View Full Version : Healing Hands (Xazor, Verse)

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 06:54:51 PM
She was just a dead weight as he stepped out fo the bar. The sunlight made him blink as he scanned up and donw the street for something - anything that would help.

"What was she thinking?!?!"

Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, jedi Padawan. Stepped into a fight that was her fathers and promptly got nearly killed. Nearly being the operative word, if he didnt render aid, she was going to die. His eyes saw a boarded up window about 100 meters down the road. The Jedi turned on his heel and took off, not caring if he jostled the woman he was carrying, reaching his target in about 20 seconds

Abandoned ware house. This will have to do

He found the boarded up entrance and with one powerful kick, smashed the wood to pieces and entered. Inside there were was a hallway, with rooms peeling off on each side. The tird room had a clean enough low table, that looked strong enough to bear her weight. He strode over, slipped the Padawan off his shoulder and laid her out one handed, as the only light was his sabre.

Marcus looked up, searching for a light or a light switch. He found a pull string, that clicked on a dim but serviceable glow strip and got his first really good look at her injuries.... his heart sank. This could well be beyond his skill to heal.

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:05:46 PM
::Some Gaurds came in carrying Verse. They seemed to have a blank look on their face. The placed Verse in a chair near Marcus and Xazor them left. MArcus gave Verse a strange look. Verse gave the best smile he could at this point.::

"Weak minds. Just implanted a thought into their minds. They will forget what happened after a little walk...."

::Verse set his knee. He called some of the broken boards to him. He found some rope beside him. He wrapped his leg as best he could. Gritting his teeth he ignited his saber. He lost only one. He plessed it near his chest closing the wound. He roared with pain. After a moment he found he power to speak.::

"Is there anything we can do for her? Heal her enough for help to get here?"

::Verse was not worried about himself. He was Garou. He healed fast. Ungodly fast. In a few days, he would be fine. His healing ability in his body would take care of him.::

"Tell me straight Marcus. What can we do?"

::Verse's voice was filled with feel for his daughter.::

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:11:44 PM
"I really dont know. My powers of healing good, but I would have preferred a real Jedi Healer"

He paused, thinking.

"I dont believe we have met before. I am Marcus Q'Dunn, Jedi Master. You are....?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:49:48 PM
Xazor's lifeless body laid on the table. She was still out cold and unaware of anything that was going on around her. Usually she was strong enough to keep minimal contact with the world through the Force.....but not this time. It was different now.....her body was dying quickly. Blood continued to pour from her wounds. She had a large gash right across her forehead..almost down to the bone. Almost her whole body was covered in cuts and bruises, along with scars from her past....

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 08:31:54 PM
"Actually.... excuse me for a moment"

Xazor? He called in the Force. Xazor? Please, dont die on me. I still need your help.

He closed his eyes, reached over and placed a hand on her forehead....

In her mind he became a visible image, revealed to her as he had been on Xa Fel. A man of power and history, who wore the fate of planets on his shoulders, a Jedi, A Master, A Warlord.... a friend.

Come back to me, Reach out. Take my hand and use my strength. Allow me to share your pain....

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 08:39:27 PM
Though no one could tell, Xazor was fighting. She was fighting for herself, for her father...and for Marcus. She suddenly became aware of his presence in her mind as she saw a visual of him. Remembering this friend, she fought even harder upon hearing his words. She was dying...she couldn't! She had not even reached the status of Jedi Knight and already her life was ending. She reached out to him and took his hand in her mind, sharing her deep pain with him. Suddenly her mind became fully conscious once again, but her body remained disconnected.

Master! Please, father, Marcus! Help me, I can't die yet!

She called out faintly from her mind to theirs. At least it was faint to her, it was like a screaming voice inside their minds. She hoped in her heart that they had heard her calling to them. She would not give up....this was still a battle.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:04:02 PM
:: The reaching of hands was symbolic of a Force connection... his hand touched hers and as it did, his presence wrapped around hers....... her pain hit him like a pysical blow that made him go weak at the knees with the intensity.....


He was in a meadow, sitting under a tree. He had been here before it seemed. He was still in the weather beaten cloak, still scruffy, still with the sword at his side. He had pipe on his knee and a pouch of weed by his side.

