View Full Version : Unchartered Existance: Damnation's Touch (closed)

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 5th, 2002, 04:03:30 AM
*The day was ominous. Dark grey clouds slowly rolled by overhead, threatening of, but not delivering, a rainstorm that would likely be too much for any sane soul to be out in. The wind was simply not there, not even the slightest of breezes available to be felt. As such, the dark green grass that, in the overcast's shadow, seemed to have little more hue than the clouds themselves, did not move. It simply lay flat against the ground, as if an invisible weight was keeping it down. Indeed, it was not just the grass that seemed to feel under an invisible weight this day.*

*Sith Lord Miryan no Trunks stood at the edge of the cliff, staring down at the water below. Normally, the silence would be broken by the steady pounding of the waves below, but today the ocean was unsettlingly calm, only adding to the feeling of dread that was upon him.. And his beliefs on his chance of survival, combined with the knowledge that it was not just his life at risk, left him solemn enough, even without the help of the weather..*

*Reaching up over his right shoulder almost subconciously, MnT rested his grip up the handle of his newest sword (http://www.swords-online.com/data/shop/images/UC-1266_large.jpg), which was yet unnamed.. The 6 foot long two-handed sword had taken him months and months of planning, and numerous times had he been found in the bars of both Sith and Jedi, researching and working with different runes. Finally, just in the last month, had he finished it's construction, as well as the setting of the different runes. There were numerous shapes and designs etched across the handle, and pommel of the weapon, and combined, MnT hoped to be able to emulate the same abilities that Damnation's Touch had.. He knew that without the blessing of a diety, it would likely not be nearly as efficient, but he hoped it would at least be more effective than his lightsabers had proven..*

*Sighing as he turned his gaze up to the sky, he felt through his internal clock, what time it was.. 7:52 am.. He was earlier than he'd expected to be, but breakfast had been quick.. *

... I could simply leave now.. I should.. if a personal need of mine causes the deaths of not only Mistress Dalethria, but also of Master Rama and Vega.. My honor would be destroyed, and I would be remembered with nothing but hatred for many years..

*Even as the words passed through his mind, the Sith Lord was preparing himself to open the rift.. It was a simple mental command now, but was one that required a good deal of concentration, and effort.*

.. But... I gave them my word that I would wait.. I.. I can't.. Besides, if I were to go and die, they would hate me for not allowing them to come along, thinking there was something they could have done.. And even if I survive, I would not be returning to welcoming arms in the least.... No, I supposse this truly must be..

*Re-focusing the energy he was collecting for the rift, MnT let out a deep breath, and bent at the knees, picking up his duffel bag.. It was large and thick, filled with the essentials, a few changes of clothing, and a sleeping bag. He had packed light, and hoped the others had done so as well.. It would not do to have his friends dropping of exhaustion in the middle of a trek through dangerous, unknown lands...*

... Speaking of which..

*His thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a force signature, past the forest that cut the cliff he stood on off from the rest of the grounds.. From this distance, he could not quite tell who it was, but they were approaching... He just hoped it was not a new disciple or someone, looking for an opponent to spar with...*

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:54:17 AM
The shadows provided by the overhang canopy of the forest spewed Vega out into the light. He'd felt Miryan awaken and head out into the wilderness, as he too had been up early. For you see, the Lupine Sith was not much of a sleeper; at night he would spend perhaps only three hours in deep sleep before waking, feeling as if he had slept for eons. No doubt this was another 'subtle' trait added to his personality by the Lupine genes.

"Good morning!"

He flashed a smile and raised an eyebrow at Miryan, who was now looking over to him. Vega didn't know whether it was the early rising, the cheery greeting or his outfit that made his fellow Sith look puzzled, but whichever it was Miryan certainly did look a little perplexed. In all truth, it would have been the outfit. Vega was fitted in a tight fitting armoured body piece on his torso, and equally figure hugging trousers which ran down inside the sturdy boots that he wore. Around his waist he wore a thin belt, on which two saber hilts hung along side a few small pouches with some 'essentials'. His clothing was all primarily black, with small TSE insignias in red on the shoulders. All in all, the outfit (http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/images/models/29.jpg) was optimised to make Vega as well protected and agile as possible.

"I trust I'm not late."

He smiled and tugged on the strap that was wrapped around his body. It crossed over his left shoulder then went diagonally down to wrap around the right hand side of his waist. The stiff backpack was completely full, yet it did not seem to weigh Vega down at all.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:24:40 AM
.. Not in the least, my friend..

