View Full Version : A Return to Tradition

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:20:13 AM
Rules of thread: The first rule is that there is no rules!

The second rule is that rule number one doesn't count.

Sith vs. Jedi. Groups, past differences, timelines - none count. Lets DO BATTLE the old fashioned way!


De'Ville stands on the battleground, saber hilt swinging slightly on her hip. Clad in a blood red jumpsuit, she paces back and forth.

"Come out come out wherever you are! Jedi are cowards, hiding behind their robes and peaceful teachings! Come fight, and learn what true peace is as you become one with the Force!" The Dark Jedi crossed her arms in front of her, and waited for her first victim, and for the other Darksiders.

Taylor Millard
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:23:53 AM
The Missile Boat landed, and a black jumpsuited man exitted from the ship. A press of a button and the ship took off again, heading to parts unknown.

The man was Taylor Millard, Lilaena De'Ville's comrade in arms in 'The Black Hand'. His cold blue eyes shone as he walked towards De'Ville.

"Madame De'Ville, a pleasure to see you," The Sith Knight spoke. He then turned to the desert before him, "Come on you cowardly Jedi! We're waiting!"

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:29:59 AM
*Live Wire entered into the battlegrounds. It had been a long time since she had been in a true battle and her heart pounded with the excitement of it all. Yes this was her true love, the fight. She moved to stand next to her old comrade and former apprentice Lady De'ville. They hadn't fought side by side in a long time and it felt good to support each other in a battle.*

Let us hope the jedi actually show up. They have been docile for far to long.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:30:03 AM
"Cowards are we? At least we have the balls to stand up for what is right, rather than you self absorbed maiacs!"

Cold eyes regared the Sith. Despite the words, at calm, at peace. Ready to beat the living s*** out of Dark Siders again.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:41:03 AM
"Maniacs? Why, thats the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Marky Mark." De'Ville grinned, and ignited her lightsaber.

"Hello Live Wire, Taylor, its good to see you again. Ready to kick Jedi butt?" She swung her hair out of her eyes and winked at the Jedi.

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:45:39 AM
*LW's cloak fell from her shoulders revealing a dark green jumpsuit. Quickly she tied her long hair up away from her face and drew her saber. Its weight felt familiar and comforting in the palm of her hand. Yes this was where she belonged. Lately she had become too much of an administrator, a brueacrat....first and foremost she was a sith mistress and the spilled blood of the jedi was her motivation.*

We all fight side by side again. The arrogant jedi will soon learn they can not face the power of the dark side.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:48:22 AM
"Well, now that was original. You know, you should put some clothes on, since your baby, those strecth marks make you look like some sort of circus freak."

He had a choice here. He could use sabre or sword..... sabre he chose. The strangely shaped hilt came off his hilt and the blade was activated - not with the usual buzzing, but with the sound of a gas burner. The sabre blazed red, then began to colour shift, moving from red to blue to white and back to red again.

Not giving Deville a chance to speak mre, his feet moved and he attacked, blade cutting towards her chest

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:53:42 AM
De'Ville rolled her eyes at the pathetic insults, and brought her saber around to block the viscious blow. With a grunt she pushed off the blade and leapt over his head, swinging strongly at his unprotected back.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:56:02 AM
The Jedi ducked the blow, the Force warning him of danger. In an extention of the motion, one of his legs lashed out low, aiming to hit Deville just under the knee cap.

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:56:06 AM
*LW was not about to stand by and watch DeVille engage this arrogant jedi alone. Igniting her yellow blade she waited for DeVille to get on the other side of him before closing in. As LD swung at his saber LW aimed for his unprotected back.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:00:54 AM
De'Ville met no resistance as the Jedi ducked her swing, and so completed a pivot on one foot. The Jedi lashed out with his foot, but it caught her in the back of the leg. She fell forward, but caught herself and regained her footing, turning to face the Jedi.

He was coming towards her again, but Live Wire was behind him, ready to slice his spine. De'Ville flipped her lightsaber in her hand, and charged.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:06:13 AM
2 on 1. Odds were still in his favour. He gathered his knees and jumped, opponents sabre's swinging into the air space he had been, a split second before. A tuck and roll had him landing on his feet about 5 meters away, his thumb moving to the second activation button on the hilt... no not yet. Leave that surprise fo a moment later.

Choosing his opponent, this this time he stepped and attacked Live Wire, blade aimed at the top of her head and powering downwards

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:09:44 AM
De'Ville circled the battling pair, waiting to jump in again, and also keeping an eye out for more loathesome Jedi.

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:09:53 AM
*LW moved in toward him bringing her saber up and sending the full force of her body against him. Their sabers clashed. Using the weight of his body against him she quickly ducked and turned out of the way. He still had all his weight towards her and thus stumbled forward with momentum and LW sent a kick to the middle of his back sending him flying over towards LD.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:11:45 AM
De'Ville swung her saber like a baseball bat as the Jedi flew towards her, about to slice him in two. "This is for Darth Maul!"

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:15:55 AM
Even in the air, he could move his sabre, hitting out and blocking Deville's attack. Landing not far away, he reached out with he Force as he was on the ground, picking up Deville and throwing her into Live Wire. He got up, reaching out with his senses to keep a track where his opponents were, drawing on the Force to null the effects of the kick in the back. the Jedi came to his feet, readying himself in a defensive stance once again.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:16:01 AM
The Lupine Sith Lord stood watching from the sidelines of the battle. He had no intention of entering combat with De'Ville and Live Wire against Q'Dunn, so for the time being he'd remain where he was - simply watching what was unfolding. No doubt within a few minutes more Jedi would emmerge, drawn to the battle like a moth to a flame, doomed. At the thought of this, he chuckled beneath his beneath - he could almost smell the scent of burnt flesh in his nostrils.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:23:01 AM
"Why now this seems hardly fair.... all these Sith against one Jedi Master?"

I smiled, and even added a laugh.

"I would have expected at least 4 more Sith to even make it look fair!"

I had my armour on, the bright blood red armour of a Imperial Guard, but my helmet was off. My Pike was in hand and ready.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:23:12 AM
De'Ville hit Live Wire pretty hard, and they went down in a tangle of arms and legs. It only took a few seconds to unravel, and soon they were standing side by side. She turned to her former master, "You kicked him in the back? I remember when you used to do that to me all the time. Bitch."

She grinned, and walked towards Marcus, swinging hard fromthe side, their saber's clashing. Backing off, she swung again, and this time spun around his weapon as it blocked, traveling along the outside of his arm and arriving at his side, facing behind him.

De'Ville pulled her arm forward, and then jabbed her elbow into his kidney before twirling back around and blocking another blow from him. She muttered a few dark words, and summoned a small sphere of Dark Force energy.

The Destruction flew into the Jedi even as their sabers blocked each other again.

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:26:40 AM
*LW quickly got to her feet and smirked at LD's comment. Yes those were good times. She saw another jedi enter the grounds. This one was arrogant too but female. Yes fresh meat. She sent a stream of force lighting over at the unsuspecting jedi woman and charged forward with her saber.*

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:34:03 AM
There was no such thing as an unsuspecting Jedi when one was primed for a fight. The ally of the Force would serve as a warning to an immenient attack and the hostility bought to bear in my direction served as ample warning to be ready.

And even more, be ready for the attack. I had long ago been capable of Force Lightning, having learned and used it when I fought Jedi. The armour itself absorbed most of the energy, the rest was resisted as I used the Force as a shield, to absorb and to remain resonably unaffected. No shield was perfect and I was not as strong as other Jedi could be. It still made muscles flare in pain and tingle, which for now I ignored, waiting for the Sith to come closer and within range.

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:36:23 AM
*LW ran full speed at the jedi and jumped high over her head at the last possible second, clearing her lightsaber she landed and immediately sent a swift back kick to the small of the womans back and whirled around saber ready.*

*she smiled gleefully* Two for two.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:42:04 AM
The energy hit him, knocking him backwards a step as his natural defences staved off and deflected the Dark Side attack, not without cost There was a nice burn on the Jedi. Looking up and staring into her eyes, he muttered a few choice words of his own. Which were not printable.

He bought his mental and Force defences up, before pointing. The sand under Deville's feet shifted as the Jedi used the Force to plow a hole in the ground under her feet, motioning with his hand to pick up more sand and drop the lot on top of her, like she had just been put into her grave.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:46:46 AM
A small step forward allowed the armour to absorb the rest of the energy of the kick and set up for the counter.... I turned on the balls of my feet, the Pike coming up and the pommel slapping the side of the Sith's head as she completed her turn, the two kilo power and control unit at the end of 1.5 meters of durasteel and other materials I was certain the Sith would find out about, to her cost

"You were saying something?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:48:15 AM
De'Ville sputtered as the ground fell out from underneath her, and then came back and covered her up. Her saber deactivated, and the ground which covered her was still.


With a gigantic heave of kinetic energy, the sand blew up in all directions like a huge explosion. The pressure wave she had initiated with the Force pushed the sand away from her body, allowing De'Ville to leap out of the immense hole.

She laughed at the Jedi, and her jaded amythyst saber ignited again as she shook sand out of her hair. Falling sand that touched the glowing blade turned to glass shards. Picking them up with the Force, De'Ville flung the spicules of glass at the Jedi's face.

ooc: going to bed. Will be back in the morning, no killing me when I'm asleep! /ic:

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:50:41 AM
*LW flew backwards landing hard against the ground. She was mad now. She threw her hand up using the force to push her across the grounds into DT. Payback for him tossing LD into her and giving LD a chance to counter the attack against her.

She got to her feet and used the force to help supress the pain. She had been injured in battle before and this was nothing new to her. Her saber still ignited she moved toward the two jedi*

OOC - 2am here and i have to work in a few hours. Gotta haul my butt to bed. We can continue this then. Night all!

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:59:06 AM
Now that was interesting, Marcus thought as he got up from the tangle of arms and legs, knocked out of the way of an attack by his wife suddenly leaping into his arms? It was almost pleasnt, even if the bloody hard armour she wore bruised him.

"Hello, where did you come from?" he quipped getting up. "are you here to join the party?"

Ignoring her most likely rude answer, he came up into a defensive stance... considering. Now he had some options, especially with Helenias by his side and not fighting against him.

OCC: Cool! Be waiting!

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 26th, 2002, 05:51:30 AM
Marcus in another life and another name had called me one of the dirtiest fighters he had known. It was true - but when you fought Jedi as I had done, you took every trick you could get. I was a skilled fighter, but I was no Force Master, not like Marcus.

But low blows? Count me in on that, I was good.

As we got got up, I moved to make Marcus a shield and a blind, dipping a hand onto my utility belt, while I spoke to Marcus via the Force, telling him what I wanted. A pouch was opened and a cylinder came to hand. A thumb press armed the device, then with all the speed I could muster, I duck under the Jedi Master's arms, sighted and threw. We both leapted upwards as the device flashed through the air, the cylinder landed right at the Sith Master's feet - where a bare blink later, the detonator exploded.

OOC : I'll reply next when I get home from work tomorrow.

