View Full Version : Master of the Teras Kasi(Open Challenge)

Greyy Trespe
Apr 5th, 2002, 05:33:49 PM
A man in a cloak stands watching the sky. There were many people that exist in the universe. Some good some evil.

A portion of those are quite dangerous the portion that has access to the force. The order of Teras Kasi are sworn to prevent any of them from harming the innocent. He swares that he would prevent it at all cost.

Tempist Opps
Apr 6th, 2002, 06:23:46 PM
The Sith shapeshifter had been wandering aimlessley through the wilderness, looking for somthing... he wasn't sure what, but he felt that somthing was misssing.... he stumbeled accross a clearing, with a man staring into the sky, seeming to be lost in his thoughts. He didn't seem to have a force signature, but he seemed to have some power of his own... after a moment of silence, Tempist finaly spoke, his deep voice startling the man.

"Good afternoon Sir, do you know where the nearest village is by any chance?"

Greyy Trespe
Apr 6th, 2002, 07:59:29 PM
He felt the sith coming from behind. The Teras Kasi had given him the ability to sense a force user and know what their force allignment was. This was a sith. The darkness in this one's power was plan to him. The sith spoke and he pretended to be startled. Showing himself to be a normal man to the sith.

"No I am sorry, but I do not, but what would a sith be doing looking for a villedge." He dropped the hint that he knew what the traveler was.

Tempist Opps
Apr 18th, 2002, 09:40:32 PM
"I need supplies, iron and things of the like. Why would a Teras Kasi Master care what my bussiness is?"

Tempist had realized what this man was as he spoke, sensing that there were very few things in the universe that could sense the force, only being force users themselves, or one of the few 'protectorate' orders, the largest of which being Teras Kasi. He had run into few of their kind over the last few hundred years, but he had delt with them before. He stood ready with Infinity at his side, the black bladed longsaber. He was indeed a force to be reaconed with. (see sig, i think the code is broken now though)

Greyy Trespe
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:42:36 PM
Greyy was equally surprised. The order was not well known. Only the most long lived of aforce users had any idea of their existance. "I am sworn to protect the innocent from any force users that go rogue. And where a dark sider goes there is sure to be death in his wake."

"And I can not allow that to happen." He Has his weapons at the ready beneath his cloak. some peices of cortosis armor from the yinchori, a Kato blade resistant to light sabers, and apair of light claws on either wrist. All spoils of past hunts through the centurys done by his family. He is unussual to the sith in one more way though. He is dimmed in the force. He is there but it is as if some how he is resisting it.

(He is the Child of a Nil'Jihad mother. They genetically reengineered their race to have that genectic difference that makes some beings seem to be absent from the force. Like in the NJO books where it is explained to some degree.)

Tempist Opps
May 1st, 2002, 09:48:38 PM
ooc: i havn't read any of the books, tempist is all unique, and the only things i go on otherwise are the movies and the guides (to weapons, vehicles, races, etc.)


"You think a few toys will stop me? Phh, you have qite an imagination."

Tempist was fairly unarmed, for him anyway. He only had with him Infinity, a few throwers, and his boot dagger. This would be fun.

"What makes you so sure that I'm out to kill? Just because I'm Sith dosn't mean that I am out to slaughter the villagers by the thousands, as you seem to have the impression of..."

Greyy Trespe
May 2nd, 2002, 07:33:52 AM
The sith believes that this weapons are the only assets of a Teras Kasi master. He well find that he is sorely mistaken in that case.

"Perhaps not thousands. But certainly one or two. You sith have a habit of killing anything that happens to offend you." He puases, "To stop you from taking even one life is worth the risk dark lord."

He begain to gain strength in his body. Using a automatic meditation technique that he had honed over the years to increase his battle reflexes and concentration. He was unreadable in the force that always happened to frustrate the force users to no end.

Tempist Opps
May 2nd, 2002, 02:44:37 PM
"No, I prefer torture over slaughter. I only kill those that attempt to remove me, otherwise, they wish for death."

Tempist well knew what the Teras Kasi were capable of, but cared not. This would be a learning experiance for him.

"And havn't you realized that if you try to kill me, you will most likley fail, and suffer greatly by the end? Or that I am not the one you should be worrying about, but the jedi are in fact, more brutal than us?"

Somehow, Tempist knew that his man had powers, but not force-borne.... he quietly let the dark energies brew within him, preparing for the now obvious battle that awaited him.