*Indeed, the outfit that Vega wore currently did look a little odd, but thinking about it, much of what he had seen his fellow Sith Lord wear in the past, had been rather interesting. However, it did seem like it would provide more defense than his own clothing, though whether that would remain against some of the creatures he figured they'd have to deal with, was yet be seen..*

... I trust your night left you well rested? My own was plagued by a rather unpleasent dream, but I don't believe my energy's been taxed for it..

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 7th, 2002, 04:41:15 AM
"Aye, Miryan. I slept as I always do - deep and dream-free."

He smiled and approached his friend, standing by him. Turning, he looked out into the view that he assumed Miryan had been observing and smiled somewhat. It would be a long while before they all saw the HQ again, as the journey was expected to take a great length of time. This did not trouble Vega too much, for he was looking forward to the challenge that would be put before him. Whats more with Master Rama he would get to work with someone he'd never really spoken with before.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 9th, 2002, 06:53:03 PM
As soon as Miryan had left Meras, Dalethria had made arrangements with her husband, Ogre, to fly her to Munto Codru. During the voyage, Dalethria forced herself into a deep sleep. It was the only way possible for the Sith Master to get her required rest and be able to meet her Apprentice at the appointed time. There was just not enough time to leave Meras and pilot herself to the Sith Empire's Homeworld.

No dreams or nightmares came during that trip through hyperspace. It was rather unusual for Dalethria but it was a nice change ...

Upon arriving, Ogre made it a point to land far enough away from the Capital City. He woke his wife with the command word that she had chosen. Dalethria woke up immediately and set about explaining to him what she had agreed to.

His reaction was not surprising. She knew through their link that he was worried about her, but anyone looking at the green monster would have no clue what he was really feeling. Ogre understood that his wife took great care and pride in her Apprentices and also knew that she had proclaimed Miryan as one possible successor. It was an obligation for Master to accompany Apprentice. No matter the danger.

With a passionate kiss farewell, Ogre handed over his mighty axe. The weapon was one of the last remaining artifacts that he had of his home. An axe forged with Kashirian steel and blessed through Ogre's great diety Kashalla ... it would prove a most valuable asset against the enemies that Miryan had spoken of.

Another weapon had crossed Dalethria's mind as well. A more subtle one that could possibly work besides some clerical spells that she had learned under her husband's tutelage. She herself was blessed by Kashalla. It was why her blood was acidic and that of Ogre's. Maybe her own blood could be used against the creatures as well ...

Her normal attire of black leather was covered by the black cloak she wore. As she slung the axe over her shoulder, it was quite the sight. This demure of a woman did not visibly have the strength or stamina to really carry just a great axe, but the Dark Side was with her ... And so was her faith.

On her other shoulder, Dalethria carried a pack full of rations, water and other assortment of necessities that would be needed on a trip. Hopefully they would last the entire journey...


She had made it to the still familiar clearing. Not much time had passed since Dalethria was a member of the Empire so the Training Grounds were a fresh memory.

The familiar sounds of Master training Apprentices filled the air and the sensation of the Dark Side being used rippled all around her. If this were a social visit, she might have explored the grounds and see if anyone that she knew was here today and perhaps become part of the lesson ...

Each life form was its own unique signature through the Force. Dismissing each one that was not her Apprentice, Dalethria quickly found his location. There was another with him. It was Vega. Not a surprise.

She decided on not using the Force to mask her presence so overtly. There was no need to call undo attention in her direction so Dalethria decided on doing things the old fashioned way.

Using the shadows and moving stealthy to where Vega and Miryan were talking. Soon their voices became audible enough where she could understand what was being said.

Good morning, Vega said. The air was thick with the coming rain and it was morbid out. Good morning indeed.

Soon the foliage became sparse. Her footfalls fell silently upon the grass as she visibly walked up to both Sith Lords. She had put up her hood as soon as she entered the grounds so her face was unseen. Miryan knew to expect her but she was unsure of whom he told this to.

Probably best to be sociable. "Good morning to you Lord Vega." Her words betrayed some sarcasm. "Long time no see."

She acknowledged her Apprentice next, "Miryan."

Extending her senses around her fully, Dalethria looked around casually. Rama was not here yet ... or he was and not letting anyone know it. They had shared a past. Once they were Master and Apprentice but Dalethria could not deal with the pain of loosing Kat. So she abandoned Rama and the Empire for a time ... to which she eventually found her way back.