Mar 26th, 2002, 08:00:48 AM
Satine had heard of the challenge, and he had come. Wearing his trenchcoat and hard leathr armor, the Warrior Jedi stepped into the bttleground just at something explodes. Looks like the party started without him. Grabbing both of his sabres, Satine ignites them, the pure black blades shooting out of the hilts with a long, drawn out hiss, the blades seeming to suck in light, like a black hole. Grinning, Satine finally speaks.

"So, looks like I was beaten here, huh Marcus? Helenias? Now, which Sith is brave enough to challenge this Jedi?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 26th, 2002, 12:05:08 PM
Vega ignited Seraphim in his right hand, sending it's bright yellow beam to life. He quirked an eyebrow as Alpha spoke, laughing quietly to himself.

"If you insist on beating mutilated, Satine, let me have the ... honour."

Live Wire
Mar 26th, 2002, 01:24:31 PM
*LW saw a brief flash of metal in the air aimed toward her and LD. In a split second she dove into LD slamming them both to the ground and put up a force shield around them. They didn't have much time to put up a defense but it shielded them from the otherwise deadly blast. LW took the brunt of what was left seeing as her back was towards the detonator.

She moved off of LD giving her time to Send a huge wave of force destruction at the two jedi.*

Xazor Elessar
Mar 26th, 2002, 01:32:21 PM
Xazor walked up to a fight that was already in full heat. She smiled as she looked on and recognized three of her friends which had beaten her here. As she walked, the Warrior's armor clanked and the deep silver finish caught light from the suns. She smiled as she got close enough to stay out of danger, yet put her challenge on the plate.

A party, without me? I think not. Who would like to join me for a dance.....?

She grinned slightly as she looked from face to face, hoping that someone would take her challenge.

Lady Vader
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:21:50 PM
*LV steped onto the battle field, taking in a deep breath and baring her teeth. She smelled blood, sweat, and fear. What a fagrant perfume it was to her.*

*She looked over at the many fighting before her. The rank of Dark Siders were outweighing those of the Light. She saw a momentary brawl between LW and LD. It amused her that they would make such a fuss when in a battle. As for her, when in a battle of good versus evil, she only went after the good. Not doing so would be unproductive, and a waste of time and energy.*

*Just for the heck of it and to start off with an appitizer, she extented a hand, blowing Xazor far into a standing boulder with a half-hearted Force push.The Padawan's back crashed against the hard surface, flopping her down like a rubber doll*

Impudent pup...

*Having had her warm up for the session, she moved in on the most powerful light side force she felt on the field: Marcus Q'Dunn. To get his attention, she lifted the woman near him using the Force and tossed her aside, letting her fall in a not so soft place on the field, a spot littered with stones and sand, denting her armor painfully into her side and back.*

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:32:18 PM
The Sith Apprentice to Jedah Lynch emerged from the remote shadows that concealed the vile Dark Mercenary. She awaited more Jedi to assemble on the battlefield, before launching her attacks. Her right hand casually activated the double bladed light saber, 'Rancor's Claw', as the twin lava cores dove out into a radiant existence. Her crimson lips twisted into a smirk as she advanced on Alpha.

"So eager are you to engage a Sith, Jedi? Then I shall accommodate your wishes."

Zena greeted Alpha with consecutive strikes, exercising both her blades as they targeted his flanks in sweeping arcs, barely giving him enough time to stave the twin blades with speedy parries.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:43:37 PM
De'Ville shoved Live Wire off her, as her former master did not quite move quite fast enough for her tastes. She heard Lady Vader chuckling at the sight, and blocked her out, focusing on the Q'Dunns.

Vader picked up the female, tossing her to the ground heavily with the Force. De'Ville held her hand out in front of her, creating a broiling, bubbling, one and a half foot in diameter sphere of Force Destruction.

Muttering the dark words, she propelled it towards Marcus. It was much larger than the last one she had hit him with. As it darted at him, she ran behind it, lightsaber ready to cleave what was left of the Jedi in two.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:58:29 PM
Xazor stood up from the ground and growled in pain. Her back cracked in funny places with each step she took. Then finally it felt better. She smiled and unclipped her saber from her dark silver weapons belt. The beautifully designed hilt gleamed as it caught the light of the suns. She smiled as she ran her finger over both ignition switches, turning it into a lethal tool. Two blue blades of pure energy shot forth from both ends of the hilt, creating a duel-phased destroyer. She grinned slightly, the weapon affectionatly called "Greater Fear" had done her well in other battles and would do so in this one. She was mindful of the fact, though, that her saber could only aid her problems.....not solve them. Stepping up to the fight, she bowed respectfully and held her ground with the Force so no one could send her flying unsuspectingly.

No one wishes to accept my challenge? What a shame.....

She said, shaking her head as she looked at the few who did battle in front of her. She smiled as she noticed Helenias look at her for a moment. It was comforting to have the Q'Dunns and also Xazor's brother, Alpha fighting along with her.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 26th, 2002, 05:42:45 PM
As the explosion of the detonator subsided, the Jedi Master's feet touched the ground, coming to rest in a defensive position. Helenias landed not far away either, but his attention was not on her.... it was on two now rather pissed off Sith who were recovering from the blast and looking to attack him.

The Jedi had ways and means to produce a Force Shield that would stay up all the time. The Force itself was like an armour, most effective against attacks those in the Dark Side would make using their pervestions and corruptions. It freed up his concentration.... no it didn't Live Wire and Deville were doing something now they were standing up. He stood up and held out a hand, as the destructive energies came at him. Sheer power of will almost formed a solid barrier at his hand, with a burst of light, his shield and the energies collided. A look of grim detirmination showed just how much force of will he was using to deflect and block....

The burst of light dazzled the eyes and faded, the Jedi standing there, sabre in hand, hand outstretched. The glove he had on smoked, his hand probably was burnt. The Jedi breathed in then out at the two Sith..

The air coming out of his lungscircled around his face, whilst his mind allowed the intensity of his shield to drop while he channeled the Force into this. It was tricky and it needed concentration. His mind grappled with the size of the molecules.... connected.... then he breathed in again and this time as he breathed out, he used his mind to PUSH.....

The first sign was the sand nfront of him stirring and puffing up. As his minfd contined to push, the sand stirring became wider, fiercer and faster until right before it came to the two Sith, the volume of air the Jedi was shoving against tore into a minitornado, dirt, rocks and sand being picked by it and flung upwards. Marcus pointed, the wave of air with its load of debris at the two Sith with a final mental shove

Ryla Relvinian
Mar 26th, 2002, 06:10:40 PM
"I hope I haven't come too late!" I cough, running up behind Marcus and giving him a friendly pat on the back. "That was amazing... Looks like those Sith are off enjoying some of this planet's natural scenery... arial view that is." I readied my saber, unclipping it from my belt and letting my thumb hover over the switch, just in case they decided to come back for more.

Lady Vader
Mar 26th, 2002, 06:22:17 PM
*LV, who had been coming up to face Q'Dunn from behind LD and LW, leapt quickly to the side, flipping into an area clear of the blast he directed at both of the other Sith women. She did not wish to see either one become injured, though she knew each could hold onto their own.*

*Still, while Q'Dunn busied himself controling the wind tunnel, she cupped her hands together, letting a small sphere of destructive power grow in between them. It was something she had learned long ago from Anbira. A sphere with so much preasure contained within, that it held the explosive power of several grenades, depending on it's size. And once the sphere was started, it could not be stopped.*

*The green orb began to grow, gathering and compressing the air within it, making LV's ears pop slightly from the rushng air into the sphere. She invisioned the molecules and atoms within, circling in a mad rush, trying to find escape from the concealing circle. As the orb grew, LV held it up in one hand, palm upward, it's green hew casting an errie glow on her face. She let the sphere come to a stop in it's growing, it now being the size of a juju melon.*

*She saw LW look up from where she was to see what LV was holding and new instantly what she was planning to do.*

*As LV threw the orb staright at Q'Dunn, LW "grabbed" a slab of ground and wrenched it skyward as a block to protect herself, LV and LD from the effects of the blast. Though it would not be enough.*

*The orb hit just meters from Q'Dunn, and he had had some time to move away from it's epicenter. But the explosion let out was still great. Q'Dunn was thrown back several meters, burnt and bleeding from several cuts from small rocks and sticks. The wall of rock and dirt placed up by LW, buckled and crumbled from the blast, showering anyone in it's wake with debris. All Force users did their best to shield what they could with the Force, but none would come out of the blast unscathed.*

*Where the orb had landed, there now remained a gaping hole, where one would mistake a small meteor of having landing, it's angery jagged mouth staring upwards towards the sky, where bits of pebbles and a thick layer of smoke still lay.*

Mar 26th, 2002, 06:31:58 PM
Satine smiles and easily dances out of Zena's reach, forming a fire shield to ward off the next few blows.

"Now, now. So, shall Vega join the party too? Or is it just you and me?"

Charging with more speed then Zena thought possible from this 14 year old, Satine jumps, and slashes, his sabres a blur. The Sith barely had time to parry, and even then doesn't see the kick the Warrior Jedi sent her way. It gets Zena in the gut, throwing her backwards a foot. Laughing, Satine gives his sabres a little spin, and then gets into a fighting stance.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:16:04 PM
De'Ville had dabbled in weather control before, but had not yet been able to control anything as great as what the Jedi was flinging at them. She spun her hand in a circle, the motion opposite to the funnel's turning direction, and whipped up the sand and rocks in front of her as her other hand clutched the talisman around her neck. She drew dark side energy through the concentration amulet, and then gasped as Live Wire dragged her behind a slab of duracrete.

"What are you doing?" Her counter storm was caught up in the Jedi's funnel, and the opposing wind currents began to cancel out. Q'Dunn's was still stronger than hers, and did not completely disappate, but it was considerably weakened.

Live Wire shoved De'Ville's head down, and a tremendous explosion silenced the pair. De'Ville scrambled up after the rain of rocks and dirt settled down, and twirled her saber, giving Lady Vader an appreciative nod.

Shade Magus
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:18:06 PM
Shade ran up beside Satine and slap him n the shoulder.

"What's this? You having fun without me?"

Shade drew his lightsaber and activated it. He then stood in a defensive position waiting for one of the many Sith to attack him.

Lady Vader
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:22:45 PM
*LV slowly stood from the crouch she had taken to encase herself in a compact Force shield, attempting to block most of the debris. Some instances of sharp pebbles had gotten by, scraping her exposed skin, but other than that, she had not been burned by the blast.*

*She saw LD nod in her direction and begin moving towards Q'Dunn. The Jedi was still alive, curses, but very much dazed. LV saw LW also stand and begin moving towards Q'Dunn, her lightsaber active.*

*Smiling, LV took the cue, and unhooked her double-bladed lightsaber from her hilt, igniting both ends, and seperating the two blades at the center, creating two seperate lightsabers. Both crimson blades hummed angrily as she closed in the Q'Dunn, all the while keeping an eye on the woman she had just smashed to the ground moments before for any retaliation.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:27:09 PM
De'Ville turned towards Shade. "What, ready to die so soon?" She flicked her hand, sending him to the ground with a Force push, and then ran at him before he could recover, slashing downwards visciously.

