View Full Version : Resident Evil ROCKS! Theater was full too

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:10:43 AM
How come Box Office Guru said it will make $8 million for the weekend? Did it not open in many theaters...?!

I've not seen a movie that full in ages, it being winter and all. Sure was a lot more full than anything else recently, at least at my theater. I had to take a second row seat :( I was running late and missed the trailers, but none of the film or the stupid Regal introduction.

I'm kind of miffed though because it just does not make since to me, these critics, and it's beginning to bother me more now that I am becoming a real critic in that I see everything. I mean, what is it with these people?! They love the stupidest films but have no appreciation for a great action/horror/sci-fi film like Resident Evil!

Wow, that was an awesome movie. I was kind of expecting to be disappointed with really idiotic dialogue, but there really were only a few lines that were perhaps a bit, hmm, lame. They didn't bother me even though, I was just watching closely ;)

You know, I went into that movie just expecting a good time and some cool action and perhaps a few tight scenes, but that was it. That's what you want out of a movie like that, you hope it's a 3 star film that entertains you for an hour and a half (in this case) and then that's that, you go home and do whatever.... or go to another movie if you're me :)

Still, this had more than I thought it would actually. I cannot ever call a movie "scary," but this came as close to scary as I can really say, besides The Night of the Living Dead, which I did think was fairly scary (hey I was 9 when I saw it first), but this had a little of that mix in it too. It was like a sci-fi, futuristic version of Night of the Living Dead.

The movie is just AWESOME though, and I mean that in the sense of "cool," "tight," "action-packed," etc. This isn't what critics want in a movie, though. It doesn't offer anything really new to audiences, it has no huge plot twists really, no amazing character development, no witty screenplay with great political and social satire or commentary, it's just what it is. It's what it set out to be. It's a better Tomb Raider. In fact, it honestly makes Tomb Raider look pretty weak.

I gave Tomb Raider 3.5, so I realize I'm the exception to the rule (a lot of people didn't like it, my sister included and she loved The One, for instance). Still, I really enjoyed the plot of this movie. I am familiar on a very very slight level with the video game, played it in an arcade once, but I am not a huge video game guy. I enjoy them, but I feel guilty for playing because right now, I just work, that's that. Seeing movies is part of my work, but I don't have time to spend on anything other than, well, business and movies.

I also might mention that I HATE Event Horizon, the film this director did in like 1996 or whatever the heck it was. One of my all-time ten worst films still. Great concept, horrible, horrible directing and execution. That being said, everyone is allowed their stinkers, and every director has them no matter how great.

So here is why I really, really liked Resident Evil despite waiting for it to screw up so I could think like a critic (but ultimately I can think whatever the heck I want, darnit):

-What a cool concept! That whole underground research facility is neato. I like the way the movie starts right into the story, no wasted time, the director cuts to the point.

-Milla Jovovich (did I get that right? lol) is more badass than Lara Croft. She's awesome, downright killing machine. Not immediately, but a few of her scenes are just really really cool.

-Movie does not seem like it "tries" to be cool exactly, it just knows it is cool anyway. I mean, any film with that slick of photography and technology and effects is just automatically going to be cool if the script and plot don't ruin it; they don't.

-Having two really hot lead actresses does not hurt, but that's not my professional opinion, that's my opinion as a guy moviegoer ;) lol.

-Freaky/eerie idea in general, trapped half-mile below ground with hundreds of dead people coming after you wanting to eat you. I mean, that is creepy, and it's not just creepy in concept, it's actually well developed and genuinely scary. The tension is well done.

-Film has a weird, very eerie ending, but the downer ending works because it seems absolutely appropriate, like nothing else would really do the story justice. It sets up perfectly for sequels, but GO SEE THE MOVIE so that I get my sequel darnit! This movie needs a sequel, grr, I'll be mad if it bombs :(

I agree with the Seattle Times critic who says it is not perfect (certainly true, there are parts that are pretty predictable, but In the Bedroom is extremely predictable and critics loved it), but it is the best video game movie ever made. I've not seen a better one so far at least.

