View Full Version : *Gettin' Respectable*

Mar 20th, 2002, 12:54:39 AM
The ShadowFaene Company Craft "The TSUNAMI" moved like a giant barge through space.

Hera allowed her crew to take care of the piloting and sat in the captains lounge. Opposite her sat her new Cizerack assistant, the latter attentive but a little too stiff-backed for Hera's liking.

The two got along enough to work, but that was as amiable as either one was willing to be.

"When we finally make contact with the Trade Federation, you will only speak when I give the go ahead. Is that clear?"

The felinoid nodded, the familiar loathing mirrored in her bright cat-like eyes.

"You are, if need be, to reassure the Nemoidians that I am supported by the Cizeracks and have legitimate business to conduct."

Again the nod.

"Good. Lets go to the bridge. We should be coming in range very soon."

Dovi Jod
Mar 20th, 2002, 01:20:37 AM
It was a vessel far from the grandiose droid control ships of old, yet still aspiring to such a status. The Neimoidian galleon Kobi was a glorified freighter, with little else to show for it. Ever since their mighty army was decimated at the hands of the Old Republic, the Neimoidians had fallen on hard times, forced to scurry away into the shadows under the might of the tyrannical Empire. Yet now that Palpatine's Empire had faltered, there was breathing room...a chance to grow yet again. Slowly, the Neimoidians were ammassing the affluence they had enjoyed so long ago. The old Trade Federation had been swept away, and with it, all their holdings. Ord Cestus, Metalorn, Telti, Balmorra, Ord Lithone, and the infamous Geonosis. Now, only Neimoidia remained.

Yet, for Chief Arbiter Dovi Jod, a twinkling of profit loomed on the horizon, and he knew that his people would rise again. The Neimoidians had entered into a mutually-beneficient trade pact with another space-faring trading empire, the Cizerack Pride. If a merger was struck, they could indeed become the greatest jewel of trade the galaxy had ever known.

Jod sat in the command chair, surrounded by underlings and lackeys as they controlled the ship. He sipped a fine, rich wine, as he watched the vessel approach. A female Neimoidian underling spoke, her mask distorting her voice somewhat

"Ahbitah...Shahdoofayne vessahl ahprocheeng. Ceezehrahk delehgation weeshes tuu ahrrange an audieence."

Jod blinked, setting his glass down.

Thees ees mohst uhnexpehcted...ahnd mohst prohfeetable. Ohpen ah chahnel.

Jod stood, waiting to speak with the Shadowfaene envoy. At last...they were getting results!

Mar 20th, 2002, 01:40:42 AM
Hera exited the turbolift, her felinoid assistant with her, and strode onto the bridge. Remkah, her faithful and extremely resourceful Captain, advised (in his deep raspy voice that Hera found to be one of the best sounds in the galaxy) that the Neimoidian Arbiter was available and waiting to speak to her.

"Open the channel"

In a blink the image of Dovi Jod was large as life before her on the communication screen. His green visage and elaborately attired self waited patiently, his gaze calm and expectant.

Beside Hera stood the Cizerack assistant and both the females nodded in greeting.

Hera spoke courteously.
"Greetings, Arbiter Jod. Thankyou for meeting with us"

Dovi Jod
Mar 20th, 2002, 02:23:58 AM
Jod bowed, in an ingratiating manner

Yuu needn't thank us, Mahdahm. Eet ees ahn honohr tuu nehgohteeate weeth yuu.

Tiv Mako
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:35:09 PM
Tiv Mako, CEO of what was soon to become the new trade federation watched as Dovi Jod initiated negotiations. The opportunity to have an alliance with ShadowFaene and the Cizerack was a huge windfall for them. It was well known that if you were'nt allied with the Cizerack you were a target of them. That wasn't something their currently small operation could handle.

Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:14:16 AM
Hera didnt waste time on further cordialities. She knew what she wanted and in typical fashion got straight to the point.

"I wish to come aboard your ship..." She barely glanced at the Cizerack before amending.."We wish to come aboard your ship and discuss ShadowFaenes entrance into the Trade Federation. Please prepare to receive us."

Dovi Jod
Mar 22nd, 2002, 12:55:30 PM
Jod blinked, nodding courteously

Ohf cohrse. Wee would bee honohred eef yuu would join uhs. My ehmployer weeshes tuu make yuu're ahquaintance.

