View Full Version : Arcan IV-the Decline of the Empire

Telan Desaria
Apr 5th, 2002, 07:41:58 AM
I have been watching the boards very closely-as much as I could, and there has been no response from the New Republic to the Imperial Incursion into Rebel Territory. This surprises me. One would think that the final meeting between the two galactic archnemises would bring about the most titantic series of threads and posts we've ever seen. But instead, an entire armada of fully armed and operational-sound familiar?-Imperial warships sit at the doorstep of the NR without opposition. What has become of us-I ask, rhetorically, philisopihcally, and realisitcally.

The Empire, in all rights, should be taking advantage of the 36-hr time frame and cutting broad swathes out of colonized enemy space. But instead, the most powerful unified armada it has fielded in months sits, prostrate, at the edge and brink of war. Why is this, when one single, Guild-class Star Destroyer, venturing into NR space, caused a flurry of excitement and brought about an SSD and a number of smaller warships to surround it with all dispatch.
I guess my only answers come in theories. The New Republic may be scared of starting a Galactic War, and thus will allow the Empire to take whatever it wants, maim and destroy whatever and whomever it wills, and then hope it leaves for the bases and sectors it calls home; then, the healing can begin. Or, the second, more painful analysis, is that the NR hasn't the resources to combat an invasion of this size-and I mean not eman and matierale-I speak of leaders who stand of the bridges of warships and issue commands and enthralling words that encourage and galvanize a crew to higher things it had never thought possible.

I have seen the roster for the New Republic Fleet and it is indeed impressive-I for one would like to know where it got all those Star Destroyers-it was surely before I became Inspecter General of the Imperial Destroyerate, because no one's thefted any from my yards. So resources are not lacking. A titantic battle looms on the horizon, and space must soon erput into a conflagraion that will change the galaxy for ever. But I propose it will be for the better.

OOC, the prospect of a war between the two superpower creates a welth of story ideas, all the way from bounty hunters cashing in on one sides bid to capture an infamous commerce raider or fleet commander-ahem-to the Jedi, gallantly defending Yavin IV from an asault again, or given coy advice to an Admiral who needs counsel in the heat of battle. To the Sith, who could take advantage of the chaos to rebuild their wartorn Empire, or seek rvenge on the Jedi. To those elusive Conclaves, who could quickly rise to be a thorn in both aggressor's sides...the possibilities are endless. I only ask that all parties give it the needed consideration and allow the war to begin and see where it turns. I for one, and looking to hone my war record and find love on my flagship-sotry ideas I've planned out already-

This from the perspective of an Imperial. But we too need the war. We have bcome stagnate. To be honest, while our Fleet is large and our army the rival of any that marches in the galaxy, we have barely enough central staffing to control it. We lose leaders to other things, or keep them sporadically. A war would entice people to all sides and rivet the community for many months to come...

Telan Desaria
Fleet Admiral of the Empire

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 5th, 2002, 07:57:52 AM
Didnt you read my post in that thread?

Arcan IV is off limits to fleets. It is in possession of a group - and has a presence by another that has disavowed them too. If you want some global war, moving on a planet that simply has been already been made off limits to a fleet RP under the provisions of SWForums is not the way to start some Uber-war.

I'll put it bluntly. You want a war? Fine, go find someone who wants to have one. Most people here just want to do their own thing and to be left alone. Fleeting is seen as a phrriah because of the probelms it has created and most players just dont want to know and to be left alone - and not worry about being beaten out of existance by a Uber 1000000000000000 ship fleet.

Read some of the opinions given in the fleet OOC forum about this. Understanding why fleeting is hated might answer a lot of your questions and explain why a) no one is answering and b) No one is going to answer at all.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 5th, 2002, 10:50:37 AM
Firstly, I believe that this thread should be in the Fleet Forum and as I went to check the OOC forum there, Telan, you already started a thread.

Now, I will leave this here for now incase anyone else wants to discuss it since you did mention other groups. I'll give them a chance to respond :)

Telan Desaria
Apr 5th, 2002, 11:48:03 AM
I don't propose attacking arcan IV. Just using it as a staging area for a larger conflict.

Apr 5th, 2002, 12:46:40 PM
Both sides are undermanned...most noticably the NR. Its Yog, Garm, and myself, plus a few other people. Yog's almost never on. Garm despises the type of RP you propose, and I simply don't have the time to shoulder such a labor-intensive fleet RP.

I'm moving this to fleet forum.

Telan Desaria
Apr 5th, 2002, 01:00:38 PM
Would someone provide me a link to the Fleet forum...-sounds lost.

I have also acquiesced to all's demands and just began a post withdrawing the XVth Destroyer Corps from Arcan IV. It is now heading into NR space to draw out your fleet, and spread out so there will be no futher conflit. I am jepordizing my career over this, so please, be tactful in your chastizement.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:29:40 PM
I do want to mention that in our recruitment drive, we did attract a few players who are very much into fleet RP with all the stats and rules and might be interested in a bigger conflict.

But it seems even they are ignoring Arcan IV despite my encouragement to deal with it how they want without me. You see that as the NR copping out. But have you considered the possibility that this 900-ship attack IS just too stupid to acknowledge? It's not just me being caustic for no reason.

If there is a wealth of story material ... why haven't you proposed it? Where was the build up to this action? Where is the opportunity for Intel RP? Where is the motivation and plot?

And as LL pointed out, we just don't have enough people interested in the type of RP you propose to carry it out. Sorry.

Alec Lafeyette
Apr 5th, 2002, 04:21:43 PM
I'm usually active, and would really like to help out the NR, but...

Lately I've just lost all interest in roleplaying altogether and have retired to playing games and working my way out of a swamp of work. Unless something drastically important happens in the near future, you can most likely count me out for one of the NR members. Sorry guys