View Full Version : Benevolent Forces: Lost Heirs

Sage Hazzard
Apr 6th, 2002, 07:34:49 AM
The shuttle touched down softly, then rocked on it's bottom. The door shooped open, leaving the interior open to the exterior. The warm air of Gabrial was well recieved by the passenger area. Sighs and pleased moans echoed throughout the inner-hull.

"Be mindful of the Force, Padawan. This place is not as it seems," a rather sceptic man voiced. "It is hiding it's true self."

Sage Hazzard, a Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order, stepped off the transport first. His eager Padawan, D'Mourning Orb, stood beside him every step of the way. He nodded a reply, his voice not being able to acknowledge Sage, for he was mute.

Gabrial was a peaceful planet for the most part. The gentle sway of the Urria trees were notorius for lulling a traveler to sleep. A cool and clear ocean welcomed them as well. Most of the planet was covered in water, five sixth of the planet to be percise. This shuttle landing pad resembled a harbor, it's ground layered with sand and it's sky welcoming and light purple. Purple, it was the color of the planet. It had twin suns, red and blue. The result was a purple sky that was surreal.

Yet under all this peace layed a thin veil of chaos and hate. A planet by the name of Centaaur was in close proximity to this coastal world. Wars were always threatened between these two, for they were always bickering. Although the animosity that these two governments held for each other seemed not without precedence, for the heir to the throne on Gabrial was missing. The girl, primed to be the queen to take her father's place, was no where to be seen for aproximately two weeks. The king of this planet proclaimed that it was a kidnapping, meant to force the king into a trade treaty he was opposed to. War was to break before the Republic intervened. The Jedi were sent to mediate this disastor and in the best case scenerio, bring it to a peaceful conclusion.

D'Mourning Orb
May 14th, 2002, 11:40:40 PM
D'Mourning looked at Sage, eye's glowing with unbridled enthusiasm.

What do you mean? A wry smile crossed his lips.

<center><img src=http://syriuscline.clanpages.com/d'mourningorb.jpg>

Sage Hazzard
May 17th, 2002, 01:33:00 AM
"Search outside yourself, Padawan. There lies the answer."

Walking along the winding path leading to their speeder transport, Sage mused further. His hands slipped into the opposite sleeves of his cloak.

"We are Jedi Knights of the Republic Padawan," Sage, of course was a Master but that was trivial rank status. "We must resolve this conflict."

Then stopping his Padawan with a hand on his shoulder, he smiled and nodded. Clearly he heard the many racing thoughts in the Padawan's head.

"This place hides it's turmoil and civil conflict behind a viel of harmonious pleasantness. Remember, my young appentice, those that are elusive in their feelings surely have something to hide."

He was making one of his tedious speeches where he droned on end. Normally he wouldn't think much of it. Now, with a deaf student, he saw the strain of repeated listening on the face of his Padawan. For he always had to face Sage to process his teachings. That often led to long days of neck craning with the way Sage went on.


They entered the speeder cab and it quickly took off for the palace, seeable in the distance.

D'Mourning Orb
May 18th, 2002, 01:14:49 AM
Inside the cab, D'Mourning watched the ground below. It was
beautiful. Lush forestry clearing into a dewy medow, fresh with condensation. The houses in the clearing: Each individual and unique, as made by the tireless hands of the owners.

He tapped Sage on the shoulder.

I used to live in a little area like that, down there, growing up.

He saw children in the fields. It wasn't work, he knew, for he had lived the very same experience. They loved it. He too had loved it.

There is so much beauty in the world... and you can find it in anything.... even ears of corn.

A smile crossed D'Mourning's lips as the cab pushed on, ahead.