View Full Version : Needed - Character Submissions
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 23rd, 2002, 01:17:06 AM
For all those still clueless to my identity, it's Sage Hazzard.
I am starting a new website. It can be viewed here:
Right now it's just graphics and empty space where content will go. What I'm hoping to accomplish is a large database of character information. Someplace that people can find characters for their character to roleplay with. For instance, if I wanted a good fight with a good Sith, I'd look in the Sith section(which also covers Dark Jedi). I find an appropriate character and the contact information is listed along with the character rundown. I need people to start submitting their characters though for this to ever happen. This is what I need:
Rank(if any)
Character Insight(personality, motives)
Skill Level
Any Special Force Moves
Willingness to rp, what rp types interested in.
Contact Info
Any Info That's Relevent
Plus, you can submit an article if you want. These are meant to teach novices how to roleplay, and discuss the finer points of Star Wars lore and mythology. Submit either of these two things by repling with them, PMing me, or e-mailing me at Prefebly I'd rather the PM or the reply. I hate e-mail.
I hope this isn't considered spam. I'm making no profit off this. The only ads I have on the page is the tiny text link at the bottom, back to If any moderator takes this as spam, please delete it. But I have worked hard on this site hoping to give something back to this wonderful community.
Thanks for your time, buddies. :)
Darth Lynch
Mar 23rd, 2002, 01:23:06 AM
I like it.
Looks nice, good job man.
Champion of the Force
Mar 23rd, 2002, 01:24:01 AM
Gue started up an almost identical thread over a week ago. You might want to take a look:
Mar 23rd, 2002, 02:10:39 AM
What about the RPG Network Database? That has a lot of info in that as well about characters. Lots of detailed profiles in there.
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 23rd, 2002, 02:13:24 AM
Not exactly the same. Gue's idea is a quick rundown. I want a comprehensive list of a character's life. A looking glass into their soul. I want to know about their political views, stances on anything, attitude, their childhood, did their mother love them? Everything. This would be key to sparking a roleplay idea in a viewer's mind. They could say "Well, my character doesn't agree with him on that. Maybe there could be a dispute and...." blah blah blah.
Also the articles are important. I want articles on the very aspects of roleplaying. From "What Should My Name Be?" to "How Do I Write In A Fictional World." For this I need many writers, with different views. This would probably be more useful for newbies and the database useful for RPers looking for a RP. So I need people from the Sith/Dark Jedi/Jedi/Independant, anyone with something important to contribute should try and do so. Of course I will have to be selective so sorry if your's isn't accepted.
Thanks Lynchy. I wanted to make sure it looked good when I posted so it'd be taken seriously. Seems like I did a alright job. :)
Hyphenated, well, atleast the articles will be original. :) Although maybe the database on my site will offer some kind of insight the RPG Database doesn't and vica versa. :)
Mar 23rd, 2002, 02:25:24 AM
Its LD, of course, in case the Avatar didn't give it away. :)
And if you want me to write anything let me know. I like writing. :p
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 23rd, 2002, 03:00:59 AM
Howdy, LD. I had a feeling that was you in disguise. :)
Anyone who wants to write something, can. The mix of viewpoints and personal influences make the articles more useful. One guy writing guides on how to roleplay could result in carbon copy roleplayers, that's not good. Diversity is the flavor of life.
If you want to write something, I have a good subject for you to tackle. I can't because I have no experience there. It'd be a article of how to write an IC intimate relationship. Isn't Lady Deville married to Pierce Tondry or something? That's what I mean. Questions it'd address could be like these examples:
1) How Can I Write Feelings I Don't Have, Like Love?
2) How Does A Sith Relationship work? Aren't They Evil?
3) Do I Have To Be In A Relationship OOC With The Person To Have An IC Romance?
Of course you aren't restricted to a FAQs style of writing. And that's not what I'd prefer. Just make sure you address important questions like these. Of course this would just be how you tackled the problems, not the absolute answers. Everyone has a method of writing.
Oh, and if you do this(which you don't have to), make sure it's clear and lingo-less enough for newbies to make sense of it. Also, you don't have to do this. Just thought you might be interested. :)
Mar 23rd, 2002, 03:10:37 AM
OMG I have so much experience RPing intimacy it isn't even funny.
:p I'll do it, too. I mean, write something. :)
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 23rd, 2002, 04:56:55 AM
I like this idea. Would help when trying to come up with a new RP idea, plus there's a lot of characters I don't know much about so would be an interesting read :D
BTW The graphics look excellent, Sage :)
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 06:58:34 AM
Gimme a few days, I'll see what I can contribute.