There was alot said and unsaid between them but she was willing to put it behind, all of it, as long as they would work together in keeping Miryan safe

Tempist Opps
Apr 11th, 2002, 03:23:21 PM
Another force signature could be sensed by all present, but it wasn't powerful enough to be that of Rama's, not dark enough yet. Tempist emerged amongst the others, in his usial get up; a somewhat conceiling tunic, easy to fight in, a long broad sword straped to his back. He also had Infinity on him, like he always did, but many smaller weapons as well, throwers as well as small stabing weapons.


Miryan no Trunks
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:44:20 PM
... Master..

*Bowing down in greeting to Mistress Dalethria, MnT had barely stood when one of his Own apprentices had arrived.. Good, at least he was not late.. Tempist needed to be tested somewhat, before the decision would be made as to whether or not he would come along..*

... Greetings my apprentice... I trust you rested well last night, got your energy ready for this morning...

OOC: http://pub19.ezboard.com/fthenetherlandsofnowherefrm24 for discussion on the RP, figured it's better than cluttering up the OOC board unneccesarily >.< (although this contradicts the OOC/IC rules Anyways... ^_¬)

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 12th, 2002, 06:02:34 AM
Turning as the first darkly clad figure appeared, Vega smirked thinly. He watched Dalethria approach carefully, noting that not much had changed in her physical appearance since her departure from the Empire. He found this somewhat puzzling, as he could of sworn she had been with child when last in the HQ.

"Good morning to you Lord Vega. Long time no see."

He grinned toothily as she spoke, returning the greeting with a simple nod. It was then that Tempist entered. Vega turned and nodded once more, bowing lightly.

"Warrior Opps."

Apr 14th, 2002, 05:33:57 PM
Tempist likewise bowed slightly to all present, and rested his hand on the hilt of Infinity. It was only a matter of time before they were to depart, he may as well collect himself while he could. He also greeted them all by name, not wanting to disrespect any of his superiors.

"Greetings Master, Mistress Dalethra, and Lord Vega. Everyone ready for this trip?"

It wasn't the most intelegent thing he could think of to say, but he was somewhat nervious about this journey anyway, despite the huge amounts of power that were going along as well... somthing didn't seem right.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 14th, 2002, 09:21:26 PM
Her gaze fell to Miryan as she motioned with a hand to his Apprentice.

"Did my ears deceive me when we spoke on Meras?"

Miryan could hear the slight edge of her tone.

"I don't remember Tempist coming along on this journey. I thought your Apprentices were too green for this sort of dangerous journey."

Dalethria returned to look at Tempist. Her gaze was penetrating and intrusive though the Warrior could not see her eyes that were hidden behind the shroud caused by the hood.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:40:30 AM
... Your ears have not decieved you, Master.. As it stands right now, Tempist will not be joining us.. However, I felt it would be foolish of me to overlook the numerous battles he has fought, when considering his experience.. I told him that if in coming here this morning, and proving that his elemental skills were of an exceptional level, I might allow him to join us..

Apr 15th, 2002, 03:26:20 PM
"May I show you now?" Tempist asked, both twards Mistress Dale and MnT. He had worked on his ice abilities for so long that he would have a decent sized pond frozen in a matter of seconds. He also remembered what the chill did to his opponents' physical stature in battle... hard to fight when you can't feel your legs...

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 15th, 2002, 07:00:33 PM
... Whenever you are ready my apprentice... Although I request a single thing before you do... You spoke to me in your training about being able to freeze a pond.. I do not know how useful that would be where we are going.. Demonstrate for us what offensive techniques you can control with your skills...

*He spoke what he felt to be the truth.. He still did not have a single memory that would give him reason to believe that there was a ready source of water, let alone one that they would have to cross to get where they were going...*

Apr 16th, 2002, 09:16:30 PM
"Thank you Master."

Tempist glanced around quickly, looking for a water source, that being the fastest way to demonstrate his abilities. When he found none, his eyes wandered to a nest, with eggs in it still. They looked like snake eggs to him, maybe a turtle. He walked to the next, and poked it lightly. A large phthon snapped out from behind it, narrowly missing Tempist's hand. With startling reflexes, Tempist snatched the serpent by it's skull, and brought it to everyone present.

"This will have to do for now."

The snake was half the lenth of Tempist's arm, and almost as big around. Tempist closed his eyes, and focused on his deep freeze, and the icy chill of death's hand, tapping you on the shoulder. The snake felt it instead though, and it's scales turned grey, from every cell in the snake's body freezing it, into a petrafied weight, now only good for keeping papers from blowing away. Tempist squeezed lightly, and the phython shattered in his hand, before it fell into a pile of dust by his feet. He could only hope that this small demonstration would be sufficant for the time being, untill he found somthing larger to 'remove'.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 20th, 2002, 08:18:31 PM
*His face expressionless, MnT simply stood there as if expecting that Tempist would continue with the demonstration.. Moments passed, while an uninterrupted silence sat heavily over the group. Finally, MnT nodded slightly, and spoke..*

... I assume you are able to perform that on a much large scale if neccesary, Tempist...

