View Full Version : Dinner and a movie: Coruscant style

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 1st, 2002, 01:11:51 AM
ooc: This is open to whomever wants do have a nice dinner in a skyhook restaurant. It’s Tevit’s b-day, and s’Il is taking him out for a night on the town, so if anyone wants to join in, please feel free. The more the merrier.

The Baiken dropped out of hyperspace with the smoothest of transitions, elongated starlines shrinking to pinpricks as the vessel dropped into real-space. Angling towards the shining light that was Coruscant, the ship’s sublight engines propelled it forward.

At the helm, Lok s’Ilancy guided the Baiken closer to the glittering planetary jewel, and she reached up above her head, pushing buttons with deft fingertips. The craft skimmed Coruscant’s atmosphere, then dipped down and headed for the surface. Arcing northward, she steered smoothly through the congested air traffic; a sometimes daunting task for one not accustomed to the sheer volumes of ships that passed daily through the planet’s skies.

Massive skyscrapers jutted up from the surface, some even touching the upper limits of the atmosphere in what seemed like an attempt to touch God Himself, and countless statues dotted the artificial landscape, giving it a somewhat industrialized exoticness in s’Il’s opinion. The Grand Towers came into view, and she cast a quick look at them. She’d seen the structures many times before, but they still continued to impress her. Other buildings passed by the viewports as the Baiken flew on, their architecture magnificent to say the least.

Turning to her companion, she flashed a smile, her metallic eyes glittering at the yellow furred Nehantite, Tevit Ramadon. “Welcome to Coruscant, Buddy.”

The Baiken wove gracefully past ships on its way to the Callies’terei Resort, and s’Il reached a hand behind her seat, patting the small duffel she’d packed to make sure it still rested snug behind her seat. They still had to check in before heading to Lienn’s; one of the more expensive skyhook restaurants on the planet. s’Il had gotten reservations for her and Tevit for 8 that evening, and it was approaching 5 pm, local time.

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:05:32 AM
Tevit's red eyes were wide with wonder at what he saw before him. He ahd never been to the city planet before, and had only seen it in pictures and movies. It was far more impressive in real life.

"Wow, now I'm glad we didn't take my ship! I'd be scared to death to fly in this traffic! But, oh, look at that building!" He pointed out an exceptionally beautiful one, then turned and saw another that caught his eye. "Wow, it's so big, and busy. But beautiful, too, this is so cool!" He couldn't help but think out loud, and then he looked down at his clothing.

He was still wearing normal clothes for himself, nothing fancy, or even really up-to-date fahsion-wise. He too had a bag in the back, as well as a garment bag hanging in the bathroom form a towel hook that contained his greatcoat.

Unable to take his eyes off of all the architecture and ships around him, Tevit asked, "We will ahve time to stop in at the resort and change, right? I don't think they'd let me in at a nice restaurant looking like this."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:37:51 AM
s'Il laughed. "Oh believe me, we'll stop. I have to take a shower and change myself, you know." She'd dressed casually for the trip to Coruscant, but she'd also brought a dress for the evening; one that hadn't been worn in a very long while. Only once before, in fact, and that had been years ago.

On the horizon, the resort came into view, and she smiled as they neared it. It was large, and its lavish architecture and trappings made it seem to stick out from the rest of the surrounding buildings; it even had it's own landing pads dotting the area around it for arriving and departing ships, and as they got closer, she spotted a few valets racing to and fro.

s'Il kicked on the repulsors, and the Baiken slowed to a stop as it came to hover above one of the platforms. Its nose angled up briefly as it lowered slowly, and the landing struts extended, steam jets issuing from various points along the craft's underbelly. The struts tapped the pad lightly at first, then compressed as they took on the full weight of the ship.

"Ready?" s'Il asked, grinning as she swung out of her seat, leaving the ship still humming. She grabbed at her duffel, throwing it over her shoulder as she slid a pair of sliver rimmed sunglasses over her eyes, and led the way to main hatchway. Her hand slapped the id pad, and the hatch slid open, letting the dull light of Coruscant's setting sun fill the doorway.

She extended an arm, motioning for Tevit to go first. "After you," she smiled.

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 1st, 2002, 11:34:13 AM
Tevit followed her to the door, picking up his suitcase and garment bag as well, but when she bade him go first, he smiled and shook his head. "Nuh-uh, s'Il, ladies first."

