View Full Version : A challenge (open)

Jodah of Giva
Apr 2nd, 2002, 04:36:29 AM
Jodah stood within the arena. He looked around, sensing that white force energy created by Light users, and spat onto the ground hard, as if to spit o nthe Force signature. He then shouted into the open grounds around him, praying for someone to hear his cry. "I challenge a jedi padawan to a duel!" He then waited patiently, keeping his hands on his saber hilts comfortably, and occasionally reaching back on his hands and masaging his wrists

Aura Allei
Apr 2nd, 2002, 04:44:34 PM
The malicious decree of the Sith was evident, as his baneful Force signature scorched the ground, beckoning a challenge to feed his unscrupulous hunger for a battle. Aura called out to the stranger.

"So much lust to slay the Light, shall only land your dissolution."

Jodah of Giva
Apr 2nd, 2002, 06:48:53 PM
Jodah turned and looked at her. He surveyed her for a moment, as if ocnsidering his chances, and grinned. She didn't look like much of a challenge, and her reputation preceded her. Jodah bowed slightly, keeping his gaze locked on hers. "It is life that leads to our dissolution, not weaklings. You accept the challenge?"

Aura Allei
Apr 2nd, 2002, 07:32:31 PM
Aura mirrored his gesture, sensing his appetence for warfare.

"He who judges the capabilities of others, is less likely to have appraised his own."

She ambled over to him.

"Why are you so eager to clash blades in the dance of death? You are young. Don't be in such a hurry to prove your command of a saber. Life holds its own challenges, without the destruction a battle invokes. "

She paused with a smile. "A spar I will oblige you with, if you so wish."

Jodah of Giva
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:20:32 AM
Jodah smiled sightly at her comment. "I have been engaged in this 'dance of death' for 400 years. Youth is something I've little to worry about. And a spar is exactly what I wish." He crouched a bit, bringing both hands to one saber hilt. He did not draw it yet. He smiled again. "Shall we begin?"

Aura Allei
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:14:20 PM
Aura nodded in affirmation. She never sparred with a Darksider before. They always demanded a duel. She was intrigued this Apprentice would settle on a spar. He veiled his youth well, seeing it was an illusion to confound his enemies into ascertaining he was a man of little experience, yet due to his ascention in years, it would be to the contrary.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:26:16 PM
Jodah held back a bit, hesitantly. He was obviously waiting for Aura to begin the fight.

Aura Allei
Apr 4th, 2002, 03:15:47 PM
Aura beckoned him to initiate the spar with a slight wave from her hand.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 5th, 2002, 06:09:35 PM
Jodah gave an obliging nod and stood straight up. He took his hands from his sabers, placing them instead at his sides instead. He pounced, rolling over Aura's head and landing behind her. His arm flicked out, and a gold wristband was revealed from beneath it. Jodah fllipped his wrist forward, and the cuff-saber activated with a hiss. The three black blades roiled within their gyrotational prisons. Jodah slashed at Aura, slicing the shoulder of her robes open. He did not hit flesh.

Edit- /ttt

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:51:36 AM
Rolling forward, the robe spilled off her shoulders as Aura flipped up with a 180 degree spin. Quirking a brow at his unique armamant, the Jedi Padawan motioned closer, bowing to him.

"I see you are eager to start this. Then let it now commence."

Aura kicked her torn robe away, unclipping the Mandalorion iron hilt at her belt. The coral yellow lance erupted in a radiant solitude, followed with an audible buzz. She advanced on her opponent, driving her blade towards his mid-section, then abruptly raked it up into an arc as she closed the distance between them.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 8th, 2002, 10:58:03 AM
Jodah threw his other arm up, activating his second cuff-saber. The blades clashed, causing a small wave of heat and a loud buzz on impact. He caught her blade between two of his, slinging it away from him, and then thrust with his own.