Novi Paran
Mar 24th, 2002, 06:00:51 AM
Excellent idea not mention the convenience of a site hosting my character bios. Also organizes a general census on the characters and factions of the SWFans universe and it's network of corresponding groups.
Yun Tilgraze
Mar 24th, 2002, 04:44:33 PM
For the people who won't want to write their entries again, will you just take what's written in the other thread for the Compendium for the base information?
Also ... please define the entry for "Skill level". If you mean the player's RP "skill", this might be a touchy question. Might want to skip it. Perhaps "RP Experience rating" might be better.
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 24th, 2002, 04:55:25 PM
Well, the Skill Level's for those without a group. Like, here's a fictional rating for a bounty hunter.
Good Speed. Strong arms, weak legs. Experienced in hand-to-hand and swordplay. Bad with firearms.
Something like that, of course not as thrown together as that looks.
Well, the problem with that is that Gue wanted one paragraph. I want more. Plus I'm not even asking for your sex, race, etc. Unless you want to post it. What Guey wants is a small rundown. I want a in-depth discription. So, to get what I'm wanting, they need to re-type it for this. Or maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying. Could you explain?
Tempist Opps
Mar 24th, 2002, 06:05:05 PM
Anything that I can do to help? I'd like to contribute an article, maybe about character's vendettas and develeping their past, if I can.
Yun Tilgraze
Mar 24th, 2002, 08:26:15 PM
No that answers it. People will be doing a lot of cutting and pasting if they wish to be listed in your site. :) It migh be a pain for those of us with several characters, but I think it's a good thing for everyone to do for their own benefit as well as the board in general (to help find like-minded RPers for stories ideas).
(Garm/Drin -- too lazy to change logins)
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 25th, 2002, 01:28:39 AM
You absolutely may. Whatever you'd like. Either I'll accept it or not. It's as easy as that. Everyone can submit any article. It just has to pass my review. :) This is mainly to make sure the information is useful enough to help newcomers. No need to waste people's time with uninsightful info. Go ahead, be my guest. Write! Write!
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 25th, 2002, 02:35:06 AM
I added two submissions to the Sith catagory. View the page here:
The reason I post this is because I need a tester. Tell me if the links work, and the page load correctly. I'm using a method that's very convienant. I'm saving your submissions to a txt file, then uploading it. I then link to the file. With a txt file it loads in a browser window, like a normal webpage. It's easier for me. So I need someone(other than myself) to make sure this shortcut works. Thanks! :)
NOTE: Please include your group as well. Forgot to mention that. I could tell from the two submissions they were TSE, but I might not be so lucky in the future. Thank you. :)
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 25th, 2002, 04:06:27 AM
All seems to be working. Will have my submission through in a bit :)
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 25th, 2002, 04:51:11 AM
Interesting in hosting Dark Fury?
Jargon Chasseur
Mar 25th, 2002, 07:06:31 AM
Of course, I'm interested in it.
How big is it? Isn't it already uploaded on a site of some kind? Could I just link to it? Or would you like for me to have it actually hosted on my site as well as linked to? I'm trying right now to figure out if I can put it in the articles section, or if I'd have to start a new catagory..... Hmmm....
Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 25th, 2002, 08:16:22 AM
Sith - 3
Jedi - 0
Novi Paran
Mar 28th, 2002, 05:34:53 PM
I submitted my character bio and it should be in your e-mail. Cya!
Mar 28th, 2002, 06:15:32 PM
Name: Satine Capashen
Catagory: Jedi
Rank: Warrior Jedi Knight, Jedi Pyromancer, Commander in Chief of Dragon Fleet
Hair/Eye color: silver (long, wears it in spikes or in a ponytail)/both silver, left eye is mechanical, and all silver, while Satine's right eye is silver in the pupil and iris, but white where it normally would be.
