View Full Version : Change in Tides [Closed]

Jedi Aurora Celest
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:13:00 PM
Peering out from under the cowl of dark cloak, the young woman stood patiently at the edge of the street. She watched the entrance of the dismal building; lingering persistently in the shadow of the structure for the one she knew would enter. Having waited there for a good two hours already, she continued to watch, wary of any movement and tricks of the darkness. She would not grow tired of this waiting game, after all, Jedi were taught to have great patience. Whatever it seemed she was waiting for would have a large impact on her destiny, completely changing her life around; she was certain of that. Her intuition had never failed her before, and she hoped it certainly wouldn’t now. A vision a week ago had called to her, beckoning her to search out this building, this street she now stood on, and a dark figure that would approach. She wasn’t at all entirely sure of what would happen if the being showed themselves, however, the Force had called, and she came running.

Lowering her head so that the fold of the hood fell to hide her pale face completely, the youthful Jedi closed her emerald eyes, increasing her senses to tune into the ballad of a light breeze that played around the corners of buildings. A child’s frolicsome laugh could be heard off in the distance and for a moment it seemed the child was coming closer, but soon after the sound died away, leaving the streets bare of all noise. What drove the inhabitants from this part of town was unclear, however it seemed to broadcast an aura of evil. One that made her somewhat uneasy, but she would not leave until she found out why she was drawn here. And so she stood, waiting, watching, and listening…

Apr 10th, 2002, 10:38:49 PM
<center><font color=crimson>Slowly he walked down the sidewalk across the street from the Jedi. His steps were fluid and graceful as if gliding across the ground. Covered in black from head to toe, his face hidden by the hood of his cloak. Nothing was seen, only a pit of endless darkness. Aurora suddenly brought her head up, his steps loud to her, ringing inside her ears yet normal to anyone else that walked the streets. Closer the figure came moving to the building, which soar into the clouds, cutting into the blue skyline. Aurora watched closely, and to her it felt like time was moving in slow motion.

The figure reached the entrance of the building; he stopped and stood still like a statue. Aurora watched from across the street, she wondered of this figure, what it was but most of all, what it wanted with her. The figure stood still for minutes as if acknowledging her presence, feeling her soul pulsated within her. Finally he turned putting his back to her and disappearing into the building. Aurora stood up tall trying to see him, then a voice fell upon her mind, a voice that attracted her and aroused her curiosity, yet only spoke one word, </font>‘...Follow...’</center>

Jedi Aurora Celest
Apr 14th, 2002, 09:27:51 AM
Aurora’s eyes followed the man as he entered the building. As he disappeared she continued to stare off into the street. What he wanted with her would become evident in just a matter of moments. Was she willing to step into that hollow building with him? Every Jedi instinct screamed at her, telling her to turn and escape now, but something in her heart longed to walk right in behind him. And so she did…

She stopped just inside the entrance and lifted her head to look around the dismal room. It seemed to have been gutted completely, poles and frames the only thing visible. She squinted a moment, trying to get her eyes to adjust after being in the bright sunlight for so long. It was dark…too dark, the only light streaming in through cracks from the decaying side panels. Turning her head she tried to locate the dreary man with her eyes. She could sense him, but he seemed to melt in with the shadows of the room, making it hard to get a visual. She stationed herself there, just a footing away from escape, motionless, hands folded within opposite sleeves, waiting for him to approach or say something…after all he was the one that had called to her.

Apr 18th, 2002, 10:40:16 PM
<font color=crimson><center>The door behind her shut closes and locked. The room was dark with only the light coming in from the glass door. Aurora stood there quietly, her senses on high and ready for anything. Her ears perked up as she heard something. She listened carefully not sure what the noise was at all. A long metal cylinder rolled forward emerging from the darkness and into the small amount of light. The cylinder came up to her feet and stopped a few inches away.</font>

"..Darkness comes to all, in death or life..."

<font color=crimson>A voice rang out echoing in the empty room. Aurora's eyes jumped from the cylinder and zipped across the room scanning the area, </font>"Darkness comes, but light always scares the shadows away," <font color=crimson>she spoke softly.

