View Full Version : Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 14th, 2002, 10:41:39 PM
OOC~ This is an open thread, eventho it is a training thread. I don't mind who shows up :) as long as it makes sense :p

IC~ The twin suns of Tatooine were bright balls of orange and crimson in the sky; exuding their power to keep any cloud at bay.

About a mile outside of the infamous Mos Eisley, a figure clad in black waited on one of the many mesas. It was impossible to tell what creature lay within the folds of the blackened cloak, as it was impossible to tell if the afternoon heat affected it as well. The being's face was completed shrouded in black to protect themselves from the elements. Only two eyes, that seemingly were carved in ice, stared out at the expansive landscape; watching the few ships fly patterns around the city...

It was on the very edge of their senses that a storm was going to happen soon... Sandstorms were not uncommon at all on this desert planet and already the winds were increasing in velocity. Folds of black were swept up in the gentle breezes but then violently snapped back and forth as the angry hot winds rather have their presence known....

.... Hopefully this being wouldn't be waiting for her pupil too long... Though it could do no real harm, dealing with such trivial things did bore the Sith Master know as Dalethria...

<center><img src=http://thesithempire.clanpages.com/ndale3.jpg></center>

Max Norman
Mar 14th, 2002, 10:49:56 PM
These desert were his home, he had lived in them since he was born, his parents had been nomads and had raised him in the ways of survival, his heart felt for none but his own. He was heading towards the alien settlement in the distance as he came upon an older woman appearently waiting for somebody out in the middle of no where. He approached her
"Is there something I could help you with?"
OOC: I think when swfans messed with my sig he messed with this thread

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 14th, 2002, 11:31:10 PM
Steady eyes turned to look at this obvious Nomad which narrowed slowly as if debating on something. What this native saw reflected from those eyes were a coldness that chilled his body.

He couldn't tell who this person was because of the cloak they wore hid all features. He was only privy to the steal gaze that this being held

Without saying a word, the figure returned to staring at the city that lay ahead.

Max Norman
Mar 15th, 2002, 11:40:59 PM
Feeling himself a little put off by this person and her... he couldnt place it, it was a bad feeling, but he couldnt place it. He just felt he couldnt leave this person be out here though, for some reason he felt he was supposed to be here to meet this person, like there was some meaning here
"Ugly , aint it? Dont know why they built it way out here any way, nuttin but us desert rats live out here, and we aint got much use for space..."

Ket Van Derveld
Mar 16th, 2002, 03:59:45 PM
And as she stood there,shrouded by dark robes,she could see another native of Tattooine in the distance as Max spoke to her. He too,was covered in dark block robes,hood covering the features of the face. But she did not need to see him to know who he was. For he was strong within the Dark Side of the Force just as she. And He called to her through the Force,speaking to her.

*What brings you to the deserts of Tattooine this day,Dalethria?*

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:09:11 PM
There was nothing about this simple creature that intrigued her in the slightest. He was just another insect on this desert planet trying to survive this harsh reality.

And when he spoke, it hurt her ears to listen to such a primitive view. If words could really inflict damage, surely Dalethria's ears would be bleeding right now.

Perhaps her lack of vocbulary was not the best choice in dealig with this primitive... it only made her seem more mysteriously which led him to, for only Kashalla would know, thinking that he and her were destined to meet?

Such utter nonsense.

*What brings you to the deserts of Tattooine this day,Dalethria?*

Now this was most perplexing. Max noticed the smallest of movements as Dalethria shifted slightly to look at Ket. She remembered seeing him on Munto Codru but he didn't speak to her. It seemed now that today, on Tatooine, was the time for them to be reaquainted....

Greetings to you as well, Ket. I'm waiting for a pupil of mine who is late....

She could smell the change in the air. The storm was coming closer and if she concentrated hard enough, Dalethria could hear the howels of sand and wind kilometers behind.

Ket Van Derveld
Mar 18th, 2002, 11:42:49 PM
Ket smiled lightly. Being raised on this backwater planet,he knew all too well the sounds of the harsh sandstorms Tattooine offered.