*The words came out as more a statement, than a question, and rightfully so, as MnT continued before time enough to reply had passed..*

... I will let you come with us, my apprentice, but only if you're willing to accept the fact that you may not survive, and as well, will likely not be able to rely on the rest of us should you get into a bad situation.. Chances are we'll have our hands full ourselves..

Tempist Opps
Apr 21st, 2002, 02:15:40 PM
"I've lived half my life not expecting to see another day, the feeling will atleast be familiar. I understand, Master, and aggree to the circumstances."

Now he wished that he had been able to find a larger being to demonstrate on, but trees don't work as well as animals for freezing.

Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:14:42 AM
" Do not feel so bad Tempist. "

:: Rama had appeared ::

"Your talents may prove useful on this quest. More then maybe even you know. "

:: Rama looked around at those that gathered. He noticed an Especially cold gaze coming from Dalethira. He had not known she would also be coming along on this journey, but the look was not unexpected. ::

" I am not the last to arrive am I?"

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:55:03 AM
*Turning towards the newest arrival, MnT smiled at the words of the Sith Master, and bowed in greeting..*

... You are indeed the last to arrive, Master Rama, but that does not mean you're late..

*It was true, still being 2 minutes to 8.. But then, the earlier everyone was here, the better.. Although he had to wonder from what Rama had said to Tempist, and some things he'd said back in the council room... Did he actually know anything of the realm, no, universe, they were heading to? He seemed to speak as if informed of what they'd be up against.. Did the dark side allow such clarity into the future when one as strong enough in it? Or was it that he himself was not the only person to have visisted the dimension? Perhaps it would warrant a quiet discussion later on, if things went well..*

... Well then, now that we're all here, I would like to just reaffirm that everyone is prepared for what the consequences of this trip might be, before we leave.. I could not allow myself to let anyone come who isn't ready to embrace the demise that could very likely occur for any of us during this journey..

Apr 24th, 2002, 01:55:19 AM
"Some of us have already met our demise......it does hinder me. I am ready. "

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:46:14 PM
Tempist's abilities could prove valuable perhaps.... depending on the situations that arose. Or ... it could mean simple death. Much like all who agreed to come along could face.

"If I am to die on this journey, then I will never take stock in dreams and portents ever again. I am ready as well."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 25th, 2002, 12:07:49 PM
Vega glanced across to Rama as he appeared and nodded in the Sith Masters direction before diverting his gaze back to Miryan.

"Of course I'm ready."

Tempist Opps
Apr 25th, 2002, 03:03:04 PM
Tempist simply nodded in response to his master's question, feeling it would be a sufficant answer.

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:56:46 AM
*Taking in the individual responses, the Sith Lord smiled slightly, a contradiction to how he felt inside about the response.. Inside, he had hoped that some would back out, to spare him the shame if they weren't to make it back home again.. However, he also knew that that wouldn't happen.. By simply showing up, they had all proven that they were ready to accept what may come..*

.. Indeed.. Well then.. I supposse we should off.. I warn each of you, with the exception of Vega, as he's experianced it before, that rifting will feel a little odd, just relax, and don't let the discomfort bother you..

*With that, MnT closed his eyes, and began concentrating... Normally, the process would take no more than a thought for him, but as he was moving himself and four others this time, it would take a bit longer.. *

*Expanding the direct reach of his mind out around him, as if he were planning on sending a telepathic message to an entire group, he continued to focus and have it grow, until the "sphere" was large enough to hold everyone else as well.. This took a few seconds, as he needed to mentally assure that they were all covered by it.. Afterwards, it was a simple matter of tapping that part of his brain that controlled the rifts, focusing enough energy to it that it would work properly, and then..*

*To the others, it seemed a little odd, MnT standing there silent with a look of deep concentration on his face.. Those who didn't know what to expect showed it in their expressions of curiosity, but Vega was already preparing himself for what was about to happen. Suddenly, everything around them, the trees, the ground, the sky, the clouds, all seemed to shimmer, as if being seen through extreme heat. The others there stayed the same, but not for long.*

