View Full Version : The gun slinging Jedi

Greyy Trespe
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:20:36 AM
We heat alot about the normal Jedi but what about the other jedi sects out there. At the advent of the blasters invention some jedi thought that the light saber was out dated. So they switched over to learning the art of the blaster. Shunging the light saber for the grip of a blaster.

The Teepo Palidins also known as the gunslinger jedi.

Some may want to start the path of the the Palidin. More info on it at the force sects board.


Apr 8th, 2002, 07:16:16 AM
yea but the lightsaber can block anything a blaster can send plus then it comes back to you and man ya better be good at dodging

Apr 8th, 2002, 09:52:28 AM
Yeah, and Obi-Wan says that blasters are "clumsy" weapons, as opposed to elegant lightsabers... IMHO I can't see a Jedi preferring a blaster over a lightsaber.

Apr 8th, 2002, 10:15:19 AM
A lightsabre isnt always the best tool

Greyy Trespe
Apr 8th, 2002, 01:29:40 PM
But jedi can learn to absorb and deflect laser blasts with the force just as well. And with out a light saber. Often paladins masters find it advantages to always fight with a blind fold or a blast sheild weilded shut. Becuase the paladins can see every thing in the force even more so then jedi. And they can act at long range unlike a jedi light saber.

Apr 8th, 2002, 03:52:29 PM
i never understood the whole force blcokign thing

vader did it, it was cool then why carry the lightsaber except to defend against other jedi but they are all dead aren't they

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 9th, 2002, 11:50:13 PM
One thing that should be thought of - sabres are good agains t blocking energy weapons.

But try blocking a projectile one.

Now, projectile weapons exist in SW. I had a think about this once and I concluded a sabre is pretty much useless against fast firing projectile weapons. A Jedi with a blaster WOULD be a highly formidible foe.

Figrin D'an
Apr 10th, 2002, 01:38:37 AM
I really should stay out of this one... :|

I will merely say that there are a lot of "issues" with the inner-workings and physical properties of the lightsabre... trying to logically explain what a sabre can and cannot do is pretty much an exercise in futility. The only things we can really "confirm" that a sabre can indeed do are the various tasks seen in the films... even then, it requires one to accept them for what they are - science fiction.

Doc Milo
Apr 10th, 2002, 09:55:36 AM
Based on what we see in the films, I don't see why a lightsaber wouldn't be able to block projectile weapons. We see that the blade can cut through solid objects . . . swiping it at bullets should be able to shred the bullet before it gets through...

Greyy Trespe
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:52:10 AM
Well one thing that a blaster could do was target the projectiles in mid air. The light arrows can do such a thing. I am betting that Blasters would also be effective at that.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:56:20 PM
An average shot gun would give a Jedi afewe problems.

No, I had a good think about this. A bullet moves faster than a blaster shot. Also, if a blade intercepted it, it would more likely either get molten and spray the Jedi with hot metal, or fragment and spray the Jedi with shrapnel. The only reason I think projectile weapon would be non existant (apart from the cool factor of a blaster) is that Blasters a re cheaper and would be more reliable, hold more shots and also most decent personell armour would be enough to make the average bullet stopped without harm. As a Jedi doesnt wear armour, they have a problem. And we will see in AOTC, Jango Fett gives Obi Wan a lot of problems with twin blasters. and is Droid Destroyers showed, a shield makes it a standoff. Jedi depend on lightsabres far too much IMO

Apr 10th, 2002, 05:30:06 PM
But try blocking a projectile one.

Now, projectile weapons exist in SW. I had a think about this once and I concluded a sabre is pretty much useless against fast firing projectile weapons. A Jedi with a blaster WOULD be a highly formidible foe.
Unless you play Jedi Outcast, when you have the funniest retort ever :)

Sage Hazzard
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:03:39 PM
Jango will probably cause a BIG boom in non-force users on this board in the roleplaying section. He'll pretty much kick Obi-Wan's butt.

Why not use both a lightsabre and blaster? And I would think that with large control over the Force, you could stop or slow bullets, since they're solid. But I don't know about blaster fire. It's one thing to move something like a rock but something different entirely to move energy.

Apr 30th, 2002, 01:36:37 PM
Why not a blaster in one hand, a saber in the other? :) Best of both worlds :D

A saber has a massless blade, so all the manipulation is done entirely with the hand, thus (as I'm sure we'll see in AOTC) a real master of the weapon can fight with it in one hand....freeing the other one up for frying someone with a blaster.

May 3rd, 2002, 06:23:53 PM
My char does do that. He uses pulse pistols (basically the Farscape version of blasters) and lightsabres both. If you ask for my NSHO, Jedi with sabres and blasters would kick!

Admiral Lebron
May 3rd, 2002, 09:01:32 PM
In Star Wars TPM Game for Computer you could block the tusken raider bullets with lightsaber.

Kaman Jeris Deliai
May 13th, 2002, 01:11:18 PM
Gun slinging Jedi aren't a bad thing. I happen to be one. i mean, my character used guns before she started her Jedi training, and she still uses guns. Lots of them.

