View Full Version : Benevolent Forces: Hidden suffering...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 6th, 2002, 10:06:27 AM
Xazor's space craft touched down on the planet's surface. With a slight hissing noise, the door on the ship opened and the light from outside flooded in. She stepped carefully down the ramp and placed her feet firmly on the soil of Cysaria. The planet was as she remebered...beautiful in every way except for the people who inhabited it. It was a Sith controlled planet...the one she had fled from.

It had been half a year since she had been here, and she knew that it was not a great idea. Her red robes touched the ground, and the hood of her cloak rested on her head...hiding her true identity in the shadows. Her blue eyes darted around, taking in everything once again, and the silver specks in them glistened as they caught the light. She sighed slightly, remembering too many things at once.

A droid brought her travel pack to her and she nodded in appreciation. The ship's door hissed shut once again and it slowly rose off the planet's surface....leaving her here. She quietly began walking toward the designated place where she was to stay. Walking up the long stone stairs, she opened the doors to a living complex and entered. She held a piece of paper and on it was the number "77". She took the hallway to her left and followed it until she reached the 70's.

Once there, she walked....slowly, one step at a time. Cautiously, she looked at every number until she stopped at the door that read "77". She placed her hand on the door and it hissed open, to reveal a spacious room with a nice view of the Forest...exactly the place she intended to go. This was her second secret mission to Cysaria, and she hoped to accomplish all she needed.

Setting her things down, the Jedi Knight walked over to the large bay window and looked out over the Forest...sighing slightly to herself as memories laid heavily on her heart. She would never be able to reveal herself here....for all would recognize her immediatly. A nock suddenly came at her door and made her heart jump. She cautiously opened it to find a hand maiden.

I was wondering if you needed anything to accomodate your stay.....

She asked polietly. Xazor shook her head and thanked her, and the maided left quietly. She shut the door to the room and rested against it for a moment before opening it once again. She locked the door behind her and headed out of the hotel.....headed for the Forest. There was a great deal of suffering going on in there, and she was on a mission to ease it...or totally rid the creatures of the pain.

Her heart was burdened for this particular group of creatures....the wolves that inhabited Cysaria. There was a great number of them, for this planet had the most, next to the planet Digo. She made her way past some guards and then approached a clearing that was right before the Forest. She focused the Force to give her guidance and calm her nerves...and it did. She felt serenity all at once when she entered the Forest...hoping she could peacefully go about this mission....

Xazor Elessar
Apr 6th, 2002, 09:27:45 PM
Stepping quietly into the Forest, Xazor could immediatly feel distress among the creatures there. Since the Empire capital was expanding from the City of Cysaria, they were moving into the forests and destroying the habitats of the animals that thrived there.

Xazor walked deeper and deeper into the Forest until she stopped in a clearing and listened. She could hear faint wimpering sounds and ruslting around. Suddenly, she heard a group of wolves howl out together. It sent a chill down her spine for a moment, but she pressed on in the direction of the noises.

Suddenly she came to another clearing near Kama's River......of course, the emperor....her old Sith Master had it named after himself. Next to the water was a pack of wolves who looked famished. They did not look at all as she remembered them, growing up here. You could practially see their rib cages. She sighed and approached the group. Being so close to nature as she was, and having the training to speak to animals....she did just that.

Greetings my friends. My name is Xazor...I am a Jedi Knight from the Greater Jedi Order....I am a Garou. I am here to help you.

She spoke gently in their minds. They knew that they could trust her, so the six approched the woman. She smiled and knelt to the ground, taking the sack off her back. She removed six large steaks and laid them before the beautiful creatures. They gave a silent thank you and began to eat. She then walked over to a gathering of trees and began building a small hut-like shelter for the creatures. This is what she intended to do for all the wolves she encountered on this mission......

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 7th, 2002, 04:55:09 AM
Back behind Xazor the wolves happily gulped down the strings of steak she'd left for them, snarling hungrily as they tore them up in a vain attempt to swallow the meat down quicker. It was in situations such as these that the true nature of the wolves came out. There were six steaks to six wolves, but these beasts were hungry and one piece of flesh would not do. At first, it was only one that protested and tried to snatch away anothers meal, then more became greedy until finally the whole pack were at each others throats.

From the heavy thicket of trees that they were fighting by, a laugh rumble. The leaves rustled, and the wolves became on guard suddenly - preparing themselves for what might emerge. They could smell it. The scent was much like their own, but put across a regal feeling that showed that whom even was sending out this signal was in charge - he was number one.

Alpha male, leader of the pack, god damn hell raising man killer.

Or something to that extent. The wolves fears were certified as the figure stepped out into the light. He wore all black, a suit that hugged his figure tightly and allowed for extensive movement as well as high protection. On top of this outfit he donned a trenchcoat; the typical garment for a man of his profession.

"Now then boys," his voice came out husky, hoarse even and was comparible to the growls that the wolves themselves made.

"Which way did our little samaritan go?"

Apr 7th, 2002, 10:25:05 AM
A few miles distant, still in the forest, walked Satine Capashen. He had his normal trenchcoat and jumpsuit, and his weapons, but he seemed more at peace in the forest. He had followed his sister, because, with her luck, she would get into some kind of trouble while she was here and would need soemone to bail her out of it. That was where he came in. Now all he needed to do was find her...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 8th, 2002, 04:48:05 PM
Xazor continued making her way through the Forest. She fed the wolf packs here and there and built them shelter. It seemed as though this would give them rest from their suffering at least for a little while until bigger galactic influences could make their way here and save all of them. She smiled as she bent over and stroked a wolf cub...only a month old or so. Eight more emerged from some bushes and greeted her with hungry looks. She laid down a few more steaks and built them some shelter. A female nervously approached her then.....but the wolf could sense that Xazor was of the same origins....and was friendly to their cause. She smiled and laid down two steaks for this one.....she was a mother.

The Jedi Knight kept treking through the Forest, occasionally stopping to feed and build shelter to those in need. Suddenly she stopped when she heard something behind her. She saw nothing when she turned around....but felt the presence of another. She smelled the air and her senses gave nothing away so she continued to walk.

She got to a clearing and sat down on a large tree stump to rest. She took out her water and drank almost half of the bottle, then placed it back on her backpack. She looked around at the beautiful trees and wildlife that roamed about and she began to day dream.....

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 9th, 2002, 02:08:34 AM
From behind Xazor, the soft compression of grass underfoot could be heard alongside a light clink of metal. Out into the clearing emerged the Lupine Sith Lord, and in his wake he left hordes of squabling wolves, battling over scraps of meat. They were his kin, yes, but if they were to be associated with him they had to be brutal killers. And that was that.