*As the information of each of their existances began to transfer, the first thing to go was color. Clothing, skin, hair, eyes, everything suddenly faded into shades of grey, which began to lighten. As it did, details like designs on clothing, scars, and other such visible things, faded as if melting into the basic shapes of the body and clothing. Through the entire process, everyone remained able to see, and the changes to each other were a little shocking, to say the least.. Immediately afterwords, the shapes of clothing, hair, body and facial structure, all began to melt into basic shapes, spheres and ovals replacing limbs and torsos. As the greys finally reached an almost blinding white, they began to grow transparent, the shapes quickly fading out of view, or, to be honest, existance in this world.. As they dissapeared, there was a brief moment of disorientation, as each of their conciousness' were suddenly devoid of a shell to contain them, and expanded across the entirety of the universe, random images and thoughts of people and places flashing through their minds far too fast to actually pick out anything of importance.. It was all just mental and visible noise. For that brief moment, it was as if they were connected to everything, yet were nothing in themselves.. and then finally, the feeling of being sucked out of existance, like how one would feel if their body were suddenly being compressed and pulled through a drain.*

*And when they opened their eyes, they opened them to a world that none had ever seen before.*

Miryan no Trunks
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:33:48 PM
*Checking around to make sure before anything, that everyone had arrived perfectly fine, MnT nodded to himself.. There had been no mistakes or problems, they'd all crossed through the rift as planned, and now there they were, standing on the ground of a planet that didn't even exist where they were from..*

... Here we are..

*No-one spoke in return, likely he figured, partially from fighting off the nausea he used to get when he first experianced rifting, but more likely in awe of their surroundings..*

*The 5 stood on top of a cliff that seemed like the one they'd just been on, save for the fact that it was made of some unknown crimson stone, with a strange soft black fungus or moss growing over it.. The cliff itself was outstretched nearly 200 feet, hanging over more of the same reddish ground nearly 100 feet below, giving it the shape almost of a cartoonish wave.. *

*All around they could see for miles, bases of mountains 400 and more miles away completely visible.. Obviously the planet they were on was a fairly large one.. Again, the mountains in the distance had a black appearance, with just the slightest tinge of red from the rock underneath.. Off to the right of the cliff lay a vast mountainous area that stretched around down and behind where the cliff was, the skyline broken up by the numerous large jagged peaks and valleys in between.. However, the mountains were quite a far distance away, and blocked by a forest of rather strange trees.. The base went up about 60% of their height, before the branches began. From there, there were thick, flat branches sort of like palm leaves, though with long vine-like tendrills hanging down for feet from the edge of each leaf. Those surrounded the base of the tree, but not for long. Only a short distance higher, the leaves seemed to be small, round, and very plentiful.. Because of this, the upper 3/4 of the top of the tree seemed round and bulbous.. Colorwise, the leaves were a very dull teal that was shared by the wood, though like the ground, it's color barely showed from underneath the black moss..*

*The forest in between the cliff they stood on, and the mountains, seemed fairly flat, save for a few lifts and drops now and then. Nothing like the land off to the left and front.. Large hills spanned out for miles, hundreds of them visible, rising and falling into and from each other, some with distinguished cliff dropoffs seperating them, but most just flowing fluidly. There were large twisting canyons running through a lot of them, as if carved right through the rocks.. They stood out as deep red lines amidst the black, making it seem that the moss hadn't been able to reach down into them.. Far off to the front of the cliff, there were more mountains.. Not as closely packed or threatening as the others, but larger.. Their surfaces were fairly flat, angles leading into angles, with little to nothing in the way of sharp jagged edges. But like the canyons, they stuck out because they weren't covered in the black moss. Sure, there was some around the bottom of each, but for the most case, they were simply red..*

*The sky here was odd, as they couldn't see what the true color of it was.. In between them and some of the mountains, and in vast amounts further back, were large seeming clouds of color, almost entirely transparent, but not so much that the colors didn't stand out brightly.. There were pinks and purples, blue and greens, even yellows, floating slowly amongst each other, touching but not mixing... Because of these, it was impossible to tell what colors were true that far back.. However, the two blue-glowing suns stuck out perfectally fine, and their hues did not change no matter what was in front of them, even if their intensity did. It was possible to stare at the two suns without hurting one's eyes, although strangely, to do so left you with a feeling of desolation...*

