View Full Version : Out of the blue. (Open Challenge)

Eve Siren
Mar 14th, 2002, 05:36:06 PM
OOC- The challenge is not against me. ^^; It's against Sukura. Eve and her are on a training session.

IC- The Sith Knight Eve Siren was rolling on her motorcycle Cloud at an incredible speed with Sukura behind her. She had stopped suddendly in a crowded city, a few people making away cowardly for them.

"Pfft ..." She mumbled the rest.

She looked back at Sukura, pushing up the screen on her helmet.

"Ready ?"

Sith Ahnk
Mar 17th, 2002, 12:48:06 AM
(The crowd behind him backed up, and he absently sipped at his drink with non-regard. He had gone from the Dark Lord of the Sith to a construction worker, and he wasn't enjoying his new life. In fact, he hated it. If he dreamed, he would dream of the life where he owned the world, but he didn't have dreams... only nightmares, screams and their echoes, dead hands pulling him down, down, down, and try as he might, he would drown...)
(Drinking soothed him. Filled him with false contentment... the knife that killed him, but brought him comfort... the vice, the sin, stabbed again... and then...)
(He didn't know why, but he was called up. So he stood, despite the wrenching in his stomach, acid churning liquor burning, he spun, and it was then...)
(Amid the crowd the angel of death, the dark one, one who he remembered how he knew not but he did. Her... standing confident and powerful, arrogant, that stuck up bitch, how dare she live when he died... so long, the longing back but now, to kill...)
(He announced loudly, liquor gone, filled with hot rage and false confidence, dead dead dead, go away, and his saber in his hands.)

Mar 19th, 2002, 02:51:46 PM
**Sukura looked at the pitiful man from underneath her heavy hood, her disgusted look could not be seen for the hood shadowed her face greatly. She leaned forward and whispered in Eve's ear.**

"Who is that man? Why does he look at you with such distaste?"

**Sukura pulled back her hood, letting her falme red hair fall to her shoulders, she blinked her sky blue eyes in the false sunlight and gazed at the man, she frowned and then spoke harshly.**

"Why do you look at my guardian with such disrespect, you have no right to do that. NONE!"

**She stared at the man, her gaze peicing through him.**

"What ever right you think you have in looking at her like that, and perhaps insulting her is gone, leave before you get yourself in a situation that you cannot get out of..."

Eve Siren
Mar 19th, 2002, 06:46:27 PM
Eve's eyes looked back without her head turning the second she heard her 'last name'. But it made her grin, the way that man looked at her. With such hate ... She liked that a lot more than the men who would drop their mouths open everytime she passed by. Seeing that Sukura had also noticed Ahnk, she put her hand on Sukura's shoulder lightly and shook her head, leaning to whisper back to her.

"Don't mind him ... He could be a good oponent, but if you really want to battle him, then make him mad. Ignore him, or tease him, but do whatever it takes to just see the fire in his eyes."

She grinned even more widely as she pulled her helmet off her head and looked back at the angry man again.

"You'll see."

Sith Ahnk
Mar 20th, 2002, 05:18:42 AM
(Twenty seven years.)
(It was hard to believe but he was twenty seven years old.)
(Actually, he was quite a bit older... well over forty centuries old. He was from an anchient time when a female Sith was a rarity, and thus that Eve Siren was alive and now stronger than him was an insult to everything he had once served, and led, and been. and been... and why did he remember her?)
(And who was she?)
(The smell unfamilar, yes, the face as well, but something in her familar, and that was rage.)
(A caged rage.)
(Bottle, sick, die, rage. Sick. Burn...)
(He walked to her, discarding as he did the thick, black cloak that immediatly flew away in the breeze. By now the gathered crowd was taking an interest in more than the Sith's buttocks, and the tall and mysterious man looked long and hard at Sakura. He put his saber back to his belt.)
"I don't... know... you..."
(He half turned, edge of a shoulder pointing now at her chest. And in the gusting winds caught the smell of her.)
(Silently, yet she heard...)
(But you... I can never forget a face.)
(He turned to one of the bystanders. He looked at his face and the man in return stared back. Locked they seemed, until the man fell. He never cried, and only when the blood spilled from his nasal cavity did anyone speculate he had been harmed.)
(Well, good then.)
(Of course, the womane would likely not be empressed, but energy spent became energy gained. Churn, flow, pop... aw, my veins bursting with power. To Siren again...)
(Now... why are you here?)