Sorry, but I'm no fan of Final Fantasy. I was sorely disappointed after being such a big fan of the games.

Resident Evil was worth every penny of the admission price, but I may have to go back again because it was a heck of a ride.

Showtime was good too, BTW, 3.5 stars. It was not brilliantly hilarious in the way that I think Road Trip and American Pie are, and it wasn't a masterful comedy like Mrs. Doubtfire or Groundhog Day by any means, but it certainly accomplished what I believed it set out to be and it was better than the trailers actually, which would have led me to believe it was a 2.5 to 3 star comedy with a possibly wasted talented cast. Instead, it really was quite funny and although nothing really has you laughing extremely hard, it's almost constantly funny enough to keep you amused throughout. I'm not used to giving 3.5 ratings to two straight films lately, but hey, this is a good weekend!

Champion of the Force
Mar 16th, 2002, 03:17:18 AM
How come Box Office Guru said it will make $8 million for the weekend?

1. It had received a lot of negative reviews (yeah yeah - reviews do not determine the success of a picture, I know. :) ).
2. It was rated R yet looked primarily skewed towards the fans of the computer game who may have been too young to see it.

Fair summation? :)

Mar 16th, 2002, 03:35:36 AM
Well, $8 million is very low. I'm not saying it will DEFINITELY make more, but honestly $15 million would not at all surprise me. I hope it can do better even. Maybe $17 or $18 M's.

R-rating can hurt, that is true, definitely can hurt, but then again, if you want a real action movie what do you see lately? You see We Were Soldiers, which is old at this point, or you see Resident Evil. There is a lot of competition out but not for action or horror films.

The R-rating sure didn't seem to damage Resident Evil much on Friday at my theater. You could barely find a seat in the auditorium and our theater never sells out during the off-season (anytime other than May - July, November, December).

It has a lot of negative reviews, or mediocre reviews, you are right but as I wrote in one of my other recent reviews, that never stopped any movie from being good anyway ;)

The critics can say what they want, they obviously have no taste in film. All they want is something totally unique and original, quality doesn't matter to them ultimately. If it's innovative and original, it is automatically good no matter how obviously shoddy the film is. No matter how great the movie is and no matter how objectively fantastic the production is, critics do not like films that are not totally original.

Take The Count of Monte Cristo, clearly the best film of this year easily. Everyone loved it, except for a few critics, and it broke out and became a surprise success amidst a slow season. I saw it twice even, thinking about #3 this week because it is still playing, amazingly.

The film had a wonderful screenplay, one of the best I have ever seen, it had great acting, the plot was brilliant, the production values were flawless, the pace was great, the music enhanced the experience, and nothing about it was slightly below superior work. However, there have already been movies made of that book and it is based on a book, after all, it is not original. The movie itself is nothing short of a masterpiece, but that doesn't matter because it lacks originality in that it's not the first movie of the book, it's not even the second, and this type of revenge story has been done before, although rarely ever so well (in Braveheart, but that's a different type of film, this was better than Braveheart on many levels, but of course not as good overall). So the point is, if a film is not totally groundbreaking it won't get good reviews most of the time, not from the mass of critics anyway.

A few critics always break rank, like members of a political party, and give a film the review it deserves, whether that is to say that Gosford Park is pointless and stupid and boring, or whether that is to admit that a "lowbrow" film like Resident Evil is actually very good. It would kill most critics to say that, so they search hard for whatever they can find to say what they want, which is that it sucks, because if it's commercial it must suck. There is nothing made for profit that is any good, lol. Of course, forget about the fact that truly every movie is made for a profit, forget about the fact that as much as I love reviewing movies, I'm in it for making money too, and as much as I love writing books, I want money. It's all about the benjamins ;)

Films are a business, I don't see how that makes a commercial movie any less enjoyable though because I think even while the director may want to make good money, he also wants to make a great movie because, after all, it is his passion and he wants to be proud of what he's produced.