Shade Magus
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:35:52 PM

Shade drew on the power of the Force and let it flow through his body. He brought up his saber just in the knick of time. His green blade flashed in front of his face as De'Ville's blade came down. He brought his left foot up and put it in her stomach and shoved her off of him. He jumped up and pivoted on his right heel and sent a stone flying at her via the Force.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 26th, 2002, 08:59:17 PM
She held out her hand and the stone stopped moving, and then dropped to the ground with a thump. De'Ville tsked at the Jedi, Magus, and blocked his green saber as he slashed at her again.

Teeth clenched, the dark side user blocked another blow, and used her momentum to slam the saber tips into the ground. De'Ville kept her weight on her saber hand, holding her enemy's saber to the ground, and kicked the Jedi in the face with her booted foot.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 26th, 2002, 09:51:37 PM
A shadow springs away from the rest around them. They are in the shape of a young jedi knight. The knight does not let them fall away and instead she steps aside and another shadow appears where she was. A replica of what she has masked herself as. Both of the shadows pull out lightsabers that are made of shadows and the blades extend out. Pure white are the blades and exactly alike. The two stand ready and wait for a sith to try and guess which is which for each has a force signature and it is imposable to tell them apart.

"Come sith. I await you." She says to them.

Nayala Palain
Mar 26th, 2002, 11:32:52 PM
The Sith Knight smiled as she ran into the Battle grounds. She wanted to enjoy the fun of the events. She watched Xazor get ignored and then watched Satine and Shade fighting Zena and Vega.

" A dance you say?? Sounds like fun.. shall we little one? "

Live Wire
Mar 27th, 2002, 01:02:04 AM
*LW shook dirt out of her hair and reginited her saber. That was one hell of an explosion. She moved away from the center of the blast and took a ready stance. There were too many jedi around for her tastes*

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 27th, 2002, 02:43:13 AM

He started to haul himself of the ground, shaken. That had been a touch unexpected. His shield however had held fairly well. Fairly being the operative word. Still, he was coming back on his feet, probably a good deal faster than what the Sith expected, a good clearer of mind as well due to the effects the Force had on a Jedi. One whom was calm, at peace found it much easier to shake off the after effects of explosions and fighting. The Master backstepped as the Sith came on, feigning the effects she would be expecting - stumbling, uncertainty, while he plotted out what he wanted to do.

Most basic moves could be made to be more advanced ones. The whole basis for a range of powers were staple basics – kinetics, telepathy. Once you really understood the relation between the material and the Force, much things that seemed impossible could be done. Understand the placement of objects in the Force lead to lifting weights with only a mind call. The Sith used their power in reflex, grabbing all the power they could get and using it in a hate filled apoplexy of destruction. A Jedi’s approach was slower, surer, but in the end powerful and purposeful. Patience was Jedi teaching, one which served well. If the Sith learned that lesson, then they would be more of a problem.

He focused on a point on the ground, about 5 meters ahead of him. He knew the Sith was following, which was now exactly was what he wanted. His thoughts, his power, his concentration poured into the spot, setting in motion what he wanted. Friction created heat. The more friction, the more heat. His fingers moved, acting out what he was doing in his mind.

Part of his conscious locked on, the deeper part that was single minded and could keep the Force of will going. It was also hidden, layered under mental defences that would take far too long for event he strongest of Force users to break in a hurry. The less deep part of his mind, that could be seen easily if he wished ordered his body to snap out of it’s supposed haze, sabre in hand and coming at Lady Vader in a whirlwind of attack, turned side on and fighting one handed to speed his attack and nullify the effects of twin blades by also standing off and adopting a fencing style, which was faster, centre line based and didn’t need more than a wristcock to meet an attack. Facing front on was too slow and lacked manoverability for what he wanted right now.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 27th, 2002, 03:58:09 AM
Sage sighed as he entered onto the battleground. He had wanted to be fashionably late, but this was ridiculous. The battle was seemingly at it's climax. He had missed a bulk of the action.

"Looks like a family reunion," he said jokingly, noting the Q'Dunns. "I'll play the crazy uncle."

He walked confidently through the battlefield. As he did the Jedi Master drew the brilliant blue lightsabre from it's place on his belt. He spun it once in his hand, igniting it at the apex of the circle. It came to rest pointing towards the ground, lazily at his side. He couldn't resist cracking his neck, letting the juices flowing.

The Jedi let himself fall into the mystic energy that was the Force. Let it encompass his very being. It felt warm and inviting, as it always did. From that moment he saw things differently. Instead of reacting he anticipated. As his eyes opened from the submersion into the Force, the warriors on the battlefield looked differently. The empty, or negative space around the warriors was glowing with the force. But the warriors themselves had a contrasting, yet blending aura of their own. The Jedi, light and soothing. The Sith, dark and brooding. He could see a million and one possibilities through the Force, a million and one paths. It was up to his hightened senses to predict the right one.

He twirled his lightsabre passively. He used the hypnotic motion to calm himself farther. He no longer felt emotion, just an eerie sense of knowledge. He loved that sensation. As his eyes looked and felt over the scenery and engrossed warriors, he patiently waited his turn in the mayhem.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 27th, 2002, 04:03:55 AM
Charging in from behind at Alpha, Vega pushes off on one feet throwing himself into a full body kick. The blow hits Alpha hard in the back sending him down to the floor with the Sith Lord following shortly behind, tumbling and rolling back to his feet with a spin of his saber.

"No harm in two on one, eh?"

His smiled slyly and brought one hand off of his saber, pushing it out palm forward, sending a powerful force push at the Jedi.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 27th, 2002, 07:24:29 AM
My move is that I get up, dust myself off after making sure nothing was broken, pick up Live Wire by The Force and toss her into the crater.

Sorry I cant be descriptive, too late at night

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 10:30:22 AM
Xazor saw Athena move onto the battle field and take up her challenge. She bowed respectfully and held her duel-phased saber in defense across her body. She smiled slightly and spoke.

Let's do this....

She motioned for Athena to take the first move. Xazor would fight this battle hard......for her Master......her Father. She would make him proud of her...

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 27th, 2002, 11:00:53 AM
Flipping up, sneering at Alpha, she let Vega deal with the insolent Jedi, as she set her sights on Sage and his activated saber, wielding it elegantly before him, enticing the Sith Apprentice to challenge him.

"Impressive display, but can you fight?!" she jeered.

Giving Sage no time to reply, Zena was on the Jedi with 'Rancor's Claw' wheeling towards him, closing the distance, before landing by his left side and swiping at the Jedi's neck from behind with her right blade as she spun left, the lethal core bearing in closer to his flesh.

Nayala Palain
Mar 27th, 2002, 12:59:31 PM
Athena smiled, as the little Jedi got up her never to take on the fight. Athena had already fought her Master/Father once, sending him home very wounded and near death. Her brother Satine had already fought Athena as well. He faired better, but was also sent home, as Athena watched him leave that day. Neither had taken her down.

Now this one thought she would. It would be fun to watch her try. Athena gripped both her lightsaber's hilt. Within her left hand was her Violet saber gripped in a reverse style hold. In her right hand her Blood red blade. Held in a more traditional style. She ignited them both and then leapt at the child before her.

Athean flipped durring her jump as her feet landed on the floor the child was ready for a forward attack from sabers. Although not the choice in this fight. Athena swept the feet out from under the Padawan.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 27th, 2002, 01:08:18 PM
The Jedi Master blocked the attack with ease. As he did he made sure to push through the Force, both on the blade and on the opponent. It made the Sith stumble back a bit, dazed by the Master's presence and command in the Force.

"I can, little one. You be sure not to cut your own foot off with that contraption."

The Jedi Master charged forward. He struck low at her right knee, testing her. One of the duel blades met his single sided lightsabre. Sage spun it around and went for the right side of her neck. As the Sith spun the doubled sided blade, meaning to parry with the opposite blade from the previous block, Sage deactivated his weapon. The blade went swinging past, hitting nothing. It didn't stop until it was too late. The Jedi Master used the gap to land a swift backhand to her right cheek. The Sith went flying. The Jedi Master was stronger, far stronger. He used the Force repeatedly to strengthen himself, make his attacks more powerful. He was better at this than most Jedi Masters.

Sage twirled his blade it bored anticipation as his current opponent layed on the ground, 4 meters away.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 02:57:16 PM
Quickly regaining her stance, Xazor jumped up and over Athena's head. Her heart was full of confidence and she would not quit until she won. Landing softly behind the Sith woman, she drove the hilt of her saber into the base of her neck. Athena turned around and Xazor was.....gone. She was quick enough to have gotten to her other side. She then jumped up and kneed the woman in the back. Athena spun around and Xazor had to jump out of the way of one of her sabers blades. She was almost cut, so she rolled out of the way. She then held her duel-phased saber at her waist, parallel to the ground and ready for whatever Athena had.

Nayala Palain
Mar 27th, 2002, 03:43:41 PM
There was so many things she did have too. She could send one of her sabers flying at the child threw the force, she could simply attack, or she could use the force to attack. The Sith though
about it.

Then with elegance and grace she moved. She stalked towards the little Jedi and smiles. A most sinister smiled danced her lips.
Athena slashed out with her right arm, the blood red blade leaving a line in the air. While her left arm slashed just above that from left to right. The Violet blade crossing over the top half of the childs body.

The deadly twin slash would be hard to block. Although it could be done.

Xazor Elessar
Mar 27th, 2002, 03:49:17 PM
And it was done. Xazor was trained well in combat and could block most attacks....if she was ready. She spun around and landed a forceful side thrust kick at Athena's solar plexis. It sent her back a few feet and Xazor jumped at her with a powerful slash to the woman's legs with the bottom of the duel-phased saber, and then to her chest with the top.

Lady Vader
Mar 27th, 2002, 04:33:15 PM
*LV hissed, and eqstinguished one of the blades and placed it back on her belt as Marcus reached her. Their sabers crashed against each other with a frightening crackle, both blades angrily trying to over-come the other. She grit her teeth as his inertia had made her footing skid slightly on the ground. She looked him hard in the eye, making her next move, throwing him off.*

*She turned, sidestepping away from the force of his blade, twirling around to come and stand at his side, and bringing her saber up to block his as he moved to intercept her. But at the last minute, she fiened her move to make it look as if she were going to cleave his legs off. As her saber moved down and he moved his down to intercept it, she lashed out and punched him hard in the ear, which had already been bleeding from the preasurized explosion, making him stumble from her. No doubt he had a ringing headache by now.*

*She smiled and lunged at him again before he could recover, kicking his feet from underneath him. The bigger they are, the harder they fall, and that was evident when he hit the ground.*

Mar 27th, 2002, 07:08:04 PM
Satine uses the Force, and jumps, avoiding the blast, and then recalls his sabres, igniting them as he hits the ground. He grins, and points at Zena.

"Look again sithling. Looks like your other friend went to lose to a Mastre. Now, let me shoe you what the Jedi's Pyro-Warrior can do!"

