View Full Version : THAT DOES IT! (Spam referendum)

Sanis Prent
Mar 18th, 2002, 04:47:28 PM
-Sir Dizzy
-Lord Gue
-Sith Ahnk

...are about to get on my last freaking nerve. In that order!

Sir Dizzy doesn't even RP! I could understand if he did, and used the OOC to be zany. But no, he just flood-spams the OOC forum, and has no reason to be there.

Gue and Ahnk are worse spammers, but at least they have somewhat of a pretense as to be there.

I'm really getting tired of these guys, and we should do something soon.

Mar 18th, 2002, 04:51:06 PM
I already warned Gue in regards to OOC forum probation. I figure if he continues after the warning that I will post a topic about it after having wiped his OOC forum access for all his names. If he or anyone else who makes that punishment attempts to circumvent the probation by using newly created alt names banning will follow. That will be included in my post about his probation. He or others who get such treatment will still be able to read topics in the OOC forum if they log out of their reg'd names, but posting there will be a no no.

Champion of the Force
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:03:48 PM
Wow - LL's been pushed to the limit. :p

Seriously though - I don't roleplay, but I post in OOC, as do many people who don't actually roleplay. Whilst I admit sirdizzy is post friendly I would argue against all his posts being nothing but spam. OOC has become a general forum as of late for general chit chat so I don't think you can hold it against him for posting there.

:: thinks ::

How about we just create a 'community' forum for general chit-chat, and leave OOC for roleplaying matters only?

Sanis Prent
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:19:31 PM
We used to have that...it was called general discussion, and nobody ever posted there.


WarlordGue: alright, to relieve 'spaming' anymore, ill take this to you, as I tried to get yall in a chat together and that failed, you seem to be the last one left....
WarlordGue: So please, tell me the source of my own troubles
VaderLoungie: you're posting thread after thread of meaninglessness, or hijacking threads with it.
WarlordGue: Thats why I made the gue thread, so iwouldnt have to post new threads and even that got shut down
VaderLoungie: because even that is still spam
VaderLoungie: making a thread to put all your spam in isn't the answer
VaderLoungie: if you've got this need to chat, use PMs, or maybe MSN or AOL
WarlordGue: and as for hijacking threads, if thats in regards to visc post earlier, its expected, everytime i posted a recruitment thread it got overflowed with spam
WarlordGue: like i said, and in all seriousness, if your all worried im just trying to get a high post count, throw me back down to zero
VaderLoungie: we're sick of spam, not high post counts
VaderLoungie: some people spam for the high post counts, some spam just to spam
WarlordGue: becuase for one, pm's can only hold so much of the messages, i only reached 46% full and it said I couldnt hold anymore
VaderLoungie: all we care about is getting rid of spam
VaderLoungie: then empty your mailbox
WarlordGue: and if i did then how would I be abnle to go back and see what someone said a while back?
VaderLoungie: archive it
WarlordGue: I know it might not seem like it, but i dont like to argue, its just i dont see where i went wrong in making my own thread to keep, and i dont think it was but your the mods so so be it, spaming to myself
VaderLoungie: at any rate, the OOC forum is not a general-purpose chatroom. Sometimes a zany topic might come about, but on the whole its a tool to augment RP's
WarlordGue: it may have been a long time ago, but these days all you really see is an all pourpose chat room
VaderLoungie: and thus we're trying to fix the problem at its source
WarlordGue: but why fix it? why not work with it like the gjo board did?
VaderLoungie: because we aren't the GJO
VaderLoungie: there is no B&G here
VaderLoungie: go to GJO or TSE for that
WarlordGue: obvious, but look at it this way, it worked for them
VaderLoungie: its been discussed before
WarlordGue: and not all my posts were spam, so its futile to call the whole thread a spam
WarlordGue: i genuinely thought the portal page was suffering a problem
WarlordGue: other than that, are we not allowed to talk to each other, on the board, outside of our characters, as we see fit?
VaderLoungie: to a degree. No, its not black and white, and there is room for some fudge factor. But we've seen a disporportionate amount of driveling spam threads with you involved. Talking is one thing, idle chatting is another.
WarlordGue: now wheres the line between talking and idle chatting drawn?
VaderLoungie: read above
VaderLoungie: its very subjective
WarlordGue: waita sec, a dissapointing number of threads? Ive started maybe 2 threads that following your guidelines could be considered spam, so following that those threads were started by someone else as spam, and due to my participation in them i suddenly have a ton of spam threads to my name?
VaderLoungie: you're not the only one, but you are one involved
WarlordGue: and thus i think its in the best defense of those involved that i speak to yall
VaderLoungie: about what?
WarlordGue: this, lol
VaderLoungie: okay...
WarlordGue: and since when does dt have no admin or mod powers?
VaderLoungie: since the get-go
VaderLoungie: he never did
WarlordGue: ah, i thought... bah nm
WarlordGue: ill get back to yall later with a better and more thought up argument ~came ill prepared~