Mar 22nd, 2002, 11:50:16 PM
Hera dipped her head in a cursory bow to Jod and the viewscreen connection was ended.

"Remkah, I will take Nasseerri with me in the skiff."

Stay close, and keep a wary eye on our Neimoidian friends. I will be in touch."

The Sith turned to go to the lower level where the 2-man transport was docked, the Cizerack assistant at her heels.


Remkah tracked Hera's small craft as it closed the distance to the Neimoidian craft, and watched through the portal screen as the vessel was swallowed silently up into the larger Alien ship.

Mar 24th, 2002, 09:25:36 AM
TAD-7 looked on as the protocol droids moved towards the boarding ramp, photoreceptors bright.

"I'm Deebee-Nine. This way, please." One of the two protocol units said in its meek, tinny voice.

The Sith and the Cizerack began to walk off, with DB-9 in front and the remainding protocol droid in back, trailing the Cizerack.

"Honor guard formation, Corporal," the command-level droid called out to its counterpart.

"Roger, roger."

Together, the eight droids hurried into a box formation, two droids each in front, rear, left and right flanks, effectively giving the two visitors a protective envelope. They continued towards a conference room, at which time the two visitors sat at the conference table, the Cizerack struggling into the chair, which had been designed for human hindquarters. The honor guard filed out towards the entrance, while another droid shuffled in-this time carrying a tray which held a pitcher of caff and a dish of steaming sweet rolls. Another nearly identical dish was present, but the rolls there were not sweet, but steaming rolls filled with meats, for the Cizerack.

The protocol unit set down the tray, and announced, "Please make yourselves comfortable. My masters will be with you shortly," before shuffling out of the conference room, servo-motors whirring.

Mar 24th, 2002, 07:09:15 PM
Once the droid left, Nasseerri wasted no time. She reached forward and snatched up the tray with the meat rolls on it, their pungent aroma filling her sensitive nostrals. She sniffed them closer and prodded with one extended claw. Satisfied they would provide a delicious snack, the felinoid scooped up 3 or 4 of the steaming hors'dorvs and shovelled them into her hungry mouth.

Hera looked at the Cizerack with disdain...they were such brute beasts at times. "No, Im pretty certain they wont be poisoned Nasseeri..go ahead, have some more."

The cizerack, with bulging cheeks blinked at her a moment, digesting the hinted treachery, and then resumed chewing, swallowing loudly. Nasseeri shrugged unconcernedly, but even so, returned the huge platter back to the table without taking another.

Hera got up from the table and stalked about the conference room, looking over small items that were placed about for decoration - which she assumed was Neimoidian art peices. She ran her fingers along a particularly nice peice, its solid metalic form appealing to her. She picked it up. It was heavy and its twisted shape was difficult to make out..some sort of "abstract" she guessed.

She replace the peice and prowled impatiently around the room.

Dovi Jod
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:46:43 AM
On the bridge, Jod shuffled nervously, shaking his head as he spoke to his superior.

Thees ees ah prohblem, Deerehctohr. Thee Shahdoofane ahre ah trading ahnnex ohf thee Ceezehrahck. Tuu honohr their requehst could ohffend thee feelines. Wee should ahpproach thees cahrefully.

Mar 30th, 2002, 10:03:04 PM
Returning again to the table, the Sith scowled over at her Cizerack companion, who was herself debating on the wisdom of devouring more of the steaming rolls, when Hera spoke.

"What is keeping these toads? They keep me waiting here like some ignorant galactic tourist"

Dropping herself again into one of the chairs, she drummed her fingers impatiently on the sleek glossed conference table. Nasseeri twitched her ears unconcernedly and popped two more morsels from the plate into her mouth.

Tiv Mako
Apr 3rd, 2002, 02:05:18 AM
Tiv looked at Jod and frowned. This was indeed a delicate matter but it was one that needed to be handled.

With a sigh he walked into the conference room. He looked over to the Cizerack assistant who was busy devouring the food. Strange creatures those Cizerack were.

"Lahdee Heerah. you honhor us whith your pressensse!"

Apr 3rd, 2002, 11:59:52 PM
Pushing the remnants of the now 12th roll into her mouth, Nasseeri wiped her hands on the napkins provided and straightened in attention at the Nemoidians entrance.

"Lahdee Heerah. you honhor us whith your pressensse!"

