View Full Version : Nightmare Asylum

Garrett Blade
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:59:05 AM
(ooc: I have pre-invited several people who are essential to making this roleplay start off. But anyone else is welcome to join. However, I would appreciate it if you PM'ed me before hand, and I'll send you the info on the rp - it's not too long and in depth - so that you know whats initially going on. Thanks)

It was a lovely day on Arcan IV. The sun plastered the surface with its warm radiation. The skies were clear except for a few stray clouds left over from the recent cold front. The weather yesterday had been quite awful but that was not the case today. Much to the fortune of the group of helpers who gathered outside the spaceport. As part of their recent helping scheme, a group of Jedi had agreed to travel to Antar IV in the Prindaar system, where a hospital was built in order to treat the mentally ill . The hospital is in need of repairs and various supplies to help it function. Aside from the Jedi, a group of people from the general public had kindly volunteered to go along and assist the Jedi in this endeavour. Originally, the hospital had requested assistance from the Empire, but after repeatedly ignoring their requests, the hospital administrators have now turned to the New Republic, who have passed on the request to the Jedi as the New Republuc has it's hands tied in other galactic affairs. The Greater Jedi Order accepted the request without thinking twice. They gladly opted to help out the hospital. And so here they were now, waiting to board the vessel. The ship that would be taking them to Antar IV was a recently refitted Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser. Refitted in the sense that all weapon systems had been removed and replaced with facilities such as holo-arcades, meditation rooms, sparring arenas, shops and other luxury recreational facilities. With the new facilities installed, the vessel was now suited to long running missions of five years or more, able to run on a crew of only a few hundred, as it was now mostly automated and only two two fifths of the ship needed to be manned at any given time.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:48:45 PM
Maia had been walking the halls of the Greater Jedi Order when a mission calling for volunteers had been announced. She had went right to the commander and requested a release to go. Though she had been training some she still felt she needed to do more and helping in a cause was just what she needed. She hoped that throwing herself into things like this would help her to be able to rid herself of the guilt she felt for her parents being darksiders.

She stood on the docking bay waiting to board. She could see a lot of other volunteers gathered but so far no one she knew. Maia had not been told what the mission was about. All they had really told her was that it had to do with a hospital and that she was to help in any way she could. A smile graced her lips, she was very excited to be going off on her own and finally to be doing something worthy of the light...

Sage Hazzard
Apr 9th, 2002, 12:30:03 PM
Sage laughed as the Wookiee pleaded his case.

"You never let me go with you, man. Hmm... what use could a Wookiee be in a place needing repairs... let's see..."

The Wookiee had been fitten with his own creation that translate his speech patterns. The voice was not his own, but resembled what the creature presumed his basic voice would sound like.

"I am a Jedi--no, a Jedi Master and I can handle myself."

"Don't forget little man, I used to babysit you. I know your cocky delusions."

Sage hit the Wookiee on the shoulder.

"I'll be fine you ape."

The Wookiee shook his head, smiling. He digressed, placing the luggage onto Sage's shoulder.

"Be careful you selfish brat, Never let me have any of the fun," the Wookiee mumbled under his breath.

"I love you too, Chewnakka," Sage yelled back.

The Wookiee shook his head as he walked away.

"Maia Tharrinn, Jedi Padawan. I see you have accepted this mission as well. I trust you are prepared?"

The Jedi Master attempted small talk. It'd be a long journey, he needed someone to talk to. He wasn't one for meditation.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:09:39 PM
Maia turned to a slightly familiar voice. She had seen him around the Order.
"Master Sage." Maia greeted him with a bow. "I don't know to much about it really. Just that we have to help out there. Have you heard anything more about it? Maia's eyes glimmered with excitement. Ari chirruped his own greeting at the Master.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:48:12 PM
Navaria had to admit it. She was reduced to a homebody; only staying on Yavin and Arcan to oversee daily operations. There were not many opportunities for her to leave because of her responsibilities.

Now Navaria knew how Leia felt.

It was not a complaint. It was a mere fact. She took her duties seriously and found great rewards in everything but her life seemed to become monotonous.

There were few times that Navaria had left the comforts of the Academy but they were for good reasons. One was to help free her homeworld of Bakura and the other was to help Anbira in his quest.

Now she was leaving Yavin for something much more simple but just as important. As soon as word came to the Jedi, Navaria volunteered immediately. Not only would her bare hands be helpful but her strength in the Force lay within healing. That would be put to good use here ... She had no doubt.

