View Full Version : Benevolent Forces: Writing Wrongs

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 1st, 2002, 02:45:38 AM
His fourth month with the Jedi; it seemed like his life had started over and he'd been given a second chance to smile, to laugh and make friends. Loki is not only growing as a Jedi, he might be still be just under four feet tall but he was certainly growing, as an individual. Sometimes he wanted to just run up to the nearest person and thank them, he was blessed with gifts, and with these gifts today he had decided he would help those less fortunate than himself.

Hopping off the landspeeder as it slowed to a stop, he turned and thanked the kindly fellow who had offered to give him a lift to where he wanted to be. He was in the city's outskirts, here there was little New Republic aid and here is where the poor families lived. Luckily, his parents never had any financial difficulty, both worked and they were supported by the New Republic and ironically, it was the New Republic that fails to help these families to secure sound work and provide their children an education. Thus, the little Padawan Learner had taken it upon himself to venture into the unknown and offer kids his age an education in reading in writing. After all, it was the power of language that will in the end restore peace.

He came across a woman of about thirty, bent crooked over a small wash basin, working up a lather in which she was going to wash the pile of clothes on a stool behind. Her clothes were tattered and dirty, her face was thin and her pale cheeks were sunken. Taking the innitiative earlier, Loki had decided to leave his nice, cream Jedi robes behind and come out into the wild in regular kids clothes. He didn't look special in anyway, he was small, thin like every other kid his age except unlike the others he had a healthy glow to his face.

The lady was startled to find a second pair of hands dunk her youngest daughters shirt into the basin and begin scrubbing it clean. She looked up to see a youthful, cheery face looking up at her.

"I hope you don't mind, miss," He began appologetically, "I was a bit bored and thought I could give ya a hand!" He continued scrubbing whilst she stared at him with suprise.

"Shouldn't you be off getting into trouble, lad?" She began with a curious look, then after staring a little longer added, "I haven't seen you around here before, where do you live?"

"On the other side of town, my parents and I hitched I ride to this place since we were kicked out of our last home..." He hated lying, but it was for the best for now, he didn't want to come across as some sort of charity.

"That's too bad..." She said sympathetically, "We had similar troubles..."

And so the two went on for the next hour washing clothes and chatting away, Loki got to learn a great deal about her in that hour and it meant a lot to him that she was able to open up to him, that she could trust him. Of course, he had to do some improvisation every now and then when it came to talking about his family and background.

Once the pile of dirty rags had been hung up, clean and fresh, on a line outside her small shack of a home, she invited him in for lunch with her children. He'd discovered that the father had died in a terrible accident involving a riot between the smaller communities on the outskirts and the New Republic. He had gone to stop his brother getting involved as his family needed him too much to have him imprisoned for revolting, although he was able to save his brother, Lora's husband, Jon, was killed by a stray blaster bolt. A very tragic story and one the little boy did not care to bring up in the presence of the children.

Thud. He dropped the larger of his two books onto the chair about the old, wooden table around which two young children sat. One, a boy about his age and his younger sister, of about five or six; he had a dirty face and she had tattered hair. They were quiet at first but once they'd heard him talking with their mother they opened up and soon all four were chatting around the table about anything that had even the slightest bit of relevance. Together they laughed at stories such as the one involving a ten year old boy next door called Jod and how Nile, the eight year old boy had tricked him into staying awake all night one time after convincing him that is was the night of the annual meteor shower. That night he and his sister had thrown small pebbles from their bedroom window and keep him outside, waiting.

Soon, the Padawan had integrated himself comfortably into the warm family atmosphere and later hoped to raise the interests of both Nile and Yvevian in a good book and with any luck they'll take to it and he'll be able to go about his mission. They both deserved a proper education, it is the one thing of which no-one should be deprived.

"I'll make sure they're able to take care of their mother when they're older!" Loki thought to himself.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:55:26 PM
After lunch Yvevian had taken Loki by the hand and guided him outside in an effort to take him to where she said her "Favourite Place" was and Nile follwed alongside. The little Padawan made sure he took at least one of his two books with him and considering they were going to be walking for a while and they probably had never read before, he decided to take the small, simpler of the two.

After fifteen minutes the three had came to a small valley between two hills outside of the city, there was a large, drooping tree standing tall next to a gently flowing river. It was under the shade of the willow tree where they sat together, surrounded by long, hanging streams of pale green. It was a bright day and whilst his two new friends through small stones and twigs into the stream, Loki opened up his book and began reading.

Innitially, he was unable to attract the attention of Nile and Yvevian and he didn't want to make it obvious he wanted to join him in reading the book. Then suddenly he came across a rather funny bit in the short story he was reading, he laughed much to the suprise of the two other children.

"What's so funny?" Asked Nile curiously.

"Yeah, what are you laughing at?" Yvevian added.

"This," Loki said with a smile, pointing to his book, "It's called 'The Adventures of R2-D2 and C3PO' and they're two droids who never agree on anything. It's very funny."

"Really?" Asked Yvevian, getting closer.

"Cool!" nile exclaimed with interest, "Hey! Would you read some to us? We can't read..." His words trailed off quietly and he looked down a little embarressed.

"Sure! Sit around and we'll start from the beginning when these two crazy droids meet for the first time on a planet called Tatooine - you'll love this.."

For almost three hours Loki sat reading to his two friends under the willow tree, that was until they realised how late it was getting and that they had to get home. They thoroughly enjoyed listening to him read out the tales of the funny pair of droids. Although their frustration at how they were unable to read such books for themselves was very clear and the moment they arrived home they began harrassing their mother. They told her about R2-D2 and C3PO and how they want to be able to read like Loki.

Lora shot Loki a glance of curiosity, staring at the books in his arms. She then looked back at her children's excited faces and look of sadness came over her.

"I'm sorry guys...you know I only have one day off and in that day I have to do a weeks worth of chores. Perhaps when you're both a little older and can share some of my work hours to give me some more time to stay on top of my work at home, then I'll be able to teach you..."

Both Nile's and Yvevian's faces dropped with disappointment and Nile turned to look sadly at Loki's books. This was when the Padawan came in, he pushed his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose and began explaining how he could teach them. He would spare a few hours each day to call down and gradually teach them to read.

"Oh really? Would you do that for us?" Nile cried with glee.

"Loki, we couldn't possibly ask you to do that!" Argued their mother.

"But you're not asking, I'm offering. I'd gladly do it, I'd love the company, it gets lonely on the other side of town and I mom always tells me to make new friends."

Upon their mothers approval, Loki would from that day forth visit each day at about mid-day after a few hours training with Master Hicchoru. He was determined to give these children a bright future; not everyone could be a Jedi, but everyone is entitled to a proper education. He left an hour later, making his way back to the Order with a satisfied smile on his face, he would make a difference.