"Thankyou Tiv Mako, Dovi Jod - And you, me."

Hera herself stood as Tiv and Jod arrived. The accent of the Neimoidian always gave Hera the impression that they were a little on the "simple" side. This was far from true, as the Sith well knew. They were among the most crafty of species in the galaxy and were known opportunists - a trait Hera was counting on.

She managed a civil greeting. The whole process of negotiating irritated her immensely, that- and the fact she had been ensconced here while they took their sweet time to see her. But irritation would be a small price to pay if she was to walk away with a seat on the Trade Federation council....which was exactly what she planned.

"I know you are very busy, and time is a luxury. Shall we get down to business?"

Dovi Jod
Apr 5th, 2002, 02:08:44 PM
The arbitrator nodded.

Yehs ohf cohrse....one mohment pleease.

He tapped a comm switch.

Piyloht...seht cohrse fohr Neemoidiah.

He returned his attention to the blonde human, and the cizerack woman.

Wee ahre mohst pleeased thaht yuu weesh tuu ohpen deerect trade weeth us. I ahm suure the Ceezehrahck weell alsoh ahgree, ahs eet weell ohnly serve tuu ahssuure mohre prohfits.

Apr 12th, 2002, 03:43:22 PM
"Whoa-ho-oh there, Jod. Slow this crate down."

Hera stood up, her manner aggressive as much as it was suspicious.

"Im not going to Neimoidia. If we're gonna talk, were gonna
talk right here."

Nasseeri made no move, but to lay her ears back flat against her head, eyes not moving from the Arbitrator.

Dovi Jod
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:16:53 PM
The arbitrator seemed to shrink from Hera's show of anger, as well as the Cizerack's silent protest. His large eyes blinked, and his lips pursed as he thought of a better approach.

Surely Ladyee Herah...yuu would bee eentehrehsted een seeing ouwr cohmmerce fahcilitees. Eet wuuld bee ah "hahnds-ohn" ehxpeerience, ahnd wuuld ahquaint ahll eenvohlved pahrties.

He smiled nervously

Wee mean noh hahrm, oh cohrse.

Apr 12th, 2002, 10:57:03 PM
Her luminescent blue eyes slid from Jod to Mako, not entirely convinced, though the Arbitrator made some sense.

"Isnt that a bit presumptuous, Dovi? You dont even know what it is I want"

Tiv Mako
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:47:29 AM
I ahpologize if our ahctions were preezumptuous. Phlease lahdy Hera sit. We were ohnly trying to ahid the process. Tell us. What do you want?

Apr 15th, 2002, 10:44:44 PM
She relaxed her stance a little, but her eyes didnt soften.

"Seeming as you have yet to belay your order to Neimodia - I will be breif."

The two Nemoidians exchanged furtive glances and Hera wondered what thoughts they hid behind their bulbous eyes. But to try to probe their minds so obviously, could cause them to skitter from any trust they may at this time be willing to give her.

"ShadowFaene has much to offer the Trade Federation. Once it becomes established, those of you who make future "alliances"
may need the knowledge I have of the more seedier operatives and backdoor policies of the underworld syndicates. One who knows them, and (smiles) thinks like them. With ShadowFaene under the umbrella of the Cizerack Pride (she emphasised this) - we have the potential for wide and varied associations - legal, and not so legal - that may be..useful.."

She watched for any sign of agreement.

"I could be just the person the Trade Federation might need to expediate such..."alliances"..."

Dovi Jod
Apr 15th, 2002, 10:58:04 PM
Jod sipped at his drink furtively, intertwining his fingers on the table as he set his glass down.

Madahm, yuu ahre cohrrect. Thee Shahdoofaene Ohperation ees skillful een sehcuring...nehfarious...ahllies.

He blinked, glancing to his superior.

Apr 15th, 2002, 11:06:31 PM
Nasseeri stood by, so far just a silent observer, but mentally taking every detail of the conversation to report to her superiors..

Hera waited, for Mako to give some indication of what he thought of the matter.

She re-took her seat, visibly unbristling in her manner.

Tiv Mako
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:19:39 PM
Tiv looked over at the cizerack assistant. Those cizerack did indeed have their fingers in a lot of pies.

"Yuu whould bee veery usefuhll tuu ourh ohperation."

He gave the order to have their course to Neimodia halted.

"Lahdy hera, how duu yuu whish to proceede?"

