View Full Version : Day at the Races (Open to all)

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 4th, 2002, 12:59:13 AM
"There's a damn reason for everything ain't there?" the bald man spoke as he stared out of the large window onto the race track below.

His companion, a thin man with brown hair and glasses, walked from the bar with two glasses in hand.

"I fail to see what you mean," his almost mechanical voice uttered as he handed the first man a drink.

"I mean...this race goin' on right now. We all know who's gonna win, your boss rigs 'em. It's so he can get the rest of the take," the man took a drink of his glass, "Jeez you know how t'pick your liquor."

"I am sure, if I had feelings I would share how you feel Mister Haman," the replicant spoke as he took a sip of his own white-colored liquor.

"Ah that's right you don't have feelins do ya? Bit hard headed, eh...eh?" Cyrus Haman laughed as he tapped the syn-skinned head of the replicant twice.

"No, Mister Haman, I do-"

"Now, as I was sayin' before I got dis-stracted," The smuggler interupted the droid before it could finish, "Your boss fixes the games so he'll win. Anyone who bets with him, jist gets lucky.

"Like I am," he beamed as he took a cigar out of his pocket. He rarely smoked the earthy tobacco sticks- he used it as a celebratory thing. Normally he stuck to the smaller versions, cigarres, but today he was celebrating.

It was a new life for Cyrus Haman, recently released for smuggling. His only problem was he'd busted a motivator during the chase from Duros. Four years of hard labor later and Cyrus was out and ready to start smuggling again.It was why he was here now. But he also wanted to win some cash too.

Haman left the replicant alone as he walked out of the luxury bar into the crowd below. He'd found out what blob the crime lord, Harper Kratte, had bet on and was willing to put what little creds he had on it.

The Smuggler walked out into the crowd...

Wonder who else is here today?

Falcon Gyndar
Apr 4th, 2002, 04:17:50 PM
In and around the crowd, through the surrounding buildings open to public, Falcon Gyndar, the observer at heart he ever was, watched over the many patrons here for the race. Keeping his senses open, of course. He glanced casually at the datapad in his hand...He thinks to himself...

Hmm. The bets go in. The race will start soon. Races...father enjoyed them...Lyan would like to be here, also. I guess I should contact home later.

The Knight turned back to the crowd, and continued his silent watch.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2002, 01:31:08 PM
jI'll put two hundrrred crrredjitsss on ssseventeen!

(Taa plunked down the chit to the bookie, smiling toothily as he handed her a ticket. She sauntered off, leaning over the spectator railing to get a look at the race course. She'd never bet on animal racing before...and she hoped she would win. Seventeen was a pretty shade of purple, and she always did like that color!)

Come on, Ssseventeen!

(Taa yelled, adjusting her glasses as she spotted a somewhat-nefarious looking hyuu-mann with a bald head and strange facial hair. It was true that these kind of races often attracted smugglers, pirates, and other scum, but Taa tried to keep aloof to such things. They were enemies of commerce, but even they were occasionally good customers.)

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 5th, 2002, 01:45:00 PM
Haman took a walk through the crowded race way, still puffing on his cigar. He only had a little bit left on the cigar and he planned to savor it.

The smuggler walked from the hot, open air of the stadium to the cool, interior where the bets were placed. It was genius by the designer of the track to put the betters away from the track, although Video Monitors showed where the blobs were.

Haman paused as he looked at the betting table. Under the name 'Jimar Gloin', the replicant's boss had placed 40,000 creds on 'Ears A Poppin'.

"Sounds like a safe bet t'me," Cyrus muttered as he walked to the ticket counter.

"Aww-raight sirrah," the Weequey spoke behind the counter, "Who're you betting on?"

"Four hundred on 'Ears a Poppin'," Haman dropped his cigar on the concrete ground as he threw four cred chips in front of the Weequey. It was most of what he had, although the Duros prison had given him his ship and most of his creds back. The five thousand cred fine for smuggling had taken most of it out though.