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 9th, 2002, 09:38:20 AM
*Natia a week ago was asked to join her friend Loki to help teach
some children how to read. This gives her a chance to see what
else there is to do here other then just learn to be a Jedi herself.
She is dressed in a loose fitting shirt and pants since she for
some reason doesn't like the Jedi robes. She looks over at Loki
and smiles as the landspeeder that they are in slows down to a stop
at the city's outskirts. After the speeder stopped, she places
her crutches outside of the speeder and climbs out with their assistance.

It was nice of this lady to give them a ride here, especially seeing
as how it would have taken them a lot longer in order to do so.
She hobbles a slight distance away from the speeder and turns to
thank the lady as Loki is climbing out of the speeder now. The
Lady waves her welcome to the two of them and takes off after Loki
is out and a slight distance away from the speeder*

Well Loki, you know the way better then I do so please, lead the way.

*Natia starts off at her normal hobble off in the direction they
need to go in, her ice blue eyes shining a brightly since it's a
wonderful day out and she can't wait to enjoy at least part of the
day with Loki, Yvevian, and Nile*

Loki Ahmrah
May 22nd, 2002, 05:28:16 AM
"Wow!" He exclaimed, lookng up at the sky, shielding his eyes with his hand. "It's a lovely day today."

He looked to Natia and smiled as they began walking. The sun's rays beamed down, giving everything a full-bodied colour; he could feel the back of his neck getting warmer. The outskirts of the city were dull, the floor was dusty and the air was thick and clammy but that couldn't be helped. Like Natia, Loki wasn't wearing his Jedi attire which he was so fond of, instead he wore a pair of thin, cloth boots with heavy soles, a cream pair of loose-fitting trousers and a long, white shirt that came as far down as his knees but had cuts on either side to thew waist.

"It is important to remember, Natia, that we do not let anyone know we are padawan learners. I don't want us to be performing a charity service; we are doing this because we want to so we'll have to be careful not to say anything that might make anyone suspicious. We can't even tell Yvevian and Nile."

They continued walking, keeping up their usual chatter until they arrived at the home of Lora and her two children. As they approached the house, Lora appeared at the door and greeted them with a friendly smile.

Lora Finyte
May 22nd, 2002, 06:31:51 AM
Hello there, Loki!

(She said as she stepped off from the step that led through the doorway, obviously pleased to see him. Kneeling down by the little girl, she looked at her and smiled.)

Ah, so you must be Loki's friend. And what's your name?

(They stood outside for a few minutes talking, until after realising the time, Lora quickly stood)

I'm afraid I'll have to be going. You'll find Nile and Yvevian out where they usually spend the day when it is as sunny as this. They'll be very pleased to make a new friend, too.

(She looked at Natia as she said this, then with a quick turn made her way off down the street, calling back.)

I'll see you two later, take care!

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:36:13 AM
*Natia smiles at Loki on the way to their destination and talks with him in a happy tone. Upon reaching the house, they were greeted by Lora, Nile and Yvevian's Mother. When asked her name, she responds by saying that her name is Natia. After a couple minutes of talking, Lora says she has to go and heads off. She then looks at Loki and smiles*

Well Loki, since you know the two, why don't you call in and say that we're here.

*Natia says this not wanting to herself since she as yet does not know the two which they are going to be helping out. With the surrondings which they are in, she doesn't seem phazed at it since she saw alot of this type of dwellings when she was younger though it has been awhile since she's been here to this part of a town*

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 18th, 2002, 08:16:32 AM
"Well, they wont be the house. Like Miss Finyte said, they'll be down by the river - it's lovely there - c'mon, let's go!" He said enthusiastically, wanting to make the best of such a lovely day.

For some time they trekked across a number of fields and the further from the city they went the more healthy the grass became until they came to the base of a gently sloping hill. Here the grass was a heathy, fresh green and the air was much cleaner. Loki walked alongside Natia, at the ready in case she took an bad turn on those crutches of hers.

"Now both Nile and Yvevian should be over the other side of this hill and we'll have to be extra careful on the way dwon. Just take your time and we'll be alright."

A few minutes later they were at the top of the hill and stopped to take in the view; rolling green hills and fresh pastures against a glorious blue sky. Neither cared to look behind to cast their eyes upon the hideous metropolis of Arcan City. Down below, they could see the shimmering water of the river and Loki pointed out a cluster of willow trees but no sign of the children was visible.

"Don't worry, they will be under one of those trees, I'm quite sure of it. How do you think we should go about helping them to read and write - I guess we would have to start with the alphabet, what do you think?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 21st, 2002, 10:17:56 AM
*Natia had been rather quiet while they were heading towards the river. The scenery beautiful, the air fresh just like the way her home should be. She's happy to have the companion she does have with her though she knows he's walking beside her in case she happens to have a fall. Doing a mental curse at her long since healed injury, she smiles as she sees the river from the top of the hill with some trees down beside it*

This is beautiful Loki. Really beautiful.

As for what to teach them first, their ABC's of course. They have to know them in order to read them of course.

*Natia is looking forward to this for a couple of reasons. First, she gets to be with other kids which she doesn't get alot of in the first place. And second, she herself will get to learn to read better then she already does.

She then starts to hobble down the hill, taking the least roughest path down, being careful not to slip*

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2002, 01:52:33 PM
After a gradual descent down to the cluster of willow trees the sound of children playing could be heard; there was laughing and shouting and the two Jedi headed in the direction of the noise. However it suddenly died away to mischievous whispering and then silence, Loki and Natia looked at each other with curiosity then carried on. That was when both Nile and Yvevian jumped out shouting a loud, "Boo!"

Both padawan learners were startled and the other two nearly fell down laughing, once they had recovered they both introduced themselves to Natia and Nile commented, "Isn't she pretty!"

"Shh Nile! You'll embarass her!" Retorted his sister, giving him a nudge with her elbow. After ten minutes of chatter the four sat down in the shade of a large, drooping willow tree where Loki took from his pocket a holo-emitter that fit in the palm of his small hand and placing it on the crisp grass he activated it.

"This is something I've had since I was very young - it helps you to read and write and today, we'll begin with the alphabet and we start will A...B...C."

As he said each letter the holo-emitter projected a large blue image of the respective letter and off they went, learning their ABC's.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 10:02:33 AM
*Natia looks at both Nile and Yvevian. She then looks for a smooth rock to sit down on and upon finding it, she frown but ackwardly manages to sit down on the rock with a near tumble off. After that, she places her crutches beside herself on the ground, a huge smile on her face. Natia doesn't say much as Loki is reciting the ABC's to Nile and Yvevian. She just sits there watching the group of three of them, hoping someday to be able to be a part of this small group, but as far as teaching the other two how to read, she'll leave that to Loki since she is guarding very carefully the fact that she has a slightly hard time reading*

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 30th, 2002, 08:28:48 AM
"That's right!" Loki answered cheerfully. "When these letters are put into different combinations they spell words. The words are put together to make full sentences."