"My, my ... how nice of you to come out here and feed all of these poor little doggies."

His voice drifted across the soft breeze with an ignorant regality that only he could pull off well.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:25:49 PM
Xazor was suddenly snapped back into reality. She looked up and her eyes met those of a Sith Lord....one she was all too familiar with. She looked behind him and saw a group of wolves that were fighting over some of the meat she had given them.

Yes, I am out here in an attempt to relieve the suffering of these poor creatures. How did you find out I was here anyway? As far as I knew, no one knew I had left.

She knew that she could not say too much to him, for this was a Sith controlled planet, and it was a branch off of the Sith Empire. Anyone who was friendly to the Empire was welcome here. Obviously from her past.....she was not. Others here had no idea that she had fled, and because of her identity, they might be easily fooled.....though, it appeared her plans were destroyed due to the presence of Vega.

I am here on a mission of peace and I do not wish to be involved in any trouble. If you leave me alone, I shall do the same for you.....

The Garou kept her eyes on his, not moving an inch. He made her nervous....and she did not know why. The Jedi Knight sighed and tried to think of a way to rid herself of him....but in the back of her mind, she knew that that was impossible to do....

Alright.....what do you want? Are you you going to tell them or something? Be my guest....they will do nothing to me...

She was speaking about Sith Master Lord Kama and the mass number of men that worked under him. If he told them, of couse they would do something to her. She would not go unpunished for she knew that most of them were aware of her escape. It was other lowly guards that did not know, and would let her pass if she showed them her tattoo. She looked at the ground, actually dropping her eyes from him for once, knowing that she was very much in his territory....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:11:02 PM
This had to be one of the strangest things he had ever done.

He could understand how Xazor Leo Dawnstrider had an affinity with wolves, given she was part Garou, but why was HE here, and at this point feeding a pack of animals with some cuts of raw meant? Well, because he had been asked by Xazor.

It was also cold and dank in this part of the forest. The wolves themselves were obviously hungry by the way they tore into their food. Okay, so it was a nice thing to feed starving animals. And to help out Xazor, with whom he had a Life Bond with. Still didnt make this any less weird.

Apr 9th, 2002, 07:39:49 PM
Satine can feel some odd feelings from Xazor, and mutters a curse, igniting his arm-blade, and running toward his sister. She had gotten in trouble faster then he had expected, Satine thought as he cut away a path with his blazing white blade.

Xazor, where are you? Satine sends, keeping his speech quiet, and private.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:46:35 PM
Xazor was suddenly aware of the presence of her brother.

Alpha.....I am directly in the middle of the Forest close to Kama's River. How did you know I was here? No one was.....

She stopped in her words. It did not matter how he knew or anything else at the moment. All she cared about was that he was there and could help her. She continued in her Force speech, putting a telepathic block up so Vega couldn't hear.

Vega Van Derveld is here.....he found me and I fear he is going to do something to me...or turn me into Kama's men....

Her heart lept into her throat at the thought of what they would do to her if he took her to them. As she thought this, the thoughts of her life-bond partner came into her mind. She had forgotten about him coming on this mission and had gone off on her own. She sighed slightly and spoke to him as if they were his own thoughts.

Thanks for coming Marcus....but it looks like our good deeds have been cut short. Sith Lord, Vega Van Derveld found me.....and I fear he is going to turn me over to Kama's men...please, you must help the wolves and not worry about me. They are my kin and this is important to me. They need to stay alive...

She kept watching Vega as she relayed these Force messages. It was difficult to remain still as so much was happening in the Force. She felt that Marcus was close, but Alpha was closer....and continued to trek toward her. She did not wish for anything to happen to either of them...this was her fault once again.

Apr 10th, 2002, 05:13:34 PM
Satine, just a bit aways, slows and begins to walk quietly to the fields where his sister is. He opesn himself to the Force and senses three other life signs.

Wait a minute. Three?

The Jedi Knight focuses on the third one, the one approaching, and smiles as he sees it's a Jedi.

Hey, Jedi, how're you? I can't sense you that well with through the Force.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 11th, 2002, 02:09:37 AM
Vega stood watching Xazor in silence as she and Alpha passed their thoughts back and forth. He could not hear what she was saying, but could sense that some transactions were taking place.

"Who do you think I'm going to tell about you being here, Xazor?"

He folded his arms over his chest.

"I'm here for the same reason as you ... granted with a slightly different motive."

By this he meant he was here for the wolves also. He was trying to become more akin to them, to expand his knowledge on them and their ways just as his grandfather Marco had once instructed. To successfully live as a Garou or Lupine, one had to know how the beasts worked else you yourself could not.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 11th, 2002, 04:30:05 PM
Then why have you cornered me so? If you are here for reasons such as I....then why did you follow me?

She questioned, staring into his dark eyes. She hoped that Alpha would hurry soon...or Marcus. Either one, because she felt stuck where she was.

I don't know who you'd tell...and I don't see why you would...

The Jedi Knight lied to him...but very poorly. She was not good at hiding the truth. She was unaware if he knew anything about her past or not, but she hoped that he knew nothing....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 11th, 2002, 05:20:20 PM
Stuff this.

He handed out the rest of the food he had bought in a few quick throws, watching as the wolves attacked the meat. He could feel Xazor's concern.... and knew she needed backup.

Xazor.... what do you want me to do? I can be there in a few minutes if you want.... or do you want me to just shadow you?

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 12th, 2002, 05:44:44 AM
"I haven't cornered you at all ... I've simply been watching. Do you see me drawing my saber on you or throwing you about with the Force?"

He left a rhetorical silence before taking a step forward towards Xazor, who immeadiately seemed to raise her guard again. Vega laughed quietly, glancing upwards at the trees. He could feel the movements of Jedi all around him.

"Do you not think that if I was going to kill you, I would have done it by now?"

He glanced downwards, quirking an eyebrow.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 05:59:54 PM
Xazor could feel Marcus as he moved toward her location. She needed help, dispite what Vega was telling her.....she could feel that something was going to happen and she didn't know when.

Please....come to me.....I need you here. I do not know where Alpha is, but he is here also and said that he would be on his way to find me...but I have seemed to loose a physical connection with him at the moment and am unsure of where he is. Please, hurry!

She spoke in the Jedi Master's mind. Her guard was up and she was prepared for any move made by the Sith Lord. All she wanted was peace and to help the poor creatures on this planet.....her home planet. She felt it was her duty....especially since she was Garou. She eyed Vega as he looked at her curiously.