Mar 18th, 2002, 05:20:05 PM
That might be a good idea, Dave. We'd have to strictly enforce topic placements, though.

I have no problem with SirDizzy posting in the OOC... I don't roleplay (although I might be starting up again sometime soon), yet I post there. I think it's nice to see a bit of interaction between the Box Office posters and the Roleplayers.

Mar 18th, 2002, 05:21:53 PM
I got a PM from Darth McBain, and it seems that the regulars who do post and contribute in a valuable manner are also getting tired of the people who come in and post nonsense.

Here's his message:

Hey JMK,
I sent a message re/ this to a moderator via the "report thread" thing - I don't know if it went to you or not, but anyway, I figured I'd just run this by you and your ultimate Mod wisdom .

Now maybe I shouldn't care all that much, but I get the distinct impression that there is a lot of spamming going on, especially in the OOC forums. I don't want to stop people from having a good time here, but IMHO, I think it is kind of ridiculous when you look at the stats board and certain users routinely have 65-75 posts per day, sometimes breaking 100.

I know we're probably all guilty of, at one point or another, posting a dumb reply which is just a smilie or something, but some of the threads that go on in there (OOC) are hundreds of posts long and each post consists of maybe a few words and a smilie. To me, that is just spamming and shouldn't be going on.

Like I said before, maybe I shouldn't care all that much, considering I very rarely hang out in OOC, but it just bugs me, because I personally try to make my posts actually contribute something to the forums and a lot of these ones in OOC just seem to be half-sentence, smilie-laden threads just meant to say "hey" to each other a thousand times over and up your post count to some insane level...

Ok, rant over - thanks for hearing me out on that.


I think he has a valid point here. I agree with the creation of a community which is for all that garbage. While I hardly ever go to OOC, I sympathize with the regulars that try to make this an interesting and engaging online community. I think that something should be done to eliminate the wasteful posts (posters). I don't want to sound like a killjoy, hell I've been guilty of the 1 smilie post before, but it hasn't and never will be a habit. I really think some sort of precedent and example needs to be set before the insane traffic of Episode 2 hits. That's my .02¢

Champion of the Force
Mar 18th, 2002, 05:51:43 PM
We used to have that...it was called general discussion, and nobody ever posted there.
Yeah, but then we tried again by creating OOC - and people went there.

If a 'community' forum (my preferred title - Tosche Station because it's one of the few SW locations that hasn't been used :)) were to be made though I would put it within the General category (probably above the Comm forum). I don't think it would be proper to leave it within the Roleplaying section.

Mar 18th, 2002, 05:59:45 PM
If it will make the spam go away...fine by me.

Mar 18th, 2002, 06:07:29 PM
Can I just point out, one person did AIM me about Dizzy, saying she was getting annoyed at him for harassing her.