Mar 20th, 2002, 02:48:28 PM
**The color of Sukura's eyes darkened with every word the Forgotten Sith spoke, he was mysterious, too mysertious, too troubled. He acted as if woman were nothing, and that wa snot how she was brought up, infact what remained of the memories of her past she had belonged to a family ruled by females, however she never did know her family and sadly her adoptive mother abandoned her, in a sense. Her eyes hardened with anger as she stared at Ahnk, she despised men who thought woman were nothing but tools of 'pleasure'. She looked at Ahnk and decided she'd 'play' with him a bit, a wicked smirk fell upon her pale red lips and she spoke.**

"You've killed that man I see...pity it couldn't of been more violent...I might have actually been impressed.."

**She laughed and pointed to the man dead on the ground.**

"Why not start an uproar..? Choas...Such a lovely word..."

**She pointed one on her long talons at Ahnk, it pinched lightly at his skin.**

"You've fallen off the social ladder, and it seems you can't get back up..."

Eve Siren
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:32:40 PM
"Oh, Ahnk, you haven't changed ..." Eve said in a sigh.

Her light brown eyes closed, but her smile never faded. Where have they met before ...? Oh, it has been such a long time. From the way he acted, his memories were probably very blurry. Insanity got the better of him. He wasn't so mysterious before ... She pronounced his name in the angry voice she used to use around him, without turning back.

"Ahnk." She said dryly.

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 20th, 2002, 06:43:38 PM
"Chaos? A beautiful word?"
(He loooked at her, and cocked his head to the side in a questioning manner. He nodded briefly, an agreement of sorts. He turned back to Eve.)
(But haven't I?)
(He damn sure felt different. Much weaker, less control...)
(He returned his gaze to the woman and the claw. Red tongue expelled and ran down the sharp edge. Retracting, he savored the flavour of his own plasmodium, heard it sing to him...)
"Social status?"
(He asked her. No answer came immediatly so he smiled and nodded.)
(It seems I have.)
(He took a step back then, and raised one hand.)
"If you'd like to cause an incident, I am certainly game."

EDIT: Tis Ahnk, forgot to chance nicks. :cry

Mar 21st, 2002, 06:04:14 PM
**Sukura's frown faded but a smile did not take its place, she showed no emotion, she raised her own hand that was so much larger than his, her being only partly human and her massive clawed hands as hard as nails. She looked at him and blinked her now pale blue eyes and sent her hand flying into the side of his face, it was a solid impact and he staggered back a few feet almost falling.**

"If by raising your hand was meant as a threat, than I have answered it correctly if not, then it was simply a slip of the finger"

**Now a slightly sarcastic grin fell upon her lips**

**She turned towards Eve and looked at her, as if asking whether or not she should waste her time on Ahnk.**

Should I fight this lunitic..?

OOC: hey guys I'll be a little slow from now in on replying I got track now and practices are from 2-5 and I'm not allowed on after 5....-_-' Oiy vay... O_o

Eve Siren
Mar 21st, 2002, 06:37:06 PM
"If you'd like."

Eve finally turned around, facing Ahnk. The smile on her lips faded, a resemblance to Sukura. She tilted her head on the side. What Sukura did pretty much made the cowards run away. A few were left. Men making bets on who would win. She sighed in disgust, but her attention on was still on Ahnk.

"Be careful, though ..." She simply said.

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:23:09 PM
(The taste...)
(It reminded him of hot cheese crepes on Jaimnere. The taste of them... magnificent...)
(I'll take two crates, he said, and realized he was talking to his mind.)
(He looked down, to the saber...)
(I won't need you.)
(With a push, the saber halted a few inches from Siren's chest. Ahnk found his eyes fixated there for a moment, and he licked his lips in anticapation...)
(I will eat your sleen...)
(He looked a the freakishly large woman. He did a quick double take of the hands, comparing to his own, and then flipped. At a height of twenty five feet, he began to twist, until five reverse three hundred and sity degreaa rotations finished, and he landed on the wooden bat table. Chair was in hand a second later...)
(And Ahnk began tap dnacing, sardonic smile aimed at Sakura...)