You would not kill me now....I am worth more alive to you here....than dead. Maybe in another place in time you would see it fit to try to kill me.....but here, no. I sense......other things. You know that I am worth much more alive...

This was confusing to her.....how did he know? She and Vega did not talk very often.... She knew that he would not kill her....that is why he had not done it already...she was much more valuable on his part if she was alive.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 06:23:25 PM
"Sh**. Excuse me Canines, I've been called away. Enjoy the rest of your dinner"

Marcus turned.... then took off his bow, which was on his back. An arrow was notched before the master began to move with stealth through the undergrowth in the direction of Xazor. It would take him a bit longer, about five minutes.

On my way.... five minutes. I'm coming from dowwind so my scent doesnt give me away

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 06:58:53 PM
Good......because he would know you were coming otherwise....he already senses your presence, I know it. If he is a true Lupine, he'll smell you anyway.

She said in Marcus's mind as she kept her eyes on the Sith. Suddenly two Sith guards appeared out of no where and stood on each side of Xazor, but between she and Vega.

Well well well.......it has been some time since I have seen you....has it not, great Sith Knight?

The guard spat his words at her and she winced slightly. Obviously he was aware of her absence, but not her change. She knew him well...he was her body guard whenever she went places.

Yes Ilo.....It has been some time.....and that is, Jedi Knight.....

She said softly. She could see his eyes flare with hatred toward her. The other guard must have been new, for she did not recognized them. But both of them worked under Kama....they had the identification cards right on the front of their armor. She sighed, wondering if they had sensed her themselves.....or if Vega had sent them here.

Okay, Alpha or Marcus....I don't care who gets here first but someone! I need one of you now! There are two Sith Guards here.....under Kama and I need one of you.....please.....

Her telepathic voice rang with a pleading tone as she kept her focus on the three Sith in front of her. She felt so backed into a corner....she felt helpless.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 07:28:02 PM
I'm coming!

He accelerated. Still cautious so not to give himself away, but he still moved with the stealth and spped that he had learned in all of his long years.

He eventually could hear voices. Raised ones. He stopped. He wasnt going to reveal himself until he was certain what was wanted from Xazor

What do you want me to do?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:26:34 PM
I don't know! Just......help me! They are going to take me away!

She said in Marcus's mind through the Force. She kept her eyes on the guards and Ilo spoke once again.

So.....little one.....you ran away from the Sith so you could become our weak enemy? What a foolish choice.....I was assured that Emperor Kama would have trained you better than that. We had much faith in your abilities. You have failed us and now you are wasting your talent!

He stepped foreward toward her and the other guard followed. Vega did not move, but she could see his cold smile on his lips. Her heart was quickening its pace as he got closer and closer to her. Once he was a foot away, he bent over and looked into her eyes.

Now.....you will come with me.....STAND UP!

She did not move but stayed seated on the tree stump. She kept looking at him.....almost staring through him. He stood up and spit at her feet, taking out a pair of air-restraints. He then grabbed her arm and forced her to her feet....but for some reason...she did not fight him. He placed her hands in front of her and locked on the air-restraints. She lowered her head as the other guard positioned himself behind her and Ilo took her by the wrists in front of her.

Good work....Van Derveld.....

Ilo said as he began to walk slowly past the Sith Lord. Xazor sighed, walking with them.

Marcus.....I think it's too late.....they have me, and there is nothing you can do now...

A tear fell from her eye and she sucked it up as she walked slowly with them.....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:38:09 PM
From out of the undergrowth, there came a sharp twang! Very, very abruptly, one of the captors screeched as a shaft of wood and feathers appeared in his eye. Another few seconds and another thumped into his chest, skwewering his heart.

Marcus, bow in hand notched another arrow. He was nearly 100 meters away. The first person was a clean shot from where he was, but he didnt have good ones on anyone else. He circled left, bow in hand and ready to fire when he got a clear target

Xazor Elessar
Apr 12th, 2002, 10:48:40 PM
Xazor saw Ilo fall to the ground with an arrow in her chest. She looked over and saw Marcus with bow in hand. With a smile, she looked back at the other guard and got a plan. Quickly, she planted a firm back kick in his groin, sending him to his knees. She ducked and rolled out of the way and looked to Marcus.

Now! He's down!

She yelled through the Force as she kept an eye on Vega....all she needed was for him to make a move....or more guards to show up. Where there was one or two....there was always more, guaranteed.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 11:53:35 PM

The arrow went through the throat of the second as he went to the ground. Marcus lowered the bow, coming out of his cover and beginning to walk closer to Xazor.... and someone else he was not familiar with. But someone fairly familiar to Xazor, which was why he had not reloaded. His free hand however, was not far away from his sword as he approached, carefully and watchfully.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2002, 01:28:13 AM
Xazor slowly rose to her feet, her wrists still bound together in front of her. She looked at Marcus, but kept her feelings stretched in the Force to sense the movement of the Sith Lord.

This is Vega Van Derveld...Sith Lord of the Sith Empire...

She spoke in Marcus's mind. She could see that he was ready if he needed to act...and that comforted her. She just hoped that Vega would not provoke a situation like that to occur...

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 13th, 2002, 03:17:09 AM
As the Sith guards entered and congratulated Vega on bringing Xazor here, Vega smirked. He had no idea who these supposed 'Sith' were, but he knew that in a moment they would be gone. Sure enough, an unseen bowman caught both the guards within minutes. Vega laughed to himself, turning to look back to Xazor.

"Just so you know, Jedi ... I have no ties with those men or this .. Kama you speak of, infact I have never heard the name before."

He strode forward and held his hands out infront of him - it was clear now that the Sith had no lightsaber on his person.

"I am here purely for information ... "

The other Force presences were growing closer; Xazors 'rescue brigade' was no doubt coming on fast.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 13th, 2002, 11:53:15 AM
You had no ties with them? How can I believe you, you're a Sith?

She looked down and saw that he had no lightsaber. With an uneasy look, she glanced over to where Marcus was and then let her eyes drift back to Vega's.

Information? What do you wish to know?

She was still bound in the air-restraints, and her arms rested gingerly on her lap as she sat there, waiting to find out what......"information" he needed...

Apr 13th, 2002, 07:37:34 PM
Satine had gotten here too late. Marcus had already taken care of the soldiers, and now Vega was talking with Xazor, no doubt sensing both him and the Jedi Mastre.

Mastre Marcus, Satine says, using respect he showed to only a select few, Fill me in will you?

He clims into a tree about sixty feet away, his sabres held in his hands but not yet ignited, ready to strike if nessecary.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 14th, 2002, 02:27:23 AM
He took a few paces towards Xazor, looking down at the Jedi Knight with an unwavering expression of curiousity.