"A goooood choice sirrah," the Weequey said, "Here're your chips sirrah. Enjoy the show."

Cyrus nodded then walked back towards the stadium.

Time for some fun.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 10th, 2002, 01:19:31 AM
It was then he felt it. Not 'felt' as in the Jedi sense of the word, but something in the back of his mind said Someone is watching you.

The smuggler turned his bald head, staring up at the feline who stared down at him.

A cat...wonderful Haman had no hatred of the Cizerack but, like most people, was wary around them. They even bothered him more than the Hutts did.

"Eh hell with it," he muttered as he walked towards the escalator leading towards the upper balcony.

A row of various gambling machines greeted him as his black boots touched the concrete of the upper balcony. Cyrus grabbed a drink from a serving droid, then slipped up next to the Cizerack.

He gave a half-smile, "What can I do for ya babe? Anything I can help ya with?"

Apr 12th, 2002, 07:27:58 PM
Hera squeezed through the morass of humanity and aliens alike. The smells and sounds of the racetrack served more to grate against her nerves than anything. She wasnt really fond of crowds, and these type of venues attracted the worse and basest of individuals. And usually the worst-smelling.

The attraction though of winning. Of beating the odds and being handed fistsfull of credits was a thrill the Sith had gotten a taste for, be it sabaac or dug-fights or the track.

She jostled past a bald male who was in the process of trying to score his jollies other than through gambling...although, hitting on a cizerack was a whole other type of risk-taking, Hera mused.
..Cizeracks...even here, she couldnt escape them. Since being annexed by the Pride, the felinoids were a constant presence, and while the benefits were abundant, she still found them a trial on her nerves.

Lifting the feild-glasses to her eyes, the Sith scanned the track..

Apr 14th, 2002, 10:59:45 AM
Sukura tried her best to zig zag through the massive crowd. But she wasn't doing very well. She kept getting in the way of everyone and people yelled at her to get out of the way. She wasn't used to crowds, she never had been. She was sort of quiet these days...

However she couldn't resist seeing the races. She had never seen a single one, and her child-like curiosity had gotten the best of her this time. She wrestled herself over to small slightly quiet place on the side of the large walkway, and paused, running a clawed hand through her flame red hair. People looked at her oddly, they could figure out if she was alien or some human experiment gone partially wrong, she didn't care though, it didn't bother her none the least. She was to busy with the exitement of the races...Now if only she could get to them...

She sighed and said in a oddly accented tone.

"Alas I think I shant ever be able to find the darn'd races.."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 14th, 2002, 10:36:56 PM
(Taa's ears raised at the question)

Well jI sssuppossse jyou could get me a drrrjink.. Sssomethjing fessstjive!

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 16th, 2002, 10:39:09 PM
There was something about this cat, Cyrus didn't like. She was...odd. Haman knew a little bit about the Cizeracks-he'd done a few runs for 'em before he got arrested. But this one...this one was definitely different than anyone he'd ever dealt with.

A ring of a bell signaled the beginning of the race. The smuggler craned his neck to watch "Ears a Poppin" jump to an early lead. It was then, Haman noticed the blond woman, just past him to his left.

Now THAT is one hot chick, he thought as he turned back to the Cizerack, waiting her response. Conveniently, the blond was near the bar.

"All right, what will ya have?" Haman smirked slightly, "Been a while since I've bought anyone a drink, let alone a Cizrack. Anything in particular you want?"

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:04:49 PM
She lowered the feild glasses as she heard the young woman's comment. Hera looked at her curiously for a breif moment. She seemed the quiet type and a little innocent.New to the game she observed silently to herself and probly in a hurry to loose her money too. She smirked, too easy..but why not?

"You place your bet over there" and jerked her head in the direction of the small bookies window. "Bet big on 'Turtle Dove' I hear she's a sure thing." Hera winked like she was the girls new best friend and flashed a smile.

Apr 20th, 2002, 06:15:08 PM
**Sukura blinked her narrow sky blue eyes and smiled at the woman offering her some help. She bowed low to her and then stood up.**

"Thank you, Mademoiselle" She said as her accent changed again to one that sounded slightly French.