*One thing that helped dispose of that, however, was the visible presence of a city of sorts, resting on top of one of the particularly large cliff-edged hills off to the front and right.. At it's edges, there were 4 towers that could have been a mile high easily, jagged outcroppings of red rock that stuck out of the ground, went high up into the air, and seemed pointless. The miles of ground inbetween the towers were speckled with small moss-free bumps, thousands and thousands sectioned off into circular groups of a hundred or so each from the looks of it, and the bumps grew gradually larger the closer they were to the center, and most noticable part of the seeming city.. Another tower, this one at least twice the height of ther others, and smooth, like a cylinder stretching high up into the sky from the ground below, with tendrills of rock stretching down from the sides to the ground below, working it seemed, as supports.. There were no lights to be seen anywhere, but black spots that were likely windows or doors were visible all over the bumps and tower.. It was a rather disturbing spot, and save for just the faintest glimmer of movement once in a while, it would have seemed just as lifeless and desolate as the rest of what they could see..*

*Looking towards MnT, It seemed the time to speak, and ask questions, but before anyone could, he pointed towards one of the mountains far off in the distance, and spoke himself..*

... That's where we need to go.. The demon with my sword lives on the other side of that mountain..

Tempist Opps
May 1st, 2002, 04:57:26 PM
Tempist's head felt like it was spinning. First from the 'walking', and then from the bewilderment of his environment. Never before had he seen such a mountanous place, even on his personal training quest. This place was mind boggoling (sp?), and when he finaly spoke, his tone was distant, and whispy.

"...so this is what happens when heaven and hell meet..."

Tempist thought the place was beautiful, despite the massive amount of mountans. It seemed the sky of an open desert at sunset, the way the colors mixed, but the land reminded him of the tar pit, and how hellish everything actualy was. It seemed a complete paradox to him.

May 3rd, 2002, 12:26:45 PM
"this is.........."

:: Rama looks around ::

"........intresting. I think i understand better what you said in the council room Trunks. Where are we?"

Miryan no Trunks
May 3rd, 2002, 03:48:51 PM
... It's hardly a heaven my apprentice.. I highly doubt that either of those even actually exist here though.. Things are different than back at home.. And as for where we are, Master Rama..

*At that he cleared his throat, more as a moment to prepare his words than anything...*

... We're in a different dimension.. A different world of existance, where some of the same laws apply, while some others do not. For one, matter isn't neccesarily constricted to a solid form here, as I'm sure we'll encounter along our journeys.. For another, energy can be created and destroyed in some cases..

... This is the only planet in this dimension that I've ever been called to, and in my exploration, I've never seen anything even hinting to that interplanetary transportation is possible here.. Likely just due to the lack of technology, I imagine..

May 3rd, 2002, 04:07:56 PM
"So how did you discover this place."

Miryan no Trunks
May 3rd, 2002, 05:00:36 PM
... Well.. It's not so much that I discovered it, as I was stolen To it.. About 2 months after I first came to the Empire, I was brought here during my sleep.. It took two months of trying to survive, but I did manage to come back.. Then this last time, when my sword was stolen, it happened on almost the same day, just a year later.. I imagine it has to do with my rifting ability, that something here was trying to get at me through it, by bringing me here.. Possibly they hoped to gain the ability themselves by eating me, or something like that, I honestly don't know..

OOC: basically, I lost the net for 2 months at the beginning of december 00, and lost it again this Last december, and I felt the need for some sort of IC explanation =)

May 3rd, 2002, 07:44:02 PM
"Rifting ability?"

:: Rama looked on puzzled. ::

Miryan no Trunks
May 3rd, 2002, 09:34:22 PM
*Mnt could not help but smile slightly at his own foolishness.. He had simply assumed that all would know of the ability that had brought them here...*

... Well, when I was just first into my teens, I was caught in a rather devastating accident. The ship I was in found itself suddenly sharing the same space as another ship that was coming out of hyperspace. It destroyed both the ships, and threw me into what I've come to think of as being a spot between dimensions. I wandered the place I was stuck at for months, before discovering a way out. There was a cave, that went down for miles, and at the bottom of it, was a column of light. I found that if I stood there and concentrated on somewhere, say, my homeplanet, I could temporarily open a rift from the cave, back into our dimension, wherever it was I had been thinking of. Since then I have been able to "rift" back and forth from that half-way point...

Vega Van-Derveld
May 4th, 2002, 02:08:23 AM
Vega had been expecting the transition, though the place he was about to come into had been something he wasn't prepared for. Almost on instinct he reached for his saber, keeping a firm hold on it with one hand as he survery the scene. Whilst Rama and Miryan conversed, he took a few paces forward - his sights locked on the mountain.

"What are we waisting time for standing here," he said gruffly, gesturing his hand up towards the hills.