Resident Evil may be commercial, but it's also a great film for what it is, which is a sci-fi/action/horror film, NOT a quirky character study or a "look how smart we are" type of movie (like Mulholland Drive or something).

Mar 16th, 2002, 05:14:10 AM
going to go see it tommorow i saw ice age and showtime today

Mar 16th, 2002, 05:32:42 AM
Haha, that is really funny! That was my plan exactly, I was going to a 7:30 Showtime and a 9:20 Ice Age, but the problem was two-fold. First off, Showtime ended at 9:35 technically, although it really would have been like 9:28 or whatever, so I still would have missed the Episode II trailer, which would have been lame. Then also, I left the house at 7:30 because I had to finish my workout and updating my darn Website, so I was way behind schedule and had to see the 7:40 Resident Evil, where I missed all of the previews anyway. Still, I saw everything of the movie (I never miss any part of a movie, ugg, that kills me; it's worse than stepping on a crack or opening an umbrella inside, just bad luck!).

So then I got the 9:50 Showtime.

I hope you enjoy Resident Evil, I really hope other people are liking this movie too so that I'm not the only one who thinks it was incredibly tight, hehe. Man what a fun movie, I definitely want this on DVD badly. I hope it is loaded with extras and a few deleted scenes. That movie has great replay value too, just the perfect DVD to buy.

In fact it was a lot like a much improved version of Hollow Man. It had a similar feel in that you're inside a subterranean facility, only in this case you had at least one awesome protagonist (unlike in Hollow Man where I couldn't give a damn about the characters) and you have a ton of evil flesh eaters out there, haha. It was great.

I assume Ice Age is good? I look forward to seeing that either tomorrow or Sunday. Also got to get to Harrison's Flowers this weekend.

I'm going to see the Blazers destroy the Wizards tomorrow for their 14th win in 15 games ;)

I'm very excited about the Blazers lately, if they keep playing this well they will have a championship to celebrate in June. Even the Lakers cannot stop this team as they are playing now, hehe, absolutely no way. Two more meetings this season will determine how well the Blazers play versus them though. They are 1/2 right now but Shaq was out in the Lakers loss, so the Blazers better show them which team is better now on March 29. The Mavericks got beaten so badly I'm surprised they could even play another game after that. I wonder how it feels to be blown away so badly that you have to throw in the towel after the first HALF. LOL, Portland fans just loved that. I don't see where the worry is about the Mavs and Kings. The Blazers own both of those teams. You know what has happened 35 times in the last 37 times the Kings came to visit our wonderful city? The losers walked away with a loss. THIRTY FIVE times out of 37. We own them, they are our b*tches :) The Mavericks can consider themselves owned too.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 12:43:31 PM
I'm going to see it tonight. I'm sure it's going to be my favorite movie because I am a Resident Evil fan. The video games rock! So of course the movie will too! :D And those critics need to be locked away without any food. They've been getting too big for their britches..... especially Ebert. He needs to take less trips to the lobby.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 12:49:27 PM
Well Lee's said it will make it between 13-17 which is a better estamite. I actually think it will surprise people and finish second and make about 20 million, where Ice Age will make around 30, it should be a powerful weekend as most colleges have spring break and some high schools are out too so this should be a big weekend, probably biggest weekend of the spring. I am still not sure myself about RE, I loved the games so I am slightly worried they will butcher them, I know this is a prequel so I will probably end up seeing it just to find out how it connects to the games. By the way Jon, was their a Tyrant in the movie at all? A Tyrant is this big creature that looks human like but must be 7, 8 feet tall, it has been in ever game (some what there has been different variations of it), but since this was a prequel I kind of figured that they might leave it out and save it for the next movie. I have already read they are working on a sequel and they are actually planning on adding some characters from the games. I hope they add Chris and Jill they were awesome in the games.

Mar 16th, 2002, 04:34:47 PM
Oh man, I REALLY REALLY hope there is a sequel. I will be first in line next time. The first movie was that good, in my opinion.