I see,any lesson of particular interest?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:37:29 PM
Ket felt a sharp spike of anger coming from Dalethria as her heard a deep hiss come from her lips.

It will be a lesson in pain if he does not show today!

She shifted her stance to looked behind her.

But perhaps the storm will kill him and I won't have to be bothered by it.

With the winds picking up, Dalethria had failed to noticed that her feet had become partially buried in the sand. She was mildly amused as it was a bit difficult to lift her feet but it a strange way... fun.

Dalethria looked at Ket.

I will be leaving after the storm passes and since my trip was wasted here ... perhaps you could make it worth it and talk with me. I remember at Rama's ... I had felt that you wanted to catch up?

Ket Van Derveld
Mar 29th, 2002, 01:03:38 AM
Ket smiled lightly and chuckled at the spike of anger. Reminded him of the past.

Ah,yes. Then after the storm,i shall meet you ar Rama's.

Ket looked up with a grin on his face as the sand picked up in speed. How he loved his native planet so.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 1st, 2002, 10:30:59 PM
"For someone that lives here, you would think they could feel it in their bones the storm isn't going to let up for some time."

She turned away from Ket and started to head towards Mos Eisley. Already it was difficult to wade through the sand.

"But you also misunderstood me as well. I said to keep me company now if that is what you desire. If not, I guess I shall be drinking alone."

As Ket was mulling over what Dalethria said, he saw her trying to navigate as elegantly as she could. She barely stumbled and the winds were howling in anger, whipping their cloaks back and forth as a prelude of things to come.

Forcibly the sand was thrown into the air and started to spin around Ket. It obscured his vision for a few seconds and when the winds died down, he noticed that Dalethria had vanished from sight. There was no sign of her from where she once stood to as far as Ket could see.

"You should be able to find me."

Phantom Magus
Apr 7th, 2002, 02:35:52 PM
OoC: I'm really really really sorry about getting late to this, Dale.. >_<

IC: Tatooine. A rather new place for him. But he could tell one thing about it already. It was very very hot. He walked slowly through the streets of Mos Eisley, a dark hooded cloak enveloping the Sith Warrior. Dust and sand stirred with each step he took.

Raising his head a bit, he looked around at his surroundings. Trying to get a pinpoint on the Force signature of his Master, Dalethria. His shrouded face looked around as he stopped in the middle of the road. A landspeeder came shrieking to a stop right behind him. The man leapt up from it, pulling a blaster as he yelled.

"Hey buddy! Don't stop in the middle of the road! I oughta blast ya for it!"

He turned slowly, small wisps of energy flowing off his eyes. He extended his right hand a bit towards the man. Through the Force the man's blaster came to his hand. He crushed it slowly, then jammed his hand through the landspeeder's hood, crushing all that was inside. A grim smile spread across his lips.

"I think not."

He turned and continued on, leaving the man gaping in a mix of shock and horror. As well as several on lookers to the event.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:11:57 PM
OOC~ Tis alright, contrary to what the post is going to be like IC hee ^_^ Glad you remembered tho :lol

IC~ Phantom was making his way through Mos Eisley when something grabbed him from behind. He was taken by complete surprise when he was yanked into the alley by someone incredibly strong. It was amazing that his danger sense didn't alert him.

There wasn't enough time for him to get a glimpse of his would be attacker, for he was thrown right into the wall ... further into the alley.

Various gasps and screams of surprise filled his ears and was replaced by a very familiar voice.

"Tatooine isn't the only thing hot around here."

Her voice was filled with venom as she spat out each word. The Sith Warrior found himself lifted off the ground and pinned against the wall as Dalethria let the vermin run away in fear from what was going on. Vagabonds and scoundrels didn't want to be the next target of the Sith's rage.

Stalking closer to her Apprentice, Dalethria pulled off her hood and bared her teeth. She was seething with anger as she grabbed hold of Phantom's neck with a gloved hand. "You're late!"