Apr 15th, 2002, 11:50:43 PM
The change of course made Hera feel less....hurried...and more inclined to deal. Which was fortunate as she had more on her mind than simply establishing herself in the Trade Ferderation's lap.

"There is a.....(she glanced breifly at Nasseeri as if deciding to continue or not in her presence. Shrugging imperceptibly, she continued, looking back at her hosts with a sly smile).....a certain matter I would like your assistance with. Perhaps we can be of help to one another....?"

Tiv Mako
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:57:16 PM
Hera's smile told him this would be an interesting matter.

Tiv nodded willing to hear her out.

"What matter might this bee lahdee hera?"

Apr 16th, 2002, 12:16:53 AM
"There is a certain...outfit - pirates to be precise - that is becoming quite a nuisance. ShadowFaene, as you can appreciate, (slips into charm mode, her voice taking a silky quality) tries to conduct business without endless interuptions of small time nickle and dimers causing kinks in our operations with their own greedy little enterprises. They are just a blight on society in general (waving a hand as if banishing a pest), and serve only to slow and hamper good business dealings - particularly my own - in the spacelanes surrounding the planet Enton in the unknown regions. A very lucrative planet as Im sure you are aware."

Hera's two hosts listened patiently for her to get to her point..

"If this..."annoyance" were to be removed, say, by yourselves - I would be most grateful."

Dovi Jod
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:47:10 AM
Jod's eyes glanced from side to side, as he weighed the situation.

Gratefuhl ehnough tuu sign ah trade treeaty, fohr ah mohre...stable ahlliance?

Apr 17th, 2002, 08:31:40 PM
Always the signing of alliances..Hera never understood this concept. If one reneged on their word - you killed them, or severely maimed them so they wished they were dead. What did ones scribble on a dataprint matter?

Instead she answered, "Grateful and willing" She smiled sweetly.

"Of course, this treaty would include my right to be present at all Trade Federation Conferences as a representative of , shall we say, the smaller independant organizations." They both knew Hera meant "the smaller illegal cartels" and understanding nods were shared.

"In return, I would be willing to be a representative to extend the influence the Trade Federation amongst such "independants""

Dovi Jod
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:03:04 PM
Jod leaned back in his seat, a smile forming on his face. He spent a moment conferring quietly with his executive, Mako.

Wee would bee honohred eef yuu would join uhs, Lady Heera. Weeth yuu're rehlationship with thee Ceezehrahck, eet would ohnly make perfehct sehnse tuu fohrm ah behnehficial ahlliance.

Jod rose, bowing.

Een thee meantime, perhahps wee should trahvel tuu Neimoidiah, fohr yuu tu "view ouwr prohblem sohlving equipment". I speak fohr my Executive when I say thaht yuu will be mohst sahtisfied.

Apr 17th, 2002, 11:17:03 PM
Hera also stood. She smiled- a genuine smile that made her face look..well amiable atleast, as opposed to her typical scowl.

"I think that sounds like a good idea, Arbitor Jod. I will contact the Tsunami for them to accompany us.

I believe the Cizerack will agree that this is a very opportune alliance. A promise of things to come."

Nasseeri nodded respectfully to both Nemoidians, but said nothing.

"How long will it take us to reach Nemoidia?"

Dovi Jod
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:34:54 PM
Wee cahn depart now, ahnd ahrrive within thee hour.

Jod pressed a comm switch on the table.

Cahptain, take uus bahck tuu thee hohmeworld now.

Apr 18th, 2002, 12:16:09 AM
Hera opened a communication device and instructed Remkah to follow the Kobi's course to Nemoidia.

The trip would not take long, which was good. Hera was very keen to see the hardware that the Nemoidians were well known for. The agreement was a good one. It would further SFF's profits and influence throughout the galaxy. And Hera liked profits. And every bit as much as profits, Hera liked guns. Lots of them. And she was dealing with the very people who's very business was founded on the supply of such destructive items.

"I am glad we can help each other, Dovi"

Mogi Mai
Apr 18th, 2002, 11:26:26 AM
On the main bridge of the ship, the comm. link buzzed on.

"Cahptain, take uus bahck tuu thee hohmeworld now."

