View Full Version : Ooc

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 21st, 2002, 01:11:18 AM
In the last couple of weeks, I have been very carefully reconsidering what I am doing here and why I am here.

You know, I'm not the most liked person here, but that doesnt bother me. I do crap flood a bit and also make I do troll now and then to get a laugh, but that really about as far as i like goign. I love writing, I love creating things from my mind and putting them down. I love meeting people and just chatting. Yeah, I'm narky, but that's more becuase I do have some OOC pressures. I have a hefty mortgage ($250,000), let alone food to put on the table (which I generally have not much more than a few cans of soup), I have a wife and three cats I love to bits and it's hard when I cant feed them the way I would like. Its hard not being able to really treat your wife and epressing - especially as I'm very well paid. God knows how we would cope with children.

So anyway, I think, why am I here?

1) Cause I like writing

2) I like the way I get to laugh when something genuinely witty comes about

3) I love just writing

4) I get away from the pressures of life

So I like being here, I really do. Now in the past I have made the mistake of getting entangled in OOC BS - but I now really hope that is over with. Now, I'm not writing well right now, but that's okay, I am doing it cause I want to and I know when I get a bit clearer in the head, my writing will approach the standard it once did. My wife certain can outrite me right now, but doesnt worry me. I' like reading it too. I like reading Holly's stuff too and Charleys god knows how many characters. Believe it or not, I try to read everything

Cause I see some good stuf and I will follow threads if I like them.

So to me, this is a cool place. Sure, there is a buit of bickering, but if it's cleared over... well, does it matter? what it means people care and are interested. Maybe sometimes a bit too much, but hey, not like I am innocent of that, am I?

So anyway, to my distress and I must admit disgust, I hear rumours and then.... well... I'll get to the point. I had a think at work today. And a bit of music listening to help think. And this is what I decided..

I dont want to know about the OOC nonsense. Go away. Dont involve me, dont tell me. Everyone. I'm not pointing out anyone, cause there have been any number in the last month. I'm not interested in the fights and arguments, I dont want to be dragged in and I dont care if someone is out to get me - grow up if you are and ---- off if there is. Geez, get a life will ya? There's more important things to worry about that if the Boogeyman DT is about. IF you dont like me that much.... set me to ignore and dont come near the GJO, got it?

So, as I said, dont talk to me about any OOC problems, I aint going to fix them and nor do I care. And I seriously suggest that if you are that fixated about OOC junk - leave and dont come back.


I have no power here and thank the Force for that. But I have my words and with these words I stay if you cant forgive and forget the past, then get the hell out of here. Yes, i'm feeling that strongly now, cause I have really begin to rekindle my love of roleplaying and frankly I'm not goign to allow some completely stupid BS wreck it for me a second time.

Have I made myself clear? You wanna have some fun? Fine, lets do it. Who up for a good Star Wars Roleplay? Anyone?

Mar 21st, 2002, 01:24:19 AM
"Watch your back Marcus, I'm gunning for your spot." ;) :D

My real words in response are 'hear, hear, bravo, bravo'. :)

Jargon Chasseur
Mar 21st, 2002, 01:28:43 AM
DT, I think you're one of the coolest people on the boards. Although we aren't great friends, simply because we don't RP or talk much, I respect you more than nine tenths of the people here. I just wanted to say that.

I want to roleplay with you. I haven't done that other than with Avolon and maybe Syrius. And if you remember, I was dying to do it than too. It's just that our characters really never crossed paths. So, whatever roleplay you want to do, I want in. I have a lot of characters avalible for any type of roleplay. You pick one, and I'm in. :)

Mar 21st, 2002, 01:29:37 AM
Yeah, I have been hitting on the OOC stuff too much myself.

I'm sorry, but when I see all sorts of stuff go on I kind of take it personaly... :|

I agree with you Marcus, there really is no place for this OOC styff here.

Novi Paran
Mar 21st, 2002, 02:33:44 AM
Alot of strong points I completely agree upon. Heated OOC animonsities is always BS! Nothing destroys a RPG internally... quicker than that.