HaeLari Draevyn, nice picture there, haha :) I am sure you will like the movie, it's not just another video game movie, it's a great horror/sci-fi film with great action obviously too.

Yes, well I am going to be doing my own box office predicting on my JLBMovies.com site because the guy at Box Office Guru couldn't predict what he's going to wear tomorrow, let alone what movies are going to make. He is horrid.

He basically put every movie at really low levels, yet he forgets it's not winter anymore, it's half-way through March and the only place that is winter is on the calendar (and only for a week longer). That means spring, which means better box office grosses.

I took one look at his $8 million Resident Evil prediction and how full my theater was, which is always an indication of a film's success, and thought, "Yeah, right!" I was thinking it seemed low Thursday night even and sure enough the film made $6.7 million on Friday alone. I mean, DUH, come on BO Guru, idiot.

Ice Age had a massive opening though, I cannot say I saw that coming whatsoever. I am extremely happy for Fox. They really needed this after trying with Titan A.E. but failing miserably and after Anastasia was only about a break-even film. Ice Age is on track for about a $38-45 million opening. I would be very, very surprised if it made only $30 million after more than $13M on Friday alone and it's a family movie.

The thing is, people my age saw the previews and instead of thinking, "Dumb cartoon Disney crap," we thought, "Hehe, that looks pretty funny! I may see that." I actually of course thought, "Definitely will see that."

I think the next few years will see the end of Disney's reign on animation. With DreamWorks already pulling even with Disney easily (Katzenberg WAS Disney and it wasn't hard for him to take their talent away and destroy their grip on animation) after Shrek, The Prince of Egypt (hit $100M), Chicken Run (cleared $100M), etc. Now Fox is going to have a huge success that surpasses any recent Disney film and I very much doubt that anyone really wants to see more STUPID Disney TRASH. All they can give us is stupid little kiddie films. The other studios finally figured it out that what people want is family films that appeal to all ages. Lucas realized that in 1977 when he made a PG movie that actually appealed to everyone, but apparently it took the other filmmakers and studios a few decades to get it through their heads. So now we get stuff like Shrek and Ice Age. Then again, we also have to suffer through Disney's Return to Neverland, definitely one of the stupidest films around. Oh well, maybe Disney will learn, or they will pay the price, whichever they choose.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:31:12 PM
It was great! Although there were differences from the game, they kept to most of the storyline. A lot of the RE gamers might complain that there is no Jill Valentine or Leon Kennedy, but all of the Resident Evil series has different story lines. They don't always form around the same characters. The only things that I could really complain about was one of the monster's transformations and the Spencer Mansion looked way too different from the game, on top of there was no Tyrant monster. I know, I know, they won't always keep to the game down pat, but it bothered me since I am a huge RE fan.

If there IS a sequel, I'd love them to base it exactly after Resident Evil 2. That was one of my favorite games. It'd tie in perfectly with the first. I won't say why, but for those who have played it will probably understand how.

Another difference that I saw was how they didn't have as many puzzles and riddles as they do in the game. The Umbrella company's headquarters and any mansions associated with it are supposed to be totally booby trapped with all sorts of little goodies. I was disappointed not to see any of those because that's what makes it exciting. I mean, try to solve the Painting of Life and Death Puzzle while you've got flesh eating crows pecking your eyeballs out. They kind of grasped the riddle thing once or twice, but not as much as they should have.

I'm going to have to see it again because since I'm the RE expert in my family, they kept asking me what was going on during the entire movie. :( I may have missed a few things here and there.

Milla Jovovich did a wonderful job! Bravo on her acting in this movie! And thank God that she gained a little weight since the Fifth Element because she was looking like the walking dead herself way back then.

Will there be a sequel? Well, I look at it like this... Will there be a sequel for the games? There's always a sequel with RE. Until Umbrella is brought down or the world ends up being infested with zombies, the concept won't die. I think there will definately be a sequel with this movie with how little they revealed about the entire plot behind Umbrella. It's like in each game, you find out about something else that you didn't know before in the other games. We'll find out more that we didn't know from the RE sequel that I know they'll have.