"My son. I know you have been near him ... I know he is training to be a Jedi."

It was quite visible that Vega was having to restrain himself from lashing out and letting out the rage that speaking about this caused inside.

"... I want to know who his Master is."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 14th, 2002, 07:28:28 PM
A hard lump formed in Xazor's throat as she looked up at Vega. She did not wish to speak a word of any information to him.

I shall not tell you a thing. To protect Thanatos and my Fath.....I mean, his Master...I will not breath a word to you....

She stopped for a moment, realizing what she had just said, gave away everything. She sighed, nervously looking toward the direction Alpha was coming from, but keeping her senses open to Marcus.

He is going to do something to my Father! If he touches him...

She was saying all this in her mind, but directing it toward the two Jedi who seemed to be on both sides of her now. She verbally growled deeply at Vega and rose to her feet suddenly.

You will not harm either of them....

Her elongated canines were visible now, as she stood inches from the Sith Lord's face. She would not be brought to anger.....but if provoked, she would have to act on her Father's behalf and that of her friend.....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:12:14 PM
Marcus made himself visible, coming closer. Hands were empty right now, but his hand was not far away from his sword. His bow was back on his back.

"I take it you two know each other" he stated as he got resonably close to the Jedi Knight, soft and strangely accented voice sounding out. "Who is this person Xazor?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:47:15 PM
Xazor held her ground only inches away from Vega's face, and she did not even turn to physically acknowledge the Jedi Master.

This is Vega Van Derveld.....

She growled deeply, looking straight into the Sith's eyes. She took comfort in Marcus's presence and knew that not much would happen since he was there.....

Apr 15th, 2002, 01:20:09 PM
"And what do you want Sithling?" Satine asks, his voice coming from the opposite direction. He drops from the trees right across from the other two Jedi, a dagger held in one hand.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 15th, 2002, 07:34:55 PM
Xazor looked over at her brother who was holding a dagger. Her heart was pounding.....and she could not do much for her wrists were still bound together.

He is going to go after Verse.....we can't let him do that.....

She spoke to both Alpha and Marcus in their minds, expressing her deep concern for her father.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2002, 07:50:30 PM
"I think those binders can come off now"

The Jedi Master pointed at the air binders (OOC : was that right?) triggering the unlock by The Force.

"So... this is Vega Van Derveld? I've heard much with this one."

Now where have I also heard the name before? He wondered. Wasn't there another being with sort of the same name athe Jedi Order?

What's his interest here Xazor?

Verse Dawnstrider
Apr 16th, 2002, 08:43:49 AM
::100 feet away was Verse Dawnstrider. Jedi and Garou Knight. He had found a note from xazor telling him where she was. He ran into trouble in Hyperspace and it took longer than he planned to get here. On his right was a creature teh size of a large car. Solid Muscle, an dlooked like it belonged here. It was Golith. Verse's Dire Wolf. He had been living with Verse for years, though few Jedi knew of him. He heard of the wolves in trouble, so he and his pet came. His Garou ears picked up Vega's questions.

Verse wasn't smiling at this. If Vega went into a Rage, they would be trouble. He would not allow his daughter or others to be hurt because of him. A jedi is willing to give up his life to protect others. He had taken great strives to get here without anyone knowing, but the time to lurk in the shadows was not now. He calle dout to Vega. He could hear him. Verse was closer than vega would have guessed.::

"I am your Child's Master. Why do you wish to know?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 16th, 2002, 10:03:50 AM
Within moments, four Jedi were present. Xazor, Alpha, Verse and a force he had not encountered before, yet sensed was powerful. He grinned slightly and looked across towards Verse.

"Ah, so he has entrusted himself into your hands."

A soft laugh passed the Lupine Sith's lips.

"How fitting."

He folded his arms tightly over his chest.

"As I say, I was only curious about the matter ... it will be useful information to have in the future, no doubt."

Verse Dawnstrider
Apr 16th, 2002, 05:00:41 PM
::Verse shrugged.::

"I am sure. I will teach him his true history. Gaia is on his side. He is learning how to fight like a true changeling."

::Verse covered his mouth and yawned slightly. He didn't take his eyes of the Lupine. He could smell the adrenaline coming of him. Verse did not know if it was because he was jumpy, ready to fight, scared, or something else. Verse smiled showing a carefree attitude he was known for. One that was aware of the dangers around him, yet was completely at peace.::

Xazor Elessar
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:22:53 PM
Xazor suddenly felt guilty as she viewed her father standing there. She had hidden so much from him.....and now she would have to tell all. She decided to save it for later.....

You will never touch my father...so I see not how this information was needed by you...

She growled deeply at him, trying to avoid eye contact with Verse. Her wrists felt better now that they were out of the air restraints. She thanked Marcus with a slightly smile, but kept her piercing gaze on the Lupine. Her heart suddenly jumped as her wolf companion, Kaukauna growled and appeared out of the woods. Yet another thing she had neglected to tell her father of. She sighed and broke her attention away from Vega. With a quick message in sign language, the wolf was standing at her side, growling at Vega.....but then his attention was diverted when he saw Verse's large pet. She had not known of this beast either.....

Father, I am handeling this just fine...

She glanced at him quickly and returned her fierce look back to the Sith Lord. She moved in just a bit closer to him and looked straight into his eyes.

It is not wise of you to do this.....

She sent a Force message into his mind, holding her ground close to his body. Of course since he was a male, he was larger than her, but she appeared just as strong as she finally took a stand for herself and those she was close to. It was not something she did much.....but she knew she was right.

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:05:10 PM
Satine slowly unsheaths his second dagger, the crystal blades glittering in the sunlight.

sis, you got any idea what he is up to?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:16:49 PM
He is going to do something to Verse......I can feel it. He will have to get through me, first...

She said in Alpha's mind, but sent an audible growl toward Vega, not taking her eyes from his...

Apr 16th, 2002, 09:34:59 PM
Three Jedi in front of him, one at his back. One very dangerous and edgy one at his back...He can't believe he could get through to Verse with all of us here.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 17th, 2002, 07:57:43 AM
I hope he doesn't...I would not wish to be responsible for whatever happens to him...

She said to Alpha's mind. She kept looking at Vega as she stood quite close to him.

So, now you have your information. What else do you want? Surly you need something, or you would have left already...

She crossed her arms over her chest, but then dropped them, realizing that she had exposed all of her weapons. She held her hand on her lightsaber, so he could not take it off of her belt if he wanted to. She had learned that lesson in a fight with some other Sith. It would not happen here....nothing would happen here unless he tried something....