He was pleased that Nile and Yvevien were getting to grips with this new concept rather quickly. They had been discussing and reciting the alphabet for almost an hour now, Loki had explained each letter by it's sound rather than name, this will help them both to apply the correct letters to the appropriate words by their sound.

"We will spend another hour on this then we'll head back home and I'll make lunch. I saw your mother earlier, just as she was leavoing for work; she'll be so impressed when she finds out how much you've learned today. You're learning much quicker than I did!" He said with admiration, bringing a proud smile to the faces of both Nile and Yvevien.

Suddenly Loki stood up and left the shade of the willow tree much to the confusion of the trio, outside he had a look up and down the bank of the river then spotted that for which he was looking. He smiled with satisfaction then went back under the tree canopy.

"Right, I'm going to go looking for some fruit for us to eat with our lunch. I'll be back in half an hour. Natia, would you begin to teach Nile and Yvevien the more simple two, three and four letter words and help them find the correct letters that correspond to each letter?" He asked, then added, "Just words like, 'to' and 'can' and what have you. I'll be back shortly." And with a grin he dissappeared.

Off he went in the direction of the greenvine plantations not too far off; greenvine can produce the sweetest greenberries and bluegrapes which would compliment lunch quite nicely. He had noticed Natia being quiet and now was her chance to get to know the two children much better, although he said he said his reason for leaving was solely to get fruit it was mainly to help bring Natia out of her shell. Hopefully when he returns all three will be chattering away.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 30th, 2002, 10:14:35 AM
*Natia was surprised when Loki suddenly got up and said that he was going to get some fruit to go with lunch and had asked her to start teaching them the 2, 3, and 4 letter words. For a couple of minutes she looked after Loki before turning her attention to Nile and Yvevien and smiles at them. Under her breath she mumbles that this won't be hard at this time since she knows the simple words and all short words are simple so she starts them learning words like 'to, if, so, an, me, my' And after they have caught onto those words, moves onto the 3 and 4 letter words. But she herself is going alot slower on the 4 letter words then on the other because she is starting to stumble on them. Oh well, at least this will help with the story that Loki and I have here*

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 19th, 2002, 01:40:36 PM
While collecting the greenberries Loki's mind wandered, thinking about his parents and how fortunate he was to have come from a financially stable background but on the other hand, Nile and Yvevien were able to see their mother everyday.

"It's a shame about their father--" He said to himself with a sigh, then he made his way back to were the others would be found. As he approached it was clear they were getting along and making progress but it was time to take a break.

"Right we can have lunch right here. I hope you like fruit you guys; greenberries and bluegrapes for all." He announced, parting the drooping canopy of the willow tree and stepping inside.

Over lunch they began talking about what they would do tomorrow together. "I was thinking of something a little different. We will have another addition to our party tomorrow, his name is Sejah Haversh; he is a fellow Je--" He cut himself off before he said Jedi Padawan, the children weren't to know, not yet at least.

"Anyway, he has a speeder and can drive so we could go a little further than this place tomorrow and find somewhere nice to spend the morning. just don't be suprised by his appearance, he is a Nehantite - think along the lines of a giant mongoose!" He said with a smile, feasting on the berries.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 20th, 2002, 08:23:16 AM
*Natia smiles as she hears Loki's voice. He then parts the branches so he can come under again*

Welcome back Loki.

*Natia's stomach right at this time growls rather loudly right when she yawns*

Sorry about that. Greenberries and bluegrapes sound good to me right now.

*Natia quickly looks at Loki as he almost says the word Jedi to Nile and Yvevien. She then quickly signs in her ppls sign something to Loki and mouths the word careful*

I think it would be a wonderful idea for Sejah to come tomorrow. He's a nice person as well.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 22nd, 2002, 10:48:07 AM
When Natia signed to him after his slip-up it reminded him that he would have to warn Sejah to not wear standard Jedi attire and not to give the game away that he was a padawan. The boy just believed that it wouldn't sit well with the locals and he wouldn't want Nile, Yvevien or their mother to treat them any differently because of it.

"Once we've finished lunch we'll go over the alphabet a few times and myself and Natia will test you on some of the words you guys have been going through together." He announced with a smile.

"Great!" Nile exclaimed with excitement, "I can't wait to show mom what we've learned today."

"Yeah she will be so proud!" Confirmed Yvevien showing her brilliant white teeth.

And so they did, after a few more hours they went back to their mother and both Natia and Loki were invited to dinner by a very pleased Mrs. Finyte, she really beamed when she heard her children recite the alphabet. At last the boy was beginning to feel like as a Jedi he was making a real difference, all his time spent in training and all the skills he was acquirring paled in comparison to the satisfaction of seeing a look like that which was on Lora's face.

After a fine meal both Natia and Loki said their farewells and off they went back to the Acadamy where they would have to talk with Sejah and plan tomorrow's day with the children.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 26th, 2002, 02:48:53 AM
In Sejah's syes, it was a dream come true. Shiny paint, perfect chrome, and luxurious leather interior with a full sound system and perfect handling. It was his dream speeder.

To any other eyes, it was a beaten old hunk of junk that sported at least twelve different colors of primer in addition to its heavily oxidized original paint job. What chrome it had left was chipped, scratched, gouged, or rusting over. The interior had never been leather, but a cheap vinyl patched with duct tape, bonded with other sheets of vinyl, and a few other more unorthadox methods of fixing tears and patchign holes. And as far as it's handling went, it was a minor miracle that the old ckunker even ran anymore, let alone cornered.

But it was still a work of art to Sejah as he closed the hood and wiped soem grease form his paws. He had won it in a game of Spet with another of his own kind at the Bar and Grill, and was intensely proud of his new posession. He had never had a car before, let alone a speeder. Truth be told, he didn't even ahve a driver's lisence, but, he wasn't going to worry about that.

His bushy brown tail flicked behing him as he opened the creaky driver's side door by reaching in to pull the inner lever, the outer one not functioning at the moment. It groaned in protest, and the springs in the cusion of the seat creaked and flattened as he sat on it. Placing his keytab into the igniton, the brown mongoose closed his pink eyes and turned it. After a moment's pause, the engine began to click, and then roared to life, idiling at an uneven sputter, but not dying after a minute as it had before. He was right, the engine didn't need the piece he removed after all, whatever it was.