Mogi reached up quickly and flicked on the channel once more,

"Yes sah,"

A fleeting almost panicked glance up at the speaker and Mogi began preparations. If the ship was to return to Nemoidia, that meant that the negotiations between Jod and this Hera character had gone well. At the thought of his, Mai's pace quickened and a more cheery demeanor was applied to her work and within moments the engines were flaring back to life. A flare of light, and the craft was once again in motion.

Tiv Mako
Apr 18th, 2002, 11:51:51 AM
The Kobi came out of hyperspace around neimodia. The group moved to the observation windows as they came in closer. Neimodia was a busy urban planet. Nothing on the scale of someplace like Coruscant but then there were few planets that were.

The ship landed safely in the docking port and Tiv and Dovi led the small entourage towards their manufacturing plants.

"What duu yuu think so fhar lahdee Hera?"

Dovi Jod
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:03:57 PM
Moving along with the group, Jod paused as he neared a yellow-crested battledroid, which stood at attention. He let Tiv and Hera continue on as he spoke with the droid.

Cohmmander...wee hahve ah client heere. Prepare ah...prohper demohnstration ohf ouwr ahrmies mahjesty, aht thee Cahpitohl Square. Wee weell join yuu shohrtly.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Apr 18th, 2002, 01:18:00 PM
On Neimoidia, Jasseeri Arreearruu, Huntress Admiral of the Cizerack Fleet, oversaw the team of Cizerack engineers on the planet, setting up factories and production foundries. The Cizerack pride had agreed to aid the Trade Federation in getting their industries back up to full production, so that they could rebuild their army. The Pride had made a big investment in the Trade Federation, and they wanted to get their money's worth.

And personally over-seeing the foundations of such an investment was a good way of making sure things went at a precise pace and according to schedule, using ever last drop of credits wisely.

While her flag ship and several freighters orbited Neimoidia, the Admiral sat in the relative coolness of the command tent she had set up planet-side, studying blueprints like they were the map to a strategic war, and giving orders to her workers as if they were soldiers.

Apr 18th, 2002, 02:43:12 PM
"Yes sir," TAD-7 responded in its synthesized voice. The droid commander walked away, sirvomotors whirring as it did so. It headed to a large warehouse which had been hastily erected in a vacant lot just outside the Baktoid Armor Workshop.

Inside, AAT's, Droid Fighters and B-STAPs rested in idle mode, their repulsordrives adding a steady whine to the ambient noise. STAPs and battle droids hung suspended from organizational racks, and three MTT's loomed in the corner, the brown vehicles casting a shadow on all nearby equipment.

At the touch of a button, the bay doors of the MTT's flew open, and internal magnetic locks drew the battle droid racks inwards. Once full, the bay doors of the MTTs sprang shut. STAPs activated and hovered in place, awaiting orders. AATs maneuvered with programmed precision, taking up a protective stance directly in front of the MTTs. B-STAPs and droid fighters hovered out of the warehouse, exiting through a large plasteel door which seemed to give the warehouse the appearance of a behemoth hangar. TAD-7 went aboard and jumped into the armored durasteel cupola of an AAT, and the column of aerial and ground forces hovered away, into the depths of the city.


The columns of military hardware settled into a position 500 meters away from the planned location from which Dovi Jod and Tiv Mako would preside over the grand review. B-STAPs, STAPs and droid fighters patrolled stealthily not far away, awaiting the cue. Once the signal was received, the grand demonstration would begin. TAD-7's redundant systems kicked in, and it double-checked the signaler which was attached to its AAT's cupola.

"Sir, we are ready," TAD-7 transmitted, and awaited a reply.

Apr 18th, 2002, 11:31:18 PM
Walking along beside Mako and Dod, Hera wore a blank expression. It didnt pay to look too impressed.

So far, she mainly saw the huge hangers and buildings that were the manufacturing plants of the Nemoidians. No doubt they housed a huge array of equipment and weaponry and the Sith was eager to see such.

"So far, Id say you know how to make big garages, Mako."

She followed them inside, and up ahead Jod spoke to a droid. She turned cool eyes to Mako and sniped, "I hope you intend to show me something worthwhile."

Tiv Mako
Apr 19th, 2002, 02:57:44 PM
Tiv turned to Hera.

"Ov course my lahdee! We have arranged a spechul display just for your arrival! I assure yuu! Yuu will not bee dissapointed!"

Apr 19th, 2002, 08:09:59 PM
OOC: I'll interpret that as a reply -_-

Photoreceptors whirred, and TAD-7's vision zoomed in several hundred meters, to where his masters stood waiting patiently.
"Initiate simulated combat protocols," the droid commander spoke into an intercom mounted in the cupola of its AAT.