"So I should bet on "Turtle Dove"...? Hmm...I haven't much money..well not much money that would be worth anything on this...umm....racetrack..." She laughed.

**Sukura stepped up the the window and said quietly who she wanted to bid on and how much she would bid. The amount however was surprisingly small.**

"Hmm...that seems a good amount for a sheepish beginner such as me..."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 20th, 2002, 10:18:18 PM
Oh jI don't carrre....sssomethjing njice....

(Taa smiled and purred at the shifty-looking man)

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:48:48 AM
Jhyx landed softly on the awning of the bookie’s window, and examining the canvas carefully with a prodding footpaw, spread out the small towel he’d brought with him. Smoothing out the miniscule folds and wrinkles, he hunkered down, letting his tail drape over the edge, and lying back, he propped his arms behind his head, closing his eyes. Ah, this was the life. A day out at the races, getting a suntan, and not having a care in the world!

Jhyx hadn’t placed any bets whatsoever; they meant nothing to him. He was there to cheer. That was the best part for him; yelling at the top of his lungs, jumping around like a fool, it was the best thing about races. He’d even started to believe the sport had been tailor made for him.

The day only enhanced his already wonderful mood. It was sunny, not a cloud in sight, and the crowd was in good spirits. Yep. The perfect day for a race.

And then the bell rang, and the race had begun. The little Isnik leapt to his feet, screaming at the top of his lungs, though he was easily drowned out with the rest of the crowd. It was when the creatures rounded the first turn that he realized; to his near horror, that his present vantage point wouldn’t allow him a view of the entire race.

“We’ll just have to fix that,” he stated firmly, his head looking in every direction before settling on one of the upper balconies. The towel left to catch ray by itself, Jhyx zipped upwards at a dizzying pace. He practically flew up back scaffolding and maintenance ladder before arriving at the nearest balcony.

It was packed, but that didn’t matter to him in the least. He leapt up onto the shoulder of the nearest spectator, and proceeded to leap-frog his way closer to the edge, hopping from head to shoulder to head to shoulder. With a final leap, he sailed through the air to land softly on the head of a woman who looked to have the best spot to view the racetrack, and without breaking stride he immediately began jumping up and down.

“Come on you!!!! And you and you and you!!!!!!!” he yelled like a lunatic. He didn’t have a clue as to what their names were, and frankly he didn’t care, just as long as he got to yell and jump around. “You got ‘im!!! You got ‘im!!!! You can win, go go go go!!!!!!!!” He danced atop the poor woman’s head, throwing his arms up and acting like a first-class juvenile. Which wasn’t too far off the mark.

One of his footpaws slipped down the side of her head, and came to rest on one of her ears. He froze. Probing out with the same footpaw, he examined the elongated ear and gulped. Then he felt glasses, and his heart skipped about eight beats.

“Catwoman!!!!” he gasped, hopping down onto her shoulder to look her in the face.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 21st, 2002, 03:36:44 PM
(Taa's eyes focus on the annoying creature which had bounded on her head)


(She smiles in a sweet, yet feral manner)

jIt ssseemsss that fate hasss once agajin brrrought usss togetherrr.

(Taa giggled darkly, running a rough, pink tongue across candy-glossed lips)

Apr 21st, 2002, 04:12:59 PM
"What are you doing here," Jhyx asked curiously, "I didn't know you liked the races."

Hopping from Taa's shoulder to stand on the railing in front of her, he scratched at an itch on his back while wrapping his tail securely aroud the handrail.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 21st, 2002, 05:10:17 PM
Of courrrssse jI ljike rrracesss!

(Taa snapped, somewhat indignantly...but then smiled sheepishly)

...sssorrrt of. Well, jitsss mjy fjirrrssst.

(She hunched down to eye-level)

And what arrre jyou dojing herrre, ljittle forrda. Thjink ljightnjing won't ssstrrrjike twjice?