Shutting it back down, Sejah climbed out of the hardtop speeder and closed the door only to see the roof jump an inch as he closed it. A wider smile broke his face as he realized that it was a convertible hardtop. He was about to check and see what it would look like open, but just then he saw Loki walkign past the garage. Sejah couldn't wait to show his friend the speeder he had told him about earlier.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:27:56 PM
If memory had served him right, this was where Sejah said he would be this morning but it sounded like some sort of confrontation was taking place from down the street. A stream of smoke billowed from the garage at one point and dust ejected itself outwards in clouds from the point of the disturbance.

"Sejah!" The boy cried running up to the facility, fearing for the Nehantites life. There was a clanging, then a banging and the young padawan could swear he heard some sort of explosion moments ago. Then as he came to the door, a small engine component flew outside past him.

"What on earth is going on here?" He said quietly under a grinding sound that made him cringe. Cautiously, he peeped around through the opening and that was where he saw his friend and what the boy could only describe as an abomination of mechanics. His eyes widened with momentary shock then quickly he straightened his face before Sejah noticed his reaction. He smiled.

"Hi there, Sejah!" He chirped pleasantly, "How's it go--Woah!" He gasped, looking over at the speeder with wonder. "Who's is that baby?"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 01:39:55 PM
Sejah smiled as Loki entered the garage, and then he clicked onteh switch for the overhead fans in the garge to clear some of the smoke that cleaing out the exhaust system had created.

While the speeder ran, it wouldn't smoke much, not nearly as bad as the cloud it had generated when he accidentally blew past the muffler and released the mess int eh first place. Sejah wasn't that great of a mechanic, but he was proud of what he could do.

Wiping his paws on a damp shop towel, the mongoose nodded at his speeder as he replied, "You like her? She's mine, now. Won her in a game of Spet with another of my race. Can't believe he'd acually have put her down as a wager. Then again, it's a good thing I won, otherwise, well, I better not go on about that..." He smiled, still looking at the speeder. "I know she's not perfect, but, she's good enough. Convertible, too. Want to go for a spin? Think I've got it all running right, now."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:55:38 PM
"Convertable, eh!" Loki said, taking a walk around the contraption; Sejah would call it an antique, others would say it's decrepid. He mainatined a look of earnest curiosity, studying the speeder carefully. "Very nice!" He concluded, looking up to Sejah with a grin.

"Well, uh--" He fumbled for the right words when Sejah eagerly invited him for a 'spin' or more appropriatly a 'shake'. "Well, we best wait for Natia to get here otherwise when she arrives she might think we've left without her." He said regretably.

"By the way, Sejah, we can't let on we're training to be Jedi to these two children, there mother or anyone else in their district; we don't want to be treated any differently than normal folk and don't worry about the teaching, myself and Natia can deal with that and if any questions get thrown your way I'll be sure to intercept them for you." As he spoke, the young padawan looked down the road to see if he could see Natia making her way here. Nothing yet. He then added absent-mindedly, "You're gonna have to teach me to play Spet one day!"

"So how is the learning coming along?" He asked casually, having reminded himself of it.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:54:06 PM
Thankfully, Sejah had not worn his normal clothing to work ont eh speeder in, fearign getting them dirty. Instead, he was garbed in a brown tee shirt with a screenprinted image of an old 8MM video camera on it. He had no idea what it was, but he knew it wasn't an offensive word, and the shirt was cheap, so he had bought it to supplement his wardrobe. His trousers were gray canvas, ad well worn at the knees. He didn't look spectacular, but he certainly didn't look like a Jedi. Then again, he didn't know of any Jedi who had fur, either.

Placing his paws on his hips, he looked at he speeder once more. In his mind, he knew it wasn't beautiful or fancy, but it was the pride of actually owning one, and feeling normal that swelled his image of it. But, Loki had asked him a question, and that snapped him back to reality.

Shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, the mongoose let his arms hang loose at his sides, and he replied, "Well, it's not great, but, I think I know the standard alphabet now, and I can sometimes figure out small words. But only if they are written in the right font. Really different fonts are hard for me, but I'll get better. And I'd better not teach you Spet; a kid with a brain like yours and attention to detail would be toom much of a threat to all us normal players." He chuckled, shaking his head as his tail swished lightly out of reflex. "Aww, but I can teach you sometime if you want. But, at the moment, think you could give me a hand removing the hardtop here? Shouldn't be too heavy, it's just awkward, mainly."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:11:45 AM
*Natia, having surronded herself in shadows today to practise some of her abilities hobbles to the garage where she's meeting Loki and Sejah today. A smile appears on her face as she hears the two of them talking. After a couple of moments though, she drops the shadows and she's standing right in the doorway of the garage*

Hello boys. Having fun today??

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 28th, 2002, 07:43:40 PM
"Well you should be fine then, Nile and Yvevien have just come to grips with the alphabet and have been learning some small words. That will make it easier for you to follow the lessons." He said with a smile in order to subdue any of Sejah's fears about the teaching. He then gave out a laugh at Sejahs comment then reassured him that he was terrible at card games and the like.

"I have no luck y'see!" He confessed, moving over to help the nehantite remove the hardtop from the speeder. It was rather bulky as Sejah had said but was nevertheless rather lightweight and together they lifted it off without too much trouble. But when Natia revealed herself suddenly, the young padawan jumped and stoop upright with alarm, his eyes wide with shock.

"Wow! I didn't see you there then, Natia. Where'd you come from?" He asked rather casually with a friendly smile. Then he added, "Yeah, look at this!" He stepped aside lifting his hands up gesturing to the vehicle ceremoniously. "Sejah's speeder!"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 28th, 2002, 08:09:18 PM
As Sejah and Loki were setting down the hardtop, Natia seemingly appeared form nowhere and startled the mongoose. "Yie!" he exclaimed, and then settled down, "Hello, Natia, good to see you again."

Loki beat him to showing off his speeder, but Sejah took it in stride, proud of his beater. "Yeah, won it yesterday, and just got her running good. She's a convertible, and we were just going to try the ragtop. Unless you two would rather ride with the top down for now, that is."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:44:20 AM
*Natia grinned at her friends reactions to her seemingly appearing out of nowhere entrance. She then looks at Sejahs speeder*

Hey Loki, Sejah. Nice beater you got there Sejah. As to when I got here, I've been here for a couple of minutes. The two of you were so busy and invovled with the speeder that you didn't notice my arrival.

*Natia smiles slightly, hoping to play some verbal mind tricks on her friends minds*

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 29th, 2002, 09:13:17 AM
Scratching his head, Loki wore a puzzled look as Natia spoke. He hadn't realised his interest in speeders was so potent as to distract him from the presence of a friend. He shrugged, looking for words to explain it. "Oh well, I--" He looked around then saw a kindred spirit in Sejah.