Standing there with a stupid smirk on his face, he made sure she went before him. Even though she had offered it, he couldn't take it ans still act like a gentleman, which he was very much trying to be. Once on the surface of the landing pad, Tevit felt the outdoor breeze ruffling his fur, and he let his tail flick slightly in it; there was never much of a breeze on Tigris.

Valets took their bags and loaded them onto the shuttlecraft destined for the resort's main building, and Tevit and s'Il were ushered into the posh interior of the shuttle. Sitting down, the Nehantite found the seats to be incredibly comfortable, and he leaned back to enjoy it more.

"Wow, if this shuttle is an indication of what it's liek inside, I know I'm gonna like it here." He mused with a smile on his face, watching the view out the window rimmed with elaborate engravings as the shuttle sped towards the main building of the resort. "You ever been here before, s'Il?"


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 1st, 2002, 10:22:08 PM
s'Il let herself fairly melt into the cushions of the seat, her duffel at her feet as she propped her hands behind her head. It would only be about a five minute ride to the main area of the resort, but she wasn't beyond relaxing; if not just a little bit. She closed her eyes behind her sunglasses, thinking about Tevit's question, then sighed.

"I've been to Coruscant more times than I can count, but only for a few times was it for recreational purposes. As for Callies'terei, this is my first time staying there, though I've got friends who say it's one of the nicest resorts on the planet." She grinned, seemingly burrowing deeper into her seat. "I think you'll like it, though. I made sure we got rooms with a view."

The shuttle pulled alongside the main entrance to the resort, and as it stopped, bellboys sprang into action. The door of the shuttle opened swiftly, and s'Il stepped out, smoothly handing off a small wad of credits to a man in Callies'terei's company uniform. Reaching inside, she pulled out her duffel and slung it over her shoulder, declining the helping hands offered by the bellboys.

Still wearing her sunglasses, she winked at Tevit, and jerked a thumb at the main entrance doors. "C'mon, Slick. Gotta check in." She led the way inside, ignoring the extravagent trappings and decorations littering the main lobby. Elegant statues lined the walls framed by intricate tapestries, suspended from the ceiling was an enormous chandelier. Each sliver of crystal that hung down distorted the light around it. At a semi-leisure pace s'Il strode across the mirror black tiled floor and stopped at the immense dark wood desk.

The man on duty behind the desk merely stared at her, a somewhat disdaining look in his eyes. "Can I help you?"

s'Il returned the look tenfold. "I sure as hell hope so," she replied, attempting to mimic his nasely voice. "I'm here to check in."

The man merely glared at her before going on, trying to make his voice deeper; he failed miserably. "Ma'am, are you sure you have the right establishment?"

s'Il looked around as if seeing the resort's lavish interior for the first time, then turned back to him, her eyes wide and brows raised. "Oh crap, you mean this isn't the Crusty Mynock Inn and Tavern?!"

He only stared at her. If the corners of his high-bred prissy mouth could have gone any lower, she could have tied them to his belt.

"Look pallie," she said curtly, reaching a hand up and rapping the top of the one of the moniters on the desk. "I'm here to check into my rooms, and I expect you to help me. If you're not going to, than you can cross off the reservation for s'Ilancy which had two of your penthouses on the top floor booked." She stood back and crossed her arms, letting the man stare at himself through the reflection in her sunglasses.

Approximately two minutes later, s'Il and Tevit were ushered into one of the lifts, accompanied by a bellhop. She smiled smugly to herself, and when they stepped off onto the top floor, their guide led them to their rooms. Handing each their own keys, he accepted a credit bill from s'Il with a smile and hurried back the way he'd come.

"Well," s'Il grinned, sliding the card though its slot, and when the lock clicked, she pushed the door open, giving Tevit a wink. "I'm going to take a shower and get myself ready. I'll see you at 7:15." The door shut behind her.

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 2nd, 2002, 12:44:50 AM
Unlike s'Il, Tevit let the bellhops carry his bags, for it was something that he had never been offered before. Reaching their rooms, Tevit was allready floored by the furnishings of the resort, and as he put the key in his door, he turned and replied, "Okay, s'Il, see you back out here then."

Turning the key, which wasn't really necessary for it activated and electronic lock signature just by being inserted, Tevit opened the door and the bags in his paws fell to the floor.

It was huge, and it was f-a-n-c-y, fancy!

Pulling his luggage inside the door, the Nehantite closed it after himself, though still dumbstruck by the sheer opulence of the penthouse suite. It was mroe than ten times the size of his own room back on Tigris, and the beg could have held at least ten comfortably. The walls were decorated with a creamy marble and embriodered red silk hangings. The carpet under his footpaws was one giant hand-knit oriental rug, and the great windows looked out over a vast section of the great city-planet.