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:36:37 AM
As Xazor growled quietly, Vega grinned manically. He craned down towards her somewhat and let out a deep throaty growl which toed upon coming a roar; setting his elongated canines in full view. He let a silence fall, then laughed darkly.

"I'm not after your father today, little one."

With a glance down at the wolf, the Lupine straightened up his posture, a sneer still resounding from him.

"That is all I wanted to know,"

He held his hands up and shrugged before turning on his heel. His eyes panned over the area. Then he called out loudly, so that all the Jedi present could here.

"It it sad to think you have no faith in her, that she could not handle herself."

Glancing back downwards he began to walk slowly away from the gathering ...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:39:45 AM
Xazor growled deeply, her elongated canines quite visible also. With a quick leap, she was now in front of the Sith Lord.

What do you need that information for? I see no purpose!

She growled deeply once again and stared into his dark eyes. Yes, indeed she could have handled herself and ended up dead...she was glad that her friends had come to help her. If not for their presence, who knows what could have happened...

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 17th, 2002, 10:43:55 AM
"I am now not allowed to be curious as to who is controlling my own sons fate?"

Vega snorted and pushed Xazor aside, striding on past her.

"Do not try and interfere in my plans, Jedi, for you will find yourself in grave danger as a result."

Apr 17th, 2002, 12:46:47 PM
"Try it and I'll burn you to the ground."

Satine snarls as he says this, angered at the sith threatining his sister.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 17th, 2002, 03:51:50 PM
Xazor growled deeply as Vega pushed her aside. She was shocked at her brother's words......but knew that she would have said the same thing. She was still upholding to the promise she had made, though....and would not fall from it.

Just know that if you hurt my father, you will have more than just me to deal with.....Sith...

She growled deeply at him. Seeing that he was not affected, she sighed and clapped her hands once. Kaukauna was at her side and she began to trek away from the group......just leaving them there. She still had more to discover.....whether they knew it or not. Her heart ached and for a moment, she stopped and looked back at her father. With a sigh, she continued walking.

I must find my origen...

She said softly to herself, allowing her brother to hear the words in his mind...

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 17th, 2002, 05:04:45 PM
Marcus shrugged. Now it was more of a family affair and for that he would not step in. Turning on his heel, he followed Xazor as she walked away.

What was that all about?

Apr 17th, 2002, 05:47:58 PM
Satine follows Xazor, and sends his own message.

I'm with you sis. I want to help you find where you belong.

Verse Dawnstrider
Apr 17th, 2002, 06:37:02 PM
::verse smield.::

"I have faith in her. I only came because you wished to know. So I told you."

::Verse looked at Xazor.::

"I am not old enough that I can't defend myself."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 17th, 2002, 08:25:33 PM
Xazor was a bit upset over the whole thing and just continued walking.

Fine....defend yourself....you don't want my help...

She continued walking with Kaukauana at her side. Looking back to see Marcus and Alpha following her, she spoke to both of them.

I have had run ins with Vega before...he wanted to know who his son's master was. It is Verse......I just didn't want something to happen to him...now I need your help. I go in search of my origin.....my beginnings. I have some base knowledge, but need more...the guards will catch me if I am not careful...

She said this as she continued walking through the Forest..wondering what was wrong with her father..

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:15:41 PM
"What do you want us to do?"

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:32:19 PM
"I would not be too concerned - if you want me to shadow you, I will"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 18th, 2002, 08:05:45 AM
I don't know yet. Just shadow me, as Marcus suggested. I know I'll get into trouble and if I do, I might need you guys.

She kept walking until she stopped at a clearing. She knew this forest like the back of her hand and she also knew that there were guards swarming this place. She looked across the way, hiding behind a tree and spotted three Sith guards gathered together. One was waving his arms about and looked pretty nervous, while the other two stood there and listened to him.

You must remain unseen, or they will catch onto me...or do something to you. These guys are ruthless...

She looked back, concern showing in her eyes. Suddenly, she put her hood over her head and walked into the clearing, confidently making her way in front of the guards. One held up his hand and stood in front of her. Raising the sleeve on her left arm, she showed him the tattoo that she had recieved as an honor. The guard bowed deeply and stepped out of her way, stumbling over his words to apologize to her. She continued walking as she adjusted the sleeve.

Meet me in the next clearing. I will have a way for you to gain access everywhere I go.

She made her way several yards into the Forest and stopped in the next clearing. No guards were here, and they would not be. This was the perfect place to talk for a moment and gather a plan...

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 18th, 2002, 03:02:41 PM
Marcus appeared out of the trees from which he had been moving through - going form branch to branch. With a slight thump, he landed and came next to Xazor.

"Okay, so what have in mind?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 18th, 2002, 07:11:41 PM
Xazor pulled out a small jar of permanent paint, and a small paint brush. She grabbed his left arm and rolled up the sleeve. He seemed to object a bit, but then loosened his muscles. She quickly painted a replica of the tattoo on her arm right on his skin. When she was finished, she smiled.

You now have access to anywhere you wish to go......unless you meet up with Kama face to face.

She said softly. She waited for Alpha to drop in anytime, so she could give him the fake tattoo also.

Thank you for doing this for me.....I cannot thank you enough.....

She smiled and looked up into the trees expecting Alpha to fall from them at any time.

Apr 18th, 2002, 08:56:33 PM
And instead, Satine seems to appear in the shadows behind his sister, and taps her on the shoulder. She doesn't jump this time, and smiles as she sees her brother's sleeve already rolled up.

"Looks like this might be an interesting day, eh guys?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 19th, 2002, 08:11:56 AM
Xazor turned around and grinned as Alpha came up and tapped her on the shoulder. With a smile, she took the paint brush to his bicept.

I really appreciate this.....both of you. I am putting all of us in great danger....but it must be done and you two seem like the only ones willing to help me.....

She said softly. With one more stroke, she was done. She looked at her tattoo and checked both of the fake ones on their arms. It was almost a perfect match. Even with a semi-close examination with a eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell. She grinned at her work and nodded.

Now....not many people have these. It was either this, or I would have to make you a really bad replica ID....and technically, last time I checked, there was only me and four other people who had this mark. So...it seemed to work out perfectly, especially since the other four were men....

She hoped deep within her heart that this would work. She needed to find out where she began. This was vital to her, and very important. If something went wrong...who knows what could happen to them. It would be very bad if Kama found out about this....

Apr 19th, 2002, 12:46:46 PM
"Then we should fit in perfectly then. How many people would we have to face if we screw up? Not that I think we will, but I just want to know in case fate isn't samiling on us today."