Xazor stood about 3 meters away, seemingly untouched and unharmed. She looked in confusion unti the Jedi Master spoke.

"It's an illusion. I'm shielding your mind from the pain and holding you in place for a few seconds. Come, sit down with me!"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:11:01 PM
Xazor nodded and walked over to the Jedi Master, taking a seat beside him.

This is a beautiful place! It is so....serene. I have not known this for a while....

She said softly as the illusion continued and she felt no pain.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:27:55 PM
"This is where I live. If your really there, you would turn around and see the castle I live in. Over by the creek, there is a track that winds down to a cave of knowledge, which is deep in the Light Side of the Force. It's a beautiful place Xazor, truly fair and unsullied. I find rest and peace at a place that looks exactly like this. The tree is hundreds of years old and it's roots go deeper than I could know."

He used his pipe to point upwards at the startlingly wrong spy - a maestorm of colours and swirls that seemed close, but yet, far away.

"That's the battle we fight together outside of this illusion. It's your pain and suffering. Right now, i share your burden and I give part of my life to you to do that. It partially gives you a chance to recover your strength to face the challenge... Soon I will let go and you will have to survive by yourself. I can not support you for long, else my life force will suffer and I wont recover. Here, time is slowed down and it will seem like a hour goes past, but yet only seconds have. Understand? You must, because your life will depend on it when the moment comes"

He took a puff on his pipe before continuing.

"What have you been doing since I saw you on Xa Fel?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:37:03 PM
::Verse let his Garou healing go to work. While in this state, both the Jedi Master and Padawan were in danger. If attacked, they may be jerked back to fast and unnaturaly. That could cause damage not needed. Verse pushed himself up as best he could. A Large dresser was in the corner. He pushed it with the Force infront of spot where the door should be. This would keep people out for a while. Verse sat and waited for the Master to do his work. A friend of Verse's did this same thign with Xazor once. A Jeid healer named Randd. Verse sat and hoped all would be well. With a quick prayer to Gaia, Verse took his seat and kept waiting.::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 09:49:03 PM
Xazor smiled as Marcus told her of the place he lived. She looked around and saw all the beautiful things near them.

Truly, this is a place full of splendor.

She brushed some stray blonde hairs from her face and looked at the Jedi Master again.\

I have been training hard since I saw you last. The life of a Warrior is not easy, but I keep pushing myself to meet the expectations of both Verse and Helenias. All things are well...I am engaged to be married to Shade Magus! So I guess you could say that life is good. How about you, where has your travels brought you?

She asked with curiosity. She smiled again as she thought back to their time on Xa Fel...the glorious reunion of a husband and wife...it was all just beautiful.

Listening to what Marcus was saying about her life, she nodded. She understood perfectly what was going on.....she had gone through this once before with a friend of her Father. His name was Raand and he had healed her too.

It seems as though I get hurt....a lot.

She gave a slight laugh as she thought of all the injuries she had acquired....especially recently.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:10:27 PM
There was a touch of sadness on Marcus' voice when he next spoke

"Married? Really? Then you have much to look forward to. Maybe he can keep you out of trouble...." He glanced over at the Xazor, witha rueful smile "Or maybe not. If you dont watch yourself, you'll end up like me, a walking scar display."

There was a lot on his mind. But what he spoke next wasnt what he wanted to ask.

"THe Jedi Council.... what do you think they would say if I returned to them? You one of the few who know I'm alive. What would you think they would say?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:17:57 PM
Xazor smiled brightly as she thought of her beloved. How she looked forward to the day she would walk down the isle....she was snapped back to "reality" when Marcus spoke again. He seemed uneasy....as if he asked the wrong question. She smiled as if she knew what he wanted to say, but then continued with an answer to his question.

Personally, I think they will be shocked and delighted. A few may be upset at the fact that you did not come forward and speak up....but I think with much explaining on your part, you may sway them in a good direction. Do not worry....I know they will accept you with open arms.

She smiled reassuringly to the Jedi Master.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:24:17 PM
"I would hope so. I mean to go there one day... but...."

He was very uncertain now.


Words stopped. He looked into her eyes, the question he wanted to ask writeen there.

