View Full Version : Alderaan a present from the past

Greyy Trespe
Apr 1st, 2002, 06:05:46 PM
The Nebula B-2 frigate Saber Strike was on it's way to the Alderaanian system. It was a voage that many alderaanians made every year at some time. They go to the place that that once held their home planet. That is before the empire chose to destroy the planet as an example to the galexy.

Vonta Horn .though not an Alderaanian her self, felt the sense of lose that many did for this planet. Becuase she saw it in the eyes of her former mentor and teacher Greyy Trespe. THe former royal guards man form Alderaan trained her in the arts of warfare and combat when she was a young woman in the rebelion. He taught her of the ways of war but he made sure that she knew just as strongly the ways of peace.

The teachings that she recieved all those years back were the life lessons learned on the peace ful world of Alderaan. He wowed her with the storys of the citys that lived with nature and did not dominate it. Of all sorts of peace ful creatures on the planet. It seemed almost like a fairy tale.

But that is all that it is not a fairy tale. A fancy story of a place that lives only in the history books and in the minds of those that once lived there. Greyy tortured him self over the fact that he chose the empire over his home.

Now in the vacum of space they return here. To the place where the ghosts of the past reside. Greyy wanted a personal moment here so he took one of the shuttles out into the astroid belt.

Looking out on the remains of his dead planet he allows a single tear roll down his face. leaving a rememberance for his lost family and freinds in the form of some old belongings from alderaan