Finally, the next day rolled around. Navaria had been watching over some of the supplies that were being loaded onto the ship. Medicine, material to help rebuild the hospital fresh clothing and other sorts of odds and ends. It wasn't alot, since it was a bit short notice, but it was something. Perhaps when they all arrived, they could see which planets were close by and procure more supplies.

She had started this task before most were even awake and now was satisfied that the cargo was secured. It was time to see who else had wanted to come along on this journey and readily spotted Maia and Sage.

Maia she knew from the first day that the Padawan had come to the order. Sage was someone that Navaria had only spoken to when their were matters to discuss before the Council. This would be a nice change of scenery.

Causally, she broke into the conversation as she approached.

"I know that the hospital is need of repairs and is under staffed. We are to help in many a capacity, Maia."

Sage Hazzard
Apr 9th, 2002, 09:38:20 PM
"Yes, I have heard that as well."

Sage petted Ari softly as he spoke.

"I do not know large sums of detail, but I am aware that the Jedi are being asked for help. Wherever I am needed, I go without question."

The Jedi Master smiled, tugging at his bag,

"But I do hope to enjoy this mission more than my more aggresive endeavors. Fighting the forces of evil is an honorable duty but it makes a Jedi weak with exhaustion. This will be a good chance to rest and rejuvinate myself through good will I hope to offer."

Sage always felt better after he had helped someone, no matter how rundown he was.

"Why is you two have taken this mission?"

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 10th, 2002, 01:04:39 AM
Maia turned to the familiar voice with a smile to Master Tarkin. She was glad to see someone that she knew and felt comfortable with. She still had her shy streak to get over and it was slow going.

"Master Tarkin I'm glad to see you." She smiled, "It's good to know I will be around trusted friends on my first mission."

Turning to Sage who was still scratching Ari's soft feathers she answered him. "I wanted to prove that I could make a difference for the light. To right wrongs that were done in my familles past, and well to help people." She said with a rueful grin. "How about you Master Sage why did you come?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 10th, 2002, 08:17:30 PM
Xazor had been peacefully meditating when she heard a call come over her comm link. She jumped up and caught it just in time to see that it was a request for volunteers to go on a mission. Without hesitation, Xazor packed lightly and left. Her wolf companion, Kaukauna following close behind, she jumped into a speeder and made her way to the space port.

Once there, she jumped out of the speeder and took her things and walked toward a small group of people. Kaukauna and she recognized all of them right away. She smiled as she approached the group with her wolf companion and her bags.

Greetings everyone....I am honored to be on a mission with all of you.

The Warrior Jedi Knight bowed her head to all that stood around her. Kaukauna sat at her side, between she and Maia. He looked up at her friend and noticed Ari. The two got along well, despite the difference in species. She smiled and gently stroked the beautiful bird for a moment.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:01:24 PM
"I need a change of pace, Sage. I've been confined behind the Academy walls for too long. This gives me not only an opportunity to get away but it's for a good cause as well."

Upon Xazor's arrival, Navaria smiled to her fellow Knight and took noticed of the wolf that came with her. She was a beautiful animal and for some reason, it reminded her of Soolin's wolf, Grimya.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 11th, 2002, 10:09:13 AM
"Ah. Good reasons. Very good."

Sage had two sides to him. One, was with Chewnakka and a select few. This was the side where he could be a normal person again. With emotions, allthough contained, and carefree attitudes. When he was around fellow Jedi, especially Padawans and young Knights, he took on a different personality. One of wisdom and untouched, smooth thought. Neither defined him, they both were part of him.

"I come to help. The Force guides me. When I heard of this mission, I felt a feeling of belonging, that I was needed. This is why I come. Plus, I enjoy aiding in recovery from lesser times."

Sage noticed Xazor, a newly appointed Knight.

"Xazor Dawnstrider, what has brought you here today? We've been comparing notes on why we accepted this mission. Care to share your reasons?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 07:21:48 PM
Xazor smiled gently and folded her hands at her back.

I am here because I am a Jedi....this is my calling and duty. I feel badly that others are not as fortunate as we...and I think it only right and fair to help them.

She spoke with true sincerity. Her heart went out to the people who had not as many things as they did. She thought it was a good thing to help repair a run down hospital for the mentally ill. It would give her a chance to get away from fighting the Sith....to just help people.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 12th, 2002, 07:29:08 PM
Maia grinned at Xazor. She was beginning to feel better about the mission by the second. At least she would be among friends. Squatting down she began to pet Kaukauna. Ari chirruped at her wolf friend.