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:58:27 PM
Haman began walking towards the bar, ignoring the small little critter as it slipped by him, heading towards the Cizerack. When the smuggler reached the bar, he turned towards the blond woman he'd seen earlier.

"Bet on 'Ears a Poppin'...that's my two creds."

To the bartender he said, "I'll have a Corellian Ale and a Cizerack Malt."

To the blond woman he smirked, "So can I get ya a drink as well?"

Apr 21st, 2002, 11:29:53 PM
"Fat chance....."

Cyrus shook his head and laughed alittle thinking he'd heard classier rebuffs in the bighouse. But the blond was still talking...

"Ears a Poppin is a hasbeen...doesnt stand a chance"

She ran her eyes from the shine on the top of his shaved head, down his body to his scuffed boots and back up again.


Apr 22nd, 2002, 12:00:24 AM
"Your first?" Jhyx reached out and patted her hand. "You'll have fun, trust me."

As she bent down to look him in the eyes while asking why he was here, he gave her a cheesy grin."I'm here to cheer," he announced proudly. "I come here as much as I can; I love it!"

At her comment on lightning striking twice, it was his turn to give a sheepish grin. "Awww, Catwoman, you're too nice to eat me. Besides, I'm good luck."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 22nd, 2002, 12:21:33 AM
(Taa's eyes widen with interest at the creature's bravado...or stupidity...or both.)

Too njice to eat jyou?

(She chuckled lowly, as she crouched at eye level)

That'sss almossst a morrre jinterrressstjing bet than thjisss rrrace.

(Her eyes narrowed mischieviously as she licked at her upper lip in a slow, dramatic fashion, curling back her lip with her tongue and exposing sharp teeth underneath. At the same time, her left hand gently caressed down his back, the index finger curling into Jhyx's view as a sharp talon eased its way out of the fingertip, but stayed precariously away from him. Taa licked her lower lip in due form...smiling)

jYou had betterrr hope jyou'rrre luckjy.

Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:02:41 AM
Jhyx smiled wide. He always like to be petted, and reaching out, he tested the sharpness of her claw. "I know I'm lucky."

So sure of himself he was, that he took her hand and turned around, using her claw to itch the scratch on his back that had been bothering him. "You know Catwoman," he began, striking up a casual conversation, "I like you. Yeah sure, you tried to eat me before, but that's ok. It's not the first time I've almost been eaten."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:05:44 AM
jYesss, jI jimagjine jitsss a rrratherrr common occurrrrrrence forrr jyou.

(Taataani watched him fidged about, using her claw as a back scratcher. She eased her hand around his torso, lifting him up to her level as she stood up fully.)

Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:12:57 AM
"OK look, Catwoman," he huffed, pulling himself from her grip while at the same time trying to situate her hands beneath him, "If you're gonna be holding me, do it right. Otherwise I'd settle for a spot on your shoulder."

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:27:30 AM
jYou arrre....

(Taa eased a finger delicately under Jhyx's chin, as a sharp claw protruded out, the tip resting dangerously under his jawline)


(Taa smiled, summarily stuffing the creature into the ample space of her v-neck. Jhyx found the accomodations tight...and warm)

Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:52:16 AM
Surprise crossed the little Isnik's features before he realized where she'd put him, but settling himself more comfortable in her bosom, he leaned back against her body. His fur rubbed up against her skin and his head came up to just below her chin, his ears sticking up on either side of her face.

"Not anymore," he smiled.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:04:58 AM
(Taataani smiled, purring as she glanced down from her vantage)

jYou have a wajy wjith people....perrrhapsss jyou'll be mjy djinnerrr sssome otherrr dajy. jYou enterrrtajin me too much.

Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:12:06 AM
Reaching up, Jhyx patted her cheek lightly. "See? I told you you were nice."

Smiling to himself, the small animal shifted his shoulders one more time before turning his attention back to the race. "So who did you bet on?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:29:47 AM
jI voted forrr ssseventeen, whjicheverrr that one jisss...