Phantom Magus
Apr 9th, 2002, 07:36:48 PM
Breathing was becoming increasingly difficult as his Master squeezed his neck. He still had a voice to talk, however.

"Yes Master, I know."

He hung like a rag doll from her outstretched hand, pressed up against the wall. He knew that he couldn't break her hold, so he didn't even try. Instead, he slowly gazed back into her eyes. His skin could practically feel the anger radiating off from her.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 10th, 2002, 11:39:16 AM
No excuses from him bought Phantom a little more time. Dalethria let go of the vice grip on his neck and stepped back, still keeping him pinned against the wall through the Force.

"I was on my way to leave this hellhole until I felt your Force signature on the planet. I decided that I would stay and find out what was so important to keep me waiting in the middle of a sand storm before I killed you."

This wasn't a threat. Dalethria was going to kill him for such dishonor unless the little Warrior had a really good excuse for such undisciplined actions.

Phantom Magus
Apr 10th, 2002, 07:27:21 PM
His eyes slowly followed his Master before bowing his head a bit.

"I was caught up in studies of Sith manuscript, Master. I had lost track of time before someone told me of it. Then I realized how late I was and rushed over here."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 11th, 2002, 10:04:47 AM
"Really now?" Her demenor shifted as a playful smile appeared on her face. Phantom found himself face to face with his Master as Dalethria started to play with his bangs. "And what were you studying that captured your attention so ... fully."

Phantom Magus
Apr 11th, 2002, 06:33:47 PM
"Sith History, Master. I find how we originated and the past Dark Lords very interesting. And, as my nature goes sometimes, I wanted to learn more."

Darth Lynch
Apr 14th, 2002, 08:44:30 AM
On the desert world of Tatooine long ago away from the concerns of the Republic lived a slave, a small child that dreamt of being a Jedi Knight and of traveling the celestial Heavens in gleaming ships to worlds beyond his own. His wish to be free of the bond that kept him and his mother chained to servitude.

Hope fades.

Dreams die.

A dark figure in the desert appeared and vanished in the sandy wind. The feeling of the sand slamming against his cloak was only second to the hot unforgiving desert. Such worlds he cared not to be on or near since his change long ago. The suns rays did not affect him with death as it did so many others of his kind. Something he should have been thankful for but he merely found it convenient. A whistle in his ear alerted him to the specters presence, a green hue flashed beside him. Looking into the face of Naga Sadow he scoffed.

The green image of the dead Sith Lord narrowed its eyes and began to fade back into nothingness. As the Sith Master left the ghost to vanish again the form of Naga crashed into the back of Lynch almost knocking him of his feet, stumbling forward the Sith coughed up a green liquid that struck the ground.

Elsewhere in the old ruins of a compound housed for slaves two men and a girl sat with candles around them and an symbol drew on the ground between them. The bald male Burgess signaled for them to be ready. This was a moment they all wanted, all planned for a year to get the credits to come to this planet and conjure up the spirit of the dead. They wished to see the Lord Vader their parents talked about, someone they came to worship as a messiah promised to return one day.

For a moment Burgess hesitates, but only for a second. "I give you coin I mad from a stone. I give you a song I stole from the dirt. I give you a knife from under the hills. And a stick I stuck through a dead man's eye. I give you a claw I ripped from a rat. I give you a name and the name is lost. I give you the blood from out of my vein and a feather I pulled from an angels wing"

The words to the spell appear in his mind and he realizes he could not stop even if he wanted too...

"I call you with names, oh my Lord, oh my Lord. I summon with poison and summon with pain. I open the way and I open the gates. Come." The boy and girl repeat the word as if drawn into his words. "I summon you in the name of the old Lords. We summon. From the dark they call you.....into the dark they call you."

Again the boy and girl whisper the word almost so low they almost can hear their own heart beats. Burgess never stops. "Coin and sons, knife and stick, claw and name, blood and feather. Here in the darkness. Here in the darkness. Here in the darkness we summon you together. COME"

Throwing up his arms wide he waited, his chest heaving from loss of breath, his eyes wide full of excitement.

