View Full Version : Be my biatch? (Challenge to Jedi Padawan.)

Serenity Trovo
Apr 4th, 2002, 06:06:30 PM
Serenity stood in silence upon the barren planet's surface. Her gaze fell across the lands, her saber's hilt in hand. Gripped with purpose, gripped for offense. She stood ready to kill, her senses alive with the scent of a Jedi Padawan.

Thanatos Van Derveld
Apr 5th, 2002, 11:50:54 AM
A voice spoke from behind Serenity,

"Kind of bare out here, isn't it?"

She turned to see a boy of what appeared to be 18 or 19 looking down at her. He hand his hands in his pockets - saber gripped in his right hand - and rocked back and forth on his heels as he looked around then back down to Serenity.

Serenity Trovo
Apr 5th, 2002, 12:15:29 PM
Serenity grinned, if slightly.

"Bare, why.. whatever do you mean?"

With that, her thumb passed over the activation switch of her Sith weapon, the crimson blade of hard light energy extending forth with a mechanical humm. She turned to face him, slowly. Her eyes bored into the man, her mind raced with the path she would take. This would be her moment of glory. This would be the beginning.