(Taa scanned the pack for her choice)

Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:40:49 PM
**After Sukura had placed her bet she nervously stepped back into the massive groups of people all attending the races. She walked for a bit and came to a bar. It was sorta dingy and many loud angry voice came from it, voices arguing about the races and who should win. She stepped into the bar and a few of the voices stopped and looked at her, she was very tall tall and her skin a pale color, her eyes were a light blue and pupiless, and her hair was firey red. However her hand were clawed and scarred, not dainty like most woman, but then again she wasn't a typical girl, she wasn't quite alien and she wasn't quite human. She ignored the whispering about her and stepped up to the bar and whispered shyly**

"A simple water if you please...."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 22nd, 2002, 05:53:20 PM
"You heard the ladies," the smuggler smirked, "Gimme a rum an' a water. And put it on mah tab."

Haman smiled at the comment about 'Ears a Poppin' being "over the hill". The Blob had jumped out to an early lead, moving as fast as it could to win the race. It led by three lengths over a white blob named 'Turtle Dove'. 'Midnight Run' a black blob with silver streaks down the lines (of obvious genetic manipulation) surged into third place, attempting to catch up with the rest of them.

Haman handed the two women their drinks, then took a swing from his Corellian Ale.

"Cyrus Haman. And ya are?"

Apr 22nd, 2002, 08:29:59 PM
Jhyx had no idea which creature seventeen was, but he didn't care as he started cheering once more, pumping the air with a little fist. "Come ooonnnn seventeen!!!!!!!!! Give him a run for his money!!!!"

Apr 22nd, 2002, 08:32:45 PM
"Hera DrenKast"

She took her drink and swirled it briefly in its cheap glass, waiting for the redhead to introduce herself.

Apr 24th, 2002, 03:38:56 PM
**Sukura blinked a few times as the man bought her the drink she had ordered, she hadn't asked him but she thanked him and handed the amount of money the drink was worth to him with a smile**

"Thank you, Sir.." **She replied softly**

**The man then turned to both her and the other woman, whom she recognized as the woman who helped her earlier and asked them both their names. The other woman simply said her name and said no more. Sukura not knowing quite what to do, did the same.**

"Sukura Carme..."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:37:25 PM
Haman smiled, looking at the Red head. Cute, but too pure. This Hera DrenKast though. She looks like fun.

"Well Ms. DrenKast, looks like 'Ear's a Poppin' is doing bettah than you thought he would," he directed his gaze towards the monitor above the bar. The blob had surged to a four length lead over 'Turtle Dove' and was slowly making it five lengths.

The smuggler smiled wolfishly, "Enjoy your drinks ladies. If you need anything else, let me know."

He took another swig from his ale, then ordered another.

Apr 25th, 2002, 11:31:57 PM
The redhead was a pill. Hera smiled. How could such a quiet softspoken individual survive long in this dump of a galaxy. She felt a fleeting feeling of guilt pass over her for telling Sukura to bet on Turtle Dove. But it didnt last long. Guilt was not something the Sith ever gave much thought to.

They thought of other things.

She eyed the bald man grinning into his ale. He was a confident one this. Bit of a schemer if Hera knew her types. .. Looked like an ex-con. Not by the way he was dressed, (for he was dressed as good or as bad as anyone at the track) but by the look in his eyes. They always seemed to be looking around, expecting anything and everything to come at him at once. The shaved head, too, was a favorite amongst inmates - they could fight without some guy pinning them by gripping their hair and sliding a makeshift dirk across their throats. Plus he had that pastey white look to his skin that indicated he had not seen sun in some time.


Hera drank her drink, not lowering her eyes from a direct gaze to his.

"....whats your angle, Cyrus Haman?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:46:48 PM
A slow smile came to the smuggler's face. Now we're getting somewhere.

"My...angle? To survive like everyone else. Make a few creds, and then retire with a blond at my side and a drink in my hand.

"That ain't too much to ask for is it?"

Haman gazed at the video monitor, then smirked as 'Ears A Poppin' won the race. Cyrus now had more creds to his name (8,000 worth), and that was enough to find a job...somewhere.