And I think splitting will kill the place. And come on, we only just had all this in TF.N lit! :)

Champion of the Force
Mar 18th, 2002, 06:18:30 PM
And I think splitting will kill the place.
You said the same thing when OOC was created - and look how much it's killed the place. :p

But I'm in no mood to rush into such a forum. I might send a PM off to some people I know on the boards and see what they say about the idea. If there's clearly no interest then there will be little point in pursuing the idea.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 18th, 2002, 09:08:05 PM
If another general chit chatty type forum is decided upon and people want it, we need to strictly lay out the rules of each place.

Right now, I am with LL .. I am so sick of the constant posting in OOC that has nothing to do with anything but posting just to post -_-

I wonder if we as a staff might curbed that by starting topics on our own to begin discussions with the players so spamming is lessoned?

:: shrugs ::

Tis an idea

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 19th, 2002, 01:01:19 AM
I have to agree that I don't think its a big deal if Sir Dizzy is poting over at OCC, if I posted over there and I don't roleplay would that be considered spaming. Still I do have a problem with the people posting a 100 posts a day and I read one of those threads and I had problems with Lord Gue and Sith Ankn they both said nothing of importance and Ankn was talking about S&M and saying he was naked that was uncalled for.

Champion of the Force
Mar 19th, 2002, 08:26:39 PM
After some futher deliberation on my own part for the idea of a 'community' forum, I'm now of the mind that setting one up under the present circumstances would probably be pointless. For starters there's no real way setting one up would stop spamming and nonsense occuring anymore than our current policies dictate. In addition to this there's also the risk of one forum completely dying whereas the other one continuing as normal since everyone would probably post their stuff (be it roleplaying related or just general talk) in the popular place.

A community forum IMHO would be more beneficial if we were looking for an area for both RPers and non-RPers to post without being accused of being in the wrong area, however presently I don't think there's any major grounds for such a proposal to eventuate.

PS. All that was based purely on my own thoughts and ideas - I haven't talked to anyone over the idea as of yet (and don't plan to unless the staff still wants to push the idea).

Mar 19th, 2002, 08:39:33 PM
I just noticed. I post as much as these people, if not more. If any sort of action is going to be done, I think you'll have to be removing me, to stop you looking hypocritical

Mar 19th, 2002, 08:42:44 PM
But the majority of your posts don't consist of two or three words that usually have nothing to do with the topic or nothing to do with what someone said in the topic. You don't post just to chat, you post to make valid points.

As for the creation of another forum, I don't feel we need to try and reign any more control by splitting things up more. I'm just getting tired of the postcount++ type stuff that I have been seeing.

I based my conclusion that Gue was doing that in the thread the other day on something he said about a week ago in regards to his placement on the Top posters list of the Portal. He made it sound as if it did matter to him to be there and that he would go to any lengths to move up that list.

Champion of the Force
Mar 19th, 2002, 08:43:56 PM
But Reaper, you post a lot of good stuff in your posts as well as the odd 'spam' post. :)

People like sirdizzy, Ahnk and Gue on the other hand seem to exist only to post nonsenical crap on the board.

Posting a lot isn't spamming. Posting a lot when 99% of it is pure crap is spamming.

Mar 19th, 2002, 08:55:22 PM
But the majority of your posts don't consist of two or three words that usually have nothing to do with the topic or nothing to do with what someone said in the topic. You don't post just to chat, you post to make valid points.
I fail to find more than one valid point today.

Mar 19th, 2002, 08:59:41 PM
But you TRY to make points...

I mean, you do argue about FDTD being a good movie. Its a constructive argument, even if you're just plain damn wrong ;)

Mar 19th, 2002, 09:04:26 PM
This month, the top 5 posters include me, Ahnk, Gue and HaeThingie. I havent had anything major to discuss, or points to put across. Please explain how they are spammers, but I am a decent poster.

Mar 19th, 2002, 10:02:02 PM
Guys/Gals - I understand what you're saying, but let's not be knit-picky with the policies. Do you want people to post or not? DO you want participation in some form or not? We're all always trying to get more participation in the place.

