View Full Version : Episode II Spoilers in 'Jedi Starfighter'

Figrin D'an
Apr 3rd, 2002, 06:32:40 PM
I have been playing 'Jedi Starfighter' lately, the newest Star Wars game for the PS2. It's a pretty good game, better than the first 'Starfighter' game, IMO, with a pretty good storyline and characters. There are some definate spoilers in the game, though, as the plot directly parallels, and in some cases, interacts with, the plot of 'Attack of the Clones.' There is one little tidbit in particular that really caught my eye (or, more acurately, my ear).

First, a summerization of the plot of 'Jedi Starfighter':

The game focuses around two playable characters: Adi Gallia, a Jedi Master whom we saw briefly in TPM, and the leader of a pirate group called Nym. Adi Gallia is sent to investigate a possible illegal Trade Federation operation in the Karthakk system. At her command is one of the prototype builds of the new Jedi Starfighter (the same kind we see Obi-Wan flying in the AOTC trailer). She eventually meets up with Nym and his group, and they go about dealing with the Trade Federation presence, as well as try to determine how, and why, a mercenary, known as Captian Toth, is involved in the scheme. We eventually find out that Toth and his group are using the Trade Federation to manufacture trihexalon weapons (kind of like the Star Wars universe equivalent of VX gas), and that Toth is in league with Count Dooku and the seperatists. The plot eventually shifts to the invasion of Genosis by the Republic's new Clone Army and the Jedi, as part of a joint effort to take out the Confederate forces (the seperatists, the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild and the Interplanetery Bank Clan) and rescue the captured Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme. Eventually, of course, the good guys succeed, the seperatists are thwarted, and the Jedi kick some butt... woohoo. One mission even includes a cameo by Jango Fett and Slave 1, as he trys to collect a bounty on one of the members of Nym's pirate group. :)

Now for the part that really interested me...

During the last in-game movie segement, it shows Mace Windu communicating with Adi Gallia in her starfighter. Adi asks about the battle on the surface of Genosis... Mace replys by saying that they were victorious, and that the hostages were safe, but that "Obi-Wan's padawan was badly injured."

Now... this really makes one wonder... Could Anakin potentially receive some cybernetic parts before his eventual fall to the Dark Side and transformation into Vader? Maybe something similar to Luke getting the cybernetic hand at the end of ESB? Could it be that Dooku scars him the same way that he in turn scars Luke years later? (we know that they duel at some point)

Knowing how Lucas likes things to come "full-circle," I would not be surprised if something like this happens.

Apr 3rd, 2002, 10:28:05 PM
An interesting thought... I was always under the impression that Anakin's cybernetic parts were necessary because of wounds suffered during his battle with Obi-Wan, but it could just as well be the other way. Either way, I don't think the video game will have that much bearing on the movie. If it happens to coincide as you suggest, then that is a cool tie-in to the movie, but if it is not, it could easily be explained in other ways such as Anakin could be wounded, but not the wounds that require the cybernetics

Figrin D'an
Apr 3rd, 2002, 10:44:50 PM
Oh, definately... it could easily be explained in several other ways, and it may not serious enough to warrant that kind of thing... but, it is just an interesting little tidbit that got my attention. The one thing that makes me think that it could hold some truth is that the game so closely interacts with the AOTC plot... direct references to events and persons in the film during the exact same time frame... normally Lucas doesn't let people touch that kind of thing unless they get it right... so, I'm guessing that the events should fit together rather well.

But, I guess we'll just have to wait another month and a half to see. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 3rd, 2002, 10:52:45 PM
I played the game too and saw that scene with Mace I thought it was interesting they didn't give many details of the battle, like who dies especially Jedi council members and other Jedi, it just made it appear they won, and we don't know how they won, so there is still a lot to be answered. As far as Anakin's injury that is an interesting development, I am curious what the injury is, I hope its not his hand thought that would be a little corny maybe something worse maybe part of his leg or something, I don't know have to wait and see. Also I agree with you about the game it is a lot better than the original, I also like how they included Slave 1 as a playable ship.

Apr 4th, 2002, 08:49:32 AM
You guys don't know how hard it is for me not to highlight all that spoiler text!

May 16, where are you????????????

Sage Hazzard
Apr 5th, 2002, 01:25:43 AM
Maybe he Dooku stabs him in the lungs... pahh.... hahhh... pahh... that'd be neat. It'd also give a reason why in some of the trailers there is a Vader breathing sound. Hmm....

Apr 5th, 2002, 09:14:38 AM
I wouldn't think so Sage, because if he did, then Anakin would require the breathing apparatus before he "becomes" Darth Vader. I always thought that Anakin officially becomes Vader following his confrontation with Obi-Wan at the lava pit. I don't think we would see Anakin with breathing apparatus, only Vader.
Of course Anakin could have the breathing apparatus, but I think it makes for a better story if he (as Vader) has to acquire it based on his fight with Obi-Wan. It gives him all the more reason for his hatred of Obi-Wan, as with every breath he is reminded of him.

Of course I could be totally off base on that one - but it is fun to speculate....

BTW, a LOT of spoiler text made it into this thread... Are we getting a little extra spoiler sensitive now that we are so close in to the release!? :lol

Apr 5th, 2002, 10:35:32 PM
Yes. ;)

Novi Paran
Apr 11th, 2002, 05:52:23 AM
Anakin vs Dooku... peeper beware... major spoiler! The thread's answer lies in the following:

Just seen the scanned text from the AOTC comic adaption. Anakin does indeed lose half his right forearm. Or half his right arm (at the elbow). That is how bad Count Dooku is!!!!