A low chuckle echoed through the room. It became louder and louder, </font>"..Embrace.." <font color=crimson>the voice spoke out once more. Aurora swallowed, she dared to ask, </font>"Embrace what?" <font color=crimson>Sodan emerges from the shadows before her, the light barely hitting him, but his face was concealed under his hood, </font>"..Embrace that which you fear.."</center>

Jedi Aurora Celest
May 2nd, 2002, 08:58:21 AM
Slipping her hands further into the sleeves of her cloak, Aurora watched the strange man from her perch. It was evident that he just wanted to tempt her to the darkside, but such enticements would not sway her. Although her ties to the Jedi were not as strong as they would have been had she taken a Master and not taught herself, she had beaten into her brain the fact that the Darkside was a simplistic way out; a quitters path. She was determined to keep that belief. As he spoke to her, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. There was no saving this man from what he had become…he was pure evil. His voice, manner, and aura radiated an ebony swirl of foul destruction. It had completely consumed his soul, snuffing out any trace of light.

"..Embrace that which you fear.."

She blinked at him a moment, then spoke softly; “I do not fear anything…”

May 10th, 2002, 05:25:57 PM
<center><font color=crimson>Sodan stood there before her staring deep within her eyes. She stood there and stared back, keeping her composure. Suddenly in the blink of an eye, he grips her neck with his hand, her eyes widen with surprise, </font>“...You Fear nothing?..”<font color=crimson> he squeezes harder lifting her up from the floor, her feet dangling, </font>“...Oh but you will...” <font color=crimson>He flings her off to the side, her body hits the floor and sides toward the wall. Aurora quickly gets to her feet and looks to him. He turns his back to her as he slowly undoes his robes dropping them from his shoulders and letting them pool to the floor.</font>

“I know what you want and it shall not happen,” <font color=crimson>she spoke as she took a defensive stance, </font>“I will not..” <font color=crimson>suddenly she is flung into the wall with the use of the force, interrupting her and smacking her body against the wall with a raw force. Sodan walks toward her now coming closer, Aurora gets to her feet and releases a back hand across his face. Sodan’s face whips to the side but quickly turns back to her, he then head butts her busting her open. A cut opened just above her eye and blood immediately flows down the side of her face.

Aurora stumbles back holding her head. She brings her hand to her face and looks to the blood in her palm, looking back to him, </font>“What is it you want?..Tell me!” <font color=crimson>Sodan takes one large step in with his right foot gripping her throat with his right hand and lifting her up against the wall, </font>“...You...”<center>

Jedi Aurora Celest
May 23rd, 2002, 10:15:25 PM
It was in that moment that Aurora understood all she was missing in her training as a Jedi. She was not strong enough to stand up to this being of evil. With each fierce beating, her body screamed to her…she had not taught herself how to take such forceful brutality. A headache irrupted that felt as if her head wanted to explode after his forehead met hers. She winced as she noticed all the blood from the cut at her eyebrow. As she irrationally called out to him and he answered by gripping her throat once again, she clawed at his grasp with her fingers, kicking out her feet in a last effort to get free. She found herself too hysterical to call upon the Force as an aide to help her escape.

He began to squeeze, crushing her delicate throat. Gasping for air, she realized that this could be the end for her; the instinct that had drawn her here and failed her for the last time. She quivered as she turned her emerald gaze to that of his pure black hateful one. Choking out a plea to him, she knew in that instance that she was afraid…for her life. He had been right. Her eyes fluttered shut as her mind began to cloud over from lack of oxygen. Her motion became sluggish as she continued to struggle and squirm free. She had never felt this helpless before.

After several moments of not getting anywhere and a sudden insight that her Jedi training had deceived her, Aurora felt something bubble up from inside her. Something that she had only felt once before in her life. Hate. She couldn’t help but hate him for the way he was treating her…how many others had he done this to? With each passing moment the hate grew stronger and more distinct till she could taste the bitterness in her mouth. She had never felt such power in herself before and she was going to use it to gain freedom. Her eyes snapped open with a renewed strength. She could feel the heat building up within her. Her upper lip curled and the fire in her eyes brightened as she narrowed them at him. With the buildup of energy increasing to its peak, she unleashed a malevolent battle cry and lashed out, sending a jolt of electricity through her fingertips and into his arm that she gripped. It wasn’t enough to damage him, but just enough to cause his arm to spasm slightly and lose his hold on her neck. Aurora crumpled to the floor as he let go. She remained there, gasping and heaving for breath; too weak to proceed. She felt as if her body had become clay and needed a little molding in order for her to move again. As the seconds ticked by she had an odd sensation of victory well up inside her. Her head rolled back against the wall she leaned on and she fought to remain conscious. Whatever had just happened had taken the life force out of her…and she felt like a new person…

May 26th, 2002, 03:09:49 PM
<center><font color=crimson>Sodan tilted his head as he looked down upon his arm, smoke slowly raising from his skin, </font>“...Yes, Give in to your hate...” <font color=crimson>With a fluent motion he grabs her by the collar and flings her across the room. Sodan slowly turns walking toward her, </font>“...Save yourself Jedi, strike me down...” <font color=crimson>Aurora slid across the floor as the blood rolled down her cheek. She was weak and in truth could barely keep her head up to look at him. Sodan drew near, his footsteps echoed inside Aurora’s head.