Mar 21st, 2002, 02:34:55 AM
Excellent post DT! I don't always agree with you but I've always respected that you are willing to speak your mind without fear of what others think.

You're right the OOC stuff is stupid and those of us who are here to RP Im sure agree that we're sick of hearing it. I for one don't know how I get dragged into some of the issues but I don't want it to happen any more. I dont need the headache.

Like a lot of RPers here I come here to write and to escape from the pressures of the real world. Its like my therapy. I can come here talk to friends, write posts and relax. If Im involved in a lot of OOC BS then I can't do that.

So Im going to bandwagon jump for a good reason this time and join the movement of people who don't care if you're having ooc issues with someone. Deal with it and grow up!

Mar 21st, 2002, 02:47:23 AM
Ditto ditto ditto ditto.


Mr. President
Mar 21st, 2002, 03:00:06 AM
*Doesn't even care to read this thread 'cause he doesn't even care about OOC stuff :mneh

Seriously, here here DT! I agree.

*Raises glass of Sam Adams in salute.

Mar 21st, 2002, 03:09:18 AM
*thanks god he's not popular enough to be in the loop with regards to OOC crap.*

Nayala Palain
Mar 21st, 2002, 10:51:36 AM
Nice work DT..Bravo

Lets RP...

find me on AIM and we can talk.

Zasz Grimm
Mar 21st, 2002, 01:14:23 PM
Nice Speech.

I agree Wholeheartedly with you DT.

If you would like to roleplay, or if anyone would like to roleplay with me for that matter. Please contact me on AIM.

SN: Unheard Dilemma

Lady Vader
Mar 21st, 2002, 05:01:09 PM
Hooray for everything DT said! :rollin

Hooray for everything LW said! :rollin

Hooray for everything LD sa-- hang on, all she said was ditto cubed. Well, that too. :rollin

Actually, I agree with what everyone has said here. :) Wow! we're all in agreement! This is cool! :D I love peace and harmony! :D

I am so ready to just tell ppl I don't care when they come to me with OOC BS. I've tried to help in the past, I've even tried to help those that spread rumors, basically telling them to shut their yaps. But, apparently, they don't listen. So, I have given up, and I don't give a flying crap about it anymore. I'm just so tired of it. It's burnt me to heck. :x

I just wanna RP, have fun with ppl I consider friends, and drive myself crazy with my character count constantly rising. :crack

Gav Mortis
Mar 21st, 2002, 05:26:35 PM
I agree with and echo all aforementioned statements in this thread. I couldn't agree more. Like I said in the past, I'm seriously considering a personal motto: "Zero Tolerance" and that is how I feel when it comes to issues that have been highlighted by some in this thread. I believe I am an honest person and will engage myself in discussions or even heated debates because I do like to get my say in things but the moment it becomes personal you can bugger off - I've washed my hands clean of all that now. I don't need that nonsense, thanks.

I'm truely happy this issue has been raised and highlighted. :)

On a side note, that censoring is really annoying me now, one DO-NOT-SWEAR is quite sufficient.

Mar 21st, 2002, 05:39:21 PM
yeah all those do-not swears are annoying. Besides I thought this was a wholesome pg-13 board.

Lady Vader
Mar 21st, 2002, 06:24:55 PM

That's not the half of it... I tried posting the "oh $hit" smiley from GJO, and it didn'twork, so I thought maybe I'd typed in the wrong URL. So I went to go edit, and in my post I had all these smileys, and smack in the middle was this URL with .../ohDO-NOT-SWEAR-DO-NOT-SWEAR-DO-NOT-SWEAR


Mar 21st, 2002, 09:04:13 PM

Well, I guess one way to avoid OOC fights is to either ignore them, or confront them in the RP. Both lead to bad things, but you never know what will happen in this situation.

Chaos Alexander
Mar 21st, 2002, 09:18:17 PM
::Starts to sing::

"Why can't we be friends? Why Can't we be friends? Why can we be friends?"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 21st, 2002, 11:27:25 PM
Because I hate you and want to remove your intestines with a grapefruit spoon.