Stillness reigned.

"You idiot it did not work! All our money wasted you fool!"

The girl went to the corner angry arms folded The boy stared at Burgess and went to the next room and stood there looking at the wasted debris, picking up one picture he tossed down the sheet. Who cared about some old schematics of a protocol droid?

A hiss from beside him was the last thing he heard as he looked at the darken form beside him. Blood splattered against the walls.

"Grow up Rachel, this is nothing but a set back" Burgess grabbed her arm infuriated one arm raised to slap her. A shuffling at the door opposite caught their attention. "Jacob?" Standing in the door way stood the dark robed man both hands against the frame.

"My Lord Vader?" whispered the would be servant to darkness.

A hiss roared up from the figures stomach that turned into a blood curdling scream as the figure rushed out at Burgess with both pale hands, Burgess himself in terror raised both arms to block the attack. The sound of a snip hiss rung in his ears as he saw a bright red light appear in front of him and the undeniable feeling of pain as the blade severed his arm near the wrist. Droplets of blood struck his face as the hand tumbled in the air. Daring to cry out mercy the man felt no more as the blade sliced through his mid section causing his upper half to crash to the floor with a sickening thud.

The girl huddled in the corner hysterical, crying as the figure came towards her with lightsaber in hand she wet herself and curled up tight. She heard only his shrieking words. "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Eyes shut she dared to open them a minute later to a room with only death.

The dark figure fought against the winds as he left the slavery compound and marched out into the desert. A raw sensation struck him, the feeling of others like him, his eyes scanned the horizon as he felt the urge to vomit. Coughing up more of the green guck he wiped his mouth as he eyes glowed so slightly. Trudging forward he began to seek out those who out there. His words heard only to the wind.

"Come out. Come out wherever you are......."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 15th, 2002, 12:46:31 PM
Her hand retracted.

"History lessons ... that was more important then meeting me .... here. Fine ..."

She relinquished the hold on Phantom and he fell to the ground unceremoniously; kicking up dust and sand that it tickled his nose and throat.

"... I might still kill you but you have a chance to please me. If you are able to get through our little training session today."

Phantom watched Dalethria turn her back on him. She stopped right where the alley ended and disappeared around the corner; the last thing he saw was the black cloak billowing out of view.

She wondered briefly how long it would take for her Apprentice to realize that he was suppose to follow her when Dalethria stopped abruptly.

There was a presence. A strong presence here on Tatooine. The signature held some significance to her but Dalethria wasn't entirely sure why that was.

She knew well enough it wasn't Ket. He did not hold such strength yet .... Curious .... once again her trip here was full of surprises ... At least this surprise was one that actually held her interest ...

Phantom Magus
Apr 15th, 2002, 07:49:51 PM
He stood up and brushed the dust from his cloak and his hood. Quickly, he ran after her around the corner. Slowing down and finally stoppping at her heels, he had a feeling she was sensing the same presence in the Force that he had noticed. Curious, he wondered who it belonged to..

Darth Lynch
Apr 18th, 2002, 12:21:50 PM
Unrelenting the wind battered his form as he trudged forward in an steady pace. His boots sunk into sand and he pulled them free of the pulling sand when he stepped. Once he stepped in a patch of sand and found himself to be sinking too fast and than he stopped sinking as the quicksand around him shook and quivered before spreading from around his body. A tidal wave of sand flew from every direction around him and crashed into the ground in the distance.

In the air he hung suspended by his faith in himself and the force. Shifting his eyes to look below him he saw the mummified remains of a man now unearthed who long ago had met his fate choking on these natural made death traps when he had the misfortune to come this way. Stepping forward on air he crossed the expanse until he again came to ground where he would not sink beneath its sandy terrain.