Xazor knew this was just Satine's warrior's mind, wondering how badly he would be outnumbered, trying to think of a way to get out of the trouble that might happen...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:55:05 PM
Who knows how many men he will send. If we get caught, at least ten soldiers will be on us in a minute. Then...he sends the rest of the army in. Especially if he finds me...then it will be a inter-galactic crisis.

She said softly, worry in her eyes.

Apr 19th, 2002, 04:11:30 PM
"But that's only if the sith live to get the word out..." Satine says, his voice deathly serious...

Xazor Elessar
Apr 19th, 2002, 04:33:20 PM
Do not take these men lightly. They are armed, and quite dangerous. They are trained as Warriors, prepared to take out anyone or anything...but I am confident in our abilities as a group.

She said with a reassuring smile.

Apr 20th, 2002, 02:30:46 PM
Satine nods, and gives a small laugh.

"I pity anyone who gets on our bad side..."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:42:38 PM
Yes....indeed. Now....I must get into the Emperor's Head Quarters. That is where my information.....and my birth-certificate are held. I will need sneak in somehow.....and you'll need to follow me, but we need to appear casual. If the guards are stupid...or distracted, then we can go in together. All Warriors with this mark are allowed in the Head Quarters. Once inside, we need to get to the top floor....the east wing. Up there is a room where information for everyone who has ever lived on this planet is stored. Mine is there in a file. I am not saying that this is going to be easy.....it probably won't and there is a good chance of us getting caught. If we get separated, and you happen to get caught, here is what you do. Marcus, you and I have constant connection. Let me know where you are and who has you. Each guard wears a small name plate on the right side of his chest, so that is how you will know. Then, if they question you, give them my name and location. I will get to you faster than they will get to me. When I arrive, hopefully there will be no more than two guards. If there are....I will have to think up something fast. Okay....that is the plan, but please don't get caught......I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you.

She wore a look of worry as she finished her "speech". These Sith were not to be taken lightly, and she wanted no harm to befall her friends...but she needed them in case something happened to her.

Apr 21st, 2002, 08:25:27 AM
Satine nods, his usual cheery demeanor now serious.

"Got it."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:01:03 PM
"I wont be caught - but this sword of mine is going to stand out like a sore bantha. What do you want me to do about that?"

Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:48:46 AM
Satine notices the sword, and then looks at his own weapons, seeing none that would stand out.

"Looks like I'm clear."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:40:49 AM
Xazor thought for a moment. She then removed her cloak and wripped the inside lining out. It was a black satine material and would do good to cover the sword.

Wrap this around it then keep it strapped to your back. That is how most people carry swords around here anyway. Mine is hidden by my cloak.

She said, putting her cloak back on. She would leave her weapons belt visible, in case she needed a weapon it was available to her. She would have easy access to her sword also.

Okay, follow me....we are going in...

She said, nodding for them to follow her as she walked through the Forest. There was a clearing up ahead and a group of guards. This would be the first true test of their new identities.

Alright...when we approach these guards, they will require you to show them your tattoo. Only the warriors are supposed to be out here...that is why you have the mark. Usual civilians are not permitted on these grounds...they are sacred to the emperor because they are the land that surrounds his headquarters.

She approached the guards who stopped them. Raising her sleeve, she showed them her mark and they immediatly stood at attention and bowed slightly to the woman. They moved out of her way and she continued walking down the path, stopping half way to wait for Marcus and Alpha...

Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:59:19 AM
{OOC: Satine material? Don't you mean satin? lol J/k.}

Satine went first after Xazor, rolling up his sleeve, and hopign it works. The guards look at the tattoo for a second and then motion him in.

It worked sis! IT worked! he sent through the force, then stopping with Xazor to see if Marcus can get through.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:50:21 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded as her brother stood beside her.

I know, see, they're too stupid to check the encryption code. If they did it right, they would take a blood sample from someplace on the tatto to make sure that it was not fake.

She said through the Force, as they stood there waiting for Marcus to make it through.

ooc: Isn't it spelled Satine? :lol Oh well if it isn't.... ;)

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:48:16 PM
Marcus didnt bother showing the tattoo. He instead walked up to the guards.

"You didn't see me". He also waved his hand, invoking the Force.

"We didn't see you" replied one guard with a dumb look on his face. The Jedi Master walked passed and joined Xazor and Satine. He did notice the look of exasperation on Xazor's face.

Marcus continued to walk with an impish grin on his face until he was out of sight from the gaurds. He then realesed the guard's minds and they promptly forgot he was ever there.

Apr 24th, 2002, 07:29:47 AM
Satine chuckles lightly, and says, "Nice touch Marcus. Though it probably would have been easier to just show them the tattoo."

He turns to Xazor, and asks, "Hey, Xazor, is there an armory in here? I figure if one or two of us gets caught, they might need some backup firepower to fall back on."

Xazor Elessar
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:21:06 PM
Xazor looked at Marcus, amazed that the guards fell for the mind trick. It was amazing to her! She smiled and then diverted her attention to her brother, who was questioning her about an armory.

Yes.....they have an armory. It is located near the Emperor's Head-Quarters.

She said softly. And it's about the size of Coruscant City... She finished the thought in her mind, and laughed to herself at the slight exaggeration. True, it was quite big...but nothing they couldn't handle...right? She had confidence in their small group.

Apr 25th, 2002, 06:48:29 PM
Satine whistles lowly in amazement, and theng rins.

"Maybe they wouldn't mind me taking a few dozen suveniers (sp?) with me when we leave..." He says, grinning.

"So, where's our next stop?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 26th, 2002, 04:34:54 PM
The top room of the Emperor's Headquarters. We need to go there to retrieve my records...

She said quickly. In a flash, she was off, running through the Forest. The other two had to catch up to her and when they finally had, she spoke while continuing on the path.

It may not be as easy to get in, though...we might have to sneak in through a window, or the water filtration system.

She said as they continued. She had snuck out a few times and knew how to get back in also. If need be, that is what they would have to do...

Apr 26th, 2002, 06:06:41 PM
Satine follows after his sister, and hears her comment.

"You've done this before?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:31:08 PM
ooc: Okay Mark! :)


Xazor grins and looks at her brother as the trio continues to run.

Of course I have....how else would I know?

She laughs slightly as they approach the last clearing before the large complex. It did not appear as though any guards were here, and that brought a smile to Xazor's face. They ran through the clearing and back into the think of the Forest. Now they were only a hundred yards from the Emperor's Head-Quarters. The pace of the group slowed to a quick walk as they approached. Guards were swarming the outer perimeter of the building. Xazor had expected this and was quite prepared. She walked over to a tree and focused on a window on the second to the last floor. She unclipped an auto-drive propeller from her weapons belt and shot the long cord from the hilt. Its hook clamped onto the window ledge and Xazor quickly connected the hilt to the base of the tree. She then took out three Swiss seat climbing harnesses. Sha handed them to Alpha and Marcus with instructions on how to put them on. Once all three of them were in, she took out long climbing robes. She laced them through the hooks on the harnesses and then laced them to the climbing line.

