View Full Version : A Strong Aura Alone Cannot Stop The Darkness (Aura Allei)

Vice Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:19:25 AM
Vice Hazzard, rather thin and ackward looking man, was standing firm on the street. He was rather nervous, and annoyed it was taking this long. How many Jedi were there? And why couldn't he find one?

His cloak looked utterly ridiculous on him. It was two sizes too large, and his frame didn't allow for this at all. He looked like a baby wrapped in a beach towel.

"Where are these great Jedi? Why must they hide themselves? Do they not want to stop massacres?"

Vice quickly remember... he hadn't done anything yet. Nevermind, it didn't matter. He'd come across someone soon.

He pulled his staff out. It was created by him, after years of research. He had duplicates, weapons held no sentimental value to him. The staff was special though, very much so. It consisted of multiple durasteel cylinders. They all were held in a much smaller cylinder. When a button was pushed, the cylinders would spring out. Since these interlocking cylinders were in an abundance in the smaller holding device, it could grow to any length. It could be retracted at will as well. If any part was cut off, another cylinder grew to take it's place. It was an amazing tool. He clicked it to it's standered length, fourty eight inches. He was an expert at this weapon. His agility and fluidity of movement aided him in this fighting style.

Suddenly a woman walked past. He could see the lightsabre hilt dangling on her thigh.

"Maddam.... Would you be so kind as to..."

The Jedi woman, Aura Allei, was pleasent, despite the fact the man carried a weapon. She was ready to offer assitance. Vice instead hit her in the face with one end of the staff, making her stumble back, clutching her nose.

"... Be a sacrifice?" Vice stared malevolently at the Jedi Padawan.

OOC - The post is for Aura, but it'd be perfectly fine if anyone decided to jump in. Just a senseless fight thread. :)

Aura Allei
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:04:41 PM
Recoling from the shock, Aura stood her ground undaunted. She casually wiped the blood tickling her face with her arm sleeve.

"I should have picked up on your vile Force signature," she spoke with a hint of arrogance.

"So, you speak of sacrafice. I would assume I am elected the prime candidate."

The Jedi Padawan had been exploring the area, hoping to annex any traces of her fleeting memories, on her quest to assemble her past as a Knight, presently dispersed across of the winds of uncertainty. Her hand reached for the titanium hilt sequestered at her belt.

Vice Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2002, 11:42:33 PM
Vice laughed maniacly. He didn't wait for the Jedi to speak before he spun the staff around counter-clockwise towards the woman, hitting her in the jaw, knocking her back.

"Of course, Jead-eye."

Vice often mispronounced the word Jedi. He wasn't allowed to speak the word for the longest time.

She could never of noticed his Force signature. It was extremely weak since he had little to no ongoing connection to it. In fact, he rarely used the Force. He wasn't comfortable with it. Although he did notice that when he got angry or enraged, he would become more adept at his fighting.

OOC - I figure that when we decide mutually to end this fight, you can pick two or three judges. They'll judge who wins. I don't care who the judges are, Sith, Jedi, Neither, doesn't matter. Just pick them when we're done here and have them reply OOC when we ask for them to judge. Okay?

We'll know when the fight's ready to be judged when we both feel it's becoming chore like to post in it. When it looks like everything has been exausted and no new aspects are avalible to liven it up. Or when both of our characters are so broken and battered that we couldn't continue in a real life setting.

Sound good?

Aura Allei
Apr 4th, 2002, 03:02:35 PM
As the second hit connected, Aura responded by unclipping her light saber hilt, thumbing the hidden niche on the titanium cylinder and activating the magenta core, as it ensued with an auricular buzz. She muted everything encompassing her senses except the battle at hand, as the Light Force enshrouded her personna.

Advancing on Vice, she feigned a stabbing lunge to his left hip, as he lowered his staff's end to deflect, she pulled away reposting into his shoulder. Sage twisted from the blade so it grazed his flesh.

OOC: AOK..Seems I have a sig tech prob..

Vice Hazzard
Apr 4th, 2002, 11:28:35 PM
Vice jumped back. He groaned anger ridden at the Jedi.

How enraged he was, at the fact this Jedi had broken the flesh on his shoulder. She would have to pay. He drove forward.

Vice faked a strike with his staff on Aura's left shoulder, as the Jedi swung to dice the staff in half, Vice ducked and spun 380 degrees. He hooked his staff behind her right knee and pulled, pushing his right shoulder into her hip as he did. She fell on her behind right before she could decapitate the Sith.

Vice spun quick multiple 180s away from Aura in a fantastic display of bravado and gymnastic expertise. He stopped 3 meters from her and brought his staff into a defensive stance.

OOC - Quick note, lightsabres can cut through my staff. It's just steel. But like I posted, another cylinder expands to take it's place. So Vice doesn't block sabres, he dodges them. He's extremely agile and works on keeping himself out of harm's way. But I'll go with your post for now, just keep it in mind for the future. :)

Aura Allei
Apr 5th, 2002, 09:13:54 AM
Aura dashed about Sage utilizing the Force for blinding velocity. Counterclockwise she raced, till the 150 degrees semi-circle around him was obtained. Directing her blade towards his inner right thigh, her new position introduced her to his aft at a sharp angle, as the incandescent core was steered proficiently with a practiced hand.

OOC: How do you want to go about this? If this is a duel to be judged, then your defense would have to be sound, so I really shouldn't rp any of your actions, nor you mine. I really dont want a storyline type duel for a judgement call, where we rp some of our opponent's actions. I was trained tc style, where an opponent's moves are never rp'd by another. This being a true duel form of rpg, where solid counters must be annexed to render void any attacks.

Vice Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:11:31 AM
Vice leapt, grasping the top of his staff, still planted on the ground. He used his deceptively small muscles to obtain a sort of balancing act, keeping his lower body off the ground. The blade swung expertly beneath him, actually cutting through a fraction of his pant leg. He kicked his legs out, still balancing, and struck her in the jaw. Vice swiveled his body, landing on the other side of his staff. He again flipped end over end in a taunting manner. Vice brought himself leveled again and raised his staff to a seasoned stance.

OOC - Cool.

Go right ahead. I actually used to have Sage fight with two sabres, and two wrist mounted, automatic firing, blasters. I'd just set it on fire and swing away. It was kind of unfiar, so I dropped it. :)

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:36:17 AM
Seeing the kick reaching, she reacted by drop rolling back, yet still got clipped in the jaw. Aura did not wish to seriously harm her opponent, noting he wasn't utilizing a lethal weapon. She was prepared to only subdue the combatant enough to leave him incapacitated with muscle injuries, and have med techs tend to him.

The man was quick and skilled. Aura wondered if she would eventually be the one in need of the medical attention. Focusing on the battle at hand, the Jedi Padawan rose to her feet, unclipping a second hilt at her belt. She activated the now left saber, as a coral yellow lance boiled out in neon radiance.

Aura approached Vice as she lunged at his right shoulder with her left blade. He easily raked his right end to ward off the attack parrying her saber up. The magenta blade then crossed into his open right rib area as she initiated a back handed slice.