Why didnt Helenias come?

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:35:56 PM
Xazor felt compassion for the Jedi Master. His eyes were filled with the hurt he felt in his heart.

Oh......Marcus.......we had problems, our mission was interrupted. Things were so confusing for her. She didn't want to believe it....

She let the last words hang in the air. She knew how Helenias felt...for heaven's sake, she talked into the air as if she was talking to him! It was something that had boggled Xazor for a while, but then she understood the depth of the love the woman had for Marcus....

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:48:58 PM
"But she could have come looking for me.... I waited right in this place for her. She would have known where I was.... why didn't she come? I waited for two weeks before I began to follow you... hoping your footsteps would leand me to her. That why I was in the bar today. "

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:54:34 PM
Xazor shook her head. She did not know how to answer the Master's questions. She knew what was on Helenias's heart, but did not feel she was at liberty to speak much for her.

Marcus...she is a woman, you must understand how we think.

She began slowly, trying to think of what to say.

She has doubts, as would I. You are not just told "Your husband is not dead" by a stranger and be expected to believe it! It is not that easy!

She said, expressing this through her eyes to aid her words.

Marcus.....I am sure that she'll come around. Remember.....patience is a Jedi's virtue...

She softly laid a hand on his shoulder, hoping that he took her words to heart.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:05:53 PM
"Maybe your right Xazor... but I dont understand how she might think. It's been 10 years, what if I dont mean anything to her?"

He spoke his real fear, not knowing in a place far away Helenias said the same thing....

"What if she doesn't love me anymore?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:09:26 PM
Doesn't love you anymore!/

Xazor had to laugh at the one. She had spent time with both Helenias and Marcus.....what an absurd thing to assume. She smiled reassuringly at him.

I think you'd be surprised....

She said softly, showing her sincerity through her eyes.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:26:30 PM
"It's been so long Xazor... I really dont know what she thinks. I hardly know what I think even. I'm confused and i dont really know which way I should go. Do I on one hand, go and take a chance and find out, hoping it's as you say? Or do I on the other.... do I stay true to what I beleive the Jedi code is and go forth alone and place such a possibility aside?"

He seemed to become a good deal more focused, puffing on the pipe again

"I'm not the normal Jedi Xazor. Nor even am I a normal Master, if there is such a thing. I am a Warlord, one of the very few that have ever occured. In the years apart, I;ve grown in my responsibility and I know if I return the Jedi, I would face a role of leadership.... I will face a terrible choice. I will have to choose between her and my Jedi vows. Knowing what she thinks make make it eeasier, but I dont know"

He paused, then spoke again.

"Soon, we will walk. When we do, there will be a point where I will allow you to lead. When you are leading, you will face a cave of darkness. You must walk through and never look back to me. You will hear and see strange things, but pay them no mind. Always remeber I will be behind you"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 09:44:48 AM
Xazor listened intently as he spoke from his heart. She knew how Helenias felt, but she could not speak for her.

Fear not....all things will work out in time.

She said softly with a reassuring smile added to boost her words. He then spoke of walking...and a cave of darkness. Xazor nodded, she understood fully.

Yes Master Jedi....I shall do as you have said. I will never look back....I am brave and the Force guides me.

She said with confidence.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:08:33 PM
"Good. Now tell me of your time with the Jedi.... you were telling me before we were so rudely interrupted on Xa fel"

That was an understatement.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:13:55 PM
Xazor smiled, boy was that an understatement.

I have been training hard since I arrived at the Greater Jedi Order. My Master is wonderful too. Although I struggled with my past, and anger issues.....I have overcome them. I have been in so many battles I cannot remember all of them! And now, I am a Warrior....and there is talk of my promotion soon!

She said excitedly. A warm smile embraced her expression as she thought of how great everything has been since joining the Jedi......true, life was definatly not easy....but so rewarding.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:34:10 PM

He paused.

"Talk for a while Xazor. Just talk. I need to concentrate.... Just speak to me. It will help me focus on what I am doing" The Master went quiet, leaning back and closing his eyes, head resting on the tree.