Soon Xazor was climbing up the line...unpside down. The others slowly followed her up the line. The ascent was one hundred feet or so until they finally reached the window. Xazor peered inside and saw an empty room...as she expected. She fell inside of the room and unclipped herself from the robes. Soon Alpha and Marcus were inside of the room. Xazor walked around, almost in a daze. She gently touched a wall as memories flooded her mind....

Apr 27th, 2002, 06:00:20 PM
As Satine lands--without sound, like a cat--he pulls out both of his pulse pistols form the thigh holsters they normally were in. Crouching, Satine levels the weapons as he looks around, noticing his sister.

"Sis, you ok?"

Apr 29th, 2002, 05:50:38 PM
As Marcus drops beside him, and still no answer from his sister, Satine gets up from his crouch quickly, his trenchcoat fluttering, and puts one of his pulse pistols up, walking over to Xazor.

"Xazor? Everything ok?"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:59:27 PM
Xazor is snapped back into reality quick and turns around to face her brother. She nods and smiles slightly.

"Yeah....everything is fine..."

She says softly. Marcus knows what she is really thinking though, due to their Life Bond Link.

This is my old room....

She said softly through the Force to her companions. She then walks and stands in the middle of the large room. Kneeling down, she places her hand on the floor and sighs, recalling so many painful memories.

This is where he almost killed me....

She felt a tear escape her eye, but she quickly wiped it away before either of them saw...she knew Marcus could feel it though. She looked back at Alpha and shook her head.

This is the place where I got this...

She rolled up her sleeve on her right arm and eyed the deep scar. She let the sleeve drop around her wrist once again as she lets her gaze fall to the floor.

May 1st, 2002, 06:28:53 AM
"Oh," was all Satine could say, the Jedi at a loss for words...

Xazor Elessar
May 1st, 2002, 06:49:51 PM
Rising to her feet, the young Knight turned and smiled at Alpha and Marcus.

No time for this now...we must hurry and go to the Upper Room where my file is! Come!

She ran over to the corner of the room and banged on the wall. Suddenly a tile from the ceiling fell out of place and crahsed to the ground. Dust flew everywhere and Xazor coughed as it entered her lungs. Obviously no one had found this secret of hers...

This is an entrance to the air ducts. We will be safer crawling through there than walking the halls. Come on!

She motioned for the other two to follow her. There were rivets in the wall, and it was easy for her to scurry up it, and land herself inside the ducts. Waving her hand, she nodded for them to crawl up and follow her.

Once she was assured that they were behind her, the Garou crawled quickly down the ducks, periodically stopping to view a room through a vent. There was a light toward the end now, and she knew she was getting close to a safe point.

The trio reached the end after about ten minutes of crawling and then stopped. Xazor peered through the vent and spotted one guard there, standing before a large desk. She cursed slightly and looked back at Marcus and Alpha, barely able to see them for the darkness.

What are we going to do? There is someone down there!

She relayed to them through the Force as she tried to think up a plan. She had nothing....

May 1st, 2002, 06:54:57 PM
Satine, who had taken rear guard, reaches out through the force and senses the person.

You want him extra crispy or original? Or maybe even alive, but knocked out? He sends, then sends another message at the dirty look his sister gives him.

What?! They're Sith! You can't blame me for going with my instincts..."

Xazor Elessar
May 1st, 2002, 07:03:58 PM
Xazor shook her head and indeed, gave him a dirty look.

I feel the same way...but we're Jedi. Don't lower yourself, Satine!

She said through the Force. She thought for a moment and spoke telepathically once again.

Just knock him out.

She told him. She did not wish to do it...and knew that he would in a heartbeat. She nodded and motioned for him to do so....

May 1st, 2002, 07:12:23 PM
Satine nods, and focuses not on the Sith, but on the air around him. Forming walls of Force, the Jedi sucks all the air out of those walls, the Sith gasping for breath. He keeps the sound down to a minimum. Soon, Xazor hears a thud, and then goes into the room. As Satine drops to the floor--his pistols already drawn and sweeping the room--he sees the dirty look Xazor give him. Two in less then five minutes? God.

"You killed him. I thought--" xazor begins.

"You thought wrong. He's not dead, just out of it. Go ahead, check."

Xazor Elessar
May 1st, 2002, 07:22:23 PM
Xazor knelt down at the man's side and feels for a pulse. There was one, and he was not dead. Xazor sighed in relief and rose to her feet.

Okay....the file room is right next door. We have to be absolutely silent. Let's go....

Xazor crept to the door and opened it, peering around the corner and seeing nothing. She snuck out into the hall, Marcus and Alpha following her to the next door. The Knight places her hand on it and it hisses open. Much to their surprise, three guards were standing inside. Their eyes immediatly rose to the trio and Xazor froze.

Oh no.......

She breathed through the Force.

May 1st, 2002, 07:26:31 PM
The guard's eyes immediately see their fallen comrade, and the twin pulse pistols in Alpha's hands.

"Sithspawn..." he mutters.

Xazor Elessar
May 1st, 2002, 07:39:32 PM
Xazor doesn't wait any longer. Outstretching her hands, she sends a heavy Force blast at the three, knocking into.....and through the wall behind them. Now plain daylight was visible, for they had fallen outside...down twelve stories and onto a rocky ground.

Now we must look for the file! We're here and so is it. It's under my old name, Xazor Leo Kama.

She began searching through a cabinet nearest her and then discovered that they actually put the names in alphabetical order.

Here, these three!

She moved to three cabinets where the X's were located.

May 1st, 2002, 07:47:42 PM
Satine takes guard atthe door jamb of the outer door, his pistols out.

"Sis, do you think some of the other Sith will come looking? Or how long it'll take 'em?"

Poking his head out the door, Satine pulls it back as a group walks by.

Xazor Elessar
May 3rd, 2002, 04:44:01 PM
It won't take them too long. We have to keep the door locked. Here, put this cabinet in front of it.

She moved a cabinet with the Force and set it in front of the door, before setting back to her work of looking for the file. She searched and searched but found nothing. A bang was heard at the door and suddenly she cried out with excitement.

I found it! Here it is! Now we must go! Hurry!

She called out to Alpha and Marcus as she ran for the corner of the room where another air vent rested in the ceiling.

