View Full Version : My analysis of the TFN_SUCKS SUCKS pictures

Darth Viscera
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:16:56 PM
Go to this (http://outlaw4.netfirms.com/) site, and you'll find 6 new AOTC pics. If you don't like spoilers, don't click on them.

Picture 1=1106x471 pixels
Picture 2=1106x475 pixels
Picture 3=1106x474 pixels
Picture 4=1106x473 pixels
Picture 5=974x416 pixels
Picture 6=1106x473 pixels

The good news is, all these pictures are ~2.35 aspect ratio. What does that mean? They're widescreen pictures, as in the theater and on the DVD after anamorphic decompression. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that a DVD was made of the pre-post-production movie that was leaked to AICN.

However, the shots are amateurish. The person who took these shots used print scrn, hence the variation in pixel sizes. Picture 5 was likely taken on a different computer. The shots were then manually cropped in Photoshop or the like. A pro would have frameserved the movie files to VirtualDub, and gotten a 640x272 or 704x304 picture.

So, some Lucasfilm material may be floating around out there, but someone doesn't know what they're doing. TFN Sucks especially.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 30th, 2002, 06:47:24 AM
Most people dont give a flying --------- about techno orc-speak, so for the majority of people who have a) no idea or b) just flat out dont care what that means, could you please explain what it's supposed to mean and why we should care?

You really have to remember people just dont care for tech details. Set it out plainly so so anyone can understand

Darth Viscera
Mar 30th, 2002, 05:43:21 PM
Summary: My theory is that a workprint AOTC DVD is circulating, but someone is keeping it under wraps, else I'd be able to find something through a hub scan. I even have a filename of the workprint copy. When I find something, I'll let you know.

*gets back to hunting his wild goose*

Darth Vader
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:51:47 AM
You haven't thought of the possibility that these images are stored in Lucasfilm's digital medium, as they are naturally filmed in that aspect ratio.

I mean, its one thing to say that somebody jacked movie shots from Skywalker Ranch. Its another thing to say that they composed a DVD before the movie is even finished.

Darth Viscera
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:40:44 PM
You haven't thought of the possibility that these images are stored in Lucasfilm's digital medium, as they are naturally filmed in that aspect ratio.

Wrong. The shots taken by Lucasfilm's digital cameras are stored at a resolution of 1440p, meaning 1,440 lines of horizontal progressive (non-interlaced) resolution, or twice that of DVD, which is usually 720p, but sometimes 720i. They also have 1920i modes which store 1,920 interlaced lines of horizontal resolution, but it's higher quality to store in progressive, because it isn't necessary to de-interlace or merge fields in viewing. None of the images posted correspond to any resolution used in LFL's medium, which would probably look like 1440x608 pixels.

Yes, the images are nearly 2.35 AR, but only because they've been cropped in Photoshop. And not very well. Those aren't the images from LFL's medium.

I mean, its one thing to say that somebody jacked movie shots from Skywalker Ranch. Its another thing to say that they composed a DVD before the movie is even finished.

At this point in post-production, the workprint (which may be stored on DVDs), has likely been circulating around LFL for several months.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2002, 03:03:42 PM
I think Viscera investigates this stuff just to prove he's smarter then me. :p

Darth Viscera
Mar 31st, 2002, 03:41:29 PM

Not at all. I've been working with MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 compression for many months, most notably DivX and S-VCDs, as well as researching HDTV resolutions and quality, because I want to get an HDTV tuner so I can archive hi-res episodes of Enterprise.