stopped the water for now, but for how long.

He fells himself being hugged by his sister, and the words, "Good job," but they were washed out by Satine's commlink, with Sidar Kondo's voice on it.

"Satine, we've arrived. What do you want us to do?"

Satine just laughs, and tells them to come down. They had won the first round, but that only bought them time. How much was unknown, and so was if they could win this fight. but, as the Jedi wondered before, how do you win against nature's fury?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:34:29 PM
Xazor smiled brightly. Her brother had done well, and it was great to see him doing so much to help these people.

I am so proud of you.....

She hugged him once again and stood next to him, waiting for the arrival of the fleet. This would get interesting now....for she knew that only a battle had been won....but that didn't mean they had victory in the war. She only hoped that Mother Nature would let up soon....

Apr 10th, 2002, 05:16:44 PM
Satine hugs back.

"Thanks. Next time remind me to participate in a barbeque, not be it."

As he says this, a Omega class shuttle lands, the rain water sizzling against the shields. As the ramp lowers, Sidar pops his head out.

"Do you know there's something messing with the weather phenomena around here? We got something on sensors that we can't identify.

"What?" Satine asks. "Xazor, did you see anything when you came down?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 10th, 2002, 08:20:21 PM
Xazor shook her head with disappointment.

I was too focused on getting here quickly to notice anything....

She said softly. She had wished she had seen something, so that she could help....but she had not.

Apr 11th, 2002, 06:22:49 PM
Satine nods.

"It's ok."

Satine hears a strangled scream and turns around to look, seeing a man with something resembling a cross between a meat cleaver and a sword running towards the Jedi Knight.

"You had them let my home flood!" He screams. "Jedi Monster!" He lets out an inarticulate yell as he jumps, and Alpha unsheaths his crystal dagger--a smoky black crystal that was stronger then most metals--and blocks the weapon, backing away.

"We had to. In case you didn't notice, those rocks would have crushed anyone still sand bagging."

"But that was alkl I had left! you took it from me!" the man says, thrusting with the weapon.

Satine calmly ducks underneath the weapon,but his cheek is cut by the very tip, and then he jumps within range of the man, hitting him in the side of the head with his dagger's hilt. The man goes down like a pile of bricks, and Satine motions for two townsfolk to take him, and put him into holding for a while.

At another shriek, Satine sighs, but then begins to shout out orders when he sees what was happening. The rocks were crumbling. Immediately, Dragon Fleet workers surged to the rock barrier, putting in sandbags, the giant blue-skinned Sidar Kondo lifting two or three at a time for every other persons' one. Satine grabs Xazor by the hand and they both run to the rocks, helping put the sandbags to form a wall. They all are soon covered in mud and rock dust, but the wall was steadily coming together.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 06:43:20 PM
Is this gonna hold?

The Jedi Knight yells to her brother. It didn't look too sturdy.....but she hoped that it was. All she wanted was to help these poor people who were in great distress because of this flooding. Suddenly, a man ran up behind her and smashed a brink into the base of her neck. Xazor fell to her knees and held her neck as tears streamed from her eyes and curses from her lips. She looked back and glared at the man, who dropped the brick and looked absolutely shocked. She growled deeply and exposed her elongated canines. On the appearance of this, the man turned around and ran toward a slowly collapsing building. She shook her head and gently rose to her feet, being careful not to turn her neck too much. She looked at Alpha and sighed as she wiped a few tears from her eyes.

Can you believe some people? I try to help, and this is the thanks I get!

She resumed building the wall with her brother, despite the tremendous amount of pain her her neck and now her upper back.

Apr 13th, 2002, 07:40:56 PM
Satine takes some of his sister's pain into ihmself, helping her out. As he lugs two sandbags, each weighing more then the weight of a normal ten year old, Satine talks to Xazor, putting the bags into the wall.

"This is an anti-Jedi hotspot. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier, but these people needed help."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:20:47 PM
Xazor was relieved to feel that her brother was taking some of her pain onto himself. He was so kind and she felt so lucky to have him in her life.

Hey, it's alright.....I just want to help even if I am not wanted...

She wanted to help as much as she can, especially in any situation recently. In the back of her mind, she was trying to make up for all of the hardships she had caused in her life....

Apr 16th, 2002, 09:33:42 PM
As his sister says this, Satine hears him comm chirp. Turning it on after she finishes, Satine listens to the message.

"The Tolaria says it's definately of alien origen. They say it's some kind of energy source that is screwing with the tides and weather."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 17th, 2002, 08:00:14 AM
Xazor's ears perk up and she catches what the person on the other side of the link says. She shakes her head and looks at Alpha.

I'll go up and check it out...

She offered, knowing the risk involved.

Apr 17th, 2002, 12:52:58 PM
Satine stops Xazor from going immediately, and smiles slightly.

"No. It's too dangerous. I'll go."