"I't's good to see you here Xazor. I have a feeling this is going to be a very rewarding trip." Maia said as she scratched behind the ears of the two animals...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:33:01 PM
Xazor smiled, also glad that she was accompanied by friends. She too petted her wolf companion, and he did not seem to mind a bit of the attention.

Yes.....I too feel that it will be quite rewarding. It will all be worth it in the end..

She smiled gently and stroked Ari's soft feathers. The two animals seemed to be conversing between themselves...it was quite a sight to see...

Sage Hazzard
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:38:41 PM
"A Jedi seeks no reward, young Jedi."

Perhaps they meant rewarding in the sense that it would do a great deal of good but Sage was stern enough to not care, and administer a lesson regardless.

"Perhaps we will help these people, and perhaps they will thank us. But we must not expect a reward or thanks, for that is not the way of the Jedi. We do what we are capable of doing, asking for nothing in return."

Sage looked quickly around. Where were the others? He was a patient person, as were all Jedi, but he was worried perhaps they were in trouble. Maybe they forgot to set the alarm?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 10:52:08 PM
Xazor looked questioningly at Sage.

Master Sage.....I did not mean it in the sense of looking for thanks or physical rewards. It will be rewarding to help them for the feeling it will bring us to know that we did something to better the lives of others.....

She was truly confused....had she not made herself clear? She did not want him to think less of her as a Knight....she had worked hard for her title and would do everything in her power to honor the Jedi. No....she did not seek a reward...only the reward of knowing she had helped another soul...

Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2002, 12:17:50 AM
The Jedi Master whipped his head back as he laughed whole heartedly.

"My child, you must not be so quick to defend yourself. I am confident you have learned your lessons well. A good teacher repeats the same principles frequently, even if they are not meant to correct someone. If you were to say you wish someone were to drop dead, but meants merely that you were unhappy about that person, would I not feel I have to set you back on the path? Always keep your mind on the Force and it's teachings, always repeat them."

Sage sighed.

"And yes, I see that it will be satisfactory to help these people. But it may not be. We may find this the most peril ridden venture of our lives, but that does not mean we should turn our backs on this mission."


Meanwhile, in the Jedi Halls

Chewnakka walked swiftly to his destination. As he approached the door, he roared fiercely. His hugh hands struck the door rapidly and impatiently. As the door shunted open, the Wookiee grabbed the Jedi Master who answered.

"Azalin! Do me a favor."

The plea for a favor was not a good plea, for the Jedi was hovering several feet off the ground, firmly in the hairy paws of Nakka. The Wookiee, noticing that this was not the best position to ask for a favor, set the Jedi Master down.

"Sage, the dumb ignorant kid, took some crazy mission. Now he says that it's ruitine and nothing out of the ordinary but..."

The Wookiee was Force Sensitive, but often mistook twinges of danger with overprotective emotions toward his good friend.

"He's got some pretty green people. Okay, their Jedi, and all Jedi are capable, blah blah blah, but you've got to do me this favor. Get out to that ship and stick to Sage like a glove and I'll do your laundrey for a month. Deal?"

The two comprimises were absurd. Going lightyears away from your home was not soothed by having clean clothing, but the Wookiee was out of ideas.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:51:23 PM
Xazor smiled, but bowed her head in reverence to the Jedi Master.

Yes Master Sage....I stand corrected. I shall not be so quick to defend myself...and I shall pass this teaching onto my padawans as well.

She said softly as she looked around, pondering if others were yet to show up...or if they were the only ones.....

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 09:18:30 PM
Everything was ready to go and now Navaria was wondering where the rest of there team was as well. The Knight had to admit she wasn't entirely sure who was coming along, but it was obvious on by the look on Sage's face that they were to expect more.

She remained quiet, but intently listened to the back and forth between Master and newly appointed Knight. It seemed that Navaria's more reserved side was in control. The different beings bustling about in the streets that were buying and selling their wares was a sight that the Knight wanted to soak in.

Navaria had a feeling it would be quite sometime that she would be home again ...

Warren Azalin
Apr 17th, 2002, 08:20:05 PM
"Laundry and the twins. Is that a deal?"

The Jedi Master knew the Wookie would be reluctant to accept the offer, but then again the Jedi also knew the Wookie would do anything for his friend Sage. After a few words with the Wookie Warren decided to accept the offer. It took a little more talking before Warren could even leave though; seeing as he would have to have words with his wife as well

"Why? Why do you gotta go again?"