May 3rd, 2002, 05:05:29 PM
Satine is about to head to the vent when he hears a lightsabre's snap-hiss.

"Sis, Marcus. Head out. Marcus, protect my sister well..." Satine says, looking at the sabre's cutting blade, and holstering one of his blasters, and igniting one of his own sabres. As one of the guards jumps in after the door and file cabinet was cut away, Satine triggers a shot.

A yellow energy blast shoots out of the pulse pistol, and catches the guard in the throat. The man goes down with a thump, a charred area where his throat should be.

He then gets into a fighting stance, ready to block a shot or slash.

Xazor Elessar
May 3rd, 2002, 10:09:50 PM
Xazor stopped in her tracks and refused to go. She ignited her saber when another guard entered. Without fear or hesitation, she ran at him. Jumping into the air, she landed a flying side thrust kick to his chest, knocking him back into a wall. She spun around on her heal and slashed her saber across his chest. As he fell to the ground, she placed her hands under his arms to break his fall. She gently set him down and placed her hands on the cut across his chest. It healed quickly and she reassured herself that he would only be knocked out for a while. She then ran toward the vent and hoisted herself up the wall an into the shaft, Marcus following close behind her. Once safely inside, she peered down at Alpha and offered him her hand.

Come on.....there is nothing more to be done!

She made sure she had the file with her information before moving down the shaft a bit, expecting her brother to climb in soon so they could leave.

May 4th, 2002, 07:50:30 AM
Satine blocks another blasts, and cuts down a Sith before jumping, quickly climbing into the vent. A laser blast follows, and catches him in the arm as he closes the grate. He hisses in pain, but still closes the grate, and then follows his sister, stopping brifly to ignite his sabre--set in length to a dagger--and cauterize his wound.

"So, we trying to leave this God forsaken planet now?"

Xazor Elessar
May 4th, 2002, 09:00:34 PM
Xazor looked back at him for a moment and continued crawling through the duct.

"Yes, we will be outta here soon! Just a little further...."

She called back to him. They reached a patch of light above their heads and Xazor opened what they came to see as another vent, leading into another duct way. They crawled into it and crawled for a few meters until they reaced a large open fan system.

"This leads outside, to the roof. We just have to climb that ladder over there and go through the fans. They are not running right now, so we have to hurry. They run in twenty minute shifts and who knows how long they have been down."

She motioned for the two to follow her. They crossed the floor of the large area until they reached the opposing wall and the ladder. Xazor then began the ascent, carefully placing each hand and foot on the metal rungs of the structure. She occassionally glanced down to make sure Marcus and Alpha were still following her. Indeed, they were. The trio was quickly approahcing the large blades of the fans. A knot formed in Xazor's stomach as they got closer and closer. How she hoped they would stay off.....or there would be a big mess to clean up...

May 4th, 2002, 09:50:17 PM
"Um, sis? Couldn't we just use a sabre to cut through the blades of the fan to make sure they wouldn't slice dice and chop us up?"

Xazor Elessar
May 5th, 2002, 12:12:44 AM
Xazor shook her head and looked up at the huge blades of the fan.

Are you blind? Look at the size of them! Besides.....the Sith use their heads when they create stuff like this. They are resistant to fire, and anything of the sort.....such as lightsabers. Trust me.....I lived here for fifteen years....

She said as she continued climbing higher and higher toward the fans.

May 5th, 2002, 09:50:07 AM
Satine shrugs, then winces at the pain it causes from the wound.

"You're the boss...Do we just pray they don't turn them on then?"

Xazor Elessar
May 7th, 2002, 07:56:46 PM
"That's about it!"

She said as they continued to climb. Suddenly she heard a clicking sound and felt a rubling in the wall. She looked back at Alpha and Marcus, sheer panic written on her face.

"We really have to hurry now...."

She said, quickening her speed with the Force and increasing her body strength. She climbed faster and faster, going higher with each second that passed. Then the fans began to inch forward slowly. She hurried quicker, knowing they would only pick up pace as they began to rotate. She looked back to make sure the other two were still with her. Indeed, they were. They trio finally reached the fans. Each blade moved once over the spot above Xazor and left a brief opening, one last chance before it was too late....or they were cut up in the fury of their speed. The Knight made it past the blades and sighed with relief as she continued climbing, finally making her way over the edge and onto the roof. She then paniced and her heart jumped as she remembered Alpha and Marcus. She threw her head over the side, her eyes searching for them to see if they had made it or not.....

May 8th, 2002, 06:38:01 AM
Satine sees the fan blades whirling, and reaches out into the Force, using all of his concentration to slow down the blades and give him enough time to climb up. Plopping down on the deck, Satine breathes heavily, and watches for MArcus.

Darth Turbogeek
May 8th, 2002, 08:50:58 PM
Marcus chose a different option.

He pulled out his sword and then trusting to it's strength, he shoved it upwards...


The sword wedged between two blades, the motor whining and beginning to smoke as the tried to either throw it aside or break it. A groan from one of the blades waned the Master he had little time... he scaled the ladder as fast as he could, then pulled out the sword from where it was wedged with The Force. The blades immediatly began to spin as he scaled the ladder ne handed, reaching the top and going over the side onto the deck.

Where yet again, Xazor and Satine were giving him strange looks.

"What? What did I do now?" he grinned as he checked the sword for damage and resheathing the weapon once again

Edit : Ahhh damn. Just pretend it's Marcus :p

May 9th, 2002, 06:14:41 AM
"You enjoy doing the harder or noisier way, don't you?"

Xazor Elessar
May 10th, 2002, 07:20:15 PM
Xazor sighed relief once again and rose to her feet.

"That was really great Marcus....yes, the noisy way...."

She laughed slightly and looked around them. She spotted the tree that would take them back to their ending point in the Forest. Running to the edge of the building, she witnessed a large group of Sith guards go running inside, panic written on their faces. She laughed slightly and motioned for the others to come to where she was and view the sight quick before they had to make it back into the trees.

May 11th, 2002, 02:12:36 PM
Satine goes to look, and gives one of his "better-then-them" smirks as he sees it.

"So, where's our next list of sights to see sis?"

Xazor Elessar
May 11th, 2002, 04:25:58 PM
Xazor grins and takes out the grabbling hook once again. She shoots it into the tree that they had shot at the building from. They still had their harness's on, and clipped themselves to the rope once again.

"Next top....that tree...."

She said with a smile. They would be able to slide down to it now, for the roof was higher than the branch. Holding on tightly, Xazor went first and zipped down to the tree, landing on it's large branch-platform safely. She unclipped herself and waited for Marcus and Alpha to join her.