"The sword is there ... let's go retrieve it!"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 5th, 2002, 03:45:52 PM
Dalethria actually felt an affinity for this place. It reminded her of the Ethereal Plane ... The same colors in the sky, the way everything around here looked brighter and darker at the same time.

Vega was on guard quickly and already trying looking around for danger. This place held a unique beauty but it was a perilous one, as were all things that seemed safe on the surface.

"Yes, we must hurry. Being her for too long... who knows what affects it could have on us or what things are already tracking us. I don't want to wait around and find out."

She looked over at the others behind her and Vega.

"Right, Miryan?"

Miryan no Trunks
May 6th, 2002, 01:44:01 AM
*Turning back towards Vega and Mistress Dalethria, MnT nodded..*

... True.. It would be best to move forwards, although your worries about the environment itself being harmful are unneccesary... What you see now is no different from what I've experianced when I've been here, and as far as I can remember, I've never picked up any strange diseases from my stays.. As for things tracking us, I don't recall any creatures that acted in such a manner, but I cannot, and will not say for certain that there could be none...

*Hefting his duffel back over his shoulder from where he had laid it on the ground, MnT began to walk towards the back of the cliff, where the rest of the ground rose up to meet it from the sides..*

... Well then... let's off, shall we?

Tempist Opps
May 12th, 2002, 09:35:28 AM
Tempist followed, wanting to show his unwavering loyalty to his master, no matter what may lie ahead.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 10:08:32 AM
Vega unclipped the saber from his belt and began following after Miyran. As he did so he continued to look around, always keeping a watchful eye on the horizons. Miryan might have known the place well, but that didn't might that at any instant something could leap out after them.

Miryan no Trunks
May 14th, 2002, 04:21:44 AM
*The trip down the side of the cliff, out towards where they wanted to go, was not long, yet the steepness combined with a constant supply of rather sharp rocks jutting out from the ground all around them made it rather dangerous in itself.. Three times during the descent, someone nearly tripped, and through entirely too much effort with the force, were able to regain their footing.. However, it acted as somewhat of a wake-up call, when it became known to everyone, including MnT who had forgotten, that the force was not very strong here, not very strong at all..*

*Thinking about it, MnT deduced from what he knew of the force, that it was quite likely that the creatures and beings here simply did not generate force energy like they did, if at all.. As such, they would be stupid to believe that they'd be able to call upon the energy as easily, or in as vast amounts, as they could back at home.. Perhaps also, he thought, that the presence of the rift-sensative "gate" that they had come through was the cause of their energies being weak.. Perhaps it was draining or collecting them into itself, and the further they got away from it, the stronger they would become again.. They would just have to wait and see.*

*As for now, they were reaching the bottom of the cliff, where the path they were on collected into one of the many canyons that cut through the hillside between them and the mountains.. They were faced with a choice here..*

... I believe last time I came through here, I went through the canyons.. I have a few memories of wandering through them, although not many were pleasent.. I'd say it would be a safer route to go over-top of the canyon, across the hills.. However.. I do not know if we'd be able to get all the way across from the way the can-

*-The huge greyish blur launched out from behind one of the stalagmite-esque stone outcrops that littered the slope, and a sudden vision of 6 inch knife-like teeth passed through MnT's sight in an instant, as a burst of memory forced it's way into his mind. He knew what this was, and knew they had only seconds to prepare before they were in a big deal of trouble..*

Frell! SNAPDRAGONS! Everyone get out away from the rocks!

*The name he had given the creatures seemed more than accurate, as another one lunged out from one of the stones on the same side, one that it's mass should not have been able to hide behind, and nearly took off his head..*

*The creatures were a light greyish color, with an eyeless head that seemed shark-like in shape, yet with an immensely unnatural maw. At least 6 feet long, and 3 feet high, nearly 75% of the head was the jaws, that were hinged at the very back of the "skull" if it had one. The teeth were all over the place inside the mouth, save for a gap in the middle that, as the inner teeth shifted around inside it's mouth, seemed quite likely used to collect the food that was torn apart. Behind the head was a body that seemed nearly comically small in comparison. It looked like nothing more than the bony body of a snake, with little size differance.. the bodies were a good 15 feet long, but no more than the width of a lightsaber hilt across at any point..*

*As everyone quickly followed towards the level ground down near where the actual depth of the canyon finally became noticealble, more and more of the Snapdragons leapt out from behind rocks, launching towards whichever sith was closest with horribly precise accuracy..*

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 19th, 2002, 02:19:23 PM
Miryan wasn't kidding about this place being so odd. The Force was still here it seemed, it was just not as powerful as Dalethria would have liked it.