I'll keep you guys updated on if there will be a sequel. I've known that they were going to make this movie for anout three and a half years now :lol If there will be a sequel, I'll know before all of you do! >D

And if anyone is now addicted to Resident Evil just by seeing the movie, I suggest playing the games and reading the books by SD Perry. I hope that they have SD Perry write the book based on the movie because she grasps the entire eerieness about RE perfectly. Read them all! Even the ones that aren't based on the games are great. Who knows? Maybe they will base the next movie on one of SD Perry's books that is one of the original storylines(that's not a game storyline). We'll see. >D

Warren Azalin
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:51:12 PM
Actually a sequel already in the works: Resident Evil Nemesis. from what I've heard it starts off where the movie ends and ties in with RE 2 & 3 (also includes characters from the games in the movie). As for the movie itself I am already seeing about going to see it a second time this weekend :D

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 06:54:33 PM
O_o Really? Wow I gotta change where I get my sources from! And they better have Leon in it!! And if they do, he'd better be just as cute! *dreamy sigh* :lol

Mar 16th, 2002, 06:56:44 PM
Leon? What, you mean the cool hitman played by Jean Reno? Or someone from the dull game? :)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:00:43 PM
Dull game!??!?! *tackles Fett and ties him to a chair, forcing him to watch several hours of really badly acted 70's zombie flicks.*

It's not dull! Why would they make a movie out of a game that was dull? *eye twitches for a moment, then calms down* :angel

Warren Azalin
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:04:32 PM
Btw for those who want to know more


Beware of spoilers thought if you haven't seen the movie yet.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:16:03 PM
Is that where you heard about the sequel? lol If not, tell me where you heard about it!

Warren Azalin
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:17:45 PM
Yea but it's been announced a few more places (I would find links but I'm Lazy, oh well lol)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 07:43:40 PM
Oooooooo! Yes, I'm a happy camper now that I know there WILL be a sequel! They better not make us wait three years like they did when they started working on the first one!

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:19:15 PM
I think I read it on coming attractions to, I like the idea of combining the two games, they both take place in the same time frame basically, so they could have two characters take on Nemesis and the rest take on that creature that the scientist (who invented the T-Virus) became, too bad there won't be room probably for Wesker unless they save him for the third movie and base it off of Veronica's Code.

Mar 16th, 2002, 08:21:50 PM
Oh man, that is SO COOL, I am so excited there is going to be a sequel.

I must say that is the 2nd best movie of 2002 so far, behind The Count of Monte Cristo. Resident Evil was really really cool, even if it didn't hold to the video games exactly, that doesn't matter to me as a critic/moviegoer, I just enjoyed the story and the way it was done.

That film looked incredibly expensive, even though I am sure it was done on a fair budget, it just looked very impressive. The production values were impeccable. I could not find many flaws in the film technically, in fact it was practically perfect from a technical standpoint.

The only criticism I have, which seems small given what a great film it was, is the predictability of some of the occurrences and the stupidity of the characters. Most horror films have this same type of thing, where the characters do something really stupid that gets them killed and whatnot. I respect that, but I would really like to see a movie where the characters are all very smart, they all do their best to survive, but it just doesn't matter, they get killed anyway. That's the type of film that would be four-star caliber in my opinion, if it were excellently directed and had the high production values of Resident Evil.

You know why critics didn't like this film? Check it out:


Males under 21: A-
Males over 34: C-

All critics are guys over 34 basically, with the only exceptions being female critics over 34 and they didn't like it much either.

The problem is you have old guys reviewing movies that were not made for them, so it begs the question, what in the hell are they doing reviewing this film? It's their job, yes, but they cannot do their job obviously as they have just proven because everyone else liked the movie. Few people over 34 go to see a movie based on a popular video game, let's face it. They don't get it because they never had video games as kids. I did.