The effect was immediate. Several sonic booms reverberated in the air, and four droid fighters raced through the sky two kilometers above. They zoomed past without incident, followed by four B-STAPs, which fell from atop the clouds with programmed precision. The bombers raced by at the same altitude as their predecessors, but here modified proton bomb casings were released from their holds. The proton bombs fell to within 500 meters of the masters' position, before exploding simultaneously in a brilliant display of green-white starshells, which spread out as the name implies. The bombers continued on, and were soon out of sight.

As this was occurring, AATs had raced forward at an alarming speed in two parallel columns, making full use of the street space which was available. A large building split the road ahead into a fork, and each AAT column took a different route. The roads ahead merged again, and the AATs formed into a battle line, 5 meters apart. Two AATs took up positions facing each flank, and the tanks came to a rest 100 meters from their small audience. By this time, the MTTs had disgorged their cargoes, and battle droids marched alongside their advancing MTTs, one colum to a flank. STAPs swung about, reconnoitering. One such unit came within 10 meters of the small audience, before turning its platform away and heading back towards the MTTs, which came in line directly behind the AATs. Battle droids flanked the behemoth transports, blasters trained.

Apr 19th, 2002, 09:07:44 PM
A low delighted chuckle escaped Hera's lips.

..This was great!...hell, yeah.."

Her eyes glinted happily. Such a display of power was a very enjoyable experience. Watching the Tanks, the Fighters as they sped by and the Droids as they did their mechanised march - all of it screamed streamline presiscion and efficient deliverance of
firepower and destruction.

Tiv and Dovo enjoyed the display every bit as much as the Sith did. Their faces proud of their inventive prowess and constructive genious. And well deserved too, Hera thought.

"Well, well well, gentlemen," she quipped "..you boys are alot smarter than you look."

Both Officiators turned to her, their thin lips pursed in question, not really getting the remark.

"Youhr pahdon, Miss Herah?"

"I meant, I like it." She waved her hand expansively toward the massive display. "Your reputation as arms and weapons traders is not exagerated."

Hera could see already the elimination of her current "business opposition" problem and her smile broadened to a grin.

Dovi Jod
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:15:16 PM
Ahhh....soh, yuu ahproove then?

Dovi neared, his hands clasped in anticipation.

Apr 19th, 2002, 11:25:00 PM
Hera looked over the display once more...before replyig to Dovi Jod.

"How reliable are those battle droids? A well timed short-circuit could prove disasterous. Have you used them on actual campaigns?"

Dovi Jod
Apr 19th, 2002, 11:51:43 PM
Theese bahttledroids ahre quite reeliahble. They uuse suhperiohr numbers tuu ohverwhelm ahny ohppohnent they ahttack.

Apr 21st, 2002, 01:20:16 AM

She nodded in understanding.

"Well, then...what more do we need to discuss to finalise our "agreement" gentlemen?"

Dovi Jod
Apr 21st, 2002, 01:46:49 AM
Dovi immediately produced a datapad and a stylus, with a treaty already drawn up to solidify Shadowfaene and the Trade Federation's future business relationship.

Wee ohnly need tuu sign thee treaty tuu lehgitimize ouwr pahrtnership.

He handed the treaty to Hera, nodding to his superior, Executive Mako

Apr 21st, 2002, 11:42:13 PM
Hera read over the treaty, all was outlined as discussed and lifted the stylus, scratching her signature into the datapad.

Dovi Jod
Apr 22nd, 2002, 03:24:05 PM

Jod graciously took the datapad and stylus from Hera with a deep bow, and approached Tiv Mako, handing it to him for his signature and approval.

Tiv Mako
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:53:06 PM
Tiv took the datapad and stylus and after quickly scrolling through the agreement as he was already familiar with the terms sketched his signature finalizing the arrangement.

He handed the datapad back to Jod and smiled at Hera.

"I duu believe that whuz the lahst fhormality."

Dovi Jod
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:16:52 PM
Indeed, Chief Exehcuutive...

Jod spoke into a small communication slip

Cahptain Mai, pleease repohrt tuu thee Cohnference Cehnter ehmeediately.

