View Full Version : Retirement from SWFans staff

Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 05:26:36 PM

And no, it's not a very late April Fools joke. :)

When I retook on the job back in September I only intended for it to be temporary for my holidays. However somehow or other I have managed to stick with it for 6 months till today, but now I must really relinquish it.

Besides which, an overview of most of my contribution to this board reveals that I spend approx. 90% of my time administrating compared to only 10% actually posting as a member of the community. IMHO that sucks a bit, and isn't a position I'd like to be in since a staff member should also be a regular contributor.

Also considering Ep. 2 is only just over a month away, it would be best I quit now to let any replacement get a feel for the board before the next film is released.

So anyway, good luck with holding the forum together. ;)

Just a few things before I go though:

1. Moderator for Star Wars section.

I was hoping to have 3 mods there by the time I left, but at the moment I've still only got 2. I don't know if JMK and Carr feel ther's a need for another one so I'll leave it to them to decide.

One thought I had was that if one was needed is to transfer Reaper over to that section and then appoint a new one for RPing, in light of recent events. I honestly don't know any posters in the SW section who can take up the job - last time we held a nomination JMK was pretty much the only one who either wanted it or could satisfactorily fulfil the job, however that may have changed since. But I'll leave that to you to sort out.

2. Jeseth & Lynch.

As far as I'm aware I'm the only staff member in contact with these 2 over the latest incident in RPing. Neither has contacted me in over half a week however Jeseth said he would get back to me whereas Lynch seemed to want to use me as his regular staff contact. I'm going to have to let them both know I won't be here anymore however I was wondering if any other staff would like to volunteer to work with them (if they do want to)?

But apart from that, I guess I'm off and away. :)

Apr 4th, 2002, 05:42:16 PM

I thought you did a great job as an administrator here. You were always very proffessional, and you knew just how to handle the nasty situations. But I understand where you're coming from.

Take care, Dave, and a thousand and one thanks for the great job you did.

Apr 4th, 2002, 05:48:46 PM
You da man dave

Oh and btw, Lynch did speak to me about this a couple of times, and Jes did once too

Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 06:02:29 PM
Thanks you guys. :)

As for Jeseth and Lynch, my first thought was to tell Jeseth to contact Ogre if he had any further details, and to pass Lynch over to Reaper.

I thought Ogre should be ok since he was involved with our recent discussions with jeseth, however I wasn't sure about Lynch because he stated Reaper wasn't happy in one of his communications, which is why I wanted to verify it all.

Apr 4th, 2002, 06:11:22 PM
As for Jeseth and Lynch, my first thought was to tell Jeseth to contact Ogre if he had any further details, and to pass Lynch over to Reaper.
And I thought you liked me :)

Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 06:13:51 PM
Teeeheee. :p

But is that ok? I could just tell them both to conact someone else without giving any specific names, but I don't want to just dump them.

Apr 4th, 2002, 07:39:05 PM
Sorry to see you go as a staffer, but I understand and hope all turns out good for you.

As for Jeseth and Lynch, that sounds workable to me. :)

Apr 4th, 2002, 07:41:47 PM
Oh, and as for the moderator situation, I think Fett can probably handle working both sections and being listed in both sections as a mod if that is alright by him.

Apr 4th, 2002, 07:44:34 PM

I mean, yes, that is acceptable :)

Apr 4th, 2002, 07:46:10 PM
Thanks for all your help and advice David! Are you leaving for good or will you continue to post???

Apr 4th, 2002, 07:49:10 PM
(looks at Fett)

And this happens about the same time Palpatine gets granted military creation power.


Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 07:58:07 PM
And this happens about the same time Palpatine gets granted military creation power.
SPOILERS!!! :verymad

Just keeping you on your toes. :)

Are you leaving for good or will you continue to post???
I may continue to post - as I said above though I've been spending a majority of my time here on SWFans administrating as opposed to posting, so by leaving the staff body I will most likely be around less often. But I should be here or there. :)

Well I have sent the PMs off to Jeseth and Lynch, so without further ado I think I'm ok to have my admin powers and access here removed now.

