View Full Version : What once was lost...now is found

Hirokumi Chödak
Mar 25th, 2002, 07:47:57 PM
Hirokumi Chödak was once a great and powerful member of the Ton Po order of monks. The Ton Po monks once were a powerful force in the galactic war against evil. They had attempted to defeat ignorance and violence with knowlege and peace. Once headquartered on the planet of Hijarna, the monks numbered over five hundred in the height of their history. Now, they were but one.

The temple of the Ton Po was a simple place, one large building surrounded by a compound of smaller ones. The large building held the temple itself and the smaller ones were the residencies of the monks. Lush greenery surrounded the compound, housing many species of animals and insects. The monks were quite at home in nature because their intense craving for knowledge allowed them to understand the ways of most animals. Though they could not communicate directly with the animals, the monks had devised a way of channeling the energy within themselves, or Chi, into a form of communication. Using this, they were able to send emotions, not complete thoughts, to animals.

In a way, one could say that the Ton Po were similar to Jedi except for one striking difference: Jedi used the force to help them in their battle against evil, where as Ton Po monks used only their inner Chi and no energy from outside sources. There was also the fact that Ton Po monks did not, for the most part, believe in the use of weapons. Prefering instead to hone their body into the most potent weapon that it could be.

One day, the forest was particularly vibrant and alive. The birds could be heard chirping all around and the animals were frolicking freely amongst themselves. The monks were inside the temple, just as they normally were, training and studying. Only through knowledge could they succeed in their one goal of bringing peace throughout the entire galaxy.

Burning brightly in the morning sky, a massive meteor impacted the surface of Hijarna. It ripped through the compound, killing all that were there. Only one Ton Po monk had survived, for he had been off on a diplomatic mission. This monk was Hirokumi Chödak.

When Chödak's vessel landed at the diplomatic Estate where he had been headed, he was immediately told of the tragedy of his planet, and of his brothers. He felt an inner rage unlike anything he had ever felt take control of him. Fueled by this newfound rage, Chödak murdered the diplomats that he had been sent to meet.

Knowing that his Chi had been eternally stained by the haneous acts that he had committed, Chödak eventually withdrew to a small planet on the Outer Rim. For twenty years, he lived there. He had no contact with the outside galaxy and lived off of the food and water that existed at his refuge. On the anniversary of the twentith year of his hermitude, a visitor arrived. His name was Ger Hulan and he was a Jedi Knight.

Ger was also a hermit, seeking solitude from his former life as a Jedi. His family had been brutally murdered by a group of Dark Jedi and he sought refuge from the Darkness that had began to grow within him. He knew that he would eventually strike out at the Dark Jedi and thus give in to the Dark Side, but he hoped that it would not be soon.

The two lived side by side for five years and during that time grew to be great friends. Hirokumi taught Ger the ways of the Ton Po and Ger, in turn, taught Hirokumi the basics of the Jedi. Since Ger had given up his former life and was no longer under the direction of the great Jedi Council, he pronounced Hirokumi a Jedi Padawan.

For several more years, the two continued to train together and to become better friends. After a time, however, Ger finally felt that it was time for him to strike out at the Dark Jedi that killed his family. Before he left, he gifted Hirokumi with one of his two dark blue sabers.

Hirokumi never heard from his friend again..

Now, the Jedi Padawan and Ton Po Master sat inside the small room that he had rented on Corucant meditating. He meditated both on the Jedi Code and on the Ton Po values, hoping to eventually Master both. He knew, however, because of the damage to his Chi, he could never fully become one with the Light Side. His loyalty and honor, the most important values to him, kept him striving, though. He would never give up on his quest until the day that he finally stopped breathing.

Hirokumi Chödak
Mar 25th, 2002, 09:09:18 PM
Standing up, Hirokumi felt the blood return to his legs that had previously been crossed tightly. He had converted the entire interior of his small apartment into a small temple. He stood, feet apart, legs straight and eyes closed. He moved his hands in front of his chest, closing his left hand in a fist with his right hand folded over the top of it. He bowed his head slightly, feeling the energy from his Chi flowing through him.

All at once, his eyes opened and his hands assumed a defensive position in front of him. One hand was palm open, placed at chest height about six inches out from his body. The other was also palm open and placed at waist height. His left foot was slightly in front of his right, his body turned to face the imaginary foe. Bringing his leg up, he kicked where the chest of the foe would have been, following quickly with a left punch. He then leapt into the air and spun to his right. Extending his leg, he executed a perfect airborne roundhouse kick, landing in a crouch.

Standing to his full height again, he assumed the same defensive position. He repeated the same exercise another two times before sitting on the floor with legs crossed again. He was determined to use the small amount of force knowledge that he possessed to gain him more knowledge to allow him to aid in maintaining security throughout the galaxy.

Closing his eyes as he had been taught, he attempted to release all feelings within him. He slowly felt his emotions drain away and the comforting feeling of the force washed over him. In front of him lay three large rocks, holy relics that he had carried with him on the diplomatic trip that had started all of this so long ago..

The smallest rock was the size of Hirokumi's fist, the largest the size of his head. Concentrating on the feeling of comfort that vanquishing his emotions had created, he closed his eyes. He visualized in his mind the rock slowly lifting off the ground and, sure enough, it complied. Ever so slowly, it moved up and up until it reached a height of about five feet. Then, Hirokumi set it down just as gracefully as he had lifted it.