When I am 35, though, I will still consider Resident Evil a very good movie because it just is a very good movie, so it is not like "the older you are, the more your tastes differ," it's just that the generation gap here exists between those people who have had video games and those who have not, the age factor doesn't matter except that it is because of their age that they didn't have video games. I have no doubt that an Amish kid seeing Resident Evil wouldn't like it either because it's too stylish, too fast, too in your face, too action-packed and exciting.

Critics are boring and they like boring movies, just that simple. There are a few exceptions, fortunately, but sadly not many.

I'm very excited about Resident Evil: Nemesis. I cannot wait.

Warren Azalin
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:22:42 PM
Well if it does take that long there is always the RE DVD :D

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:23:30 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
...and the rest take on that creature that the scientist (who invented the T-Virus) became...

That would be Tyrant, aka, William Birkin. :)

Mar 16th, 2002, 08:52:51 PM
Jesus Christ dude, that picture of Mariah is so hot! Send me some of that stuff! :)

Jonathan@jlbmedia.com ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:57:16 PM
Yeah I remember now but I thought Nemesis (and that unstopable creature you only see in Scenerio B in RE 2) was a Tryant as well? I guess they are all tyrants just varations are am off on this.

Warren Azalin
Mar 16th, 2002, 08:59:12 PM
I thought Nemesis (and that unstopable creature you only see in Scenerio B in RE 2)

That was Mr. X. Nemesis was the thing in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis.

was a Tryant as well? I guess they are all tyrants just varations are am off on this.

I think Mr. X was one of the only Tyrants they had perfected (I say only because when they drop him off you see about 5 other canisters.)

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 09:13:31 PM
So Nemesis was a reject? As far as M X I never knew at the time what it was I just remember playing Scenerio B, walking around the corner and seeing him come walking towards me, that was scary, and he kept coming after you every time you turned around there he was, it became very nerve acting and very scary battling him.

Warren Azalin
Mar 16th, 2002, 09:18:39 PM
I wouldn't really call Nemesis a reject, I don't know if they ever explained what he was, but I think that might be why they are planning the next movie to revolve around him, to finally get an answer (plus when there is a 7-8 foot monster coming after you to kill you does it matter if it's a reject or not lol).

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 16th, 2002, 09:35:27 PM
LOL true, but he seemed very disfigured so I was thought he was a damaged version of MR X. He did have this mutating thing going for him though.

Mar 17th, 2002, 01:25:25 AM
Jesus Christ dude, that picture of Mariah is so hot! Send me some of that stuff!Jesus Christ, she looks like a barbie doll someone stuck in a microwave. :x

Mar 17th, 2002, 01:50:01 AM
Yeah right!!! LOL, you have got to be kidding. She is so unbelievably, incredibly hot it just boggles the mind. Especially in that picture. Mariah is a goddess. Too bad she can't act, but I like her singing...

Mar 17th, 2002, 01:55:46 AM
Sorry, I'm just not into the fake, plastic look. :p

Riley Chambers
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:34:04 AM
lol I thought Mariah was cool up until she started flaunting her body. She used to be someone ten year old girls could look up to. Now she merely makes more Britney Speares wanna bes. :x

Sith Ahnk
Mar 17th, 2002, 04:14:27 AM
2. It was rated R yet looked primarily skewed towards the fans of the computer game who may have been too young to see it.

The video games are rated the equivalent of R as well. And we see how well that kaeeps kids away from them.

Mar 17th, 2002, 02:16:24 PM
Because most videogame stores don't check for ID when they're supposed to, or their parents don't bother to check the ratings when they buy their kids games (and then get miffed when they realize it's not a kid's game!). But most theaters are pretty strict about checking ID.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 17th, 2002, 02:32:01 PM
lol They didn't bother checking mine and I don't think I look my age because I look and sound younger.

Mar 17th, 2002, 04:31:51 PM
I do not have my ID checked much anymore, although the other day a lady said, "Do you by chance have your ID on you?" She didn't really even ask to see it, she just kind of asked for it in a way that makes me wonder if I had said, "No actually I don't," whether she would have cared or not, lol. Obviously I had my ID, hehe, wouldn't drive without that!