Five minutes passed before he could close his agape mouth, and he then took off his boots for fear of damaging the carpet that he knew was worth more than his life. It felt warm and soft beneath his bare footpaws, and he wandered around the room, passing the glossy white grand piano near one of teh windows, and the immaculately styled living room that was part of the suite, the mongoose's mouth dropped open again when he rounded the corner into the bathroom.

Twice the size of his room at home, it was laid out in light marble and silver trim, with deep green accents, and a monstrous tub with many jets. Unable to resist, he turned on the faucet and as it filled, he hurried to get undressed.

After a long, and very comfortable bath, he stood up and shook all teh excess water from hsi fur as he could before proceeding to the wall of heat lamps to dry himself, then opened his gsarment bag and pulled out his greatcoat and fine trappings. Giving his fur a good brushing, Tevit got dressed and checked himself in one of the bathroom's many full length mirrors; deciding he looked quite handsome indeed in such a refined setting.

He still ahd some time to kill, but that was easily done wandering around his massive room and admiring the paintings on the walls, some of the sculptures displayed here and there, but most of all, the view. Few craft flew that high in normal traffic, so he had an unbstructed panorama of the great city, and he watched it for several minutes until he realized it was nearing time to go. Checking to make sure he had not missed anything, and finding his earring on the counter in the bathroom, he put it on quickly and headed back for the door after picking up his key again.

Locking it behind himself, he stood patiently out in the hallway, knowing it would be rude to knock on s'Il's door and rush her. HE still couldn't believe where he was.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 2nd, 2002, 05:50:29 PM
After the door closed, s'Il threw her duffel on the bed and unlaced her boots, slipping them off. Her socks soon followed, and she padded her way to the huge window. She removed her sunglasses and took in the view through half closed metallic eyes. It certainly was impressive. She wasn't one for extrmeme extravagence in the very least, but hell. One must indulge at least once in a while.

Turning from the view, she made her way into the bathroom, intent on a hot shower.

The water was like heaven on her skin, and she ended up staying in longer than she expected. Standing perfectly still beneath the jets she let it fall over her until, with quite a bit regret, she reached out and shut off the water. Her hand wrung out her hair, and she neglected to wrap it in a towel, letting it fall down her back.

With a towel around her waist, she walked back into the main room and opened her duffel, extracting a small wrapped parcel. She smiled ruefally while untying the thin strings with care. Folding back the wrapping, she lifted out a simple, sleeveless dress. It was made from Bothan silk, and therefore didn't wrinkle regardless of how it was packaged. As she lifted it up by the shoulder straps, she held it out before her.

s'Il wasn't a gaudy person, and her tastes were simple when it came to clothing. She never wore dresses, and yet when she'd seen this one on a trip to Bothawui, she had to have it.

It was white, but shone beautifully in the light, and while it was simple, it had an elegant quality about it that couldn't be ignored. Two vertical slits ran up the side, ending about mid-hip length, and that was all. Simplicity at its best.

She layed the dress on the bed and went to drying herself. Combing her hair meticulously, she left the blowdryer where it lay on the counter in the bathroom; not bothering to even touch it. As s'Il slipped the dress on over her head, she smiled. The feel of the smooth silk on her skin was a strange feeling; one that she never indulged in except for twice. Tonight was the second time.

Reaching once more into her duffel, she pulled out a small box, and opening it, picked out a small silver cross on the thinnest of chains. She attached it around her neck with practiced ease. Her hair fell down her back, newly washed and soft to the touch. She paused to look herself over in the mirror. One minute later, she was ready to leave, and placing her room key in a small purse, headed for the door. Turning the knob, she opened it to find Tevit already outside and waiting for her.

"Hope you weren't waiting too long," she smiled.

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 2nd, 2002, 10:22:18 PM
Tevit's red eyes widened as he saw his employer standing there in so beautiful a dress. Like his room had, it took a moment for him to come up with something to say about what he saw before him, but when he did, it was through friendship, "Wow, s'Ilancy, you look, you look, beautiful."

He looked her up and down and smiled happily, "You really do look great! And I haven't been out here but for a few minutes, so don't worry. Wow, that dress is really quite elegant, you ought to dress like that more often, it looks good on you."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 3rd, 2002, 11:02:03 PM
s'Il laughed. "No one's called me beautiful in long a while. It's usually 'pain in the you know what' or something to that effect." She smiled and patted him on the arm. "But my thanks. You look quite handsome yourself, you know."

