View Full Version : Hunting Anbira...

Novi Paran
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:32:07 PM
After tightbeaming his message via ship transceiver to selective channels in GJO space, inquiring the whereabouts of an acquisition by the name of Anbira Hicchoru. His message logs was soon filled with responses stating the Jedi Master is currently on Arcan IV. He had trailed Anbira from Myrkr through to the home of the GJO without the benefit of any tracking devices.

Aboard his completely rebuilt IG-2000, Novi consulted his onboard navigational system for the quickest vector configuration enroute to his destination. The ship upon being rebuilt had been furnished with standard life-support systems to support all carbon-based lifeforms. The NavCom's monitor displayed five coordinate routes--


Novi locked himself in the pilot seat and activating the HDGV dampening field. He punched in the third coordinate and initiated the ship's hyperdrive, striking sublight speed and rocketing to it's destination... Arcan IV.

Upon landing in Hangar TE-91, Novi loaded his gear on a Stenlan Hovervehicle. Clad in a black overcoat with body armor underneath, he places the armor's helmet on the passenger seat. Driving to meet his contact, Arcan's bustling nightlife clouds the streets while neon glistens off the hovervehicle's plastisteel windshield, painting the hunter's face in shades of greens, blues, reds, and yellows as he navigates through the streets.

Swinging left into a dimly lit alley, the hovervehicle's headlights illuminate another parked in the shadows beyond a large garbage bin. It's headlights flash twice in Novi's direction, tightlipped, he hides a blaster pistol in the overcoats deep pocket. Casually opening the driver's door, the hunter glances around for any sign of trouble before approaching the other vehicle. Novi stops within five metres of the black vehicle before the driver's door opens with a audible snap-hiss.

Out steps out a short man of slight build, weak-chin and large hooked nose with narrow eyes peering from beyond a pair of spectacles. In his left hand was a valice. Browne Jenkins, information broker, slicer, and local slime. He would sell out his own mother and siblings for a cheap credit. Browne had quite a information network going in GJO space and operated out of Arcan IV. He has proven a valueble asset to the criminal underworld. Also had a side-business which sold latest in slicer programs.

Browne Jenkins flashed a cheap grin in Novi's direction, "I usually do not do personally business calls like this but you are an exception Novi." The hunter thought silently, you are full of it, Jenkins

Novi nodded instead, "Did you bring the invader slicer programs I requested?"

"Sure, right here in the valice." Browne raised his left hand, it had only two fingers and thumb. He was caught scamming laundered credits of a crimelord and taken to a abandoned warehouse where they proceeded to bust him up. Then had a vibroblade put to his throat and was going to receive a bloody necktie while being forced to watch his last minute alive via a stopwatch placed in front of him. Mr. Jenkins pleaded for his life and bargained his way out by surrendering information to the crimelord about a large shipment of glimmerstim being smuggled in from Nar Shaddaa by some ambitous upstarts. The crimelord granted him mercy and removed the respective small and ring fingers off both hands.

Jenkins looked up and down the alley suspicously before gesturing towards his vehicle. Setting the valice down and opening it, he stepped aside for Novi's inspection. The hunter fingered through the software before slamming the valice closed. Handed the information broker a credit bar of the appropiate amount.

The hunter demanded, "I also request that your people watch out for the Jedi Anbira Hicchoru..."

Jenkins cut-in, "An..Anbira...", nodding his head furiously, "Sure."

Novi ignored his interruption, "...and to keep me informed of his location at all times. You will be well-rewarded and keep in contact by the private comm-link channel only."

They parted ways...

Novi Paran
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:09:28 PM
After departing company with Browne Jenkins, Novi drove the hovervehicle to the locations Anbira has been known to frequent, hoping to get a glimpse of his quarry. He observed many Jedi moving about on the streets of Arcan IV. Scanning the faces was vain, too many lightsiders mixed with other walks of life crowded the streets.

He had done a brief study on the acquisition, learning he was once a heavy of the Sith Empire. Once given the title of "Angel of Death", he must have been a charmer, Novi noted silently. There is no clear record on file of the incidences that led to Anbira's present contrition. Alhough he is progressively older and frail in appearance. But appearances are deceiving.

He drove to one establishment which is said to be a regular Jedi haunt. His hovervehicle pulled up down the street for observation, his private comm-link channels open. Browne Jenkins will have a crew out on the streets watching for the Jedi Master.

Novi Paran
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:49:43 AM
The hunter sat there about half an hour when he saw someone who was associated with Jenkins come walking up to the vehicle. Recognition was written all over the lanky tall man's face. A glitterstim addict by the name of Trips Cogan. He was your typical errand boy. When he reached Novi's vehicle, he knocked on the plexiglass window and the hunter rolled it down.

Bending over, Trip's pocked scarred face filled the space beyond which a few twi'lek women wearing high heels, hiked up shorts, and small vests had been admiring him and laughing excessively, throwing glances at him while their voices grew louder. Trip smirked, revealing his rotten, chipped teeth and an even more foul breathe as he excitably exclaimed, "Hey man.... Ratman... er.. Jenkins sent me to this gig to look out fer your vehicle..."

I am going to kill Jenkins Novi thought half-seriously. Novi nodded for the junkie to continue. Causing nervous laughter to erupt out of him.

"...good news, man. I seen your package just yesterday and said so to Mr. Jenkins. No worries, you can trust me not to speak a word of this to anyone... not on my life."

Novi looked forward gripping the steering wheel tightly until his knuckles turned white. Taking a moment to regain the composure he had lost. Browne should know better than to hire any small-time crooks such as this one but also this particular crook is not hard to locate and comes fairly cheap. Trip frequents these streets on the eastside, he can often be seen hanging with the pushers and running glimmerstim errands to all the freakers in this cesspool. The hunter made a silent promise to have some very strong words with Jenkins for his thriftiness.

He rolls his eyes back on Trips, dismissing him with a glare. Ratman never dreamed I would have found out