"--Eh yes! Let's give the ragtop a try!" He said with relief. He and Sejah moved around to the back of the speeder and got to work. When he had the chance, Loki whispered across to his nehantite friend with embarrassment. "I didn't even realise she was there!"

Sejah Haversh
Aug 29th, 2002, 12:36:52 PM
"Neither did I," the mongoose whispered back as he opened the creaky door and fell into the driver's seat, "Was she really there the whole time?"

Lookign around the dash, he tried to figure out which button activated the ragtop, but he couldn't hardly read, so it made finding the buttn more difficult. Finally he did locate it and he pressed the button.

For a moment, nothing happened, so he hit the button again and was rewarded with the noise of a small motor behind him flipping open the tanneau cover and he looked back to see a khaki colored top beginning to rise out of its storage slot. The chrome on the metal arms gleamed unlike the rest of the chrome on the car, and the top looked brand new. It wa spossible that the previous owner(s) hadn't even known it was there, or just chose not to use it. A smile spread across his face at the top continued to unfuuld and come forward. But that smile was quick to turn the other way when the top suddenly stopped halfway up, lookign for all the world as if the speeder had suddenly sprouted a sail.

"Awww, c'mon," Sejah pleaded with it, and he turned around backward in the front bench seat and reached back up to the side bar on the ragtop and began to pull. Thankfully, after some real work, the top groaned back into action and pulled itself down to the top of the windsheild where the mongoose used the connection latches to hold it in place.

"There, just a little trouble, but, it worked okay. So, are we going now, or later?" he asked, getting back out of the door of his speeder and stretchign his arms.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2002, 02:22:05 PM
*Natia smiles slightly at the way that Loki and Sejah whisper to each other*

But come on boys, I'm reading you like a book. When somebody gets so caught up in what they're doing, they forget about there surrondings. Only with lots of time and patience are you able to get over that lack of observation. Even I will admit that there are things that I miss but then again, I am the one who can read ppl like a book by the way that they are standing or sitting and what not.

*Natia laughs happily*

I say we go as soon as we can since it's a beautiful day today.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 29th, 2002, 03:10:13 PM
Lookign out the door, Sejah nodded in agreement with Natia before popping his trunk lid. "Okay, just let me put some stuff in here and we can be going. You two had breakast allready, I hope?"

As he spoke, the mongoose picked up a few tools from around the garage and dumped them into a plastic box that he also put in the trunk. A two-gallon container of water was also added, as well as his usual satchel and a blanket as well. Though he had never had a car of his own, he knew the important things to put in the trunk, just in case.

Shutting the lid solidly, he tugged on his tee shirt to make it fit better and then sat down on a bench in order to put his sandals back on. "Well, it is pretty nice out there, so, let's try it with the top down, what do you say?" Finishing his second sandal as he finished his sentence, Sejah gave them little choice before unlatching the top and folding it back down, placing the tanneau over it. "There, well, hop in, let's get going," He smiled while climbign in, and then reachign over to unlock the other door for Loki and Natia. It was a two door speeder, but it had a back seat. "Oh, and, one of you will need to give me directions, I don't exaclty know where we're going."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 29th, 2002, 04:31:58 PM
I'll let Loki sit in the back seat because he can get in it easier than I can.

*Natia sticks her tongue out at Loki before motioning for him to climb into the speeder so she can climb in and sit down since she has her crutches still*

Sejah Haversh
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:07:39 PM
Adjusting his side mirror, Sejah had missed the tongue treatment Natia had given Loki, and only looked back when she sat down.

"Okay, kids, buckle up. Especially in this speeder..." he told them, then turned the keytab in the igniton. With a shudder, the old speeder roared to life, then lurched forward a foot before dying again. Embarassed, Sejah waited a moment and tried it again.

The second time nearly died, but, with careful pedal management, Sejah was able to coax it into a constant, if not slightly unsteady, idle. "Okay, here we go," he smiled widely before stepping on the gas and shooting them out of the garage and onto the main flyway. A small trail of smoke followed them for the first two hundred feet, but it dissipated into nothign after that, leaving emissions to a minimum. It was tough going in the city, but, once they were able to get out of the maze of tall buildigns and onto a better flyway, Sejah settled down and relaxed into his heavily patched seat. There was a slight shake every now and then, but otherwife the flight was smooth, and the mongoose had figured otu how to corner properly. Hopefully he wouldn't do anything wrong and get pulled over. The Nehantite had never gotten his driver's lisecnse.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 30th, 2002, 02:22:24 PM
*Natia looks slightly nervous about being in a speeder for some reason though she keeps herself quiet and does not say anything about it. She looks over at Sejah and studies him for a moment before saying*

Sejah, is something worrying you slightly??

Sejah Haversh
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:00:17 PM
Keeping at least one paw firmly on the wheel at all times, Sejah glanced over at Natia momentarily as she asked her question, then back to the flyway ahead. Hoping she hadn't figured out what was really bothering him, he covered it by telling her part of his problem.

"Oh, nothign serious. I've just not driven a speeder in a while. Used to cars, not speeders. But I think I got it down, now."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 30th, 2002, 07:40:10 PM
The theatrics with the ragtop had been amusing but the boy hid that well enough not to go noticed. He was both eager to make a move to see Nile and Yvevien again but hesitant to go in the speeder. Once he was settled in, a big smile stretched across the boy's face as he realised something.

"I've never been in a speeder without a roof before!" He announced excitedly.

Once the first few embarassing moments were out of the way, the speeder seemed to run suprisingly well. The boy kept his head low for a moment whilst the smoke trailed behind them, no doubt choking the driver behind but soon that was all cleared up and they were on their way.

"Take Junction 3, it should be coming up soon and follow that onto the--" He hesitated, not remembering the road. "--Ah yes, the B-12! From there it is a straight drive right into the outskirts of the city where we'll find a town called Elad. Once we're there I'll give you more directions."

Then the boy leaned across excitedly so that his head peered over the edge of the vehicle, the gusts of wind in his face, blowing his long, thick hair wildly. "Hey Sejah, where did you learn to drive? Nehantish?" He asked rather casually, still marvelling at the feeling of the wind in his face.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:03:25 AM
Sejah just smiled, letting the wind that whipped by them ruffle his fur lightly for he was in the shelter of the windshield. It had been a year since he had last driven, so he was a bit rusty, sometimes fogetting his turn signals, and occasionally being a bit stiff on the brakes.