"Why you offerein' a job or sumthin?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:55:48 PM

(Taa's smile faded as she heard snippets of conversation in the distance, her sensitive hearing separating out the voice of the bald hyuu-mann...who still hadn't gotten her drink. She growled quietly, quelling herself just as quickly. With a fluttering of ears, Taa, adjusted her glasses, simultaneously pushing Jhyx further down her cleavage until he couldn't readily be seen. She approached the man, who had apparently been too distracted by two other females to pay her any proper mind. She tapped him on the shoulder, an extended claw pricking at his skin painfully)

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:59:10 PM
Haman turned, seeing the Cizerack behind him. He smiled, then...more out of formality (and not wanting to be gutted) quickly said, "Sorry 'bout that. Drink took longer t'make than I thought it'would."

Handing the Cizerack the glass of an amber colored liquid, with a cloud of red spices near the top, the smuggler smiled again, "Your drink."

Apr 26th, 2002, 12:02:41 AM
Hera grinned as Taa approached, all out of sorts at Cyrus's delay.

"Well, here's your blonde"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 26th, 2002, 12:09:36 AM
(Taa arched an eyebrow, then narrowed her eyes at the man.)

Thank jyou....

(She took the drink from his hand, gulping half of it down and licking her lips. She was slow to smile.)

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 26th, 2002, 12:16:26 AM
Haman raised a brown eyebrow at Hera. Which blond?

"No problem. Sorry fur th'delay. Seventeen win?

"And is the drink allright?"

He turned to Hera then asked the same question regarding the drink. Then he asked both if they wanted another.

Apr 26th, 2002, 03:54:08 PM
**Sukura took a sip of her water and leaned on the bar, looking out at the many different races and humans and how they all mixed together. A group of men and assorted aliens were sitting at a table over next to the wall. They were yelling in all different languages. Sukura watched them fight and laughed to herself.**

**She took another sip of her water and looked towards the Cat-like woman, she seemed a bit odd and also gave off that dangerous sort of look. Sukura blinked her pale blue eyes and then sighed. Why was she here again...?**


**She looked towards the woman named Hera and studied her for a bit. Perhaps she wasn't as nice as she had seemed. Perhaps she wasn't half of what she appeared to be. She gave one a feeling that was...slightly like fear.**

**Sukura then looked at the man named Cyrus, he deffinately tried a little to hard to get a lady, but he did have something about him he was dangerous...in a different sort of way. Sukura laughed and tapped her taloned hands on the bar counter**

Apr 26th, 2002, 04:07:42 PM
Popping up from between Taa's breasts, Jhyx smoothed the fur on his head before looking up at her. "Can I have a sip?"

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 27th, 2002, 02:23:38 AM
(without missing a beat, Taataani pressed Jhyx back down into her shirt, smiling at Cyrus as if nothing had happened.)

jYesss, deljicjousss.

(She sized Cyrus up, before the bookie's shouts registered in her twitching, sensitive ears.)

jI won? jI WON!

(She beamed, her bright blue eyes widening as she bounced up and down, like a woman 1/3rd her age. She smiled widely, slapping Cyrus's backside as she made her way to the collection booth.)

Apr 27th, 2002, 02:49:04 AM
Hera laughed as Taa smacked Cyurs before bounding off to get her winnings. Haman grinned back at her sheepishly.

Seems the man had his hands full with the felinoid. Hera agreed to another drink, thinking she would stay a while and be entertained.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:10:02 PM
Cyrus' eyebrows raised and his eyes widened as Taa's furred hand slapped his rear. He wasn't quite certain whether to be amused, turned on, or offended by the gesture.

He shook his head, then ordered another drink.

"Guess, I know what she wants," he smirked at Hera, "Gimme another rum, then get me the strongest Corellian Ale you've got."

As he handed Hera the rum, the smuggler took a swig from his ale, barely wincing as the bitter taste flowed down his gullet.

"Damn...that is good ale!" he belched, "So what brings ya to the Races Hera? Outside of the creds."

