View Full Version : RE: Rules & SWFANS Boards

Mar 30th, 2002, 10:04:14 AM
I don't know if you have tried this before or not. I guess this is mostly in regards to RP boards, althought it would work "globally"...

SWFans is obviously a community. It is not just this board either. This is the tying board, but there are tons of surrounding communities. I think you have sort of already joined a couple places with this board.

What I want to know is what do you all think of having some sort of "global" agreement put to the boards which make up the SWFans community? This agreement would make all agreeing communities subject to the same rules that we use here, in addition to whatever rules these specific board already had. In most cases the rules and guidlines are similar anyway.

(I'm at a loss for words today, so I'm explaining like a dink...)

Infiltration for instance: If someone was found infiltrating, say at Shadow Faene (if Shadow Faene's administrator agreed to be part of this, of course), and were banned there, then they would also be banned here.

The point being, that negative actions won't be tolerated anywhere in our community. When they are, it bleeds into this place and becomes a problem here.

Administrators wouldn't be responsible for anything more than their owned community, so we wouldn't be watching over other boards, nor even asking for that.

I'm talking about the community (including all surrounding boards) of SWFans having some documented global rules. Like the UN. You don't have to be part of it, but its advantageous if you are. We all watch over one another and bring the community closer together this way.

Does this make sense?

Anyway, what ya think?

Mar 30th, 2002, 03:11:22 PM
I like the idea, but with the differences of opinions and segregation that naturally exists between boards administrated by other individuals makes it almost impossible to have any true consistency IMO.

As it stands I do believe that most related communities do practice the same policies, and if they were to have a problem with infiltration that would require their banning of someone from their community they would present such information to the SWFans staff. At least that’s what I think would occur, but cannot be positive as it has not ever happened, though this Abomination case does seem to follow that pattern to some extent.

Mar 31st, 2002, 12:08:45 AM
Different boards have different standards and rules, so it's really the prerogative of the respective admins on how things are run.

It's difficult for me to properly articulate this point, but I don't think the idea is really feasible. If, for example, someone is banned at TSE and not the GJO, should they be banned here? That's a tricky question, especially since I know TSE has banned some people simply because they don't like them. They have their own sets of rules and regulations.

AFAIK, the only time the members of the SWFans staff will actively do something about actions on another board is in the case of infiltrations.

Champion of the Force
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:35:43 AM
Whilst it's a nice idea in theory, as Ogre and Shawn have already pointed out it's pretty much impossible to force all other boards to adhere to a standard.

The Infiltration rules are a classic example of this - they are supposed to be a universal set of rules, but when you go around each individual board you'll find that each group has it's own little variation on them.

Not that it's a bad thing, however everyone likes having things set up their own way and to try and force everyone to a single standard probably won't work. GJO for instance has been loosening access on their board, however TSE by contrast appears to be tightening up. How would you get a set of rules that would satisfy all?

Of course, if the roleplayers themselves began asking for a universal set of rules then definitely it should be looked at, however I think it may be too much of a headache for the staff at SWFans to attempt to enact this all by themselves.

Mar 31st, 2002, 12:58:33 AM
Originally posted by Champion of the Force
Of course, if the roleplayers themselves began asking for a universal set of rules then definitely it should be looked at, however I think it may be too much of a headache for the staff at SWFans to attempt to enact this all by themselves. And it would also add what could appear as substance to those who would say that some of the staff members here are tyrants trying to run everything, not that such a thing is what makes me think it unfeasible, just another observation.

Mar 31st, 2002, 01:30:25 PM
You're right boys. This isn't the time for it. But - y'all really have to stop worrying so much about three bitchers who will be on your back regardless.

Just to clarify though. I'm thinking more like making it one big game. To not imitate say the combine, but all the groups are more part of the main board there. That's what I'm getting at. IMO, I don't see it as close knit here, and that is the aspect I like when I visit other RP boards.

Also, not all rules. Just some, like infiltration. Obvioulsy that would be dumb to ban someone here for the wrong reasons, but something as big as infiltration - yeah.

Like Lynch - we knew he was infiltrating at Irentios, but didn't know he was doing it here until a couple days ago. If the Irentios community proved it, then why would we want the same person here? I just thought that may be something that would be agreeable for everyone.

Champion of the Force
Mar 31st, 2002, 08:02:01 PM
If the Irentios community proved it, then why would we want the same person here?
That is already covered by the rules here. It's up to the group to inform the staff here over it.

As I said above, rules such as infiltration are supposed to be universal. The only reason why it doesn't appear that way nowadays is because each group has it's own ideas on what is/isn't agreeable and so tailor the rules to their own needs.

Despite that however if a group has evidence of someone infiltrating their boards it can be acted upon by the staff here with punishment, but it's up to the group itself to make the claim since we can't be chasing everything up.

Mar 31st, 2002, 09:00:03 PM