"While you dont feel pain here, I do. I have to cncentrate. Remeber the longer you can delay the time we have to walk, the more chance you will have to survive"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:50:41 PM
Xazor nodded, thinking she will sound like an idiot if she just lays her mind out for him. Oh well, she wanted to live and this was painless...

I went back to my home planet and retrieved the brother of my decesed companion wolf. His name is Kaukauna and he is Force sensitive. He understand sign language too. He is a wonderful pet and I love him dearly. Shade has not met him yet, but he will soon enough. Speaking of Shade, I must begin planning for our wedding soon. I am looking forward to it and so is he.....but I think he is nervous just like I am. I am inviting everyone from the Greater Jedi Order...and you may come too. It is going to be wonderful. I am hoping to be promoted to Jedi Knight soon, and I am looking forward to taking on some padawan learners. I think I will learn as much from them as they will from me!

She laughed to herself and kept talking about some thing she did to her brother the other day...

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:25:53 AM
On the inside of this illusion, the Jedi Master was calm.

But on the outside, it was anything but. He was awash with her pain, which he could not block.... there was no way he could block someone's pain if he was sharing it. He felt his own strength begin to lessen a bit, knowing he was sharing his life force now with her.

He reached out to the Force, calling on it to help him. All he wanted was to give her the strength to live, enough so she would live to a real healer.

Inside the illusion, he listened with closed eyes to the Padawan talk.... until he abruptly stood up.

"It's time. Come with me now"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2002, 05:23:15 PM
Xazor continued talking until suddenly, the Jedi Master rose to his feet and beckoned her to go with him. She stood up slowly and looked around for a moment before she started to walk beside him.

Part of her was nervous, but then the rest of her was calm. She called on the Force to ease her mind, and give her the courage and strength necessary to fight this battle and to live.

She knew very well what was going on outside of this illusion----the Jedi Master was taking her pain and suffering onto himself, allowing her time to regain consciousness so she could continue to live her life. She smiled as they walked; it seemed like a long time.

Great Master, I wish to thank you for helping me. I would be lost without you. I cannot wait to see my Father again!

She said with joy. She knew that there was a slight chance she would not make it......but she had the will power to fight. She would come out victorious and would live. She would go about her life and heal....with her Father by her side. She knew it in her heart that she would be alright...thanks to the man she was walking with.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 29th, 2002, 06:05:56 PM
He lead her to the cave he had mentioned - stopped.

"I can not lead you any further. You must walk now in front of me. You will hear voices. At the end, you will feel your pain again. But whatever you do, do not look back. Just know, I will be behind you and I will guide your footsteps"

He put his hand on her shoulder. "Go now. Use my strength. May the Force be with you"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2002, 06:28:54 PM
Xazor knew that she had to do this on her own....and truthfully, she was scared. Taking a deep breath, she called on the Force to calm her spirit, and it did. She then entered the dark cave. All around her were voices, and it was cold. Her heart lept into her throat when she heard a loud noise to her right, but she kept going. How badly she wished to look behind her and be reassured by the Jedi Master....but she knew she could not, so she kept treking through the darkness...knowing in the back of her mind that shortly she would be feeling a great amount of pain.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 29th, 2002, 07:29:35 PM
First think he could feel was the taste of blood in his mouth. He opened his eyes, feeling a wave of weariness on him. It seemed that he had bitten his tongue. His hands were on Xazor's temples, the power he had in the Force flowing through her, giving part of his life force over to her and taking some of her pain.

"Xazor.... hear my voice. Awake. Step forth back to life. Awake and be with the ones who love you. Your pain will be lessened and you will have strength. Awake."

It would be to her as if he was speaking over her shoulder. Trust me and live

Xazor Elessar
Mar 29th, 2002, 08:14:00 PM
Suddenly the dark cave seemed to be moving all around her. The darkness turned from pitch black to streams of light and dark....almost like when she moved her X-Wing Fighter into hyper-space. She continued walking until she seemed to run through the dark cave, not looking back. Then she heard the Jedi Master speaking in her head and she fell to the ground. There was a bright flash of white and she was blinded.....suddenly she opened her eyes with a silent scream. Her heart was racing and her breathing was fast. She looked up, right into the eyes of the gentle Jedi who she had just been speaking with for what seemed like hours. She then looked over and saw her Master....her beloved Father, Verse. She looked from his face to Marcus's a few times as her heart slowed down from it's dangerously fast pace. She was still breathing pretty heavily, and her thoughts raced through her mind. She opened her mouth to try to speak, but it was no use. No words came out....nothing at all. It was for the best though, for she could not think of anything to say anyway. She just laid there, looking into the Jedi Master's eyes and hoping it was all over........