She lifted her head and looked to him, again that feeling bubbled inside her blood. It ran through her veins as if giving her new life. Her eyes narrowed as he came up to wobbling legs, he hand moving to her belt – <font color=blue>VRMMM</font><font color=crimson> – her saber came to life as he held the hilt in her hand. Sodan stopped holding out a hand, palm up, the metallic cylinder flew from the floor and into his hand, his thumb pressing against the trigger – <font color=darkred>VRMMM</font><font color=crimson> – a maroon blade erupts from the hilt awaking from it’s slumber.

Aurora raised her saber then came down with a swift slash to his left should. Sodan easily countered bringing his blade to meet her’s knocking it back out to his left. She went with the push and spun around delivering yet another swipe, this one toward his neck. Bringing his blade back to the right holding it perpendicular to the ground, he blocks her strike stopping her movements, the blades crackled and hissed against one another as he starred into her eyes.

Sodan could peer into her soul, she was not the same person that had entered a few minutes ago. No, she was different, she was broken and all she had learned had failed her, and now it was time to end her past. Suddenly he grabbed the side of her head with his left hand, still holding on to his saber with his right. He unleashed the darkness into her mind, releasing the Sith past, but more importantly he was opening the door for the Dark Side. Million of images and voices echoed through her mind, she soon released her blade dropping the hilt to the floor, he followed suit dropping his saber then grasping the other side of her head with his right hand...

<font color=orange>"This is our golden age...Choose your course wisely...fight the correct battles...or else all is lost!"

"I fight for the future. And the future is now!"

"I fight for the Sith Empire, Naga Sadow. You fight for yourself!"

"If you want to live, there is a power that can save you. Accept the dark side of the Force...let its fathomless energy flow into you...you must surrender to the dark side."

"You are puppets of tradition pretending to be important. The coming golden age has no place for you. Your Republic is an empty self-indulgent diversion... signifying nothing. The lost glory of the Sith will turn all of your supposed accomplishments to dust."

"Master, do you really know who I am? I am the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge."

"It is unavoidable. It is your destiny"

"You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my master."</font>

[I]<font color=crimson>Aurora cried out, tears ran down her cheeks, he hands grasping his wrist. He voice became louder upon every second until finally he released her. She fell back to the floor, she didn’t move nor make a sound.</center>

Jedi Aurora Celest
Jun 1st, 2002, 07:38:11 PM
The images, lucid and authentic, ran through her mind like anamnesis of happenings in her own life. At first she tried to shut them out, horrified at being violated of her thoughts. This man had gone straight through her defenses and pressed his beliefs on her. It angered her and she fought back, trying to put up invisible barriers…but to no prevail. He pushed right through them like they weren’t even there. After a time, she felt worn, mentally. Physically she was already lacking strength, but now she couldn’t even begin to call on the Force as her savior. It was a lost cause.

The images came faster, beating into her brain. She shut her eyes tightly, hoping that it would just all go away. But they didn’t…and neither did the voice of the man. The sound resonated through her ears and rang throughout her head, echoing and repeating over and over until it seemed like countless voices all talking at once. She couldn’t stop it…and it wasn’t going to stop.

After moments of agonizing and hopeless denial of the Sith, Aurora gave in. She no longer had any strength or will of her own. It had been stripped from her. Lying there helplessly, Aurora felt the darkness cascading around her. With the last moment before she fell unconscious, she sent out a call to the Sith before her, knowing he’d be able to hear what she did not voice, I am yours to teach…

Jun 6th, 2002, 02:41:56 PM
<font color=crimson><center>Sodan looked down to her seemingly lifeless body. He reaches down grabbing Aurora by the collar and lifting her over his shoulder. He had easily won, broken and changed her will to his own. He turned and walked into the darkness of the building disappearing...</center></font>