Aura Allei
Apr 8th, 2002, 07:47:31 PM
Pivoting on the ball of her left foot, Aura spun clockwise 90 degrees to avoid the trio of blades, as she retreated back for distance. His second weapon dictated she should employ her spare hilt as she unclipped it, speedily activating the magenta core now grasped in her left hand. Maintaining her position Aura ripped her left saber towards his lower back, her angled proximity affording her a chance at his aft side, while she then attacked his right lower ribs on a diagonal course, her blade now a breath's whisper from her opponent's flesh.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 9th, 2002, 10:59:27 AM
Jodah tried to jump backwards, avoiding her side attack. He threw the saber off of him, only to hit the one behind him. The saber cut him cleanly, leaving a long, ragged but cauterized gash across the small of his back. He jerked a bit and rolled forward, under her side and behind her. He brought one cuff-saber out in a hard arc towards her shoulder, moving down, while keeping the other at the ready and near his chest.

Aura Allei
Apr 10th, 2002, 04:48:52 PM
The blade cut deep into giving sizzling flesh, as Aura recoiled in shock from the shoulder wound. Maintaining the grip on her saber, she side rolled forward on her good shoulder, spinning to flip up and face her adversary.

His malicious grin was evident on the score he made on the Jedi Padawan.

Taking a deep breath, she ambled forward, slicing at his neck with her magenta left blade, as he ducked it with ease, sweeping out at her legs which she dodged with a side flip, her sabers tucked out of harm's way as Aura landed unscathed.

Again she advanced with a forward lunge, her right coral yellow blade greeting its luminescent barbed core, ascending towards his mid-chest.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 11th, 2002, 11:03:49 AM
Jodah fell backwards, out of the way, rolling and flinging one of his 'sabers out to block hers. The tip of her blade had sliced him deeply across the chest, and the skin sizzled and could be smelled. He drew on this pain, coalescing it in his head, and forced it out, grabbing at her with invisible tendrils and pulling her arm towards him, on the ground. He hooked his saber on hers, blocking another attack with his second, and pulled himself up, Force-launching himself over her and pulling her saber from her hand.

Aura Allei
Apr 12th, 2002, 10:22:44 AM
It was evident he was using anger to charge his power. Aura remained emotionless, as the Light consumed her thoughts, she reached out for her saber hilt as it escaped her foe's grasp and back to its owner. An audible contemptuous growl could be heard echoing across the hillside.

She stood her ground still in a trance, prepared to meet his next assault. Aura then spoke in a low tone.

"This is a spar, but I sense you are turning it into a duel."

Jodah of Giva
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:13:45 PM
Jodah smiled, sensing her thoughts as she let the Lightside roll through her mind. Hatred and anger were primitive human instincts. Happiness was an emotion. She would weaken much quicker. He was disappointed as she reclaimed her saber, but didn't think too much of it. He landed and started to circle her. "And if that is not what you wish then I will weaken my stride. Yet conisder, weakling, what a duel could do! That adrenaline, the molten gold rushing through your veins, beautiful, insatiable bloodlust. Honor, valor, victory, all of it perhaps yours. For once, woman, abondon your codes and laws and live!"He hissed the last word, slashing out with his saber to enhance the exclamation.

Aura Allei
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:06:54 PM
Backing up from the flash of his passing blades, she added her feedback.

"A Jedi does live, my nefarious Sith friend. We harbor emotions of light, yet we control them in battle to not fall prey to the Darkside. We utilize our focus, augmenting our skills. What you speak of is a passion for destruction. Adrenaline is short lived, and only serves in disrupting ones peace and serenity," she sighed, hoping to reach him.

"We can love, laugh, and enjoy the pleasures in life that were not meant to be the object of obliteration. You truly do not know the comfort in being in the Lightside, the purity, and compassion drives us to serve the oppressed. This is a Jedi. We can enjoy a spar, without harming one another. I have sparred countless times with my Master. I concur with you that the pleasure of sparring is an attractive lure, as it employs skills, strategy, and technique, yet what you speak of is lust for blood. This I and my kind cannot and will not abide to."

