View Full Version : The name game.....of a different sort

Vinny Red
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:53:09 AM
Was just sitting here at my desk, being bored and listening to Cowboy Mouth ( shakes fist at LL ) and a thought came to me. Why do people pick the RP names that they do? Is there any significance behind it?

Redemption was named for a ship in Tie Fighter

Vengence just sounded cool at the time, i was probably in a bad mood and plotting or something

Darth Renegade was named after the Rage against the Machine song, renegades of funk (which was a cover actually from the band Afrika Bambaataa)

Laran Katern is a take off from Lara from tomb Raider and Katern is from Kyle Katern from Jedi Knight

Sezter Aistal is named after a character in Final Fantasy 3 for SNES

Kitssarri Reetissa was actualy a name that was made up with some help from Seer

Vinny red is my mafia name, as my friends say, since i'm italian and i've red hair

Kai Solus is a taek off of star trek DS( and the kai's on bejor (sp?), and solus i sa play on the sun, or Sol

Ka'ter Phyre, I've always like K names and i thought it sounded cool at the time. The Phyre part is just what it appears to be, a playing with fire

Wish I had some cooler stories to explain the names, but there they are. Just thought this might be kinda interesting

(Edit - fixed some typos)

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 20th, 2002, 03:29:54 AM
Lord Fire Blade - Mark chose it, sounded good

Elieen Cross - Fairly close to my maiden name

Helenias Q'Dunn - Quite close to my real name

Mar 20th, 2002, 03:30:51 AM
what's the reasoning behind Darth Turbogeek?

Mar 20th, 2002, 03:33:49 AM
oooh cowboy mouth is in my cd player at the moment. Also courtesy of LL.

Live Wire - My favorite villaness in the superman animated series.

Catherine Abryn Dalamar (LW's offical name) - Catherine after Catherine in the book Wuthering Heights. Abryn sounded cool, Dalamar.....I dunno random name.

Assaurreei Cassarressa - LL made it up for me

Jeniver Thiwen - Just sounded cool

Len Garyn - Sounded good with Jeniver Thiwen lol!

RoseLynne - If you need to know you already do.

Helenias Evenstar
Mar 20th, 2002, 03:34:31 AM
I dont really know. I'll call the man himself to answer that.

Darth Turbogeek
Mar 20th, 2002, 03:55:54 AM
The man is now here :p

Darth Q - First id, came from my hacker alias (when they meant something 12 years ago and not a script Kiddy BS), MQD when I was raiding mainframes.

Gronk Droid - *Gronk*

A Nameless New Republic Tech - Sock puppet I used to cause mayhem in an RSO lead invasion on Bespin.

Lord Fire Blade - Flame Sword. Cant remember what i was reading that had a flaming sword, but it sounded cool. That was Helen's id.

Marcus Q'Dunn - Star Warsing of my real name

Can of WTF - Blame Morgan for that one, he was the original register

Darth Chicken - Infiltrator account i had before infitrations were illegal. Was basically mocking the Sith

Captain Tohmahawk - Named after an axe of course.

Lochabre - Another character named after a particularly gruesome and evil polearm

Ari Vatenen - Rally Driver

Granger Blomquist - Granger is from Hermione Granger from Harry Ptter, Blomquist is the sirname of a rally driver

I have many more, cant remember all their damn names at present

Fianlly Darth Turbogeek - When this board was still at jawafortress.net, there was a real probelm with trolls. Not long after it moved to ezboard, a troll by the name of CINEMATIC arrived. She was a loser of a Titanic fan, a stupid troll. She was much loathed. Anyway, she was trying to draw the association between Star Wars fans and the Colombine killers and to that whit, she called us Turbogeeks.

A few times.

Not understand ing if this was some sort of USA only insult, I asked was a Turbogeek a person who liked cars and computers? I think it was Countryboy who said yes.

Next day, she tried again with the Turbogeek angle, so as a backhander, I registered Darth Turbogeek and posted if she hated Turbogeeks so much, then I was PROUD to be one and would you please f*** off now? As a sign of dislike for trolls, for some reason calloing ones self a Turbogeek became a point of honour and lead to the Turbogeek Council, a Council dedicated to upholding Star Wars and defeating trolls and spammers. We had our own [TG] badge.

And as I was the first to take up a name that came to stand for anti-troll countermeasures, I am [TG] No 1. And so there is the story of probably one of the most recognisable names from the past.

Mar 20th, 2002, 03:59:04 AM
Lady/Lilaena De'Ville:

Itala helped me come up with the last name. De'Vil, like Cruella, I s'pose, but with extra L and E at the end to change it up a little. And at the time I started, everyone was a Lady or a Lord or so it seemed. So Lady De'Ville is my ezboard name. Lilaena came later, I made it up completely. At least, I think I did. Its MY name, no one else may use it!

Arya Ravenwing:

Arya came from George Martin's series "The Song of Ice and Fire." She's a little girl with a take no prisoners attitude, which is the only thing keeping her alive amidst millions of intruiges. I love that character! Ravenwing..made that up. Also influenced by the ravens in the aforementioned books.