Leaning his head back, he spoke loudly so his voice would carry back to Loki, "Yeah, only other planet I've ever lived on. We don't have many speeders there, instead we have cars, automobiles, you might call them. Still using internal combustion and wheel-driven movement. Some call it crude and old fashioned, but there's nothign like the sound of a big block V-8 427, that's for sure." Remembering home was good for his demeanor, relaxing his muscles and calmign his nerves. "Learned to drive when I was thirteen, my friend Bhen had a car, fancy one, too, Krarr Flagline. She was a beauty, but had a beast of an engine. He tought me how to drive a bit back then. Never had a car of my own, always used public transportation, or got rides from friends if I needed one in a pinch. Most cars where I come from are convertible, some don't even have any kind of top. When it only rains maybe fifteen days out of the year, ain't much need for a roof, y'know?"

Suddenly snapping his attention back to the flyway, Sejah banked sharply to avoid collidign with another speeder who's drive engine was stalled. Venting a "Whew,"of releif, the mongoose leaned his head back and continued, "As I was saying, never had a car of my own, or a speeder, but, later on Bhen got a speeder too, just to show off, I think, and he let me dink around with that one too. Doesn't take much to drive one of these, really."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:50:06 AM
*Natia looks at Sejah for a moment and then smiles. And after he's done explaining things to Loki, she asks*

So Sejah, what's the other part of the problem??

*Natia bites her lower lip, hoping that her knowing this does not bother either of the boys that she's with right now*

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:10:10 AM
"Nehantish." Loki said with thought. "I wish I could visit there sometime. What does it look like?" Perhaps that was a child-like question but the boy was only ten years old and was very curious about Sejah's homeworld. As his friend was about to speak, he was cut short by Natia who asked a very peculiar question.

Remaining silent, Loki's brow furrowed with thought and concern as he looked on.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:11:31 PM
Was she psychic? How could she know there was more to his nervousness than that? Sejah thought to himself. Adjustign himself in his seat again, Sejah paused to pull his tail out from underneath himself. It was uncomfortable to sit on, but he had done so by accident.

"Ungh, that's better," He said, and then turned to Natia, "Well, I was also sitting on my tail, if that's what you're referring to. If either of you ever decide to grow a tail, I'll advise you not to sit on it." He smiled, hoping that they'd leave it at that.

Had Sejah not spent much of his life around younger folk, he would have been uncomfortable. But, years of teachign students had developed in him an ease with those of Loki and Natia's age. Reachign up to adjust his rearview mirror, the mongoose replied to Loki's question, "Nehantish is a very arid planet. Though we do have a few pockets of jungle ehre and there, most of the surface is dry, and much of it is desert. I lived in the capitol city, which was built on a large rock bluff with a seies of springs to supply water. There are three seas, but none of them are very large, and all are quite salty. But we have managed to find a way to live, and every day we are findign new sources of water and food. But if you are going to visit there, don't go with me, you'll want someone of higher social rank to show you around."

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:44:35 PM
"How would someone like myself be treated were I to visit alone?" The boy's curiosity undying, he probed about Sejah's planet further. After the Nehantite had fixed his tail all seemed to be explained and nothing to worry about so the young padawan thought no more of it.

"Take your next right."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:53:55 PM
Not slowign down quite enough, Sejah spun the wheel paw over paw as he ripped the speeder around the corner Loki had pointed out. With a nervous smile, he apologized, "Heh, sorry about that..."

Once he had the speed down to what the flylane's speed limit was, he continued his conversation with Loki. "Well, I wouldn't advise going alone, Loki, that's for sure. At least not at your age. Nehantish isn't exactly the safest of places, and you also wouldn't be taken seriously. Not to mention you wouldn't be able to rent a room for the night. No, I'd ask you not to go alone. If nothign else, I can see if Bhen is willing to let someone come with him next time he goes back, maybe you can go with him."

The flylane was becoming more rural, and so he brought the speeder down to hover a foot or two above the ground as was the custom he had seen. "Um, do I just follow this lane, or do I turn off somewhere around here?" He asked, needing further direction.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2002, 01:06:28 PM
"Sounds like a world ruled by tradition." The boy observed thoughtfully, "Usually such places have a great deal of wonderful and fascinating culture behind them. When the time arrives, I will jump at the opportunity to go to Nehantish - heeding your advice of course - and read up about your people's history and way of life."

The building density was far more sparce now and dusty plains dominated the next five minutes of their journey, then the countryside would begin to sprout up, five minutes after that they will be in Elad.

"See this junction up ahead? Take it. Then carry on along that road for about five minutes then I will give you more directions."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:56:46 AM
His was a world ruled by tradition, and was very segregated because of it. But Sejah didn't wosh to speak of it muvh forther, so he kept his mind on the road and turned off on the corner where Loki had indicated, though slowing down enough beforehand to take it easliy.

Small plants and shrubs began popping up here and there, and slowly they became more numerous until the plains around them were filled with tall grass. Following Loki's instruction, they were soon only minutes away from their destination.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:21:44 AM
*Natia shakes her head slightly but keeps quiet while Loki and Sejah are talking. When both have fallen silent, she asks*

So Sejah, what's the third part of the problem?? There's not driving for awhile, you sitting on your tail and something else.

*Natia truly hopes Sejah does not question her being able to tell that there is another component to what is bothering him*

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:34:14 AM
"Natia, when you say that, you say it like you know there's more to it." The boy said, now roused with curiosity and confusion. "What makes you say there's more to the matter?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:54:03 PM
Natia's questioning was beginning to get on his nerves. It was explaination enough that he hadn't driven a while, and that he had been uncomfortable; to ask for more was prying, he thought. That, and it was--in his mind at least--not wise to tell two kids that he didn't have a driving liscence. Especially when they were both in his speeder.

Loki's response gave him a little bit of releif that he was not exactly the only one disturbed by it. But, before Natia could answer, he spoke instead, "Natia, no offense, but, please let the situation be. If I haven't said anythign else, it is probable that there isn't anythign else bothering me, or, I don't want to talk about it. Now, please, we're getting into a more populated area, and I'm goign to need more directions."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:50:41 AM
*Natia, almost curls up and would if it weren't for the fact that she was in a speeder. With a slight bit of fear in her voice she says*

I'm sorry Sejah. I'm not trying to pry or anything. It's just that I can see that something's bothering you and well, if I can help, I want to. And please, don't tell me that something isn't bothering you because I can tell if you would be lieing to me and I don't like that.

*Natia then looks at Loki to answer his question*

I say it like I know more because I can see it in Sejah that there is more. It's just something I know like I do when it comes to imitating voices. I just know because I can see it but I don't expect either of you to understand.