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 29th, 2002, 10:47:16 PM
::Verse stapped out of his trance. He ran to his daughter. He wrappe dhis arms around her and kissed her on her cheek. Then he turned to the stranger. He pushed himself up and limped over to him. Most people would be thinking the Jedi was going to thank him. Those people were very wrong at this point. Verse growled showing his feral teeth. Both the bottom and top Canine teeth wer elong and pointed. The rest of his teeth was that of a wolf.::

"You said you are Marcus O'Dunn. He is dead. That makes you one thing. A Lier. You are one of two things. You are a man pretending to be Master O'Dunn or You are Marcus O'Dunn. Both ways you are a lier. You never once let us know you were alive. You quit the cause. Before I go anywhere futher with you, I want answers. I am not gullable or dumb. I just want the truth."

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 29th, 2002, 11:45:31 PM
He took his hands of Xazor's face, breathing out as waves of exhaustion made his knees tremble. The battle for now was won for her survival... but she still needed medical attention. While he was sure this hole of a planet had some decent medicals, Arcan IV would be a far better place to go. In transport, Xazor could be put in a healing trance....

Then Verse snarled at him, speaking out. Marcus allowed him to speak his peice, before darwing himself upright.

"If you have heard my name before, then it was a clone, probably that foul clone that served on the Jedi Council. You want the truth?"

He placed one hand on the hilt of his sword, staring down Verse with fire in his eyes, with an almost visible aura of power coming into being as the Master exposed himself for what he was.

"The Jedi were the ones who quit the cause. They sit on their damnable asses, speaking peace while the Galaxy goes to hell, they do nothing. Do you think I would ever reveal myself to such a group? No, I would never"

The Jedi Master loomed over Verse, his power and actions making the other look small in comparison. "I will NEVER give up the cause I have...." He seemed to strink and become normal, just another being... "unlike what the Jedi have down. I would rather be a shadow and unknown, than sit in a Council, being part of the problem"

He pointed at Verse. "You want lies? Ask what the Jedi have become. If you knew my clone, then you have only seen a glimpse of the man I am. Dont talk to me about quitting causes until you can answer why the Jedi did first". He turned, bending over to pick up Xazor.

"And one of the things a Jedi would do is to make sure someone hurt is totally safe before asking questions. I have a fighter / freighter nearby. You can ask me questions when we are in hyperspace."

Xazor, he spoke through the Force, you should go into a healing trance. Your life is safe for now..... and I'm proud of you. Before you do go int the trance, what was done was I created a Life Bond between us. We are now connected at a far deeper level in the Force than would be normally possible. I give you the choice and either one, will not harm you.... you can either break it or accept it

Xazor Elessar
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:34:07 AM
Xazor couldn't believe the behavior of her father. She reached up a weak hand and placed it on his chest.

Father.....do not talk like that. Your questions will be answered in time....

Her voice was weak and faint, but he heard her. She then listened intently to what the Jedi Master was saying to her.

I accept the life bond....

She closed her eyes and said to him through the Force. She was more than grateful, but for now, she needed to heal. She kept her eyes closed and suddenly her body became totally limp. She was safe though, for she just fell into a healing trance. She would awake when the time was right....

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 30th, 2002, 11:18:30 PM
::Verse eyes roared in grey fire. His race was not one to back down. All he needed to do was shift into his true form. His Crinos. His own daughter had not seen him in it. Verse did not know if she was aware he could do it. Humans. How Verse was confused by their race. He was weak right now. This man was at the top of his game.::

"This is not over. Jedi do not look for battle. We Garou have a saying. The Marker will help those who help themselves. I for one are strivin' to get the Jedi more involved. All out battle is not the answer though. Nor is fighting the good fight alone. You could have stayed and tried to convince the Jedi. Instead you ran off and complained. My daughter is my first worry though. You and her seemed to have bonded. Take her to your ship. I will follow in my V-Wing."