May 15th, 2002, 03:35:12 AM
This is an interesting conversation and will put my two cents in. The Jedi for the most part are ministers of peace and the lightsaber is an instrument in which to maintain peace in a hostile circumstances. Only through the use of the Force is the lightsaber truly effective. Non-Force users can not properly wield a lightsaber. You will NOT see any non-Force users blocking blaster bolts or striking with uncanny precision. The lightsaber is symbolic tradition of the Jedi.

Whereas blasters are nothing but a pure weapon in which to kill with or defend one's self with. I do agree with some of the opinions stated here about projectile weapons. Bossk had a formidible weapon in the Relby v-10 mini-mortar rifle. Tusken Raiders use projector rifles. And when Boba Fett was not using the EE-3 blaster rifle, he was using a Stouker Concussion Rifle. These weapons IMHO should play hell on Jedi if wielded by capable hands.

What about Flame Rifles and the Jedi?

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 30th, 2002, 12:34:52 AM
Lightsabers don't deflect a flamethrower too well, I would guess. ;)

I agree almost completely with Marcus. If not for the limited ammunition, unreliable mechanics, and weakness of projectile firearms, they would undoubted still be in use in the Star Wars universe and not forgotten by all but those pesky Tuskens.

Speaking of whom, I imagine a Jedi can block their shots because of their slow fire rate.

Anyway, as for bullets becoming molten or shrapnel upon contact with a lightsaber and stil hurting a Jedi, I disagree... I see no evidence that there is ANYthing that can go THROUGH a lightsaber blade.

And there isn't even any real need for modern Star Wars-age characters to use outdated and weak firing-pin-and-gunpowder-projectile weapons... as has been pointed out.

Concussion rifles, mortar rifles, rocket launchers, repeating blaster rifles (still perhaps not nearly as fast a fire rate as an AK or anything, though), flamethrowers, vats of acid, molten pits of lava... really, lightsabers are little use against any of those. Heck, just play Jedi Knight II: Outcast. :)

Marcus Telcontar
May 30th, 2002, 07:19:28 AM
Oh, things can go through a lightsabre - if they move fast enough. Being a magnetic plasma bottle, if you have a bullet moving fast enough, it would splatter and not quite vapourise. In Star Wars, one of the rarer but far better guns is a Rail Gun - in the illustrated guide, Zam Wessel has one. The Bowcaster is one as well, so they exist. A Rail gun removes the problems of percussion weaponry, while adding a much higher speed projectile that is fast enough to get through the plasma field in a molen splatter.

I put this to a thought exercise about 18 months ago when my main character was a Bounty Hunter. I was thinking of weapos that woud cause a Jedi problems - weapons not in the EU and especially not in the crap that is West End Games, but a weapon that could be be possible in the movies. After seeing the Raiders used projectile guns, and the Wookiees had Rail weapory, you put two and two together to get you to real Rail Guns. Magnetic accelerated projectiles, fast firing and with a Mach 5 type muzzle velocity. At point blank, you wold leave a smear of goop of your opponent. At long range, it would still be devestating.

So, basically Rail Guns are what I would use against a Jedi. That or flamethrowers or rockets. Rail Guns are cooler tho, especially with the lack of solid remains that a bullet travelling at those type of velocities would leave if it interceted a body. Really, if your serious, a Jedi would be in deep poodoo against someone who thought out what to use. The Techno Union did, they came up with the Super Droid, with high fire rate and armour. Droid Destryers are standoff proposition. Super Droids kill Jedi quite nicely, especially if they get the drop on them

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 30th, 2002, 10:29:58 PM
I don't pretend to know much about lightsabers, other than that, basically, they can cut through everything in the movies but other lightsabers and apparently Vader's armour. ;)

If we follow even just my line of "reasoning", though: A lightsaber cannot have anything passed through it. But, as is seen in Ep I where Qui-Gon attempts to breach the blast doors, lightsabers can't cut through EVERYthing like melty butter. So if you had a big enough slug (or maybe the difference is in the material, I don't know), you would not get it to pass through the lightsaber, but it would knock it backwards at a horrible speed. Horrible for the Jedi, anyway.

Anyway, this is assuming you are not correct, even though it looks like you are. Still, only Wookiees or other rather strong beings can use Bowcasters. Rockets have an even worse ammo issue than small slug-throwing projectile weaponry - albeit much higher yield. I'd be interested in finding out what kind of goo ball throwers those Genosians were using, it appears even the Jedi knew lightsabers were no good against the things. But only that one big goo cannon looked worth it, the little ones seem easy to dodge.

Anyway, I'd use a spread shotgun against a Jedi, or the blaster equivalent - perhaps it'd be like the alt fire on that repeater rifle in the Dark Forces / Jedi Knight games. Flamethrowers seem to require too little personal space between me and the target, and rockets aren't very versatile. :)

Heck, there are always thermal detonators or starships, but nooo, everyone has to fight a Force adept with a blaster or lightsaber. :)

Marcus Telcontar
May 31st, 2002, 01:56:19 AM
Shotguns are valid Star Wars guns too.