Satine forms a fire bolt, and sends it towards Vega, the telltale silver color of the flame apparent as it lances out. the sith barely avoid it, the heat curling the hairs on Vega's arms. Satine runs at him, and slashes at Vega, the Sith barely able to block. Smiling, Satine closes his eyes, and forms a flare in front of Vega's eyes, blinding him for a second. The Jedi opens his eyes, and then snap kicks Vega, then slashing before he hits the ground...

"Let's get this started!"

Live Wire
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:16:37 AM
*Live Wire landed hard in the middle of the crater. She ignited her saber and pulled Helenias into the crater with her. As soon as the jedi hit solid ground she moved in and slashed at her head*

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:53:07 AM
As she swept, he twisted - falling yes and landing on his back, his foot had a perfect target and he used it. He was was a good deal heavier than what she expected and given his home had high gravity, he was almost feeling light. His boot shot upwards, the tip skimming the surface of the Sith's thigh, to brutally connect at the worst point. The hit was hard enough to throw the Sith up and back for some distance, while he got up, his hand brushing blood from his face.

He had powers he could unleash, but he held back, keeping his Force shield enpowered, which was allowing him to absorb much more damage than otherwise.

Or was he?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:24:09 AM
De'Ville stepped back from her opponent, and sneered at Shade, "Not getting up? Have it your way."

She looked around for someone else to hurt.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:23:35 AM
Vega pushed both feet up into the Jedi's stomach sending him skidding backwards with the force enhanced blow. Using the momentum from the blow, he pushes himself to his feet and spins Seraphim quickly in his hands before charging down Satine.

The Sith begins a barrage attack of flurried saber swipes, of which some are blocked while others aren't; knicking and cutting away in a variety of places on the Jedi's body, his torso for the most though. After having his fill of this, Vega throws out a violent force push at Satine once more, tossing him up into the air.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:55:54 AM
ooh, now this looked good, The Dark Jedi snickered. Lots of fighting and maiming. Just the type of thing he loved to watch.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 28th, 2002, 05:15:25 AM
Even as I hit the bottom of the crater, my Pike was up and in a defensive position. The Sith woman attacked at my head, the pike's body intersected and with a sudden glow, the Pike's cortoris covering shut the sabre off. I took advantage of that, reversing the swing and slashing the pointed end at her face, however not close enough to hit. That didnt matter, that wasn't the second surprise. A Force Pike could dischage electrical energy, seither harsh enough to cut a being to pieces, or low to shock and burn or pain. My thumb at the same time depressed a firing button, the capacitors in the pommel dumped their charge and a bolt of electrical energy jumped from the tip to the target's face.

Mar 28th, 2002, 09:05:44 AM
Satine growls.

"Does it look like I can fly?!" he asks, and then has an idea as he hits the ground, rolling. He drops his sabre to avoid being impaled by his own weapon, and then draws a small cylinder out from his belt. Hitting a button, it extends to a six foot bo staff. The Jedi Knight smiles and spins the weapon. He recalls his sabre and puts it on his belt. Charing the Sith, Satine launches a series of attacks, all of which are blocked. As Vega tries to counter, Satine uses the force to jump, and at the same time his trenchoat turns to quicksilver, forming something that hadn't been seen in a long while. His bio-tech wings. Part armor, part weapon, the wings were slightly important to what Satine had planned. He hovers there for a second, forming a fireball, and sending it shrieking at Vega...

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Mar 28th, 2002, 10:38:27 AM
Sia-lan steped back, seeing that none of the sith wished to fight her at the moment. Her "Twin" shadow did the same. They both knelt down on the dirt on one knee and awaited a sith or dark jedi to attack. They held their lightsaber in their right hands.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 28th, 2002, 12:31:12 PM
Rising from her newly found proximity, Zena glowered at the Jedi Master, meters away. She ran a hand to her face as the warm red liquid stained her fingers, then roared a retort to his deprecating comment.

"The only thing that shall be amputated is your presumptuous tongue, Jedi!!...Then I shall have you disemboweled, painting your insides across the loam!!"

Sinking into the abyssal caverns of the Darkside, Zena stampeded towards her target, her mind and soul saturated with an irreversible blood lust fever. She steered the lance to his midsection, which was deflected with a sweep of his blade. As her right blade was elevated from the parry, she brought her left foot forward and attacked his right side with her left blade on a steep angle, her right now sliding away from the bind to free itself for the slice meant to cleave him in half from his right hip out his adverse shoulder.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:01:29 PM
Sage expertly sideflipped, barely missing the blade. He excelled at gymnastics as well as other things.

The Jedi Master pressed on with his sabre. The side she had meant to slice the man in half, was floating away from him, continueing on it's intended path. The opposite blade was facing Sage though, and it had to be dealt with. He lunged forward made contact. Her already faltering balance(from the missed swing) was aided by the forcefull push to the blade. She took a quick hop back to balance herself, plus his push seemed to send her airborn a few centimeters.

Before she landed, Sage was under her. He swept his legs at her landing feet. His sabre was raised as to deflect any attacks. The Master, through great Force enhanced speed, was able to knock her off her feet before she could recover. Her back hit the hard ground. Sage continued on his sweep, which spun him around. He rolled his body up, going into a tumble. When he came out of it and turned, standing now, he was only a meter away from Zena. Not a truely effective string of attacks by the Jedi Master, but it had saved him from peril moments before. Despite this he dared to offer another comment.

"You have two blades, I have one. Yet you're on the ground. Odd."

Lady Vader
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:15:06 PM
*LV hit the ground a few meters from Q'Dunn, absorbing some of the impact with a roll into a crouch. But making the crouch hurt like the dickens. The blow he had inflicted onto her thigh was throbbing, and contracting the muscle made it feel like her heart had taken residense in the large muscle.[/i]

*She grit her teeth and stood experimentally. the thigh hurt, but she could still stand. Instead, focused on the pain, using it to fuel her energy. She began to walk towards him again, with a slight limp that began to fade as she moved on.*

*Without warning, she quickly extinguished her saber and hooked it to her belt, raising both hands and firing a ball of sereing Force destruction from each one. One flew fatsre thatn the other, hitting Q'Dunn squarely in the chest. The other missed his head by centimeters, as he once again went dwon from the impact from the first destructive ball of energy. He stood quickly, never the less, varifying her suspicions that he was using a Force shield bubble. But she knew well there were two types of Force shield bubbles: Force Protection and Force Absorb. The absorb power took bits from the energy she used against him and fed his own energies. Protection only deflected physical energies, like blasters and lightsabers. But both powers could not be used at the same time, not even by a Master. Both took up more power thatn one would realize. And since the Force Destruction she had just thrown at him didn't seem to do much but place a black scorch mark on his shirt, she concluded he was using Absord to feed off the energies she threw at him.*

*Fueling her leg with strength, she barreled at him at full force, igniting her saber once more, and with a double-handed grip, made a swing that would cleave him from shoulder to opposite hip.*

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 29th, 2002, 06:45:13 AM
The Sith Lords saber hilt clattered to the floor as Vega brought his arms in swiping towards his chest. Hunching over, the Sith appeared as if he was hurt, but he was not. The fireball came closer, and anger filled the Lupine Sith's body as he channeled the Force through his very being; darkness seeping from his pores.

"Pretty wings, Icarus."

In a blur of red and black Vega pushed both hands out forward. From his connected fists came a wave of Force energy that sent the fireball into a state of slowed animation. It pushed through the air still, yet moved with a pitiful force when compared to it's previous speed.

"They need clipping."

Bringing his hands apart, Vega clenched his finger tips tightly and activated his newly created weapon. The dark gauntlets that he wore on both hands opened at the knuckles and from the splits in the fabric shot quantium blades; much like the own claws that he could call upon, only ten times better. Each pointed talon was a foot and a half in length, and glinted in the light showing it's superb craftsmenship.

Seraphims hilt lifted from the ground and found it's way back to it's owner, slipping into Vega's pockets. The Sith Lord then, with a sweeping back hand motion, finished the Force push attack just as the fireball was licking at his feet, sending it roaring up into the sky erratically.

"Come now, little bird."

Vega set himself up, then, into a defensive stance, a dark aura swirling around him as he gestured for the Jedi to advance.

Mar 29th, 2002, 09:57:49 AM
Alpha smiles and lets the Light flow through him, his aura becoming painfully bright. Hitting a second button on his staff, a large blade pops out of the top and bottom, in essence making it into a double sided halberd. Coming lower to the ground, with his feet just above it, Satine grins, and charges, his body a blur. Vega brings his weapons up to block one of the blades, but is kicked backwards by the Jedi Knight. Grinning widely now, Satine sends a wing in, faster then the eye could track almost, and it hits Vega in the chest, the blades on the wing tips creating a gash there. Not deep, but shallow and painful.

"Come on doggy..."

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 30th, 2002, 10:52:47 AM
While on the ground, her eyes narrowed on the Jedi Master with disdain. Her infuriation was mounting as she effortlessly flipped up to her feet. Zena's deliberation of Sage's marked command of the Force necessitated an innovational offensive.

She started an advancement on the Jedi in 360 degrees clockwise rotations, revolving as she quickened her pace less than half a meter from her enemy, then crouched low with a blinding sweep which he easily circumvented with another side flip. Anticipating his flight, the Sith Apprentice suddenly rocketed upwards, erecting her right blade to clash with his extended appendages. The Jedi Master sensed it as he tucked in his legs only receiving a slight burn, somersaulting to the ground. Zena howled in protest at her missed mark.

With a sigh of despondency towards her relentless attacks, Sage held out his hand and sent Zena back to a tree. Cursing as she slid, she was pinned there unable to move her legs. He then walked towards her casually, and directed his blade at her torso with a legion of stabs, that were parried with proficient spins of her saber, knocking each attack away. Lunging his saber under her left shoulder close to her chest, his blade was met by giving flesh, as it sizzled in protest, boring through muscles and tendons with ease. Zena needed to move back or to a side to avoid the lunging strike by altering her position, and Sage took advantage of the restraint he held over her.

As he drew back his blade, he lifted the bind on her, and watched her slide down the tree to the sod in excruciating pain. Her left arm now useless, as she relinquished the hold on her saber.

The Jedi Master shook his head, as if the gesture was a hint for her to yield in the battle. Summoning her reserves of energy, aided by the Darkside, Zena stood up from the ground unsheathing her Sith sword, 'Rancor's Claw.' An exasperation was magnified by her impellent, as she rushed Sage raising her sword for an over head strike, the blade descending on an angle. The wound was taxing her control on the sword, as her face twisted in a grimace from the effects of the throbbing pain at her shoulder.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2002, 02:33:20 AM
Sage deactivated his sabre and clipped it on his belt as quickly as the Force allowed. He reached up and grabbed Zena's right wrist with his left hand. He slammed his right hand against the wound, causing her to loose her left hand's grip. Sage pulled her right arm close to him as he stepped into her body.