::Verse spat at Marcus's feet to show his discontent. A large part of this was Verse's background. He was Garou. A pack speices. He was taught that more could be done as a group. Each person with his or her own skills. To give up and go on their own was a bad thing in the Garou race. In fact, it was a punishment in Garou packs. They would rather die that have that punishment. The fact that someone would do that to themself made Verse sick to his gut. Verse pulled himself up and made his way to the door. He pushed the case away from it so he could get out.::

"Lets get moving. No dought the Sith will return. We do not wish to fight a group of them all at once."

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 02:58:14 AM
"And we Ardains have a saying - look into a man's heart before you judge his actions."

Carrying Xazor, he strode past Verse, turning back to face him. Yet again, his eyes seemed to be blazing fiercely.

"Ask Xazor what my heart truly has, for she now knows it almost as well as I do. Maybe one day if you ask her, you will know exactly what I have done while the Jedi did nothing!" With that, he exited the door, went the other way to whence they came, stormed down a hallway and smashed the exit door with his boot. Getting his bearings, it didnt take long to get to his ship, Razor, a highly modified Terratic fighter. He went inside, with his boot triggered the closing and sealing cycle of the ramp, went to his cabin to place Xazor on the bunk. He put her limp body in a crash web, moved to the control cabin up front, where he triggered the 2G grav plate under the seat. The delicious feeling of what he regarded as full gravity came back, while he powered the craft up. 5 minutes later, the repulsorlifts kicked in as he ignored procedure here and lifted without Control permission.

It became another of his specactular exits. Razor was stood on it's tail, twin motors suddenly roaring and sprouting flame as it blasted upwards, tearing atmosphere apart. While he did, the Jedi considered where he would go. Arcan IV maybe.... no. Xazor needed real healing.

For the first time in two years, Jedi Master Macus Q'Dunn pointed his course for Yavin IV, the true home of the Jedi.

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 31st, 2002, 10:42:24 AM
::Verse smiled in his V-wing. He hated having to act like that. This would change everything. With O'Dunn beliving Verse an enemy, Verse would be able to see how he really was. With O'Dunn's return, teh Jedi would be Forced to take action. What a surprice Marcus would find when he finally sees what Verse really was. A Friend and an ally. The two Jedi have simular views from what Verse could gather. Finally there was a Jedi after his own heart. Oly time would teel if this would all work out.::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 31st, 2002, 12:49:28 PM
Xazor was well aware of everything going on outside of her body, thanks to her very active subconscious mind. She could read the thoughts of both men, and was upset with how her Father was acting.....though she knew it was common to their race...yes, their race. She now concealed a deep secret that only her brother knew....and when the medical doctors examined her...they would find out also. She was so afraid to tell her father, but he would find out anyway. When she had gone one a secret mission back to her home planet...she had discovered more about herself than she bargained for. Yes....she too was Garou....half for sure, but there was a possibility she was almost a whole Garou..

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 06:37:34 PM
:: The engines of his craft went white.... and then blasted into hyperspace. Marcus doublechecked all systems, resetting all grav plates for 2* except for the room where Xazor lay. He unstrapped himself, before getting up. There was a medical kit he would need in the back of the craft, quite surprisingly well stocked. He grabbed the large case, before getting back to his room.

"All right.... let's see what I can do here"

The chest was his biggest worry. It had been punctured by one of the sabres, which would mean all sorts of damage to deal with there.. off came the crash webbing, then he gently cut away her clothes to expose the wound much better. And a moment, say back, puzzled.

I was certain that wound was much worse than that. It's still bad, but it's not the life threatening one she had. And now I'm looking, her injuries are all somewhat improved. At this rate, she'll be fine by the time we reach Yavin. She's in a healing trance yes, but that doesnt explain the rate her body is repairing. I dont understand

Whatever this was, he could still help. Despite his words befoe, he was in fact a highly accomplised healer and would have much preferred to have practiced this art rather than war. How ironic, a man who loved peace as much as he did, was so good at the arts of battle. The Jedi set up a blood loss replacment drip, added some anti infectants to ward of secordry infections and a big dose of pain killers, before scanning Xazor's body with a med scan and his mind.

