View Full Version : "The Two Towers" Preview Footage

Figrin D'an
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:09:59 PM
Just got back from seeing Fellowship, yet again... :)

The preview footage for The Two Towers is tacked on to the end of the film... it's not a trailer, though, which I rather liked.

It basically picks up right after the screen fades out from Frodo and Sam heading east... then, instead of the credits, it goes right into the preview footage. Very nicely done, I felt. I won't spoil anything specific, but the scenes that were shown looked solid. Pretty much everything that the fans have been drooling to see (the Ents, Helms Deep, Gandalf the White, Faramir, Eowyn, Wormtongue, more of Gollum, etc.) is shown at least once. It does a good job of just teasing the fans just enough to make them want to see the official trailer in a few months.

I liked it... :)

Mar 29th, 2002, 05:15:49 PM

:: goes off to the theater to see it again ::

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 29th, 2002, 07:52:01 PM
Cool now I am going to have to see it again :D Just curious how crowded was the theater I am wondering how much it will effect the box office. I am thinking it will do between 4-5 million for the weekend, but nothing would surprise me.

Sanis Prent
Mar 29th, 2002, 08:11:43 PM

not having read the book, I would be indifferent to the footage, I think.

Figrin D'an
Mar 29th, 2002, 08:25:16 PM
Well, the theater I went to today was sold out. I got there about 20 minutes before the film started, and there were about 30 people there already, but if filled up quickly and was full by the time the film started... I know some other shows at other theaters in my area sold out as well, so it could get a very nice boost this weekend. :)

Mar 29th, 2002, 08:55:43 PM
Sounds like it will have a boost this weekend. I haven't read the book either, but it doesn't make me any less anxious to see the new footage!

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 29th, 2002, 09:24:18 PM
I read the book too so I really want to see the footage, I will see it soon. As far as the box office who knows I could be off by a million or so regardless it looks like it will cross the 300 million barrier today it needs about a half million to do it and I would be shocked if it didn't do that.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 29th, 2002, 11:53:41 PM
Seeing LOTR for the sixth time this weekend.


Mar 30th, 2002, 06:28:14 AM
I really just do not have time to see it again.

I am going to the sneak preview of Van Wilder this Saturday at 6:50, already got my ticket on Fandango. I saw Panic Room, but because my friends are back and the work on my Website has been massive, I only saw that one new releases. That leaves Clockstoppers, The Rookie, and Death to Smoochy this weekend PLUS Van Wilder.

I've already been to 41 showings of movies this year, if my count is accurate. I think it is... Well, actually it could be 42 because I forget if I saw LOTR twice in 2001 or once in 2001 and once in 2002...

I guess I'll be at 45 here very soon. That plus I got to see these two other movies that just came to DVD, K-Pax (ugggggg!) and Life As A House. Reviewing DVDs always takes forever. :( I am so far behind.

Plus I'm a total of 7 reviews behind right now, I'll start doing some more right now I guess. Already done a few today too even.

Most of my reviews are up on the site right now, but it's not launched officially yet. I really want to launch when I feel the site is basically perfect, but it cannot be later than April 1, which is Monday...

The site is way way late as it is, but it should be worth the wait. I love how it turned out. This is going to be fun running it :)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 02:36:41 AM


I soooo badly want to see TTT now! Best preview ever! Helm's Deep = major pwnage!

You MUST go and see this preview!

:: Sits in a corner drooling::

Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2002, 03:08:39 AM
I'm waiting to see LOTR until it thins out at the theater. I don't like a lot of people around when I watch a movie. When I watch a film, it's a personal and private thing. I don't want people intruding on my experience. Odd, I know.

Question, will they be showing this extra footage until it leaves the theaters?

Champion of the Force
Mar 31st, 2002, 03:13:30 AM
Question, will they be showing this extra footage until it leaves the theaters?
I see no reason why they wouldn't - it's serving as an extra incentive to see FOTR as well as promote TTT.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 03:34:16 AM
it's serving as an extra incentive to see FOTR as well as promote TTT.

The preview is worth the price alone. It's stunning

Mar 31st, 2002, 03:36:42 AM
O_o :eek O_o :eek

Why didn't anyone tell me this before!!! EEP!

*Runs to theater to see said new footage... oh, and the movie too.* :D

Mar 31st, 2002, 01:09:26 PM
damn i wonder if mines doing it, its at the $3 theatre too

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 1st, 2002, 03:37:16 PM
Augh! I don't know if I can spend another three hours in the theatre watching it... wait, who am I joking? :mischief

I am going to see it again ASAP..that makes for four total viewings if I do manage to get out to it. *crosses fingers*

Champion of the Force
Apr 2nd, 2002, 08:20:11 PM
Well I won't be seeing it - my local cinema has finally ended FOTR's run (they've been saying 'Last Days' for over a month now but always seemed to keep the film going and going).

My guess is that they wanted to wait until after the Oscars before pulling the plug to try and scrape a bit more money out of it.