"Because I was asked, think of it as a favor for a friend..."

"Your always doing something for someone, you know there are people who care about you here at home."

"I know Amalia, but you know as well as me that the duty of a Jedi surpasses that of family. You would do the same thing in my position."

Warren watched as his wife pondered his comment and only responded with a sigh.

"Your right, but I got a bad feeling about this though."

"Well don't ok. I'll make sure Sage is ok, and be back in a few days. No problem."

"Alright then."

Warren embraced his wife as he gave her his goodbyes and headed off for his Cruiser. He knew he would be at the Coordinates in a few hours after a short Hyperspace Jump, but the question was would anyone still be there?

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:46:33 PM
Maia shifted Ari on her shoulder. He had grown restless and had his claws sunk deep into her flesh. She decided if they were to wait on the rest of the people she might as well do something constructive. Sitting down on the ground she took out the sword her brother had given her and began to sharpen its edges.

Ari hopped off her shoulder and began to amble around her legs. Maia grinned at her beloved pet. Her thought as always turned to her darkside brother. Her heart ached at the thought of him being what he was...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:12:18 AM
How many more are we expecting? Anyone know?

Xazor questioned curiously. A few in the group shook their heads, and also took on a look of wondernment. She sighed and sat down, deciding to do something constructive also. She took out her two swords and began sharpening the edges as Maia was also. She smiled as Kaukauna laid down beside her and seemed to be intrigued as to what she and her friend were doing.

Warren Azalin
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:59:38 PM
"Sage, Sage where are you?"

The Jedi Master had sent out the message only minutes after landing his cruiser down at the Coordinates Chewnaka had given him. He knew to trust the wookie (but then again who in their right mind would argue with one?), but still he wondered why anyone would come to such a desolate place.

"How do I get myself into these things?"

Warren stood where he was, waiting for an answer from Sage, or at least anyone in the area to tell him where exactly to go...

Sage Hazzard
Apr 21st, 2002, 11:39:32 PM
Sage answered back, startled.

"Warren, I'm here..."

Sage gave a quick image to Warren's mind, giving him a small mental map from which to be guided to his location.

"What in the Force are you doing here?"

Warren Azalin
Apr 22nd, 2002, 12:15:32 PM
The Jedi Master let a small chuckle out as Sage began to ask what Warren was doing there. After all why would Warren be here if not for that over-protective Wookie.

"I'll explain when I get there."

And explain he would, explain why he had left the Academy on a perfectly good evening and come here just because a friend was scared. It made no sense to him one way or another but he went along with everything and began to follow the map Sage had given him...

Few Minutes Later...

The Jedi Master had finally made it to where Sage said he would be, and true to his word he was.... but not alone. Warren could sense confusion in the other Jedi but he just turned and smiled at Sage.

"Chewnaka sends his regards."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:44:17 AM
Xazor rose to her feet and put her swords away. With a smile, she bowed to the new arrival whom she recognized as Warren Azalin.

Greetings great Jedi Master. I am honored to be part of a team with you...

The newly appointed Knight said in deep reverance. She smiled as the group seemed to be taking great shape.

Are there any more coming?

She questioned the few gathered there.

Maia Tharrinn
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:18:42 PM
Maia Tucked her weapon, that she had been cleaning, away. Picking up Ari she placed him on her shoulder as she stood. Bowing to Master Warren as he walked up to the group.

"Master Warren a pleasure to meet you."

Picking up her bags she figured it was now time to go to there destination. Maia hoped she learned a lot more than she knew by this experience...

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:40:11 PM
Navaria bowed to Warren, wondering who Chewnaka was; besides the obvious that he was a Wookie.

"A pleasant surprise, Master Azalin."

Seems that there was some sort of understanding between the two Jedi Masters.

Xazor's question mirrored her own. This seemed to be enough Jedi but one never knew.

She smiled inwardly at Maia. The Padawan was eager to get going.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:46:22 PM
Sage grunted.

"That dirty fleabag," he had to laugh. "Well, good to have company anyway."

The Jedi Master turned to Xazor.

"Patience. We have time. These people are in need but they will be more thankful if we have better means in which to help them, would they not? We will give the others time to arrive, if there are more to arrive that is."

OOC - Are ther anymore Jedi coming? I forget the list Garrett gave me.