Beside him his hand hung open, dry blood matted his fingers from where he had killed the male in the room. Fools who had no clue to what they were doing and paid the price. The Siths mind was racked with pain as he continued towards the force signatures, his joints ached slightly from that spirits stunt earlier. Pain was a factor of life that would be dealt with, it was nothing in the end save an annoyance.

The suns rays continued to beat down on him but he knew he was not so far away now.

Phantom Magus
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:44:53 PM
It slowly came towards where he and Mistress Dalethria were standing in the city. The intensity of the Force signature steadily increasing as it crept towards his position. Curiously, he titled his head a bit towards Dalethria.

"Master, who is that?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 21st, 2002, 09:18:08 PM
Now that it was getting closer, Dalethria knew who it was and frowned. Phantom was still unfocused to know how to pick up force patterns but even he could tell that it was just entering the city.

"Great ..."

Dalethria looked at Phantom and debated on telling him the truth and decided quickly that the look on his face would be more entertaining then, instead of now.

"... someone is coming to get me. Perhaps you too since you are my Apprentice still."

She pursed her lips in thought.

"You're act of loyalty could get you killed now ..."

Leaning forward, Dalethria not only stared Phantom down, but probe his mind for the truth.

"... are you still willing to stand at my side?"

Her patience in this matter was nil. Dalethria needed to plan ahead for her quest's arrival. If Phantom was not going to help her be rid of this pain, then it was time to cut her losses.

Aura StarRider
Apr 22nd, 2002, 06:07:56 PM
A monumental disturbance in the Force, shattered Aura's tranquil meditative trance. As she stood up, pacing the ground, her thoughts were seized with the pain and destruction of countless innocents, unleashed by a Sith Master of astronomical power.

She had a ways to go to reach her clan, yet the screams of despair and agony were clouding her judgement to move on. Then a faint whisper haunted her like a skeletal finger brushing her shoulder, delivering a shudder through out her body. It was the Sith Master Jedah Lynch, beckoning his former prey, to return to meet her destiny by his hand.

Aura conjectured he must be stopped at all costs, even if it meant her own sacrafice. Hopping on her horse, Guardian, she followed her senses that guided her to the stygian tavern of the vile demon, and his relentless reign of obliteration.

Phantom Magus
Apr 22nd, 2002, 07:16:15 PM
His dark eyes gazed back into his Master's, a small smile curving his lips upward as he bows forward slightly.

"Master, I shall remain loyal to you until Death seizes me."

He wasn't really for sure what this question was about, but his answer was true, nonetheless.

Darth Lynch
Apr 28th, 2002, 06:39:34 PM
Sand filled his boot but he did not notice.

The force presence was stronger now, so near.

So very close.

Four minutes ago he had recognized the more powerful of the two as an old colleague from The Sith Empire, the wife of his old green comrade. The one who had dared to speak to him in an manner unbecoming of a Sith when he had taught Taja a lesson not out of ill will but due to the foolish choice she had made. He had told Taja that day she had unwisely choose how to proceed her life, that he would in time seek out the lesser force users. The weaker dark Jedi who were a mockery to the dark side and destroy them.

He would still do that.

It was a promise he intended to keep. If any Sith allied or partnered with them there was only one fate left for them. Allies of the past or otherwise it did not matter. They would fall to his blade or another's even if he himself perished in the holy endeavor.

Every crusade had casualties.

Arriving over the sandy ridge he saw both of them.

There stood Phantom Magus with his master Dale Mal Pannis.

Lynch's cloak snapped and twisted in the wind as he grinned and leapt forward into the air, his arms out at his sides, his legs kneeled up in front of his stomach. Landing on the ground near the two force users a small cloud of dust rose up around him, standing up he gave both a fanged smile. Under his cloak stood his lightsaber ready to be ignited and used if needed.


Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 5th, 2002, 02:14:08 PM
He was here!

Dalethria quickly turned around and freed her sabre from her belt, igniting it. The sand that was kicked up from Lynch's arrival was colored in purple hues and those grains that came close to the blade disintegrated instantly.