I never have heard of anyone being carded for a video game, you have got to be kidding me. That is not a federally enforced law to my knowledge, lol. It's perfectly legal to sell any video game to any person, those are just RECOMMENDED ratings, not laws. If you want to argue they are laws, how come nobody EVER cares?! A law that is not enforced is not a law, simple.

I didn't even realize that the theatrical ratings were enforced until I was like 14. I had been to R movies all of the time and had never heard of such an ABSURD government interference. There's a liberal's invention right there. No republican would want government interference of what we can and cannot see, but that's neither here nor there.

I just thought those film ratings were recommended. Actually, I still think they are just recommended ratings but the theaters take them seriously and enforce them now mostly, which is EXTREMELY annoying. They should just ignore them totally. Those ratings are there to let PARENTS know what they should let their kids see, but ultimately if a person wants to see a movie they should be able to see it, no matter what it is rated unless it is porno obviously and they are under 18.

Mar 17th, 2002, 04:32:38 PM
"lol I thought Mariah was cool up until she started flaunting her body."

If you've got it, flaunt in. Mariah is hot. Britney is awesome. :)

Mar 17th, 2002, 04:37:06 PM
:x :x :x

Britney is the most plain looking woman I've ever seen... I saw a pic of her at some sort of sports game, once. Without all that makeup. I couldn't single her out in the photo until someone pointed to her.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 17th, 2002, 05:30:38 PM
Actually its the right wingers for the most part along with a few moderate Democratics like Liebermann who have pushed for the gaming industry to check for ids, as far as the movie industry goes this system goes back to the 60's and was done without any interference from the govt. It happened after the Supreme Court overtured the Hayes act which goes back to the 30's I think. That was an act put in by a conservative Senator to keep, sex, nudity, violence out of movies, it also made it illegal to show gangsters and criminals in a postive way. I have no idea why it took the Supreme court so long to strike it down but it happened in the early 60's that is why you saw a rash of violent movies and films with some nudity and sex, The Wild Bunch and Bonnie and Clyde both come to mind.

Riley Chambers
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:12:08 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
"lol I thought Mariah was cool up until she started flaunting her body."

If you've got it, flaunt in. Mariah is hot. Britney is awesome. :)

Not when little kids look up to you. I have a pregnant friend who is only 16 who worships all of those prostitute type singers. She didn't used to act like the way she does now until she started looking up to those singers.

Jedi Master Carr
Mar 17th, 2002, 07:37:06 PM
This is geting off track but it is nothing new it goes back to the 50's and 60's with Marlyn Monroe and Jane Wyman and I personally don't think it is the reason why people under 18 have sex/ get pregnant, its poor upbring, peer pressure and poverty all of those are factors. I don't think Britney Spears makes anybody has sex by what she wears, guys would look at girls even if they didn't wear those tight clothes.

Mar 17th, 2002, 09:29:15 PM
That is the stupidest excuse I have ever heard. Britney is hot, and by showing off her body and performing as she does, SHE SELLS ALBUMS and that's what it's all about. It's not about presenting some wholesome image, save that for Church or some crap, this is a business and the point is to make money.

Britney is not plain whatsoever, she is incredibly hot. But girls wouldn't understand that because every girl I have ever met hates Britney. It is pure jealousy.

You will find very few guys who could name 10 other guys they hate and yet have never met, but you will find VERY FEW girls who couldn't name at least 100 other girls who they hate... and have never met.

The only guy I do not especially like is Leonardo Dicaprio because he just sort of bugs me, he's not a very good actor, but I happen to like a few of the movies he was in, including The Man in the Iron Mask and The Quick and the Dead. I can't think of another guy off the top of my head who I don't like, lol.

Most guys really like Brad Pitt, for instance, he was great in Fight Club and in a ton of other movies. But if guys had the mindset that girls do (which is pretty sickening), we would all hate John Travolta, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Tom Cruise, etc.