Apr 4th, 2002, 08:01:59 PM
I'll get to that tomorrow morning, so that a few other staffers have time to say their farewells here in private. :p

Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 08:03:52 PM
Ok then. :)

Gives me time to post a few farewell threads without titles. :D

Apr 4th, 2002, 08:05:17 PM
Originally posted by Champion of the Force
Ok then. :)

Gives me time to post a few farewell threads without titles. :D O_o I still haven't figured out how you manage that. :x

Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 08:08:06 PM
Just go into the 'Edit Thread' option in the Admin options (at the bottom of the thread page) and simply remove the thread title.

Only problem is that anyone can just click on the last post arrow and get into the thread.

On UBB and ezboard they were more fun since they don't have that facility. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 4th, 2002, 09:31:07 PM
I am out all day and this happens. I am sorry to see you go David, its been a pleasure working with you to keep this board together. As far as another moderator I think Reaper would be great he posts a lot in the two section, as far as somebody else I have no clue only Darth Mcbain seemed mildly interested, I thought CMJ would be ideal though he might not have the time. Also I have one more question do we have to have an administrator over the SW section? Or does that matter at all.

Apr 4th, 2002, 09:45:34 PM
Shawn seems to be semi active in the section. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:15:16 PM
Me and JMK have been talking and we have one person in mind who could do it but we wanted to ask him privately if he was at all interested. Is that okay to do something like that or do we need to post a thread? Just curious because to me there are only a few people that I would want and most can't do it (Jedieb and Doc Milo and I think Mcbain probably can't) and others I wouldn't (Jon and Buff) there is only one person I can think of and that is CMJ and I have no idea if has any intrest, he didn't comment in the last thread we had and nobody nomintated (he was gone for several months there when he was moving to LA so I think some people forgot about him. That is why I would like to ask him but wasn't sure if I could do that with out going through a nomination process, of course we could then do the nomination process and he could throw his hat in and see if there was anybody else out there. Maybe that would be the better way of doing it.

Champion of the Force
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:26:24 PM
I recommend sticking to the usualy process of a nomination thread and mods choosing the person from the nominations. It keeps the consistency with the rest of the board (the RP staff got burned a bit last year by some upset posters when they diverted off that process for a time).

EDIT: If Shawn wants to admin the SW section that's fine but can I suggest his name be placed in the mod/admin list for that section? It at least lets everyone know that there is an active admin there.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:28:08 PM
Ok I would understand why I will talk to JMK tomorrow and see what he thinks.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:43:01 PM

:: huggles for Dav ::

You been great here and thanks for everything. hopefully peeps won't castrate us :lol

Apr 5th, 2002, 02:39:30 AM
FWI or even better yet For Everyone's Information

If you'd like to say anything else to Dave regarding his leaving the staff privately, you will need to do so via PM from this time on as I have gone through and set him back to being a regular poster now.

Apr 5th, 2002, 04:10:17 AM
I thought I was supposed to just be a general board admin. But if you'd like to list me as one for the Star Wars section, that's fine. I do post there enough, I think. :)

Apr 5th, 2002, 04:11:49 AM
Oops, I fogot to clear that with you before I edited the FAQ. Cool that you are okay with it. :)

Apr 5th, 2002, 08:22:50 AM
Ok, then that solves that! I think.:D

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 5th, 2002, 12:51:33 PM
CMJ has some expressed some interest to me for the position as moderator. But now that Reaper has been added and Shawn might be can we add another one or not? And if we do should we go through the nomination process anyway like David said, I personally don't think it will be a problem with the people in Box office and films, but I could be wrong. Also before anything else he told me that he might (though he doesn't think he will get it) get a Sundance Internship for about a month from late May to early June, so he won't be around much then, but other than that he says there is nothing else that will keep him here from being around.

Apr 5th, 2002, 02:53:10 PM
I'm alright with the SW section holding another mod nomination thread. With the impending release of Episode 2, I do suspect traffic wil pick up in the section.

In the end I think it best to be left up to those who are already moderating the section, whether or not to add another moderator.

Apr 5th, 2002, 03:45:50 PM
I think we could use another admin. However, I'd be hard pressed to think of someone for the job.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 5th, 2002, 06:58:22 PM
Well, I'm not going to volunteer for it not sure if I want the responsibility yet, and I also would feel like Admiral Piett did :p
I think another mod is a good idea partly because Reaper will be doing double duty between there and Role Playing so a fourth one might be needed since the traffic will defintely increase, I guess we should put the nomination thread up tomorrow, but who needs to put it up? Should admin do it, or can any of us mods (myself, JMK or Reaper) do it?