Age: 14
Sibling: Xazor Dawnstrider (sister), Krasus Capashen (brother)
Weapons: normally uses a bo staff, twin black bladed lightsabres, daggers, and a wide variety of other weapons
Satine has been around for a while. He was born on the planet of Kirin Taq, in royalty. He had lived a happy life until all that was destroyed by the Sith Lord Seyester. He escaped, but the Sith had murdered his family and friends, and plunged the world to Anarchy. He was one of the original TSC members, and was there until the first collapse of the group. He then was admitted into The Sith Empire by Mara Jade with the rank of Sith Warrior. He filled this role nicely until realizing the urge to become a Jedi. He defected, and earned the hatred of the Sith Saurron. In one early battle, Saurron succeeded in killing Satine, then a Jedi Padawan. The Dragon Fleet cloned him, and brought him back, just in time for an offensive against the Sith Empire's base. He joint led the attack with Verse Dawnstrider, but was captured by Saurron. He escaped with the help of Darth Turbogeek, and was promoted to the rank of JEdi Knight. After awhile, Satine ran into Sith Kat, who swayed him back to the Dark side. This didn't last long though, and Satine soon made it back to the Jedi as the MAstreless Padawan. He had taken the rank from his friend Shay Kaylon, figuring it would serve him well. He then left the Greater Jedi Order going to the New Jedi Council, a shot lived group. After that group collapsed, Satine wandered as a Rogue Jedi, soon having to dodge a bounty on his head, and that of all other rogues. He was captured by Darth Viscera, and lost his Dragon Fleet, but was released with his life intact. He rejoined the Jedi and fought and bled in fights againstthe Sith, all the while rebuilding his fleet. Now Satine found that he has a sister, and a brother. He also has a pet sabretooth squirrel, named Serenas.
Character Insight:
Satine's personality is much like that of any teenager. He is rebellious, hard headed, stubborn, and cocky. He also has a more controlled side, what with having gone throught eh personal hells he has. This makes for a rather odd combination. Cocky and stubborn, and sure and confident.
Skill Level: Has a rather high skill level for his age, and is still improving.
Force moves: Satine's signature moves are silver flame attacks. He creates fireballs or other items out of flames--which are colored silver--and uses them in combat. He has one powerful move that involves concentrating all his Force energy into him, and then letting it go in an explosive concussion wave that causes series damage but leaves him drained.
RP status: Willing to play in just about any RP if it sounds interesting, and will ALWAYS accept a fight. From anybody, anywhere.
Contact: email me @, AIM Screen name of SatineCapashen, Yahoo IM name of tzecco. Or you could PM me here or in EZBoard.
Here ya go buddy! :)
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 28th, 2002, 07:43:02 PM
okie dokie, I emailed you my bio :)
Novi Paran
Mar 29th, 2002, 07:06:26 AM
Jargon, good buddy! I just re-read the email version of my bio and found it terrible. It was basically a draft laying down the ground work. I sent you the final version by PM, so check your user box. Thanks!
And later..
Sage Hazzard
Apr 1st, 2002, 01:17:16 AM
I'll update my site tomorrow, probably. I was busy with Easter and the like.
Marcus, let me know about that Dark Fury thing.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 2nd, 2002, 01:33:00 PM
Alright, all is done. :)
BTW, all submissions should be made by the PM feature. I never check my e-mail. Well... sometimes, but not nearly as much as my PMs.
I'm REALLY wanting articles. So as long as it's Roleplaying related, I'll accept it. Quality not important at this early stage.
Jehova Eaven
Apr 3rd, 2002, 08:44:16 PM
Name: Jehova Eaven
Category: Dark Jedi and Sith
Rank: Knight
Hair: Thin, white, and about shoulder length
Eyes: Totally Orange unless Force Lightning is about to be used, then they shall turn light blue.
Age: 38 in human years but is only an older teenage in Ambrelian years.
Weapons: Relic weapon - Sith Energy Scythe and a small blaster
Born to a great military leader in the Ambrelian Army and was trained harshly in almost every form of weapon around at the time. Was forced to join the military, didn't take it very well and killed his commanding officer and the rest of his platoon. Was exiled from Ambrel 2 after the incident to a remote unknown planet. The ten year stay drove him mad giving him a lust for blood. After some exploring he stumbled upon a Sith Master's Tomb. Found the energy Scythe and eventually was rescued by a passing freighter. Killed the crew aboard the ship and stole it. Eventually made his way to TSO and Jeseth.
Character Insight:
He is a cold blooded killer who occasionally will help others if he belives that he'll get something from it. Enjoys watching and causing pain in others.
Force Moves: Basic Force powers but specializes in Force Lightning and Illusions.
RP Status: I am currently not really RPing but might RP if you ask.
Jehova Eaven
Apr 3rd, 2002, 08:45:52 PM
whoops you must have posted while I was writing this.... oh well no big deal.
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