He slammed his right shoulder against her body. She fell back, and with a Force Push she flew meteres away. As she did part from Sage, he slid his hand across the sword's handle, grabbing it. He now held it. He examined it as he looked at Zena.

"Nice sword."

OOC - Damn, nice writing Zena. :)

Care to PM me about "Rancor's Claw"? I need to know what kind of sword it is. It doesn't seem like a lightsabre from the discription "Sith Sword". Also, for future reference, a lightsabre isn't like a sword. It kind of passes through things. So it wouldn't keep you up, or stay in you. You'd fall through it sort of, and it'd pass through everything in it's path. Like an extremly hot knife through butter. Just trying to help you out like Darth Bane helped me out a long time ago. Keep your post as is and just keep it in mind for future reference.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 31st, 2002, 09:59:24 AM
Vega winces for only a second before coming on with his retort. He leaps up into the air, clean over Satine. Within a second, the darksider lands upon his opponents back, driving the sharp blades on his wrists down into the armour that the lightsider wears. With a clean shink he rips them out and flips himself back off of Alpha, grinng up at him.

"The odds are not in your favour, little bird."

Vega stands hunched for a moment, simply looking up at Alpha. Then, in a blur, moves onthe assault again, jumping up at him with a double swipe to the boys eyes - cutting into his face.

Dark Lady Zena
Mar 31st, 2002, 10:21:12 AM
Clutching her wound as she again violently met the ground, Zena rolled in agony as his push aggravated the pain to astronomical levels. She was only a new Apprentice, and still needed to learn to deal with pain and use it to her advantage. As the Jedi Master neared her inclined frame, she unsheathed the Mandalorion iron dagger from its nesting scabbard at her left hip. She had to employ her left arm to do this, and let out a shriek as the damaged muscles alarmed her nerve endings. She lifted her head to Sage, while switching to her good hand.

"You will have to kill me before I surrender to a Jedi," she spoke through clenched teeth.

OOC: Thanx.. :) I feel your posting is well seasoned. I know about the saber, but 'Rancor's Claw' is a sword strengthened with Sith magic, not a saber. It was in my right hand btw, but it was ok, I lacked detail there. I went with it, no prob. :)

Mar 31st, 2002, 10:34:45 AM
"Oh no you don't," Satine says, moving back to avoid the worst of the blades. He had already lost one eye, and he wasn't going to lose another. Giving his armor a mental command, it turns quicksilver, and then into metal plate armor. The etal was ultra light and ultra tough, perfect for a battle like this. He could ignore the wounds. they didn't go that deep. And the ones that did go that deep, they were already beginning to heal through Satine's manipulation of the Force. Blurring out of reach, Satine smiles grimly, a helmet sliding ove rhis head, and covering his face.

"Nice move Sithling..." Satine says, diving in, his fist cocked back, and then released, slamming into Vega's face with theforce of the dive and of the Jedi's muscles. It breaks Vega's nose, and throws him backwards, while Satine spins his weapon, and watches for movement from Vega.

Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2002, 03:01:07 PM
Sage threw the Sith sword to the ground and unclipped his sabre. He ignited it instantly.

"Well... you leave me no choice then."

Sage put a what had to be described as a Force Vice on Zena's wound. The imaginary hand was squeezed and squeezed as the pain rose.

"Just admit you were wrong in ever approaching me and I'll go to find someone else to battle with," Sage said, increasing the grip, thus increasing the pain.

OOC - Well, I am coming up on 3 years roleplaying. Yeesh. It's been a long time.

Live Wire
Apr 1st, 2002, 12:05:11 AM
*LW put up her hand instinctively to protect her face. She absorbed what energy she could and winced as the palm of her left hand burned. Using the force she picked up a rock and aimed it for the jedi's head. Quickly she reactivated her saber and aimed for Helenias' midsection while she was distracted by the rock*

ooc - sorry for the delay

Malice Draclau
Apr 1st, 2002, 01:57:21 AM
Walking onto the battle field, a huge 9 ft tall blue demon stood looking over the many fighter's. His skin was as hard as armor, his nail and teeth were long and sharper then daggers. A pair of deadly wings and a tail topped off the intimidating figure.

*Hmmm, so this is were the party was being held. Well now that i'm here i might as well crash it*

The demon sith knight Malice looked at each pair of fighter's, his eyes locked on the one called Sage, who was fighting a mere deciple. Shrugging off his long white cloak, the sith went on all fours and began a run at the jedi. His wings tucked in to increase his speed, while his tail swung around in the air. Upon reachng the two fighter's, Malice jumped up tackling Sage from behind.

His huge bulk almost crushing the jedi. Standing the sith picked up the jedi in both of his massive hands. A dark sinister grin crossed is blue face.

*Well now that doesn't seem fare. You a master fighting a deciple, why don't i even the odds a little*

The demon through the jedi hard onto the ground landing a few meter's away. Stretching out a hand Malice reached out with the darkside. A unseen force wrapped it's self around the jedi's neck cutting off his most needed oxygen. Malice spoke out the the deciple still keeping his eyes on the jedi.

*My apologies if i offended you, but you looked like you could use some help my dark sister*

Truth be told Malice had never met this woman before, but as long as she was of the darkside then he would regard her as someone he knew very well. His grip on the jedi's neck increased in pressure as his anger and hatred for all jedi rose, almost boiling over in his mind. He may be only sith knight, but this jedi master would find more then a challenge from him.

Dark Lady Zena
Apr 2nd, 2002, 04:25:18 PM
Stifling a scream, she snarled at Sage gripping her shoulder. The crushing coercion in her wound was compromising her restraint, as she finally relented and screamed from the agony. Her chest was heaving with rapid breaths, dealing with the torment, transferring it to aid in her ascending competency fueled by the Dark Force.

"Never! I shall hound you till you become one with the Force, and another notch on my hilt!

Zena then threw her dagger while he was focused on her submission. The trajectory was sure, as it sailed towards his chest. Sage was ready for any escapade, and turned from the blade in time. She used the destraction to roll from the Jedi Master, calling her sword's hilt to her right hand.

"You only succeeded in giving me the power to destroy you!"

She laughed, charging him as her blade was steered like a spear, zeroing in on his mid-section, closing the distance between them in a blinding storm of animosity.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2002, 01:55:25 AM
Sage grabbed the blade with his left hand. It cut deeply, but he pressed on. He let the pain excape his body, paying it no attention. If the blade had been a lightsabre, it'd taken his hand off. As of now, it threatened to cut off his digits, but he still held it.

He swung his sabre towards her throat, carrying it in his right hand. He stopped it centimeters from her jugular.

"I don't like threats. Withdraw your blade and I will spare you."

OOC - I was right about your blade, right? Can it do the damage of a lightsabre? Or just take blows from one?

EDIT: Just saw Malice's post. Since they contradict with Zena's post, what should I do? Reply to Zena's attack, or Malice?

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2002, 03:28:16 AM
De'Ville sat down by a tree. "No one to fiiiiight meeeeeeee...." She threw rocks at the Jedi nearest her, which happened to be a Q'Dunn, the male one. "Go home and play with your action figures, little boy!" She grinned as she hit him on the shoulder with a good sized rock. That's going to leave a mark, she chuckled, as Lady Vader made to slice him in two.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:24:11 AM
The rock bounced off his shoulder, which caused him to flicnch, but it didnt break his concentration, which was at the concious level fixed on Lady Vader charging at him,, waiting and timing what he would do.... As she began her sweep down, the Jedi sprang forward, under the blow, meeting Vader's charge with his shoulder near her legs. As she tripped over over him, he stood up fast, tipping the Sith hard onto the ground behind him. A thud was an indicator of the force of the impact, not looking behind but using the Force as a guide, he swept a back kick out, striking the Sith under the jaw.

Jumping high, he somersaulted clear, much closer to where Deville was.


"Why Mrs Tondry, what a surprise to meet you. Your baby well? And Pierce, how is he?"

My offer still stands Liliaena. You know the truth of what I spoke to you when we last met. I see it in your heart, I feel it in your sense, you know I shpoke truly!. Give up your anger and hate! I see the conflict in you, your love for your child grows.... how can you truly love your child and be a Sith? You know it cant happen.... give up your anger and and give in to your love for your child.... that is all that you need to do!

Apr 3rd, 2002, 07:07:46 AM
*A dark figure wearing tattered robes and clutching a saber walked from behind the tree next to LD. He hadn't been seen for ages and wanted to make a good entrance. Leaned against the tree he folded his arms and spoke in a annoyed tone. *

"when will the Jedi learn m'Lady, I see things have contined as usual since my dissapearence. So, you gonna handle the Jedi, or should I?"

* Cloak ignited one end of his saber and it hissed to life in a dark empty violet*

"Well M'Lady???"

Lady Vader
Apr 3rd, 2002, 12:28:32 PM
*LV stood, rubbing her chin where Q'Dunn's heel had hit her. Lucky for her, she had been able to flip away at the last second, so that the blow only grazed her skin. Otherwise she'd have a broken jaw right about now.*

*She turned her saber off and just looked at Q'Dunn, as he looked at De'Ville. No doubt speaking to her. She tsked softly, and lifted a hand, "grabbing" Q'Dunn in a tight Force Grip, and lifting him, tossing him up and over a large boulder near the edge of the field. On the other side was a sheer drop to a river-filled valley below.*

*As Q'Dunn's body flew through the air, she let go of him as he reached the drop, Force Pushing him furher from the edge and pushing him downand, watching him disapear, plumeting down into the valley.*

*She turned to look at De'Ville, still keeping an eye on the cliff's edge, knowing that Q'Dunn would be a hard SOB to kill.*

Don't you hate it when they interupt a fight to chat?

Dark Lady Zena
Apr 4th, 2002, 07:27:53 AM
When Malice surprise attacked Sage, Zena dropped back flat and rolled to a side to avoid his blade and the two combatants. She bought some time to take a rest from the encounter with the Jedi Master. She nodded to Malice in gratitude.

OOC: edit..I didnt see his attack either. Seems we all posted ahead. Sorry Malice. :/ Yeah Sage, guess he's yours now to deal with.:)

Sage Hazzard
Apr 4th, 2002, 11:41:26 AM
Sage felt the dark, invisible hand around his neck, slowing squeezing the oxygen out of him. He grabbed the air in front of his neck, seemingly grasping nothing. But Malice felt a sharp pain in his wrist as Sage sent a pain through the Force, clamping down on the man/demon's very bone. The pressure was immense and nothing was stopping the bone from snapping like a twig. Instead, the Jedi Master showed mercy, waving his hand out, using the Force as he did. The demon, all 9 feet of him, went flying through the air. Size matters not, and Sage was thankful for this fact. The blue hulking beast landed hard on the ground.

The Jedi Master rose to his feet. He was not only a Master in rank, but in skill. This one couldn't threaten him, couldn't dare to challenge him and win. This confidence could be confused with egocentric cockiness, but it was far from that. The Jedi Master knew full well what he was capable of. These people, not even the Jedi, had seen the full scale of his abilities. He called his sabre to his hand, which had fallen from the tackle, and ignited it. Sage crouched low in a defensive posture, the blade in front of him.