No doubt about it, she was healing at a fierce rate. And her subconcious was well awake.

A proper hibernation means your sub-concious is also put to sleep Xazor. You can wake fully now, your not in any danger now. In fact, I'd love to know how you can heal this fast. I've never seen anything like it the Jedi spoke via The Force

Xazor Elessar
Mar 31st, 2002, 08:22:20 PM
Xazor woke fully......aware at the fact that her wounds were healing quickly. She opened her eyes and looked up at the Jedi Master. She was afraid to tell him....but she knew she had to.

You can't tell my father....please! I am....well, I knew I was, but I wanted proof so I went back to my home planet and found out that..

She could tell that Marcus was not going to sit here all day and listen to her long story....so with a deep breath, she continued.

I am......a Garou......we heal quickly...very quickly.....

She said softly...almost wincing, worried about the reaction she would get.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 08:47:18 PM
Your Garou? Ahhh, that explains the healing...

"Which pretty much means your going to be back on your feet not long after we touch down on Yavin IV" he said aloud. "Don't worry whay I think about the Garou, I suspected you weren't exactly human on Xa Fel. And now I guess you'll see I'm not human either."

You see, this Life Bond can't be broken, except by death. I can't hide anythign from you, nor can you do so to me. In saving your life, your accquired far more from me.. you see my life, my thoughts, you can speeak to me over great distances, I'll know when your hurt or in trouble, when your happy. This was not what I intended, but now it's happened, the best of it we make it. Right now the bond is not strong, but with time it will grow. Right now, I'll make you a promise. Even though I can intrude on your mind at a level that would otherwise be impossible, I never will unless you ask. For now, we go back to Yavin IV and to the Temple. Not that I want to be with other Jedi, you can see in my mind how much I dont want that. But I need to be close to where you are, so I may get used to this

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 31st, 2002, 08:51:04 PM
:: Dreams. Verse saw these in his Healing Trance. Stuff like this kept him young. Few knew his true age. No one but Chaos knew how old he would live. Garou Knights. That is what Verse called teh Jedi Garou. The Light Side of the Force helped people live longer and healer faster. Add that to a healing system like a Garou's. Verse would not be surprise 400 years from now when him and Warren would be sipping drinks. He was teh only other Jedi that would live that long.

Dreams. The past. No one knew Verse's past. Only Pivo and Bloodstorm did. Verse's two brothers. Pivo was Verse's twin. The one that stayed in Verse's mind for all those years. The one that took over Verse's body when he (Pivo) died. The one that is still alive on Eden creating Bio-Enginered mosters. The one who ripped of Chaos's arm.

Dreams. Of a younge girl who knew little of her past. One that was Garou as well. One that had a bright future. A star that shined brighter than anyone elses. A girl raised in Darkness, but became a Champion of the Light. One that would become a legend in her own right.

Dreams. Of a Lost Jedi Master. One that has much like Verse. Also so very different. One that would unite the Jedi and make them look toward a future. One that would force them to see a present that they have created because of a lack of action.

Dreams of these three doing things big beside their brother and sister Jedi. All was clear and all was a blurr in Verse's mind. Some where blind because they saw nothing. Others because they see everything. Verse was the latter. With everything came confusion though. Confusion raced through verse's mind. for now he healed. He healed very Fast. All the while he kept dreaming.::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:29:57 PM
Xazor nodded slowly.

You do not want to be there.......you hide many secrets from people.....why?

She suddenly asked in a soft voice.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 31st, 2002, 11:17:42 PM
No, I dont want to be there. I don't believe in the Jedi way as the Council defined it. I dont believe in the way the Jedi sit and take no action as evil crept across the Galaxy. I was told I was following The Dark Path for wanting to stop evil. I'm a man of honour Xazor... I just could not stand aside and let innocents die. If you know my past.... no, you will know my past.... you see I was for so long a Dark Lord, grim and terrible. However, I stepped from there and walked the Jedi path after Helenias died. I tried to be a Jedi as they said I could be, but it I can not do it! I can't just sit around and not do anything!