A prevalent emotion coming from the Sith Master was a thirst for battle. Whether or not that was for her, Dalethria did not know, but considering her leaving the Empire, it was a certain possibility. Maybe Lynch came to claim her Apprentice back .... Maybe he was here looking for a fight ... if that was the case, Phantom will have a chance to put his credits where his mouth was.

She positioned herself in a defensive posture, calculating what in the name of Kashalla Lynch was doing here. It was uncertain but she was curious, Dalethria had to admit that. He would have a few moments to explain what he wanted... Both Dalethria and Lynch had their ups and downs as comrades. Which scenario would this be?

Dalethria was going to leave that up to him but that twisted part of her wanted this to be a down.....

Phantom Magus
May 5th, 2002, 07:51:07 PM
His cloak flew back from his shoulders as he drew Aeacus and ignited its dark red blade in one fluent motion. HIs eyes gazed across the sand at the arrival of the Sith Master Darth Lynch.

Whether he was capable of taking on the Sith Master in combat was yet undecided, he would put forth the effort to do his best. He didn't want to let his Master see him as a weak, and pitiful fool.

His feet stood shoulder-width apart as he looked at the Sith Master, the hilt of Aeacus tightly clutched in his right hand. His face remaind expressionless as his eyes went from his Master to Master Lynch.

Darth Lynch
May 11th, 2002, 02:21:07 PM
Flipping the cloak over one side of his shoulder the Sith gripped his lightsaber igniting it to the familiar sound of the snap hiss that issued when the device was activated. Its red crimson light streaking out from the mechanical device that he had built in times past, one hand rose out up towards Phantom Magus, the Sith Masters thumb bent on his palm.

This had all the marking of a good battle he said to himself. The least experienced Sith could be taken out with a quick blast of dark side force lightning combined with a second powerful sith spell incapacitating him for a temporary time until he recovered enough from the first powerful attack.

The other Sith Master besides him would require more effort than such moves. He gave credit where credit was due and knew her to be a capable dark user of the force. Still, if he was able to take out one her hands or arms, more preferably the one that handled the blade and than take out a leg by slicing the back of her knee she would be severely limited and in trouble.

Below his lip the dried up crust of green moisture was stuck there much like if had been bloodied but failed to wipe it all away. The cloak flew to one side in the wind as he studied both of them. His brow narrowed as he looked upon both of their faces and the weapons they held. It was perfectly normal for others of his kin to have been on guard during his arrival, although for the moment he was battling a second voice that called out to him threatening to engulf his own persona.

Twirling his own blade in his hand he then turned it towards them as he moved his left leg backwards. "You -" A sudden alarm shot through his mind telling him quickly something was wrong, somewhat was approaching, dark but not of the dark side. Its signature he could barely make out but it was erratic, he could make out no life form that held this new unique signature that radiated closer. He was sure the other two could sense it, whatever it was it was dark and it was vicious.

A scream hurled forth out from far behind the Sith, turning around not bothering to look at Dale and Magus at this point he saw sand shoot up from the ground like a rising fountain before the bits of sand fell back to earth. It was making a bee line for them. Or was it him? From a sand bank in front of him the thing exploded forth.

Its head was a white jagged bone skull far larger than any normal humans, its eyes were dark with a small ball of red within that shined ominously. Its teeth he noted were quite sharp, its tongue that flicked forth from its mouth when it shrieked was full of some foul bile. Its body was thin, much like a snake with bones protruding forth, it held no legs only long boney arms that held huge razor like hands, it rushed at him and he held his ground, both hands clapped onto the saber hilt ready to strike.

Side stepping the creature as it came at him he slung down with his blade ready to severe the creatures head from its bizzare body. Much to the shock of the Sith Master the blade cut through the creature making its body vanish slightly or out of sync. The blade harmlessly sailed through even as the creature re blinked into a seemingly solid state and turned to him. The thing was not solid he knew then despite its appearance too late and with a swipe of its hand racked his chest slicing into cloth fabric and sent him hurling into the sky.