Mar 22nd, 2002, 05:47:04 PM
**Sukura snarled and watched Ahnk as he retreated. She paced back and forth much like a savage, half-starved lion. She was thinking, thinking of what to do next. Her large taloned hand moved surprisingly quickly as they grabbed four small daggers from her side, she threw them with skill and they all flew at Ahnk all missing purposely, however this distracted him for just a second, but that was all the time she needed she sped towards him and jumped into the air, and smashed through the chair, she landed on her feet her knees bent. She then sent her hand flying under his jaw, this caught him and sent him flying into the air and slamming into the ground with loud yells from the pitiful men on the side lines.**

**She stepped up to where he was lieing slightly stunned on the ground and reached her hand down picking him up by the scruff of his shirt and flinging him into the remains of the crowd, the people screeched and screamed as he landed on the hard cement pathway. Sukura then positioned herself into a defensive position and waited**

"Your move..."

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 22nd, 2002, 06:23:44 PM
"Yes, it is."
(He smiled at her, and nodded his head quickly. The wooden table flew towards her, shattering against her back. The metal pole stopped short of impaling her against strong shoulder blade... to a Sith, nothing, but time, to a Sith, faith, faith, faith...)
(He turned to a man catolauging his injuries and snapped his neck.)
(Nothing artistic, but it will do...)
(He took a moment in his crouch to smile and bow to Eve...)
(Pretty thing, I'll try not to break her...)
(And then he took flight, silently careening into a shattering impact of foot against scalp. He heard something crack, though he ws not sure if it was skull or ankle as he landed, and sweeped her off her feet with a back kick.)

Mar 23rd, 2002, 11:39:31 AM
**Sukura screeched in pain and lay on her side on the ground, her breathing was heavy and troubled and blood spat from a cut in her forehead. However she lifted herself up, pushing her hands hard on the ground, and turned to face Ahnk. Her hands flew forward and grasped at the air, Ahnk's eyes widened as he slowly begun to lose the ability to breathe. She walked towards him slowly her hands still clenched in the air and then slammed her forehead into his, he fell face first into the ground.**

**Ahnk however would not faulter quite easily he quickly jumped up and was on his feet again, she was ready for this and sent her hand flying into his stomach and her foot into the side of his face. Ahnk staggered back and threw up, his inards tossed and turned from the impact of her solid fist.**

**Sukura walked up to him and grabbed a fist full of his hair and sent her other hand into his face, punch after punch after punch. Then she simply dropped him to the ground, his face was completely messed up, grotesc to look at, blood flowed from his eyes nose and mouth. Sukura once again took her defensive position.**

Get up, you pitiful wretch!

Eve Siren
Mar 23rd, 2002, 03:02:30 PM
Eve only stodd there to assist the fight silently. Her arms crossed, her face showed disgust as Ahnk smiled to her, but then Sukura quickly got up and beat him up.

"Wretch, you are, Ahnk ..." She mumbled to herself.

Micheal Rashanagok
Mar 23rd, 2002, 11:44:47 PM
(Eve, I'm dissapointed. Where's the style?)
(Face a mess of blood, bile thrown upon the dirt... damn.)
(Come on Ahnk. You're faster than this.)
(So once up, he bowed to her, wiping a stray chunk of vomit from his chin.)
"I see what you mean about social status."
(He charged at her, but her block was good. But she was too big... she managed to block the majority of the early blows, but he built his speed by focusing on his pain, his rage, until he was rapidly smacking the edges of opn hands against her ribs. She moved her arm to block, and Ahnk grabbed the fist, kicking at the same time to send the woman into a tumble, sending her to her back. He kick flipped to his feet, twisting to put his chest to the woman again.)

Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:35:23 PM
**Sukura gasped as her fist was grabbed she had let herself become lazy in her blocks. She was on the ground again, the bigger they are the harder they fall. However she quickly recovered and as he twisted his chest to meet hers she sent her fist centered at his heart, he flew back, at least 3 feet and was gasping for air and clutching his chest. She flipped up to her feet and charged at Ahnk, as she did she screamed in pain as massive feathered black wings ripped out of her back, it was pure confusion, feather flew everywhere and a cloud of dust flew around Ahnk and herself. It was then that she flew straight into his mid section knocking him to the ground and sitting on his chest and grinning wickedly at him. She leaned down to his ear and whispered.**

" I have no style and in a way that is my style, I keep my enemy always guessing, keeping them on their feet, and alas, it seem, I've gotten you...off your feet"

Eve Siren
Apr 3rd, 2002, 04:46:01 PM
The Sith Knight grinned. She was proud of Sukura ... The girl proved once more that she was fully capable of handling almost everything. She crossed her arms, stepping a bit further away from the fight, so they'd have more space.