Mogi Mai
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:07:11 AM
Relieving herself from the bridge, leaving another officer in temporary command, Mogi quickly made her way towards the Conference Center onboard as requested. Mai entered and bowed lightly on seeing Dovi, Tiv and Hera.

"Yehs, suhr?"

Dovi Jod
Apr 25th, 2002, 12:35:36 PM
Dovi nodded to the captain as she arrived.

Cahptain, preepare ouwr five controhl ships fohr deepahrture. They should bee prohperly loaded ahlready. Ladyee Heera, Exehcuutive Makoh ahnd mysehlf weell bee ahccompanying yuu.

Dovi turned to Hera

Madahm, what ees ouwr dehstination?

Apr 25th, 2002, 11:03:45 PM
Including Mogi Mai in her answer to Dovi Jod and Mako, Hera explained how the pirating outfit she wished eliminated had their base operations in a not-so-secret location on the third moon of Enton in the unknown regions.

"Remkah, my Captain, has the exact co-ordinates to their land headquarters. They also have a large deployment of attack vessels..not big craft, but large enough to take freighters and most transports hostage or destroy them completely should they wish..in and around the spacelanes of Enton."

She turned now to Mogi. "You may contact the Tsunami in orbit around Nemoidia and my captain will give you all the information you need."

Hera omitted to explain that the pirate operation was a little larger than she had led the Nemoidians to beleive. They would find that out soon enough and by then..they would all be on their way. She was not concerned. The Trade Federation had enough resources to deal with them, and then some.

She looked again to Jovi Dod and smiled. "Im going to enjoy this."

Dovi Jod
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:47:01 PM
Dovi smiled confidantly as the entourage made their way to the spaceport, to transfer to the waiting, fledgling Trade Federation Droid Controlship task force.

Mogi Mai
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:47:31 PM
"Vehry wehll, I shall cohntact Cahptain Remkah eemmeadiately,"

Mogi departed ahead of the others as the various preperations shifted into motion around the ship. Officers scuttled about, volleying messages back and forth between each other to verify the processes that took place, whilst others got to work stations and started collaborating various technical alignments that would be needed for the mobilization of the numerous control ships.

After contacing the Tsunami to received said required information, Mai approached the main control area of the ship to observe the goings-on. Currently two of the Federations most trusted officers on board were keying in their security codes to initiate the activation of the Droid Control Ships. Within minutes the systems on board the five craft would be online, and hooked up to the roves of droids that the Federation had stored away.

"Wee ahre rehdy, mah'dam," one sounded off.

Taking a look down at the data screen before her at the process, Mogi watched the lamen animation of the vessels powering up with a decidedly pleased nod.

Dovi Jod
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:47:23 PM
Jod, Mako, and Hera took a shuttle from the surface, meeting up with the enormous droid control ship leading the task force. The shuttle flew within the massive cargo-holding saucer region of the war freighter, landing deep within the ship, near the command sphere and the bridge. The ramp lowered, and all parties exited, walking to the command deck, where Captain Mai awaited them. Dovi saw to the needs of Hera and Executive Mako, ensuring both were pleased with the accomodations.

Cahptain, prohceed ohn coordinates. Seegnahl thee fleet fohr hyperspace jump.

May 4th, 2002, 11:40:16 PM
Hera followed the Nemoidians as they led her to the command bridge - a perfect place to watch the attack unfold.

She leaned over to Mako in order to speak to him.

"You seem to have all things in order Tiv Mako. You are to be commended for your operation so far."

Mogi Mai
May 6th, 2002, 11:54:41 AM
Captain Mai, after having greeted the new arrivals, regained her position in the main command chair. The deck hands around the area shuffled about more efficiently now that Jod and Mako had arrived. Suffice to say that the presence of the Sith Mistress Drenkast had motivated them all also.

"Prehpare fohr thee jump,"

The officers moved like drones to their positions and keyed in variables to set the ships up for the entrance of hyperspace. The process all went past quickly, and after only a few minutes the ships were ready. They shuddered whilst moving, on the brink of the jump, then rocked as they traversed the boundary between the normal plain and hyperspace.

Jun 30th, 2002, 12:04:09 AM
A smile graced her lips as she nodded approvingly to Jod and Mako as the Sith observed the efficiency with which Captain Mai deployed her command.

In just a very little while, Enton would fall and a land Base setup for ShadowFaene could be realised.

The Nemoidians had been an excellent choice of ally.