The beast was 15 meters away, from the Force Push. The Jedi Master didn't move but rather stared him down like a trained hawk.

OOC - Alrighty, disregard my post Zena and Malice. I'll take it from Malice's attack. In all honest truth, our fight was growing stagnant. A 9 foot tall, blue demon might make things interesting. Feel free to attack along side Malice, makes it more of a challenge.

Malice Draclau
Apr 4th, 2002, 08:07:25 PM
OOC: No probs people. Tis ok.

Malice got up and went on to one foot. Taking his wrist into his other hand he rubbed it. A demonic growl escaped his mouth.

*Mercy is it jedi, mercy is but for the weak. You will regret that factor*

Malice soon got back on all fours, the pain in his wrist quickly being abosorbed and used to fuel his dark energy. In one leap the demon managed to easily cover 5 meters. Within a couple more bounds he was a few feet infront of the jedi. The sith quickly turned and using his tail he wrapped it around the jedi's leg's pulling him to the ground. Standing Malice picke up the jedi by the throat, making sure to take his saber away so he couldn't use it.

Gathering the force, Malice hit Sage right in the gut with a thunderous force enhanced punch, sending the jedi flying backwards landing just as hard as he did a few meter's away.

*C'mon jedi master, show me what powers you weild. it wouldn't be a fight if you didn't*

Malice stood in a deffensive stance, with the jedi's saber held tightly in his tail's grasp swinging around in the air behind him disignited.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 4th, 2002, 11:14:01 PM
Sage easily flipped to his feet. When a Jedi Master was truely engulfed by the Force, he felt no pain. He was thoroughly drowning in the Light Side, using it as a guide to his next action.

Sage rubbed his hands together vigorously, as he did the weeds surrounding the monster's feet began to sway in the ground. Soon, the weeds caught ablaze, sending a fire through the grass. Although the flames were concentrated in a ring, formed around the demon. Quickly, almost instantanously, the flames grew to the size of aproximately 6 feet. The ring rapidly grew tighter around the blue skinned beast... trapping him.

Malice Draclau
Apr 4th, 2002, 11:25:45 PM
Malice smiled at seeing the flames. The fire licking at his skin, thankfully for him his skin was was like armor and would offer him some protection.

*Yes,yes that's it jedi. Show me your power*

Closing his eyes he let the darkside flow into him, empowering his very being. Opening his eyes once again he began to channel the energy. Saying a few words in the ancient sith language, a gust of wind suddenly appeared. It swhirled around the demon countering the flames. With his hands outstretched, the circle of wind began to push back the flames.

*Do not think me helpless jedi for i too an control the elements. I have yet to show you my full power. Which i shall unviel little by little*

The winds blew faster and harder, in an amazingly display of power, the winds bew the flames completely away from the demon and was now directed at the jedi. Malice kept his hold over the winds strong as he concentrated on them.

Sage Hazzard
Apr 4th, 2002, 11:58:23 PM
The flames were made by the natural laws of nature. He had created a chain reation in the molecular structure of the grass, causing friction, which ignited the grass and weeds. All Sage had to do was add the approprate mixture of oxygen to make the flames grow higher. He had contained the flames with a Force bubble. It was rather simple. Now as Malice blew winds at the flames, they distinguished on their own.

Sage chuckled.

The ground quickly shot up from below Malice, raising him further into the sky. As the ground stopped, Malice was 9 feet off the ground. The area around the tower of stone was decreased. Sage had used the dirt and stone from the surroundings to add to the bottom of the mound, creating a sort of pit around the cylinder shaped tower of rock. Sage looked high to the clouds as a storm began to brew. It was the Jedi Master's doing. But as most of the things he did through the Force, he had a natural cause behind it. The Jedi gave subtle and helping hands to nature's laws, making them do his bidding but retaining their true form. He never altered nature he simply gave it a hand in what it was meant to do.

Sage cupped his hands as he yelled to the demon.

"Lighting strikes the highest point! My lightsabre hilt, that you've got held in your tail, is a pretty good lighting rod too!"

Sage laughed as he noticed through the Living Force that the lighting storm was about to strike right at the blue demon in a matter of seconds......

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 6th, 2002, 01:20:04 AM
De'Ville shrieked at the Jedi who invaded her mind, and found her saber in her hand, ignited, the jaded blade burning the air. "Stay away from me!" She leaped towards him, but he was yanked out of her reach by Lady Vader, who proceeded to fling him over a cliff.

She smirked, and turned to DD, nodding to him in acknowledgement. "Its been a long time, Cloak. And, Vader," turning to her, "Its even worse when they don't have anything interesting to say."

De'Ville pushed the Jedi's words to the back of her mind.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:15:04 AM
Oh for crying out loud. Who put this canyon here?

At least they had the forsight to put a nice overhanging tree that he was now hanging onto with one hand. Looking up, he could see it would be one hell of a jump to go back up. Looking down, the canyon floor was now doable. No choice then. He let go, a few seconds later landing with a muted thump on the narrow canyon floor. It would be very, very stupid to go back up by climbing (sitting bantha anyone?) and too long to walk around. So he was effectively out of the fight, except for the nasty surprise his sbconcious was still setting up. Well, distance was no real matter... it was just the fact there was no one down here and no real way to join back in.

So he did the logical thing. He closed his eyes, felt the space in the Force where she was, picked up De'ville by the Force, moved her over the canyon and "invited her to drop in"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 6th, 2002, 02:50:59 AM
De'Ville was whisked into the air, and found herself falling through the air towards the far away bottom of the canyon. She twisted in the air and pulled on her anger, using the Force to slow her fall and cushion her landing. De'Ville landed on her feet, taking a step back for balance.

"What now, Jedi? Having fun yet?" Her saber was still ignited, and she twirled it in her hands, stepping closer to the injured Jedi Master. Not too close though.

She ran her left hand over her body, "Perhaps you wanted me all to yourself, hmmm?" De'Ville licked her lips, but remained ready to attack.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 6th, 2002, 04:37:54 AM
Vega's head snaps back with a crack as Satines punch lands straight in the middle of his face. With a hiss, he brings one hand up to his face then lifts it away - blood stains the back of his gloves. A light snarl escapes the Sith's lips as he feels the pain from the break pushing through his body, the true driving force for his power.

"Fluke shot."

Getting up, Vega walks forward a few paces, jumping cleanly into the air. He spins, curled, in mid air and opens back out only on nearing Satine where upon he plants a kick into the Jedi's stomach, following up with a swift double swipe to his chest. The blades cut beneath the front plating of the Knights armour, gashing into the flesh beneath as the darkside tears them upwards towards his opponents face.

[OOC: I'm very sorry about the wait Alpha. I totally forgot about this thread :lol]

Apr 6th, 2002, 07:42:16 PM
{OOC:S'ok. :lol}

Satine manages to wheel backwards, his weapon flailing every which way, the blade on one end catching Vega in one shoulder, and ripping a nice swath through the skin. The Warrior hisses in pain, and his armor flows over the wound, injecting painkillers into his system.

"I'll show you a fluke shot..."

Satine blurs back and forth, striking hard and fast with his odd double-halberd. Vega manages to block, finally blocking with his claws in an "X" shape. Satine tries pushing downward, but, when finding this not working, Satine goes higher, and then shoves his weapon down at an angle, the weapon sliding over Vega's blocking claws, and poking him in the chest, drawing blood, and making a small hole. Backpedaling, Satine gives a little laugh, ignoring his pain.

"That was a fluke..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 7th, 2002, 05:01:40 AM
"Bah! It is a mere flesh wound!"

Vega laughed heartily, bringing his hands up so they were just above shoulder level; claws directed at the sky. He watched as Alpha hovered in mid air - this Jedi was more than an annoyance or a pest, he was plague. One of those Warrior Jedi, no doubt. Snotty little brats who thought they could fight.

The Lupine Sith brought his palms together and set them facing outwards with the blades aimed at Satine. In a jolt of Force energy, Alpha was torn towards Vega and found himself driven onto the quantium talons. In a quick upwards motion, Vega threw Satine and raked the claws down his chest and lower body. Flesh and tissue alike were severed, and blood trickled its way onto Satines body.

Apr 7th, 2002, 10:18:11 AM
Satine gasps in pain, and works on healing his wounds, funneling more force energy then before into his wounds, some of them closing and healing, others still there. The Jedi uses the Force to propel himself away, and then retracts his weapon, turning it back into the original form of a cylinder, putting it back on his belt, and igniting his sabre again. The Jedi smiles grimly. He was a Warrior Jedi, and this was what he lived for, a good fight.

Satine takes flight once again, but this time he dives directly at Vega, his sabre pointed at the sith. As Vega dives out of the way, the JEdi Knight quickly draws a pulse pistol from his hip holster, and fires a couple bolts, two of them impacting with Vega's side, and leaving nasty burn holes, throwing him backwards. Satine lands, and laughs, looking at the Sith.

Malice Draclau
Apr 7th, 2002, 04:24:15 PM
Looking down at sage, the demon let's out a deep bellowing laugh.

*Foolish jedi, i do not fear lightning but instead welcome it*

Because of the demon's genetic makeup, Lightning would not only NOT hurt him, but instead it was like a meal to the demon abosrbing it into him. Which is why his skin was always blue. Reaching his hand's up he waited, the chills that ran down his spine told him it would only be a matter of seconds. In a quick motion he quickly lifted his tail holding the lightsaber higher.

The blue streaks of light came down swift and powerful hitting the lightsaber. Blue streaks of lightning danced along the demons body as he convulsed. A sinister smile crossed his face as he lightning was doing nothing but fueling his power. When the lightning strike faded, The demon once again looked down at the jedi, now full of dark energy.

*I thank you jedi for that wonderful boost of energy. and now i shall repay you for that*

The demon sith began to draw on his newly gained power. A dark aura is seen gathering around his body. Reaching out with both hands, Malice reached with the force grabbing at the floating particals within the air. Muttering a few words in the ancient sith language, a burst of wind formed infront of the sith. The gales of wind quickly grew as Malice started to pour force energy into the winds altering it, taking control of it. In the blink of an eye the winds formed int a serpent.

The wind serpent made it's way winding down the pillar like structure which he stood upon. As the wind serpent neared the bottom, it sped on a course with the jedi. Violent gales of winds pushing and striking the jedi as the serpent came ever nearer.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 12:53:40 AM
*LV nodded to LD, and then watched a bit wide eyed as the other woman went sailing through the air and did a repeat of what she herself had just done to Marcus. It wasn't difficult to guess who was behind the woman's movement, and it made her smile. It was ingenious.*

*Looking back at the battle field, LV stiffled a yawn. Could the fight actually be boring her? It wouldn't be the first time. She looked at her chronometer, and proceeded to brush some dust off her arm.*

*Deactivating her lightsaber, she turned and propped herself against a nearby tree, or what was left of it.*

Sage Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2002, 05:02:07 AM
Sage's eyes widened as he saw the events unfold. No ordinary Sith was this. His size gave the impression of a slow minded creature, but this could not be further from the truth. He was a highly capable combatant.