Apr 28th, 2002, 05:46:06 PM
"Other than credits? Not much, just here to look at all the freaks."

Her eyes drifted to the redhead and she grinned, jerking her head in Cyrus direction. "Present company excluded that is."

The felinoid was heading back again toward them, and if Hera knew her Cizeracks...which was a dubious distinction that she did have....the Ciz's next stop would be the restaurant then the suites..or maybe the other way around, depending on how accommodating Haman planned to be.

She took the second glass of rum and smiled at Haman. "Good luck"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:11:18 PM
Cyrus chuckled at the woman's 'freaks' comment. Indeed it was a different sort of place. The smuggler quaffed the rest of his beer, then ordered one more.

If the Cizerack're as interesting as Bad Joe in Cell Block A says. This night'll be interestin.

He was still a bit partial to the human blond staning next to him.

"Thanks, you got any suggestions for dealing with Cizeracks? You seem to be familiar with 'em."

Apr 29th, 2002, 11:01:06 PM
Hera shook her head.

"My dealings with them are strictly on a credit-gaining basis.

I think that one has other things in mind for you than money."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:29:12 AM
Haman nodded, "I heartily agree."

He shrugged, then pulled a cigarre out of his pocket, sticking the thin tobacco stick into his mouth. As he lit the stick with a match, Haman smirked,

"Yeah I'm lookin' to score myself. Gotta finish repairing my ship, then find a job."

He muttered under his breath, "Preferably without turning into cat chow..."

Then he chuckled.

May 8th, 2002, 11:49:20 PM
Hera's eyes lifted in interest.

"Oh yeah?.......What's your specialty?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 8th, 2002, 11:52:01 PM
"Shipping...and a few other things...

"Why, you need me fer sumthin'?"

Haman's eyes raised in interest as well...he did need work.

May 8th, 2002, 11:54:46 PM

"shipping what, exactly?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 8th, 2002, 11:56:33 PM
Haman took a swig of ale before answering.

"Whatever needs to be shipped. You need it done, I can do it.."

May 9th, 2002, 12:03:25 AM
She grinned.

Yep, right answer.

She decided to rattle him a little, see what was below the swaggering surface.

"So...youre pretty good are ya?

Ever been caught.........?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 9th, 2002, 12:06:26 AM
Haman hesitated a bit, Honesty, in this case is the best policy.

"Got caught because a damned motivator went out on the hyperdrive. Frelling ship was a week after it'd gotten inspected too. Piece of crap...Rodian Tech..."

May 9th, 2002, 12:12:01 AM
*chuckling lightly into her glass as she drank down another rum*

"And....anyone looking for you now?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 9th, 2002, 12:13:29 AM
"Naw...jist got out of Duros...I'm clean as a TIE just out of Kuat Shipdrives.

"Why, you looking for people to ship for ya?"

May 9th, 2002, 12:16:12 AM
"Always got work for someone who knows what their doing.."

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 9th, 2002, 12:18:29 AM
Haman smirked, Now we're gettin' somewhere.

"Yeah I can handle myself inna fight. Plus I outraced a few TIEs couple times. The ships done me good.

"And I can do ya good if ya want me."

May 9th, 2002, 12:29:14 AM
Hera nodded, becoming more convinced she could use someone like Haman. She didnt really trust him...but he was her kinda scum.

Suddenly she was very business-like. "I run a contracting outfit..ShadowFaene Fortress. We er...are in Transport/Aquisitions business. Legal..and not so legal as the need arises."

Cyrus leaned closer, curious.

"I have trade agreements with both the Cizerack Pride (nods in Taa's direction) and also with the Trade Federation. Plus I have my own variety of contacts. I need people who know how to be discreet when necessary, but who can hold their own against such gangsters as the hutts. Plus...you will often be in the company of Sith.

Any problems with any of that?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 9th, 2002, 12:30:13 AM
"Long as I get paid on time...nope. Not a damn problem with it."