*Natia then looks out at the passing scenery and goes silent*

Sejah Haversh
Sep 3rd, 2002, 01:42:21 PM
Frustrated, but not wanting to hurt Natia's feelings any more thn he allready had, he gripped the wheel firmly and watched the road ahead. "I don't have a liscence. There, you happy? I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would worry you. But, I've never gotten in a wreck, and I've never been pulled over, so, we should be okay, alright?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 01:48:49 PM
*Natia smiles slightly*

Thank-you for telling Sejah. And I don't worry about ppl not having a license just as long as they are able to drive a vehicle safely.

*Natia looks down at her feet for a moment and then back up at Sejah*

And Sejah, I'm sorry if I frustrated you.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:17:54 PM
"It's okay, Natia, but, in the future, if you sense I might be keeping something back, let it be. I don't like having my paw forced when I am keeping a secret," he explained, relaxing at the wheel.

For the next few minutes, he followed Loki's instuctions, turnign where he was supposed to, stoppign at stop signs, and obeying the speed limit. The old speeder was makign a little noise form the engine bay, but, it was nothing serious, so he let it be. The house they were supposed to stop at couldn't be more than a minute or two away, he thought.

(OOC- Let's wait for Loki to post, I think we kind of left him behind in this...)

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 05:56:58 PM
After asking his question the young padawan sat back in his seat, no longer was he looking over the edge of the vehicle but instead his attention was focused on the conversation between Natia and Sejah. He was more interested in observation rather than intervention; in a sense he was immitating what he had watched Master Yoghurt do in the council chambers. The wise, old Jedi would sit back and observe, listening to what was being said by doing this he was said to be able to perceive further and deeper than any other.

"There's something about Natia." He thought as the two engaged in discussion. The young girl seemed to see a lot more than a normal child, was she so attuned to the behavioural patterns of people that she could read them like an open book? Or was it something else?

"Take this left." Sejah turned the vehicle onto a rather dusty road in the middle of a town located in what many would describe as a wilderness compared to the hustle and bustle of Arcan City. Like Natia, Loki wasn't too concerned with the fact that Sejah didn't have a liscense; to be fair he was breaking the law however now that they were on the road, there was little else they could do other than continue. Besides, Loki wouldn't want to spoil his Nehantish friend's fun for it was clear how much he enjoyed driving the speeder and he was actually quite skilled with the vehicle.

"Oh look, there's another speeder outside their house. Pull up behind that one once you're down there, Sejah, that's the place." His eyes narrowed, popping his head over the edge of the speeder's body. He hadn't seen that before, he could swear by it and he knew that Lora couldn't drive and neither did they have enough money to buy a speeder. A chilling sensation ran down his back and he turned to Natia. "Do you remember that speeder at all?"

Suddenly the vehicle drove off at an alarming rate, revealing a female figure fallen in the dirt.

Lora Finyte
Sep 5th, 2002, 06:30:29 PM
No! Please don't!

(The cry could be heard clearly, the woman screamed as loud as she could hoping to attract attention, any kind of help but such pleas would go unanswered in these parts. Suddenly a man could be seen dragging Nile - the older of the two children - kicking and screaming outside. Another man through open one of the four speeder doors and before the boy was thrown in, the crying of a little girl could be heard from inside the speeder.

Lora soon emerged from their humble shack of a home, blood trickling from a cut on her forehead. She was bruised and clearly hurt, she stumbled and dropping a hand prevented herself from falling flat on her face. Her momentum continued, sending her into the man who had thrown Nile into the speeder.

"Back off, wench!" He spat, his hand wrapped around her neck then squeezing she began to choke until the sobs of the children forced him to throw push her against the wall hard enough to render her useless whilst he got in the vehicle.)


(She wailed through her sobbing, spluttering throat then gasped for air once more. With a high pitched whine the speeder shot of and seconds later a second one pulled up outside her house. They wouldn't have seen the man throwing the children inside but they certainly would've seen it shoot off. Fearfully, she looked up from her fallen position on the floor, afraid of who her next visitors might.)

Sejah Haversh
Sep 5th, 2002, 06:48:03 PM
The feeling he got from Loki and Natia was a bad one, and his own mind told him that something was terribly wrong as the other speeder shot off.

Sejah stomped on the brake and ripped back on the parkign brake before unstrapping his seatbelt and climbign quickly out over the side of the speeder, not even bothering with his door. Landing hard, he took off around the corner, nearly slipping on the loose, sandy dirt road as he went. In moments he was at Lora's side and he dropped to his knees to help her back up.

"Madam, are you alright? Please, let me help you," he said, hoping she wouldn't recoil from the help of one whose appearance resembled a large animal. "What happened? I am Sejah, by the way, I was bringing Natia and Loki here today."

Lora Finyte
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:23:42 PM
(Lora didn't recoil for she saw genuine concern in the peculiar-looking individuals face. Her face was riddled with shock and her hands and lower lip trembled.)

He's taken them. My children. Nile. Yvevien. He's taken them!

(She looked over to the recently arrived speeder and surely enough saw Loki and Natia climbing out of the vehicle coming over. Her fear faded a little and her sentences became more structured.)

Forn! Their Step-Father has taken them from me and I don't know why! He's a dangerous man; wild, angry and violent. He may just have the capacity to--

(She began to sob)

--to hurt them!

Sejah Haversh
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:57:52 PM
Sejah helped Lora to her feet, and as Loki and Natia arrived, he could see the woman settlign down. With a gentle, yet firm voice, he said, "Where might he have taken them, Madam? We can try to help, but we need to know where to look."

Turning to Natia and Loki, he said, "You two, find out where the kids might have been taken, I'll get the speeder runnign again."

With that, the mongoose ran back to the speeder, but before he started it, he popped the trunk. Reaching in, his pulled out his gloves, and also snagged his knapsack. It clinked lightly of metal, and looked slightly heavy, but he slung it up onto the front seat anyway. Slamming the trunklid down, it sprang back up, but when he slammed it again, it remained shut. Opening the driver's side door, he slid into his seat and cranked the keytab in the ignition.


He cranked it twice more, and still there was no sound. The engine wouldn't start. Leaving the key turned, he gave up, shakign his head and leaning it on an arm against the wheel. A moment later, he snarled and pounded the dash with a fist. The clickign of the solenoid in the starter ticked, and the engine roard to life. It was only a loose wire that had kept it from starting before.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:57:27 AM
*Natia shakes her head slightly*

I don't recognise or remember that speeder.

*Natia upon reaching the house in the speeder, climbs out with her crutches and hobbles over towards Lora. She was already calming down slightly when she got there, but a look of fear is on her own face as memories of her own past jump to the top of her thoughts. She quickly looks Lora over and can see that the fear is still there, just under control. She thinks to herself I have to be strong here. I have to help to prevent any problems from happening to her friends*

Lora, where do you think they might have been taken??