I don't hate any other guy just because women like him, haha. That is so irrational. But leave it to girls to think irrationally and with emotion rather than intellect. I am sorry but that is obviously the case here. My sister, for instance, is jealous of every other girl practically and she hates Cameron Diaz, hates Penelope Cruz, hates Mena Suvari, hates Britney Spears, she hates every good looking girl I can think of. Then she likes to say, "She's not pretty at all! How could you think that?" It's statements like that one that really make girls look idiotic. Trying to say another girl is not good looking just shows how foolish you are. Girls have no taste in other girls, they wouldn't know hot from ugly if their life depended on it. Nor would I even pretend to know whether a guy is good looking or not. I am always amazed at what girls like a guy to look like, but it's none of my business and I don't pretend to judge another GUY. That's just gross. No guy does that except gay ones. My friends would never say, "Wow Brad Pitt is so hot." But girls do say things like, "Wow that girl is so pretty." Don't get me wrong, the thought of two hot girls going at it is definitely intruiging, but if you're straight, don't go hugging your girlfriends, don't get all touchy feely with them (gross), and don't even pretend you know whether another girl is attractive or not.

Marcus Telcontar
Mar 17th, 2002, 09:51:06 PM
Britney Spears is fugly.



HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 17th, 2002, 11:13:29 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Q'Dunn
Britney Spears is fugly.



Noted and agreed.

One word........


Mar 18th, 2002, 02:30:41 AM
Two words:


Mar 24th, 2002, 07:13:14 AM
btw - RE does, indeed, rock. Very, very good. I plan on getting in on DVD when it comes out.

Mar 25th, 2002, 02:36:18 PM
Same here for sure. I loved it. And i'm sure they'll be others to come. Can't wait

Mar 25th, 2002, 02:40:45 PM
They have #2 planned already. Being as they made it with about the same amount as money as a Starbucks coffeee, they'll do another :)

Mar 26th, 2002, 12:17:55 PM
Yeah that movie rocks, I love it. Saw it twice so far.

Was RE really cheap to make? I didn't realize that... I mean it looked like it could have been quite expensive, but it's hard to know. I guess it was only 1.5 hours so that helps.

Mar 26th, 2002, 12:30:46 PM
Made in Europe, main star Milla? Cant see much :)

Mar 26th, 2002, 12:32:02 PM
$33million budget. Not a lot

Mar 27th, 2002, 08:03:19 AM
That's very cool. I'm glad it didn't carry a large budget, makes it much easier to justify that sequel. I bet DVD rentals and sales are going to make a lot. It's very hard to go wrong with a budget of $33 million, honestly.

Even with its large second weekend drop, it'll do well in theaters worldwide, or well enough to make the budget back easily, and then when you have TV broadcast rights, DVD and VHS sales, rentals of both formats, you really cannot go wrong.

I still think the best type of movie to make is the teen film or the low budget film anywhere from $10 to $35 million. For instance, Pitch Black was also cheaply produced I believe and became a surprise success, but when you make a film for $100 million, unless it's Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or The Matrix, you're not guaranteed to make that all back.

Men In Black II is a very safe bet too, but I don't understand the logic of releasing a film that cost anywhere above $70 million in the middle of winter. It just is not going to make its money back most likely. Even Ice Age was just under $60 million, which is cheap, cheap, cheap for the amazing success. Shrek was even cheaper and did even better.

Seriously though, if you get some hot young stars from TV or whatever who don't cost much, then you put together some teen film that costs $15 million, what is the WORST case scenario? $4 million opening and $9 million total maybe? Then worldwide it still makes perhaps $20 million, plus DVD and VHS sales and rentals, even at the worst case scenario you are almost surely going to break even, or lose at worst several million.

If the film just does fairly well, it opens with like $9 million and goes on to make $30 million in the U.S. Then it clears $60 million worldwide or so and when you add in the rest of the revenue, you're talking about a solid $125 million. Even divided among the theater chains, rental chains, etc, you're going to come out with a moderate winner.

Give me 10 films made at $10 million over one film at $100 million any day if I'm a studio head!