He smiled, "I'm gonna place another bet. Want me t'put a few creds down for ya?"

May 9th, 2002, 12:33:44 AM
"No." Hera was done gambling for the day.

She handed him a card. It had a frequency readout on it.

"You can contact me here. You get paid for jobs contracted out to you. ShadowFaene takes a percentage of that fee. You can stay at the Base as long as you are working out of there. Come and see me when you are ready to work."

She stood up from leaning against the bar.

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 9th, 2002, 12:35:40 AM
Haman nodded, "All right. You'll hear from me...anything else I need to know?"

May 9th, 2002, 12:40:50 AM
"Just this...You never, ever, want me as your enemy. Keep that in mind."

She mouthed a kiss at him. Thanking him for the drinks and nodding to Sukura and the Cizerack (did something just move inside the felinoids shirt?) Hera moved off from the bar.

imported_Cyrus Haman
May 9th, 2002, 12:47:02 AM
Cyrus nodded, "Now there's one chick I don't wanna mess with."

He took a look at the data pad she'd given him. It was indeed something worth checking out. And he needed the creds to begin with.

Nodding to the Ciz and Sukura, and noticing the same movement, he followed Hera as fast as he could.

"Miss...miss!" he called, "Hang on a sec..."

May 9th, 2002, 10:44:31 PM
She got to the bottom step of the lower platform before she stopped, and waited for Cyurus to catch up to her.

As Cyrus pushed and shoved his way down the crowded stairs and finally reached her, she asked plainly.

"You change your mind already?"

May 11th, 2002, 12:45:12 AM
Worming his way back up, Jhyx poked his head out from between Taa's breats once more.

"So, are we gonna go get your winnings, Catwoman?" he asked, reaching up to fidget with her glasses, and deftly pulling them from her face, he attempted to try them on. They were much too big for him, and magnified his eyes seemingly tenfold.

Looking up at her, he grinned goofily at her, still sporting her glasses. He had to hold them so they'd stay in place. "Look at me! I'm Catwoman!"

Jun 30th, 2002, 12:13:02 AM
Hera expelled an irritated breath while she waited for Haman to reply. She thought their business, for now, had been concluded.

The longer he delayed to speak, her suspicion of him grew. She dropped a hand to rest lightly on the hilt of her dagger in its sheath at her waist, not taking her cold blue eyes from him.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:19:01 AM
"No, I wanna join up. I'm lookin' for some work, so I'll do it.

"Plus," he smirked, "I'm good at almost everything."

Jun 30th, 2002, 12:22:46 AM
She gave him a hard stare........and then a slow smile crept across her lips.

"oh really"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:26:05 AM
"Yeh, I can fix ships. Fly 'em. Shoot, gamble. Drive.

"Ya want it ya got it. I'm a real sociable guy. Ya name it, I can do it. Even if ya want your jollies I can do that too."

He smirked again and took a drink.

Jun 30th, 2002, 12:38:58 AM
"You sound like a handy guy to have around" she replied dryly.

Her manner was non-comittal and belied the busy thoughts running through her mind. He was obviously offering her his services in more ways than one, and Hera was deciding whether or not she had the time..

She began to move off, deciding she did not. "I may make you prove all those boasts Cyrus Haman. And that sooner than you think.

Be at hangar bay 19, Coruscant spaceport five days from now. Arrive by noon and wait for me there."

She gave him a crooked grin. "We'll talk more then."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 30th, 2002, 12:43:29 AM
"'ll right. See ya then, mi'lady," he smirked at the 'milady' comment, "If ya need me. Jist ask."

He turned and walked away.

I wonder what else is going on here?

Jun 30th, 2002, 12:52:36 AM
Hera left the crowded lower concorse of the race grounds and exited into the fresh air outside.

She had a date to keep with a new business associate in Coruscant (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12920) and had some work to do before she got there. Haman would arrive there and aid in her transportation of certain goods she intended to acquire with a fellow "acquisitions expert" s"ilancy Loklorien.

She looked forward to her next meeting with her nefarious new employee.