Saarrreeaa and Sasseeri:

LL made them up as far as I know. :) I can't even pronounce them! ;)

Darven Calmoarn:

Totally made up out of my little brain.

Gia Thorn:

Also completely random gathering of letters.

Ketoi Gwl:

Completely made up. Alternate spelling: Keto'igwl (Twi'leki pronounciation)

Serena Laran:

Jeseth helped me make up her name. Serena: Serene. She is very very serene...to the point of icy efficiency. :)


This word is mentioned at least twice every SINGLE time I introduce myself to someone. Might as well be my name. :)

Novi Paran
Mar 20th, 2002, 04:01:01 AM
Rothmar Dujek - Inspired by the names of Nichos Marr and Dujek Onearm.

Tassk - Searched for a word that could be used for the double "s" usage for a trandoshan.

Novi Paran - First name was the name of a RL friend and the second was taken from the bible.

Obryn Shan - Inspired by a character in a fantasy novel.

BerithXho - Inspired by partly by the canaanite deity ... Baal-Berith.

I should be finding more time to RP these days!

Mar 20th, 2002, 04:02:53 AM
I sound all my names out, until its something that sounds cool.

The only exceptions to this rule for me are:

Anbira Hicchoru (A variation on a "make your own Star Wars name" website, where you put in your mothers middle name, city of birth and last name.)

Jubei SaDherat Vader (Jubei, from Ninja Scroll, SaDherat, a play on sounds from Dune's "Kwizatz Haderak" (sp). and Vader...cause the character's the son of Lady Vader)

Guri - EU character

Shoestone Wednesdaydale (Shoestone is a play on a phrase in the sicilian mafia...used in dire measures. Wednesdaydale is both a cheese, and the name of a cheese shop owner in a Monty Python skit)

Darth Vader - canon character

Lounge Lizard (because I wore lots of hawaiian shirts in HS)

Champion of the Force
Mar 20th, 2002, 04:09:51 AM
Champion of the Force - because he is. :p

Mar 20th, 2002, 04:14:16 AM
*follows him around* He is?! coooool... :p

Mr. President
Mar 20th, 2002, 04:15:29 AM
Taylor Millard- It's my real name. YES I RP under my real name. I've had the Millard character for 6 years and he kinda kept his name for that long

Tomar- Just dreamed it up

Aurelias Kazaar- Aurelias from 'Gladiator' (I guess). Kazaar I just thought sounded cool.

Gorgja the Hutt- Was supposed to be Gorga the Hutt but I misspelled it when I was writing it and didn't want to correct it.

Neej (The Cizerack)- Charley came up with

Jonathan Wargrave- Wargrave is from the Agatha Christie character "Justice Wargrave"- Jonathan...I just liked that name.

Mr. President- NO it did not come about my upcoming internship in Washing DC (which is at a radio station not anywhere near the Clintons). My full name is 'Taylor Warren Millard'. PUt three and three together- zachary TAYLOR WARREN g. harding and MILLARD fillmore. A friend of mine pointed that out and the name was born. Go fig.

Taylor Warren Millard

Gitane Blesse
Mar 20th, 2002, 07:41:34 AM
Most of my names are foreign languages.. So here we go!

Gitane Blesse - "Gypsy" "Wound" it's the result of French class boredom with a dictionary, and was my screen name when Kaine andd Vega dragged me here.

Angelique Rien - "Nothing Angelic" Umm... The char is insane. She kills for amusement. Simple as that.

Yaijaarree Auusseeri - I was given the pretty name. ^__^ And I'm still pondering the pronunciation.

Yuumei Okune - "Fate's Flaw" or somethin' like that.. Japanese. Random OOC name.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 20th, 2002, 11:57:32 AM
Vega is a spanish matador/bull-fighter in the Street Fighter series. It's one of my favourite games ever, and he's my favourite character, so :D

Van-Derveld is an alteration on Van Der Velde. It's a belgian name, and is the surname of one of my friends at school :)

Thanatos is the name of the Greek god of death.

Darius was suggested to me by Darth Syren/IceHeart, and she apparently stole it from Razielle.

Galatea ...

Greek Nereid of Sicily. The Cyclops Polyphemus loved her but she loved Acis. Polyphemus threw a rock so that it would crush Acis, which it did and he became a river. Galatea stayed neared the river. She did not like Polyphemus any better after his rock throwing.

... right well. Anyway, I found it through Pygmallion and Galatea.

Dasquian was taken from a friend of mine's name on a text based game. Belargic was a variation on Bes Palargic (I think that's how you spell it), a domain on the 'Discworld' where all of the demons in the universe come from ... possibly.

Aura Munroe was a variated on Ororo Munroe, the real name of Storm from the X-Men.

Arriana Rezner was made up by me just thinking up a cool name (Arriana :D) then tagging on an altered version of Trent Reznors surname.

Salem Ave was a mixture of the city where Witches are said to be at home in, Salem, and Ave, the start of the word Avery ... (I have no reason for using Ave :))

Jamo Jakatta was made by first picking Jakatta, the name of a trance band I liked one song by. Then I wanted to have a first name with the same letter, soooo.