"Why is it that you Sith always repay good deeds with acts of violence. Not very kind," the Jedi Master quipped to ease his emotions and bring himself into a clear train of thought.

He reached out with the Force. This serpent was comprised of wind and the Jedi knew enough about wind to know it's short comings. He quickly raised small lumps of soil, no more than 1 meter high. They served as wind breakers, chopping up the winds and dispersing them. Although the spell was strong. The Jedi Master was not able to fully formulate a plan before it was too late, the serpent him dead on.... Luckily, it had grown weak enough to lessen the severity of the attack. Sage knew how to brace himself, both through physical means and through the Force. He landed harshly, but with nothing more than scrapes. His head cocked to eye the demon.

"Well done. Wind, however, tends to revert back to stagnant air easily with enough opposing pressure."

OOC - The serpent was made of wind, right? Or did you turn the wind into an actualy serpent through Sith spells or something? And did my defence hold merit, or would your attack be strong enough to overcome my efforts?

Malice Draclau
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:26:41 PM
OOC:First off me say that what you did was a smart counter. The serpent was made out of wind and did not turn into a real serpent. And yes, your attack was indeed enough to stop it and make it disperse.

IC: Malice growled as he watched the jedi practically slay his serpent.

*Well now good show jedi. It would seem getting rid of you would require so of me doing it personally*

Malice spread his wings and hopped off the egde. With his wings open the sith basically glided slowly down towards the bottom. As soon as his feet touched the ground he dashed forards straight towards the jedi. The demon sith moved with speed unheard of for a being of his size, and that was without aid from the force. The demon quickly reached Sage just as he had gotten up. Whipping around Malice whacked sage across the chest with his tail knocking him sideways. Landing onboth feet the demon growled at the jedi baring his teeth.

*When i am through with you jedi i shall eat your soul. I'll tell you right now you have never faced smeone like me, and you never will again. You have met your match this day jedi*

Malice turned to Lady Zena, the sith whom he had helped.

*Come my dark sister, let us finish off this pathetic jedi*

The demon knight stared down the jedi master.

OOC: I think i'll wait for Zena to post now. Wouldn't want her to get left out.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 12:58:47 AM
"Wanted you for myself? Now, why would I want that when I have someone who is of The Light Side by my side already? Besides, I'm sure Pierce would be mortally offended if I tried. Considering what a fine Jedi he will make one day, I'll do nothing that will influences him otherwise."

He relit his sabre, the blade strobing as it colourshifted

"Now come and dance with me and learn what I hear he already knows"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2002, 01:13:31 AM
De'Ville stared at the colorshifting blade momentarily, wondering what tricks it held for her. "Do not mention that name to me, Jedi." Her eyes hardened into dark green flecks of flint as she started circling him, saber pointing inward and towards him.

He turned to face her as she moved, feet shuffling amongst the dirt and rocks. De'Ville pointed at him with her left hand, and he fell backwards off his feet as she pushed him through the Force. In less than seconds she was on him, even as he regained his feet with the speed of a Jedi Master. As he came back up she slashed her saber down at his neck.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 01:23:36 AM
His own blade leapt up in response, the blades crackling as they intersected.

"Oh? Why not mention his name? Are you ashamed of what he is to become? Or are you scared to face the same path yourself?"

With pure brute force, born from his birthplace and his adaption to heavy gravity, he drove back agaisnt Deville's blade,


He pushed with all his physical strength through the sabre, throwing her backwards. His mind went deep into the Force, drawing it's power into himself in such a way that his presence in the Force seemed to glow like a minature star.

"The Dark Side is weakness. It may be faster and easier, but it has not taught you true knowledge and insight"

He stepped forward, slashing at Deville viciously with a crossbody swipe. "And you see that for yourself but you dont have the courage to admit it!"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2002, 01:33:44 AM
Rage at his words filled her with power, strenthening her already toned muscles as she blocked his saber from her side. "I think you talk too much." De'Ville spoke through gritted teeth. What does he mean about Tondry? What is he to become? It had been too long since they had been together. She felt a pang, and then shoved it aside as the Jedi attacked again.

Their sabers intersected once more, but as they pressed against each other's strength, De'Ville kicked him hard between the legs.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 01:45:35 AM
It's was amost predictable. Kick to the nuts... blocked away by a sublte movement in his legs, so his thighs took the impact. Still stung, but really, couldnt the Sith think of something more original? He gritted his teeth and used the Force to push Deville away.

"I talk because I want to save your life. You have much to give Deville. Your wasted in The Dark Side.... I'm sure Pierce would agree"

His thumb moved to the second button on the sabre as Deville got up again. Even while she was still out of range if a normal sabre, he swung. The blade unexpectantly curled and snapped, turning into a 10 meter whip of flame that licked out, cracking as it's tail slapped Deville's shoulder. The whip snapped back, reforming into the glowing and strobing blade the Jedi held in his hand.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2002, 02:02:00 AM
De'Ville reacted faster than he expected, her saber flicking up and deflecting the streak of flame from his saber hilt. As it retracted back into a normal blade, she raised her eyebrow. "That was different. But it is the Dark side which brought me up from where I was."

Her eyes were hard as a rock kicked up behind him and flew into his back. He blocked it with the Force, and it dropped to the ground. "It is the Dark Side which saved me, and its followers who..." who promised me family, and gave me nothing. She growled as her rage built up again, and she grabbed at the air with her left hand.

The Jedi choked as air was cut off from his lungs, and she moved in closer, still holding his tracea closed with the Force. De'Ville gripped her saber two handed and batted his saber to the side, and then reversed her swing to slice his chest open.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2002, 02:16:13 AM
The reactoin was a good deal faster than she expected as well. Even as she tried to choke him, as she reversed her swing to kill him, her threw out a backhand strike. It was not to hit her physically, but was also laced with the power of the Force, hitting her squarely on the jaw. She flew violently backwards, her concentration broken, which released her grip by the Force. He rubbed his throat, his eyes flat and without any real emotion.

"You can deny to your Master. You can deny to me. Buy the Force, you can deny to your husband and you baby.... but you can not deny to yourself. I see the conflict in you. Let go of your hate!"

The sword was still at his side, unused. He paused, switched off his sabre and threw it to one side. If she picked it up or attacked it while she was using the Dark Side.... ahh, what a lesson she would learn. But that was not going to be a real problem. The real problem was the 100 cm of glittering, cold steel he was now withdrawing from the scabbard on his waist. The blade, made by Darth Turbogeek, began to frost the air that touched it, fogging as it swung trough the air. Icefist, a balde made by Jedi Arts. It glittered onimousliy as the sun shone off it's edge.

He drew it up to face face as a salute.

"I have no wish to kill you Lilaena Deville. It would be of heavy heart I would be forced to execute one as beautiful as you. It would pain me more to be forced to tell Pierce his wife died a Dark Jedi, when he at the same time had come forward to learn the Jedi arts. But if that is what you wish, then so be it. You shall now die"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2002, 02:59:01 AM
Her jaw wanted to drop at his words. Can't be true. He's lying. But could Jedi lie? His sword fogged the air around it as he moved it, and she took a half step backwards, trying to hide her astonishment at his words.

He is trying to trick you, Lilaena. . . trick you into relenting. Not today. The Force filled her more, until it begged to be released in tangible form. Her fingertips tingled, but she held in the Dark power, taking another step back.

He stepped forward, trying to close the distance between them, but her head lolled backwards, and her eyes rolled up into her head as her left hand found the amulet around her throat. Words poured out of her throat as she drew even more strength from the Force, chanting in the ancient Sith tongue as winds whipped up around them both.

He may have thought she was going to try a trick with the weather as she had already done. But she had something else in mind entirely. The ground underneath him suddenly exploded outwards, dirt and rocks agitated by the Force until they found release above.

Before the rocks had finished falling De'Ville waded into the middle of the crater she had created, lightsaber ready to cleave him into many small pieces.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 12th, 2002, 05:50:28 AM
Vega landed and tumbled rolling, scooping up a throwing knife off of his waist as he thudded onto his back. With a quick flick of his wrist, he threw the dagger with precision causing it to become embedded in the upper left of Satines chest. Sitting up stiffly, Vega echoed the laugh that Alpha had just made.

A sharp click resounded and the right gauntlet disengaged so that the blades retracted from view. In his now free hand, Vega took up his saber and ignited it in preparation for any further blaster shots. Then, making full use of the weapon, rose to his feet and Force pulled Alpha inwards with a tight grip, slashing him rapidly.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 18th, 2002, 04:52:55 AM
There were many secrets he held. Many that would be a surpirse to Dark Siders - he knew their powers and spells as well as he knew the Jedi's. Many he had used in the past himself in the long years in the Dark Side. He knew somethign was coming, he could feel she was building and then unleashing power...

Right under his feet. The rocks exploded upwards and like he was ina canoe riding a mad rushing damburst, he sailed upwards, reaching a zenith, before twisting and turning and beginning to fall. Rocks still coming up sought to collide, some got through but most were pushed aside with the Force. Hi ssword was held before him in decent, for he could feel Deville coming to intercept his landing. At the moment the Force told him, his sword flashed and moved, intercecting with De'villes sabre. The metal of his weapon seemed to blaze, the whole blade seeming to come alive like a low powereed sabre. He hit the ground feet first, the Force used to absord most of the impact from the fall. Not all, but enough to be still fit for fighting. Marcus came up on one knee, pulled back the sword and swung for her throat. The force of the blow was enough to drive the blade, even when blcoked almost to her throax, the tip just a few millimeters away. The coldness of the sword could be clearly felt - and the coldness in his eyes as well as he stared up along the blade, straight up into De'ville's face.

The Jedi released the power he had been building in the small stone that was near Vader, high above where Deville and Q'Dunn stared each other down. With a form of Teleknieses, his subconcious had been making the molecules in the stone move faster and harder, sheer friction causing energy as heat to be generated.... and in one blink, he the pent up energy was released. The stone detonated like a huge bomb, heat energy spraying outward and causing the air in the vicinity to ignite and roll in a fire ball.

Far below the destruction on the cliff top, now with his attention undivided, he came to his feet fully, continuing a contest of strength of mind and body with a worthy opponent. The sword continued to point directly at De'villes throat.

"I dont lie Lilaena. I have no wish to tell Pierce his wife died in evil, unlike him. Do you want him to lose what he holds precious? Will you deny your son his mother? It will be your fault that this occurs if you continue this path you walk"

He drew the sword back and attacked fiercely, the blade smashing into De'villes sabre and forcing her to retreat with the strength and power he possessed

Apr 18th, 2002, 09:02:25 PM
Satine blocks the attacks, and then kicks away, his wings providing him enough force to backpedal. He holsters his pistol, and then takes the knife out of his chest, the armor forming over the wound. Getting into a fighting stance, Satine picks off two attacks, and counters with a quick slash that barely cuts Vega's upper left bicep.