The sabre would do well here but there was a reason why she brought along her Husband's axe. It was said that these creatures are weaker against anything blessed by a Deity. Nothing could be more so then an axe blessed by Kashalla.....

... which Dalethria finds out to be much harder to lift in this dimension then her own.

Ducking and rolling to the side, Dalethria was grateful that her sense of awareness was not as impeded as her physical attributes. She reached into one of her pouches and sprinkled a blue and white powdery substance onto the axe and mumbled some words that were alien to those present.

The axe was as light as a sabre now to Dalethria... And in good time too. A snapdragon had decided the Sith Master was easy pickings and moved to advance.

Raw instinct led her to move out of the way of those numerous teeth, hearing the creature snap together its jaws at nothing, but then roared in pain as Dalethria sliced into the beast with all her might ....

Miryan no Trunks
May 19th, 2002, 04:51:53 PM
*... And seperated the beast's head from it's body... The enormous head fell to the ground 3 feet from it's worm like "torso" and seemed to melt against the rocks, flesh bubbling and liquifying with a truly rancid smell... Meanwhile, the hole in the torso was reacting nearly the same way... It was bubbling, but instead of becoming liquid, it was hardening over, and forming what looked like a much much smaller version of it's original head. How curious..*

*Looking over his shoulder, MnT saw his Master paused momentarily over the regenerating form of a downed snapdragon.. If he didn't warn her quick, it was going to eat her..*

... Master! Kill it fast!!

*With just the slightest touch of panic appearing in her expression for a moment, Dalethria brought the axe blade down across the body once more, and this appeared to finalize it. The flesh bubbled and melted just as the head had done..*

*As his Master returned to running for the clearing, MnT unsheathed his new sword just in time to bring it half way through the head of one of the creatures... Leaving it stuck in the thing's skull..*


*Slamming the thing down on the ground, MnT hoped to force the blade further into the thing's skull.. No such luck. By the Deities, he wished he had Damnation's Touch with him... It had cut through these things like a hot knife through gelatin.. And even With the numerous runes that were... apparantly.. not charged up..*

*Either he'd carved the runes wrong, or hadn't realized that he'd need to activate them.. And either way, this was definately not the time to be caught thinking about it.. Focusing himself back on the situation, MnT stomped a foot down on the snapdragon's head, and began yanking the sword back and forth while trying to unlodge it...*

Tempist Opps
May 20th, 2002, 04:19:28 PM
THe black blade of Infinity came to life, as Tempist jumped twards where his master was standing. With an amazingly prescise cut, the saber burnt it's way through the skull of the beast his master's blade was longed in. Without a word, he made haste twards the torso of the creature, and launched a quick slice at it. He would have augmented his speed with the force, but it was very weak here, and Tempist still being a novice compaired to some, decided to save his energy untill he needed it.

Miryan no Trunks
May 20th, 2002, 06:16:37 PM
*With the beast's head now carved in half, only a quick tug was required to retrieve his ichor-coated sword. With a nod of thanks to Tempist, MnT turned to begin running again, but stopped almost instantly, as he thought of something..*

*Turning back towards the fallen snapdragon, it seemed that his suspicion(sp?) was correct. Not only was the large wound in the head bubbling and regenerating, but because the saber had cauterized the slash to it's neck instantly, both the head, and tail halves were regen'ing into full snapdragons.. This could turn very messy if any of the others were using their sabers as well..*

*With a quick double-swing of his blade, the two halves were cut again in half, and died.. Now to make it to that clearing..*

Tempist Opps
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:54:08 PM
After seeing the end result of his saber, Tempist de-activated Infinity and cliped it back to his belt. He drew the long broadsword from his back, and observed his master. He had a slightly different approach though...

Tempist lept at another dragon, and found his blade matched by a head full of teeth. With one precise upward slash, he longed his sword between two of it's teeth, and gave a sharp twist. The two flew out, and the Snapdragon reeled back in pain. Tempist grabed one of the teeth, half the size of his hand, and stabbed it into the beast's eye. Although half blinded, it continued, and made a pass at his leg. He jumped at the last moment, and longed his blade in it's good eye. Gripping the handle, he swung on top of it's back, and began to stab it in the top of it's head. Again and again, thick blood squirted out, but he wouldn't stop untill it fell. He pulled the tooth out from the beast's eye, and more blood poured. It fell to the ground, passed out from blood loss. He droped down, and pried more teeth from it's mouth, hoping that once severed from it's body, they wouldn't disolve. He snatched several, and moved back a few feet, looking for a more imediate danger.