View Full Version : Are you an opener?

Starquest aka AndyR
Mar 15th, 2002, 05:08:15 PM
I am.
If I get a figure or ship that I think I would actually play with, then I dont hesitate. If they are figures that I am not interested in playing with, then I wont bother. I also recently started slicing open the bottom of the bubble (on carded figures) and sliding them out instead of just ripping into them. This way if I feel like changing a display to packages, I can put them back in.

Mar 15th, 2002, 07:56:27 PM
You're damn right I open 'em!!!

Early on I use to buy 2 of each, 1 to keep carded and 1 to open. When EP1 came around I switched to just 1 of each, and I opened them all. I've always cut the bubble off and kept the card. I'd never considered slicing the bubble at the bottom. That sounds like a neat idea Andy. The bubbles would take up a lot of space though so storing them would take up space I don't have.

Mar 16th, 2002, 12:12:10 AM
I leave em boxed. Why? Because if I didn't, my cousins and brother would get a hold of them and lose/break them. Plus I love the look of them on my wall.

Mar 16th, 2002, 05:09:53 AM
i am an opener

i occasionally get a second fig on card if its really cool