Lady Vader
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:42:49 AM
*Her danger senses flared to life an instant before the area exploded into a ball of flame. But an instant was all she needed to protect herself within a Force bubble of protection.*

*The rocks and friction caused made the cliff's edge and sides burst into flame, her body being tossed to an outlying ledge below where she had been previously standing. Shirelding herself from the flames, she stood, and glared down at the dualing couple. More precisely, glaring at the Jedi that had disturbed her peace.*

*With a snarl, she jumped and flipped, lowering herself down to the canyons floor, near the trickling stream, landing mere feet from De'Ville in a crouch. She stood and glared at Marcus, igniting both ends of her saber, and deattaching them from the center, creating two blades.*

*At that moment, he attacked De'Ville, and though she did not care what became of the woman, she despised the Jedi even more. She extended her hand, Force Pushing him off De'Ville. He stumbled back, but caught his footing quickly.*

It really irritates me when people disturb those they should not, unless they want more trouble added to their plate.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:18:13 PM
De'Ville felt the cold coming off his sword, and managed a haughty laugh before he knocked her backwards with another blow. "You are so certain that this will end with my death." She grunted and smashed his sword away with effort.

He slammed into her again, sword and saber clashing like the waves on the beach. The sound of their collision was a sizzling pop of evaporated ice, and the odor that filled their nostrils was that of burnt ozone, as her saber struggled to burn through the frozen sword. It would not, of course.

But as they stood at an impasse, saber and sword locked together, he pressed in closer, slowly pushing her backwards. Her feet slipped a little in the loose rocks, and then she moved. Lightning fast, a vibroblade flew from its concealment in her boot, and smacked into the middle of her palm. De'Ville pushed his sword with the Force, allowing her to hold his weight with one hand on her saber as she twisted slightly, arm extended.

The vibroblade dug into his chest, sonically charged edge cleaving everything in its way. Or rather, it would have. Lady Vader landed on the ground next to them and heaved the Jedi off De'Ville with the Force. The vibroblade that would have killed him almost missed completely, but snagged his clothing and cut his side, a thin line of blood appearing.

Off balance with the sudden removal of weight, De'Ville catapulted forward after the Jedi, moving in to finish the job.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:47:54 PM
Damn it.... and he was having such a nice date with De'ville too. He hated partycrashers. He staggered backwards, regaining his footing from being pushed, he saw De'ville coming at him again, vibroblade in one hand, Sabre in the other. The Jedi pulled back his sword, ignoring the cut on his side, took aim and swung with every bit of power he could use, in the Force and physically. The blade insected with the vibroblade with enough violence to send it flying from her hand, to slam into a rock and break in two. The strike not concluded, he used his momentum to swing in a complete circle, his blade then hitting De'ville's sabre with only slightly subdued force - he pushed the woman back a step to give him manouvering room. And bought himself more room by thrusting a hand out and Force Pushing her a rough dozen steps back.

He pointed again, this time at Vader. This however was no mild Force Push, this was a violent shove that send her flying into the air, to hit the canyon wall with a sickening thud and a crack. And now, he could turn his attention on the single opponent, just as he wanted for a bit longer. The Jedi closed his eyes, took in a deep breath ... and opened his eyes, beginning to sing softly. IThe first notes were plesant enough, but a second or two was enough to detect there was a subtle subsonic, an underlying note that would feel like a throb.... a distraction. Another few notes and it began to develop into something more akin to a physical presence, the Jedi manipulating the Force to cause the sound to pulse at the right frequency to cause nausea, to make beings feel ill. It was much like the Malachi, a Force power that caused dizziness and disorientation. The sub-sonic sound in this case would cause more than dizziness and disorientation - it would make the listener highly nauseous, maybe even prompt them to throw up as the sub-sonic throbbed. Sub-sonics could influence emotions, cause irrational fear - and even cause illness and fainting.....

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 29th, 2002, 11:30:01 PM
De'Ville stumbled backwards from the push the Jedi dealt her, and chuckled as Vader hit the cliff face with a sickening crack. But then something she did not expect happened. The Jedi began to sing.

She twirled her lightsaber, about to tell him not to quit his day job, when his voice subtly changed. There were delicate vibrations she couldn't hear, but they were felt by her. She grimaced, and fought down a sudden surge of nausea. From her bouts with morning sickness, she knew how to quell her stomach, but it took time. Which she didn't have in this case.

Angrily, she grabbed at the air in front of her, and the Jedi suddenly stopped singing, his warble ending in a choked gurgle as his trachea closed in on itself.

Lady Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:01:16 AM
*LV went flying backwards to smash against the canyon's wall, and slide down it into a heep. She had been able to use the Force to soften the impact slightly, though the initial force used behind the push was significant. She would have surely slipped into a state of dizziness had the singing not brought her back to full consciousness. She squinted, the singing making her headache worse.*

*Grumbling, she stood, using the cnayon's wall to steady herself.*

I'd rather hear alley cat's screeching at a full moon.

*She looked to where the two compatants were, and then let her eyes focus downward at the peaceful stream. It trickled by slowly, on it's merry way to the ocean somewhere beyond.*

*She looked back to the compatants, and then up at the cliff's wall. Then looking back at the stream, she closed her eyes and envisioned the large river that fed the stream, the rapids that fed the river, the lake that fed the rapids. She envisioned the waters swelling, growing, massing. A small rumble began to be felt at her feet, but it was so inpercetible, that unless you were actually looking for it, you would not notice it.*

*Clipping her saber to her belt, she turned on the cliifs wall, and jumped as high as she could, aided by the Force. But it was only perhaps halfway. She extended her claws as she started to come down, and dug them into the rock, stopping her fall. She then began to climb. By now the soft rumble at the canyon's floor had begun to grow, the sound beginning to shake loose pebbles about.*

*As LV reached three quarters of the way up the cliff face, a massive tidal wave showed itself at the far edge of the canyon, barreling down on the two combatants below. She continued climbing, feeding what power she could to the massive wall of water. She'd hate to see a fighter like De'Ville lost, but she would not miss the Jedi one bit.*

Marcus Telcontar
May 1st, 2002, 06:58:05 PM
He was about to deal with the Choke hold.... when he heard an onimous rumble behind him. He turned his head....


The only thing he could think of was to leap as hard and as high as he could just before the wall of water hit both he and De'ville. The initial destructive surge passed under his boots - a few seconds later, he fell into the torrent. With a great deal of effort, he managed to get his sword back into it's scabbard... And with just as much effort came back to the surface. The water around him raged while he struggled to keep on the surface. The weight of his clothes and equipment meant all he could really do was just try to stay in the centre of the torrent - and allow it to take him where it would, nothing else was geniunely possible. A wave broke over his head, putting him underwater once again....

Lilaena De'Ville
May 1st, 2002, 07:09:58 PM
De'Ville tightened her grip, watching the Jedi's eyes dim a little, and then hades broke loose somewhere upstream. She saw the roiling water splashing towards them, and took a second to turn away from the awesome sight, looking on the cliff face to where Vader was climbing to saftey. Bitch.

She lost control of the Choke, and pooled her energies into a Force Shield, drawing on the anger and rage at Vader and this Jedi. Lilaena clipped her saber to her belt and tucked into a ball, drawing the Shield around her on all sides just as the water struck her.

Her body was pushed along in the current of the water, and she reached into her sleeve, pulling out a rebreather. Attaching it to her mouth she let the Shield go, as it was too draining to hold onto for longer than was necessary. She could feel the Jedi somewhere above her, and behind, having leapt above the inital wave while she had been caught up inside it.

As the Shield dissapated, she became drenched with water. Forcing her eyes open, she didn't bother kicking for the surface. Instead she held a clean line, knifing through the torrent. Unfortunately, there was too much water where before there had been none, meaning that there were all sorts of obstacles that usually were not found underwater,

Like trees.

De'Ville smacked into one, and clung tightly to it, feeling the water around her beginning to recede as it rushed past her.

Marcus Telcontar
May 1st, 2002, 07:43:03 PM
Another surge and he came up for air. A gasp and he was under once more. The torrent was dying slightly in power, so he was now able to swim to some degree. He was pointing himself against the flow, which would seem stupid, however it gave him some sort of directional stability. Being a fairly strong swimmer, he was sidestrking, to give himself the ability to see where he was going - when he was above water. Another stroke and he resurfaced. Blinking water from his eyes, the Jedi saw to the side and approached the top of a tree - looking somewhat damaged, but upright. Marcus knew he could not swim forever in this whitewater - so he struck out, aligning his drifting so he could make a grab for one of the top branches he could see.

The first grab failed as he passed, stripping leaves and cutting his hand. The second grab was more successful, securing a hold on a fairly sulstansial branch - well at least strong enough to support his weight in the flow. His other hand made a grab down lwer, to truly secure himself and to allow the flow to pass around him.

After a few minutes, the flow had dropped enough so that he was high - but not very dry. The Jedi shook his head, spraying water everywhere. Wouldn't be too much longer and he would be able to drop safely back into a much milder water flow - or wait out until he could walk safely in the remaining flow. Ah well, whatever.

"Well, I could just enjoy the sunshine and get a tan" he said out loud

Lilaena De'Ville
May 1st, 2002, 11:03:13 PM
De'Ville looked up as she felt the presence and heard the voice. Gasping angrily, she gripped the Jedi with the Force and threw him out of the tree.

Marcus Telcontar
May 1st, 2002, 11:17:03 PM
Quite abruptly, he was back in the water. He didn't like that. Spluttering, he searched in the Force, took a grip on the presence he felt on the tree and ripped it free, back into the flow as well.

Damn it, and I was soooooo enjoying the tan too. Well, if she still wants to play so will I....

He went underwater again.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 1st, 2002, 11:25:39 PM
De'Ville spluttered in the water, and then rememebered her rebreather. Putting it back on, she went underwater after the Jedi. He wasn't in sight, but he was close.

Closing her eyes she pulled the Force within her body, only to cause it to explode outwards in a shockwave that emmanated out from her location. It was strong enough underwater to knock out whatever was in its path, like a stick of dynamite in a lake.

Marcus Telcontar
May 2nd, 2002, 12:05:48 AM
Marcus resurfaced, taking a breath... before feeling like he had been hit. Something akin to an underwater explosion. It didnt take long to recover - that would have been different if his head was underwater.

Okay.... going back underwater isnt the best idea.... so how about...?

A few seconds later, his eyes saw what he wanted, on a ledge. A loose small boulder, about twice the siz e of a human head. MArcus pointed a finger while he trod water, picking up the rock and dropping it directly above the place he felt was the location of the unseen attacker.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 2nd, 2002, 12:32:54 AM
The boulder splashed into the dying current, and De'Ville saw it coming. She pushed it away from her, and surfaced a little bit downstream from the Jedi.

Swiming strongly, she made for a ledge, and climbed out of the water, igniting her saber to make sure it hadn't shorted out. It hadn't, the jaded blade burning the air. She spotted the Jedi treading water some distance away, and shouted at him, something he couldn't understand.

Lilaena made a twirlling motion with her right hand, clipping her deacitvated saber back to her belt. Behind the Jedi a funnel of water started rising from the stream, gathering strength as it struggled to turn into a waterspout.