"Damn them all! I did what I could, I even risked myself and took on other guises, I shot their best because of the evil they were heading to, I became a NR General and formed a fighting force that you know as the NRSF to fil the hole the Jedi should have filled.... all becuase none of them have the foresight to do what is needed and go out and fight evil! While I was the General, I truly hated the Jedi, even if I was the most powerful one of all. And even now, even if I have admitted that along with all I am, I am a Jedi Master, I still feel that the Jedi are wrong. That is partially why I dont go back and I dont want to now. Sometimes as I marshalled the NRSF and even provided security for their gathering places, the Jedi made me sick. Protectors of peace? Then what was the need for what I built if that is what they are? What was the need for the last two years, to go uder different identities, to be someone I wasn't?"

I was Force Master Hunter, I was Tohmahawk, I was Shadow Jedi.... and in the beginning of it all, I was Darth Turbogeek. Yet, none really made a difference Xazor.... none

Xazor Elessar
Apr 1st, 2002, 07:35:01 AM
Xazor was partially shocked by all that he said.

Marcus........Helenias told me all of that.......and more......

She said softly. She looked at him for a moment and sighend.

You cannot hide yourself forever...the Jedi need you. I think with you back where you belong...they will start to see things differently. Yes, I agree with you....the Jedi are protectors of peace, yet.....we need a whole army to keep that peace. That proves only one thing.... we are not doing our jobs. Marcus....if you wish for me to go alone to the temple, I will...but I think you need to go......

She said, lowering her eyes again....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 1st, 2002, 09:28:42 PM
The Jedi don't need me Xazor. What they do need is a swift kick up the backside to wake up. I have done what I can but they don't listen. They have blinded themselves. I'm not really sure what revealing myself to them is going to achieve. As that may, I will come with you to the Temple, I do wish to look upon it again.

The Master shrugged his shoulders.

There's really only one thing that can bring me back now anyway.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 1st, 2002, 09:33:53 PM
Xazor sighed softly to herself.

Why do you keep yourself a secret? Not only from the Jedi.....but from you! You are not human......and I can tell that you really do not wish to...explain yourself. Marcus...I really think the Jedi need you. You are an asset to us! Believe me....I am more than pulling my own weight. It would be nice to have more than one or two people on my side.....

She had to laugh slightly at her last comment. It was intended to lighten the mood a bit. She smiled, looking down at her wounds. They were healing very quickly now.....quicker than before. She couldn't help but wonder if her father was alright.....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 1st, 2002, 09:51:02 PM
Who else is on your side?

Did she just now state he was not human? Becuase that was quite true, he wasn't. Going back through the last few minutes, he was certain he had not mentioned that. Xazor must have picked that up from the heighened awareness via the Life Bond. Just like Marcus could feel Xazor was not human either. But what was unnerving was...

You have the better of me young lady. It's rare I dont have anything I can reply with, because you've seen my heart truly. Yes I do keep myself secret, but not from myself, I know what I am. I know what I could be. It's just.... I've been hiding for so many years. My enemy is strong and I can not face it. I dont have the strength in my blood! The same weakness that has caught others, I have it too. How can I do anything else if I cant defeat The Enemy that has pursued me for years?

Xazor Elessar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 08:45:11 PM
Xazor smiled gently on the Jedi Master. He doubted himself too much, she could sense that and hear it in his words also. She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and looked into his soft eyes.

The only other ones on my side are Verse, and my Force brother Alpha......and since the whole thing with Shade.....I really don't know where he is anymore...literally.

She sighed and looked down for a moment. It was true, even some of her friends disagreed with the way she went about things. No matter, though, she knew she was right. She smiled once again and returned her gaze to his eyes.

You are strong, do not doubt that! With the Force, you can do anything!

Her voice was filled with confidence for him. She knew that he could overcome the "enemy" that he spoke of.....she could feel it in her heart. She knew he secretly wanted to believe it too....

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 09:40:10 PM
Yes, everything is possible .... but not all things are desireable. Always remember that

He stood up.

"I'm going up front for a while. See if you can get some rest - it's a two day flight to Yavin"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 6th, 2002, 10:13:48 AM
Xazor nodded as the Jedi Master left. She was sore and could use the rest. She laid her head down on the pillow and soon she was fast asleep....