Crashing behind the other two Sith into a sand bank the sand flowed down around the Sith Master half burying him. The creature shrieked again as it rose up and glared down upon the other two Sith.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 22nd, 2002, 07:32:10 PM

Dalethria yelled not out of concern but out of complete and utter disgust and hatred for the undead Sith Master that brought this creature to her and her Apprentice. Which was now spying both her and Phantom now that Lynch was trying to break free from the sand.

This creature was primal. It held no qualms about attacking the Sith in a populated area. The nearest structure close to where this thing came up from was half destroyed. Debris shot out in all directions, raining upon the helpless victims that tried to run away. Some made it... others were flattened by the stone that came crashing down on them.

Too bad for them.

The beast's mouth widened and it lunged forward. Dalethria pushed Phantom out of the way. He hit the sand hard as the Sith Master lept backwards.

She twisted in the air and landed several feet away. Now at this point, the beast focused its attention at Lynch... seeing that he was the easy target, being half-buried. To run away would be so easy now but ... Dalethria had a sinking suspicion that when it was through with her former comrade... it would come after her and Phantom next. Her sabre would be useless and she had no idea what it is she was fighting. Phantom wouldn't either so ...

Growling underneath her breath, Dalethria called upon the Dark Side. The sand around Lynch shot up into the sky, obscuring the image of the Sith Master. Momentarily the creature was caught off guard and Dalethria was able to pull Lynch to safety nearby.

"All right. Start talking fast on what you know about this thing! Otherwise in the name of Kashalla we are going to die!"

Phantom Magus
May 27th, 2002, 08:51:10 PM
His eyes widened at the sight of Lynch's blade passing completely through the creature. He had no idea what it was. Never had he seen something like that in his life.

"How are we to kill something that blades pass through...?" he thought to himself.

Before he knew what was happening, he was thrown against the ground by his Master. He landed with a dull thud, sand flying up around where he had landed. He flipped up to his feet, finding himself several feet from his previous spot. He turned a bit, finding his Master talking with the other Sith Master. He ran towards them, occasionally glancing back to see what the creature was doing. It seemed to be pre-occupied with trying to remove the sand from its eyes. He stopped a foot off to his Master's right flank, brushing the sand off his cloak. His eyes wandered from the creature, back to Master Lynch, to the creature, and back again.

"I hope you have a plan, Master Lynch," he said in a rasped voice to the Sith Master in front of him.

Jul 30th, 2002, 06:24:01 PM
*Spitting some sand from his mouth and flashing both Sith a smile that showed off his fangs, his brows arching low he took an look at this abomination from another plane as the realization set in. Such things were powerful and known not to be trifled with, the utmost care, preparation and counter measures were needed to halt such a thing if not contain it. To destroy one such as this was another chore in itself.

“No need to worry about dying, if it gets its claws on you than you really should worry what it does for fun as it holds your body in its grip. I doubt he would let any of us slip from this mortal coil too fast.”

He had errored when he first confronted the beast, physical attacks were useless and he bashed himself for such a mistake. A stupid mistake. A beginners mistake. A mistake that would NOT happen again.


Pushing both Sith away to either side he launched himself forward to the ground as the beast swooped down at them, its teeth clamping down on empty air depriving it of its catch for now. The red beads that burned for its eyes lit up in rage, its scream sent forth stinking black bile all over the ground below it.

There was a problem and he knew it. This was a creature of evil, of the dark side and then some which they had never really dealt with before. Even using various force attacks would be useless against it, normal dark side attacks would not harm this beast, a discharge of lightning could distract it, annoy it. But accomplish little else.

“A plan..yeah...but for now, a tactical retreat is in order”

Again came down the creature towards them, its hands opening to grasp any of them and more than ready to rip them apart. Retrieving an small vial from a pocket hidden within his cloak he launched the small canister forward into the face of the beast and yelled for all them to turn and run. A blinding light went off staggering the beast blurring its vision giving them precious minutes to regroup, reorganize and counter this damn thing.