I really don't have much to say right now, especially since anything I do/say will be viewed in a poor light by many.

I also don't like tying my hands to anything, or limiting my options in the future.

Good for the rest of you.

Aura Allei
Mar 22nd, 2002, 10:12:12 AM
While I have no idea of the OOC arguing going about, I also think its a waste of time, and just an ego trip for some ppl who just love to throw their bullying cyber weight around.

These boards are meant for enjoyment, not OOC insults, gossiping, and slanderous accusations. I personally loathe OOC attacks, and believe me talk city it is a market place for them. Now it is spreading here, undoubtedly.

Hang in there Marcus. o_O

Mar 22nd, 2002, 10:31:09 AM
I feel left out, Im barely seeing any, and none appears on AIM :)

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 22nd, 2002, 11:32:35 AM
*goes to fight with Fett on AIM*

The Abomination
Mar 22nd, 2002, 04:39:34 PM

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 22nd, 2002, 04:50:15 PM

Mar 22nd, 2002, 04:57:40 PM
That is going to get someone banned if they do it again.That looked like private information. Consider yourself warned.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:04:08 PM
Geez, just the thing I was ranting against.

Champion of the Force
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:06:30 PM
Geez, just the thing I was ranting against.
Abomination's post or Reaper's actions? :huh

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:14:44 PM
Abomination's post. Throughly disgusting.

Reaperfett did the right thing. I think the majority of players have stated they want that type of BS to leave and to leave now.

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:27:02 PM
*slaps ReaperFett on the wrist because he's so damn efficent and makes the other staff look moderately talented in comparison*

Glory hog

Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:29:17 PM
In all threads for someone to do something like that. Good job Fett.

Lady Vader
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:30:57 PM
Glad I missed whatever it was.

And Fett... I give ya :thumbup :thumbup


Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:12:33 PM
Yay for Fett!


*goes back to work*


And that post was in VERY bad taste, especially since it was posted in other places as well. Way to spread the dirt around.

Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:14:34 PM
Well if your really curious im sure it's still up at irenstois.

Im gonna say now that everything I said was either Truth or my opinon based on these Truths. And im not sorry for anything I said. I just wanted to RP with people, and not do this OOC crap. But I was not allowed to do that......I mean sure I could just not say or do anything.....but then I'd just get stepped on and any chance of me just getting back to doing what I loved would be gone. So I decided I'd fight, and try to change things. So I make no apoligies. If you wanna hate me then more power to you.......that's your right.

and on a intresting side note......this person more then likely got this info by hacking into my account. Someone has been hacking into my EZBOARD account several time over the last few days. I have changed my password 3 times and Switched all my powers over to another name........and I'll prpably have to do the same again later today. Maybe this was the same person that hacked me the first time, Got a info out of another locked forum, and then procced to delete the whole damn board! I may not do the most honest thing to perserve what I see as my rights.....but even I wouldn't be as low as to hack, or to post under some name hidden behind a IP mask like a coward. So I've said my peace.......proably wasn't a good idea, but you know what. I don't care. Im human.....I don't do things that are good ideas or the Right thing all the time.


Darth Lynch
Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:26:55 PM
Its out.

Its there.

And honestly had a feeling it would be.

Even said as such.

Yes this isn't the first time its happened either, who? Got no idea. But as it is this time we got the proof its being done, we got some traces and you can bet they will be looked at by every means avaiable.

Thats said, well what Rama goes double for me, I wont say anymore because anything else is pretty much a pity post in my opinon and to hell with pity.

Mar 22nd, 2002, 09:12:11 PM
I knew what was said would get out........everything in our locked forums gets out. It thru hacking, or people telling things they shouldn't tell and people trying to get info out of them. Nothing said in SO stays secert and I said that in my post. I knew this would happen....and Im ready for it to happen.

Champion of the Force
Mar 22nd, 2002, 09:33:31 PM
Thread moved to mod forum.