Mar 20th, 2002, 12:08:33 PM
Almost all of the names I register are referances to somewhere. Everything from Playstation games to Italian plays are fair game. I think, by now, everyone's heard me explain where Nupraptor came from.

Mar 20th, 2002, 12:09:37 PM

Admiral Lebron
Mar 20th, 2002, 04:33:12 PM
Admiral Lei Lebron: Lei Lebron a character from an Old DBZ RPG I sometimes go to. I wanted a Japanese name... but something that had an American touch... so I threw in Lebron because no full Japanese person would have a psuedo-French last name.

Tharin Kray: Tharin just sounded right with the name and Kray from the English mobsters.

Traest Kre'fey: EU Character

Tissassarree Saavorra: (I butchered my own name) LL Made if up for me.

Hector Lien:Came to me one night in a dream.

Thats generally everyone I RP.

Nayala Palain
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:03:57 PM
Athena Greek goddess of war... (need I say more? )

Lady Darknss... ( This chick is darker then a night with no moon and a cloud cover. Kinda like a black out at Disneyland. )

Zasz Grimm
Mar 20th, 2002, 09:14:44 PM
Zasz Grimm - Well, had this name for 3 years now, I got it from the game Starcraft. There was a Cerebrate who ruled over part of the Zerg called..."Zasz". I liked it and took the name. I only recently added the Grimm part on it.

Sipharus Forldorn - I don't even know where Sipharus came from, I was just thinking of an S name and it came to me. Forldorn came in when I was playing utopia and someone made a mention of it, so I took it.

Andraq Novkar - Andraq came from just moments of thinking, I just come up with weird names every now and then. I got the Novkar part from the reverse of Rakvon, an old Imperial guard char I used to have.

Tirzak Kerr - Another made up name, heh. No reason for it really, just a bounty hunter name.

Darth Revarse - Although not on SWfans, I just thought of Reverse, and added the a.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 21st, 2002, 11:36:57 AM
Videl: one of my nicknames in high school because ppl said I looked like her, my other nickname was Cordelia/Cordy which you'll notice in my web addresses.

Seer: played around until I got that name

Motssumi: means huntress in Swahili(sp?)

Jakura Sedare: another played around with name

as for my other id's, I don't wanna post those yet.......

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 21st, 2002, 11:47:32 PM
Navaria Tarkin - Name I used for my original Jedi from a table top game that Drin runs.

Dalethria - Name using for my comic and is copyrighted ;)

Aliandra - I made it up and I like it :lol

Aliya - I am lazy... it is actually a nickname for the full name of Aliandra. I use it for a fanfiction I write.

Tirsa - Paying homage to Piers Anthony for a book he co-wrote called Through the Ice.


Jargon Chasseur
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:20:44 AM
Athena, I thought that she's the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. Ares is the God of War. Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite are responsible for the Trojan War. It's a long story but I know it well. She's also one of the key reason Odyssess(sp?) both gets stranded and finds his way home. I've done my research because I'm working on a movie that satires Greek Myth in modern times. Jargon Kreem is the name of Hermes, the lead character. Just trying to help. :)

Jargon Chasseur - Jargon was inspired by a movie I'm writing. Right now it's named "Myths". Chasseur is French(I think) for "Hunter". He's a bounty hunter, get it?

Syrius Cline - Sirius is an Egyptian god, changed spelling. it just sounded cool. Cline sounded like a cool cop name.

Sage Hazzard - Sage means someone that's wise, or along those lines. Hazzard sounded good.

Kanon Krowe - The name of the bad guy in one of my movies.

Avolon Bisel - Avalon is the Authurian Asgard, basicly. Warriors and Noble people go there when they die. So Avolon sends them to Avalon, since when he was created he was a bounty hunter. Bisel is pronounced(buy-sell). When he was a bounty hunter he sold himself, people bought him. I know, stupid.

I have other names, but I've pretty much dropped them.

Vinny Red
Mar 22nd, 2002, 03:32:17 AM
Yeah Chasseur is french for hunter....You're good :smokin

Gav Mortis
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:08:46 AM
Well, I wont decide on the name until I am satisfied with how it sounds.

I'll list them in the order they were created.

Gav Mortis: I know there's a Gav Daragon now, however when I created this name I don't believe I had such knowledge. The name Gav came from a Star Wars site of different names and their meanings, I chose Gav because it means "Hawk" and Mortis because not only does the final product sound pretty cool, but it translates to "Hawk of Death" or "Death Hawk" - whichever way you prefer really. :)

Admiral Roebuck: I character I haven't used in a long time, taken directly from the character from the latest Bond movies and using his pics for sigs and avatars. Basically a character to run TSO Naval Forces and to add a bit of comedy to my roleplaying.

Ken Jiang: Ken simply because I liked the name. Jiang not only because I like the name but it is also Mandarin for river, symbolic of freedom and strength.

Loki Ahmrah: I think the name Loki sounds very cool and that's basically the sole reason why I used it. I believe Loki is the name of the Norse God of mischief and trickery associated with magic and fire. As for Ahmrah, I made it up, at least I think I did (could possibly exist) however it was inspired by Egypt and I think Egyptian words sound cool.