Starting for the elevator, s'Il went on. "I don't know; I never really enjoyed dressing up; too much of a hassle in my opinion. Granted, there's times and places when dressing like this is a good thing, but well, I just never seem to coincide with them."

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 4th, 2002, 12:31:19 AM
Tevit blushed slightly when she called him handsome; he wasn't used to being told that. But he recovered quickly and put out his arm for her to take it by the elbow, and he led her to the elevators like a true gentleman.

Though he had not done too well at it at the time, Tevit had recieved etiquitte lessons in school and was trying to recall as much as he could.

Soon they found themselves at the transport shuttle bay, and Tevit flagged down a ship for them. Sweeping his arm towards the open door, Tevit smiled and bowed lightly, saying, "Ladies first."

Though he couldn't hear it, three cars down a man made a rude remark about how all furred specis must be like the Cizeracks with the males being spineless and only there to serve the females. This particular comment had a rather sharp bite to it as well, seeing as s'Il was not of the same species as her apparent manservant and companion.

(OOC- Don;t worry about that last part, I just couldn't help but put it in)


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:02:06 PM
ooc: um, dearie, Cizeracks don't have fur.


s'Il slid into the small shuttle, and after Tevit followed suit, closing the door after him, she rapped on the glass behind the driver. "Lienn's."

With a nod the driver hit the accelerator, and the transport shot forward, climbing into the sky. Weaving expertly through buildings stretching into the sky, the craft traveled smoothly on its course to its destination.

Leaning her head back, s'Il let a ghost of a smile grace her features as she tilted her head ever so slightly to the side to gaze out of the window. Her eyes caught sight of the skyhook restaurant, and she stared at it lazily as it slowly grew larger as they approached it.

Minutes later the driver pulled to a stop at the main entrance, and slipping her hand through the window to the front, s'Il handed him the fare; tipping him generously. A Lienn's employee opened the door to the transport, and s'Il waited until Tevit had stepped out before exiting herself. The shuttle took off, disappearing back down into the traffic below.

"Shall we?"

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 4th, 2002, 10:53:11 PM
Taking her arm, Tevit nodded and walked her to the door, which was opened by another employee of the restaurant. Once inside, Tevit had to strain to keep from glancing all around at everything. Sudden;y, even in the finest clothes he owned, he felt under-dressed for the location, but carried on anyhow.

After a breif encounter with the Maitre D, they were shown to a table that bordered a large window, and the sun was beginning to set, throwing shafts of light through the clouds, and illuminating brilliant hues in those it couldn't pierce. Taking hsi seat, Tevit was surprised as the waiter laid his napkin out on his lap for him, and then did the same for s'Il before reciting the menu in under five minutes and then passing them each a menu card and setting a wine list on the table as well.

Tevit was nearly in shock at the opulence overload he ahd recieved so far. Never in his life had he thought he would actually be able to see a hotel room like he had, let alone stay in it, and the restaurant; it, too, was beyond his wildest dreams. Taking the occasional glance around, the crowd seemed to be mostly human, and he was getting a few funny looks form a few as well. Ignoring that, he looked over the menu card, then opened the wine list. Tevit posessed a very, very good false ID, so he figured that he might as well order a glass of wine to accompany dinner.

"This place is amazing, s'Il," He spoke quietly, "I feel a bit nervous being here. I dunno, you just don't see many Nehantites in anyplace really fancy." Then he opened the wine list and his red eyes went wide beofre shutting it and laying it back on the table. "Um, perhaps I had better stick with water." he said after seeing the prices associated with the wines.


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:50:48 AM
"Tevit," s'Il began with a knowing smile, "get what you want."

Ordering a small sushi platter, s'Il cast her gaze out the extensive windows to look down at the city-planet below her.

Looking back to Tevit, she smiled. "It's your birthday; indulge yourself."

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 15th, 2002, 02:18:48 PM
Enouraged by s'Il's words, Tevit opened the wine list again and selected a fine cabernet to accompany the cut of rare steak he was going to have.

But several time during selecting his order, the mongoose became distracted by the view, and once even completely spaced out in awe of it all. Regaining his senses, Tevit sat straight in his seat again and smiled across the table at s'Il.

She had been his best employer ever, even though he had only been working for her for about two weeks; and she also wasn't afriad to stick up for him in front of his cousin. "Thank you." He said in a sincere tone, though it was slightly quieter than his normal voice.