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:21:23 PM
Like Sejah had done, Loki leapt over the side of the speeder and came running to Lora's side. He supported her withered frame as best he could whilst Sejah tried to start up the engine. Slowly but surely she regained her strength and was able to stand properly without support. With desperation in his face Loki repeated Natia's question.

"Do you have any idea where they might be going?"

Lora Finyte
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:27:09 PM
(Regaining her strength Lora suddenly stepped out onto the road and looked as the dust kicked up from the speeder faded away as it dissapeared into the distance. Her hands trembled nervously and she returned quickly.)

I don't know. But wherever they are headed it can't...no good will come of it.

(Her eyes closed holding back any tears that may come. Suddenly, Loki and Natia began returning to the speeder now that the engine was running again and she stood alongside it and spoke to the driver who had helped her to her feet.)

Although I don't know where they are headed, I know this, he is now rumored to be the head of a local crime organization called the "Black Dugs." My children are in such danger!

Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:59:10 PM
"Don't worry, ma'am, we'll find your children," Sejah said, not realizing how much he sounded like a cowboy in one of those imported movies he watched on tv as a kid.

As Loki and Natia climbed back in and buckled up, Sejah released the parkign brake and held the speeder in place with the floor pedal brake. "We'll do everything we can, madam," he repeated for her benefit before nodding for her to step away from the speeder as he let off the brake and stepped on the gas.

The speeder shuddered for a moment, but wth careful control of the gas pedal, the mongoose was able to keep the engine alive, and they all soon found themselves pressed back into their seats as the speeder took off. Sejah's fear of getting pulled over went out the window with the current situation, and they were soon doign twice the local speed limit as he tried to figure out where the other speeder went. Unfortunately, Sejah couldn't see it, and had no idea where a local band of gangsters would hide out in such an area.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 17th, 2002, 09:08:28 AM
"Sejah! Right!" The boy suddenly called out. A subconscious incling had told him that Nile and Yvevien were that way and the speeder took a sharp right, impressive considering it's state and continued along the road.

"Can either of you see anything? It's a bit difficult from where I'm sat." After saying that he began to look around for something to sit up on, he could always sit on the back of the seat but considering the speed of the vehicle and the sharp turns, he would be thrown out in no time.

There were a few speeders up in front and in the traffic going the opposite direction a few speeders had dispersed to the side and were scattered about with angry looking drivers who no doubt had to act fast to avoid the oncoming vehicle.

"Looks like they definately came this way then."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2002, 02:18:24 PM
Sejah had never driven in a real high-speed chase before, but he had sunk several credits into arcade racing games as a kid and young adult, and that actually was almost good enough to help him out. Still, he knew the danger was real, and that if he crashed, he doubted he had the kind of coins it took to continue the game with.

Swerving hard to avoid hitting an oncoming speeder, Sejah mashed the pedal to the floor after righting their course. From the engine compartment, ans unhealthy clacking sound was beginning to start, but it didn't seem to affect the speeder's performance, so sejah ignored it, pressing on. Finally, he cought sight ofthe black speeder, and he dropped the trasmission into overdrive, causing the speeder to lurch and then slowly increase in speed.

"Natia! Watch that speeder closely, make sure they don't try to open a window and shoot somethign at us, " he shouted over the noise of the engine and the wind roaring by. "Loki! Can you drive? If I needed you to, that is, do you think you could keep this boat steady?"

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 17th, 2002, 06:51:57 PM
"Umm...yeah, I think I could do that." He answered. It was an odd question but the boy had a great deal of self confidence. He'd only seen his father and Sejah do it before but the young padawan had remarable reflexes. Hopefully, that would benefit is inexperience when it comes to driving a speeder.

"What did you have in mind?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:16:44 PM
Sejah let his actions speak louder than his words. Taking one paw off the wheel, he reached down to the canvas satchel he had taken out of the trunk earlier and withdrew an old model pistol. It was a .45 semi-automatic slug-thrower, and he evidently knew it well. Using a few digits from his driving paw, he cocked the slide, setting a round into the chamber and he flicked off the safety.

"You're going to take the wheel, and I'm going to see if I can shoot out their stabilizers. If I can get that thing off balance, we can catch it quick." He replied matter-of-factly.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:06:44 AM
*Natia doesn't respond when Sejah asks her to keep an eye on the speeder. He didn't even need to ask her to do that since she's going to be keeping the speeder in sight now no matter what. Even if she had to track her new friends with the Force to keep an eye on where they are. The Force. That's it.*

Sejah, Loki. We can use the Force to help Nile and Yvevien. Sejah, do you know anything about the mechanics of a speeder which you can target with the Force to cause a problem for them but won't harm my friends??

*Natia glances very briefly over at Sejah before turning to keep an eye on the speeder again*

We are after all, in training to use the Force.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 24th, 2002, 05:15:39 PM
Loki now climbed up onto his knees so that when the time came he could jump into the seat in front and hopefully maintain some acceptable degree of control over the speeder. He watched as Sejah's fingers danced over the archaic weapon and then glanced at Natia when she spoke.

"I would advise against that, y'know. None of us are anywhere near that skilled with the Force, besides, Sejah's telekinesis may have a rather undesirable effect on the vehicle." He looked to Sejah who no doubt would agree in that respect, as knowledgeable as he may or may not be with speeders his manipulation of the Force has caused a couple of maintainence bills in the past. "As for you and I, we are nowhere near that precise. I would definately say it's too dangerous. Who knows what would happen were we to start tampering with it!"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:46:13 PM
"Yeah, bad idea on me trying to use the Force on it. I tend to blow things up in a bad way," Sejah remarked.

He was slowly gaining on the other speeder, and hoping it was built with a similar drive system to his own. As he came within two hundred and fifty meters of it, the mongoose looked back to Loki and said, "Now! Loki, get up here and take the weel!"

He swuitched footpaws on the gas pedal and scooted over into the center of the seat next to Natia so that Loki could climb up front while he kept one paw still on the wheel. The speeder swerved madly for a moment until Sejah could straighten it back out. They were passing other speeders right and left, and the going was most dangerous.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:13:57 PM
"This soon!" He cried out with astonishment, thinking that the mongoose would leave it another moment or two. He dived over the seat and landed so that his foot pushed down on the gas pedal and the vehicle lurched forward and for a moment didn't respond to his commands at the "wheel."

"I don't think this speeder likes me!" He said as Sejah readied himself. For another moment, the boy experiemented with the pedals and controls until the vehicle began to cruise at a rather stable momentum once more. He carefully guided the steering handles with a degree of fear and doubt, but with his senses alert his response to other traffic was fine and for the time being at least, they wouldn't be noticed by local law enforcement.