Ahnk - trying to be funny, but just ends up being racey. I think maybe one person is amused by his "humor/jokes". He reminds me of Thrawn.
Gue - Thinks things are going his way. Usually people pick on him, and Hae doesn't, so he posts the sum of an IM convo to her. Gue doesn't get alot of positive responses from people, so when he gets SOME, he lets all the energy out. Again, thinking it is amusing some people.
Hae - She's new. It's neat. She likes to post.

How 'bout, all comments must have to do with the subject matter, and all threads must have a subject that pertains to an audience bigger than that of an AIM buddy?

I personally enjoy that the OOC forum is a free forum. At least that's the way I perceive it. All other forums have a specific purpose. It's nice to have one "anything goes" forum. Again, self-promoting or senseless posts have no place anywhere on this board, but these people aren't the only ones with simple posts. They may irritate a few more people, but it's not our job to find ways to ban people we get irritated by.

Let me put it this way: would you rather that we have the common bitching and moaning threads (that stress us out to death), or some common conversations? I say we take positive energy here where we can get it. Pick and choose battles... this is NOT a battle for us.

Just my thoughts.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 19th, 2002, 11:43:31 PM
I post a lot too Reaper, not as much as you but you go into more forums than I do, I mainly stick in the SW section sometimes posting things here and thats it, so I think that makes a difference. The others seem (at least Gue and Ankh) seem to be trying to out pace the rest of us or something the other one Hae is new but why does she keep posting under different nicks :huh On one thread she had her Mariah Carrie(sp) avatar and Jon was trying to get some pics from her, and then under a different name Riley Chambers she says she doesn't like here anymore than she post under her Mariah avatar nic like nothing has happened. Either she has got a split personality or something is wrong there. Here is the thread so you can see

I would just wish she would pick a nick and stick with it because I find it very confusing trying to keep up with all her nicks. How many does she have anyway?

Champion of the Force
Mar 20th, 2002, 12:42:25 AM
I understand what you're saying, but let's not be knit-picky with the policies. Do you want people to post or not? DO you want participation in some form or not? We're all always trying to get more participation in the place.
But it's not just a matter of being 'picky with policies'. Even some posters are starting to complain about what they consider 'excess spamming'. Giving the posters some leeway is all nice and good, but are we to let some people push it so far to the limit that we risk losing other posters who do post sensibly and contribute to the community?

I enjoy having a nice 'anything goes' place as well, however the last month or so has been pretty bad IMHO with junk topics dominating everything and anything. I don't mind the odd one or 2 (heck that's what threads like 'The Jedi Council etc are) but having a whooe forum being cluttered with them gets a bit much.

Especially consdiering some have been warned, but just ignore us and continue their behaviour anyway (like sirdizzy and Ahnk with 'testing' the censor :rolleyes).

I'm not calling for an inquisition against any and all pointless posts, lest we scare of 90% of the posting body. But asking for a little bit of sense and maturity when posting wouldn't go astray.

PS. I think jokes about killing and suicide is also getting too much.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 20th, 2002, 01:06:45 AM
Maybe we need to post a topic in all the big forums (probably just OCC and Boxoffice since the majority of people post there) stating these problems and allow people to respond and see what everyone says.

Mar 20th, 2002, 08:02:15 AM
Well I think its a good idea. Let these people see that most of the posters think that they're waisting our time. They should get the point that way. It is better to show them that the consensus is this way.

I think in the dirtymindus thread, that kinda happened for Gue. LL comes in with the spam gif., and then others came in and agreed that he was spamming. Since then, there has been a few less posts and starting of topics from him. Hae probably won't want that to happen to her, but she still does post quite a bit.

Ahnk just plain doesn't care. I think there will come a time when he becomes banned. Especially if he thinks hanging out with Itala is cool.

I will journey to the FAQ and see what we're saying about spamming. Maybe it needs to be revised?

Mar 20th, 2002, 08:04:53 AM
Eve, there's less posts from him because he banned himself :)

Mar 21st, 2002, 08:06:57 AM
Gue was banned?

Mar 21st, 2002, 08:09:54 AM
Gue specifically asked to be banned, so we complied. Then he went over to TGC and complained about our "facist regime" and how we banned him without any reason at all.