She awaited his response, prepared for a consecutive assault.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 14th, 2002, 06:05:17 PM
Jodah shook his head sadly. "It seems you still do not see. Without blood there is not conquest. Without conquest there is not power. Without power there is no future. There are pleasures in life you cannot fathom because you are too blind to see them. You remain stuck on your worthless past. You are the one with no future. It seems this is what you and your kind wish. Well, if that is your desire then so be it. I shall not be the first, and I shall be far from the last, to deliver my judgement. I shall leave you with a future, but withouyt honor, what good is it?" He then lashed out, violently, with both sabers, aiming at one of her shoulders. He harnessed his massed Force, and pushed her hard backwards. He held one tendril on her hand, squeezing her wrist as best he could and loosening her grip on her saber. The now-deactivated hilt clanged to the ground and rolled. Jodah began to try to pull it towards him, abondoning his push and grip on Aura.

edit: /ttt

Aura Allei
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:38:04 PM
Twisting from the energy beams salvaged her skin from further damage. Aura's shoulder needed to be attended to, but a Jedi must laspse into meditation to foster the healing of a wound. During a battle, her concentration was on her opponent and his actions, yet the pain at least could be successfully anesthetized.

Veiling her eyes, Aura took a deep breath and called the Mandalorion iron hilt. It was a perpetual tug of war between the Light and Dark Force. A passing bird swooped down at her command, as it temporarily destracted her foe. The hilt greeted her palm and was activated, once again giving birth to the meter lance.

"The future is not to be formulated on. What transpires, will be experienced in time. Power is only an illusion conjured up to elevate ones egotistical desires. Honor is shared by all warriors of valor, let it be Light or Dark. One need not destroy to possess it."

She held out her hand, sending a surge of Light energy, compelling the Sith backwards. The Jedi Sentinel then traversed onto her opponent, stepping into a lunging thrust to his left shoulder.

"So be it. You leave me no choice."

Jodah of Giva
Apr 16th, 2002, 06:56:53 PM
Jodah was hurled backward by the Force throw. As she lunged he fell backwards. It was almost enough. The blade sliced through the upper layers of his skin, leaving a long gash over his arm. He hit the ground and pulled his saber up, aiming at her wrist. He used his momentum to swing his hand, fingers extended halfway with the knuckles out, hard into her throat, folding her trachea closed and nipping a large vein there. She lapsed for a moment as both blood and oxygen were cut from her brain, and fell backwards, unconcious "The same is true for you, young Jedi."

Aura Allei
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:01:58 PM
The damage was done. While she saved her wrist from a quick amputation, her throat adhered to his blades. Aura was in a dire state. Even if she continued with the plight after regaining her faculties, she would enter in and out of a conscious element, posing a grave disadvantage in the battle.

Lapsing into the connerstone of the Force, she became immersed in a hibernation trance. This would slow her metabolism and breathing, alloting time before the healing could be inaugurated. Giving the impression of death even to Force sensitive beings, would perhaps satisfy the relentless Sith Apprentice enough to disperse from his fallen enemy. She gargled abit as if she were suffocating, then fell silent.

Aura StarRider
Apr 20th, 2002, 03:26:29 PM
When Aura would awaken, her past would finally have been recalled, her memory as a Jedi Knight...reclaimed.

Jodah of Giva
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:46:15 PM
Jodah stepped over to her. He looked down at her, laughing softly to himself at her feigned death. It was enough for him though. He reached down and pulled her sabers from her hands. These he pocketed, securing them firmly in self-tightening pockets on his sash. He patted them gently, making sure they were secure from Aura trying to take them. He then smiled at her. "Thank you for the fight." He bowed slightly in her direction, and then turned to leave.

OOC: REALLY sorry this took so long. :(:( My internet got cut off at home, some dumb satelite installer messed it up :(:(

Aura StarRider
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:26:30 AM
After he left, Aura awoke from the trance. She called her horse, Guardian, 'via' the Force. She was dizzy from the wound, and could barely stand. Guardian trotted over, then knelt to one foreleg at his master's command, while Aura swung her leg over the saddle.

"Come boy, take me to the city. This wound is too severe for me to fully heal."

Aura frowned as she noticed her missing saber hilts. She still retained her first Master's gift to her. A single light saber emitting a scarlet hue upon activation, the durasteel silver hilt secured safely in her saddle bag. It would have to do for the present against the multifold of Darksiders. Guardian accelerated into a slow lope, with Aura bent down over his neck, grabbing his abundant mane for balance, as she shifted in and out of consciousness.

OOC: no prob. Good fight. ;)